
A Racist Child Abuser Invaded Fallout 76 Last Night

From PlayStation Universe: "Bethesda has a messaging problem with Fallout 76. The issue is simple: Fallout games are typically single player experiences. Fallout 76 can only be played online with a group of twenty players bouncing around the giant map."

CloudStrife9002036d ago

Damn. What a harsh situation.

It's a shame that it's put you off multiplayer socialising in the game, but in honesty if I was in your shoes, I'd probably feel the same way after witnessing that scumbag.

King Nezz2036d ago

Unfortunately, this happens to include a few reasons why I refuse to game online with strangers. Too many idiots, immature and racist people. Socializing with toxic people like that takes away from the idea on why we play. Which is to have a good gaming experience.

Parents need to keep a better eye on their kids and the media (movies, music, games, etc.) they interact with. Sad but necessary.

fiveby92036d ago

Agreed that parent's should be very careful where and with whom they let their kids play. For myself, I don't care for auto voice enablement in MP games. I prefer friends only, or at least voice comms request first before I enable on just any random person. If FO76 has the typical voice controls in place, like exist in ESO, then I'd consider playing but if not, then it is a no play for me. I just don't have the patience for having to listen to randoms at night in my games if it was uninvited commentary. .

ChrisW2036d ago

My friends list only comprises of people I know personally or are friends of those who are my friends.

And with that in mind, rarely, if ever, does some Rando join our game and ruin it... Mostly because we play as a full team.

steven83r2036d ago (Edited 2036d ago )

Bethesda needs to fix this and allow for muting in character creation. I tend to have to do that in other games. 1 reason i stopped playing GTA5 Online. Closed server only. Hoping RDR2 is PvE private server for friends or those who are respectable.

DJStotty2035d ago

If you dont wish to communicate with people online, just be in a party, even if your in on your own

Eonjay2036d ago

The most obnoxious ones are usually the ones that are trash. There is a difference between being competitive and being a total ass. Fortunately, you can always mute in COD.

nucky642035d ago

can mute individual players in world of tanks too - and if you couldn't do that, there is no way i could tolerate playing that game.

2036d ago
salmonade2036d ago

This whole article sounds like complete bullcrap and fabricated lies. I don't believe this author. I believe he works for a struggling websites that would a love a fresh round of clicks.

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MIDNIITE_Z3RO2036d ago

I would recommend Discord. I've been using it for as long as I can remember owning a gaming PC. I only hear the voices of those that I invite into my chat room on there. Obviously this was a tough situation, having in game chat enabled from the character creation screen, which is just odd and I expect them to change that before the game releases.

2035d ago
pinkcrocodile752036d ago

Who in their right mind would let their children anywhere near a game like this.

There is no mistaking that there a nasty c@nts in online games but making a thing about it here is silly.

Either stop playing online or ban your kids from gaming online. Either way this is rather a non-story.

FlyingFoxy2036d ago

Using language like that isn't much better now is it? I guess the f word has started to wear out now that people mindlessly say it everywhere.

Parents are half the problem, tired of hearing little kids on the microphone in older teen & mature games.. It's also hilarious that they use the word "mature" in game ratings when so many morons are in multiplayer.

Srhalo2036d ago

So your saying this language is only inappropriate when kids hear it?

Profchaos2036d ago

It's a cultural thing the C bomb is way more normalised in Australia and the UK than it is in the US.

EmperorDalek2036d ago

The use of bad language isn't bad on its own, it's not intended to be a kids game after all. However, it's the rather disgusting manner this father was using it that makes this situation horrific. I say horrific because this kid is probably exposed to this sort of thing on a daily basis.

The_Sage2036d ago

Did you not read the story?..

salmonade2036d ago

I did. It sounds like made up lies to generate attention for this crap site. But I'm sure they can give people an option to turn off surrounding voices. But this "story" sounds like complete crap

pinkcrocodile752036d ago

I did read the story and still think if you want to stay safe don't play online.

The_Sage2036d ago (Edited 2036d ago )

I agree with that, but the story was more about how that a-hole was treating his kid.

I RARELY play online, and if I do I mute everyone unless I'm playing with friends.

EmperorDalek2036d ago

"Either stop playing online or ban your kids from gaming online"

Talking like this is a "stay safe online" issue clearly misses the point of this situation. At the time of writing your first comment, I highly doubt you read the article. The author "staying safe online" sure as hell wouldn't stop the kid from being exposed to this on a daily basis.

andibandit2035d ago (Edited 2035d ago )

Yes, someone save the author quick, never mind the child, although I'm skeptical of if it really happened.

DaNxtLT2036d ago

Guys, what ever you do, don't tell him about the COD lobbies back before party chat..

PapaBop2036d ago

Those were the days, I miss my early morning Saturday and Sunday Halo 3 sessions getting matched up with drunken Americans.

zombiewombie2036d ago

You should play America's Army. It has all that old goodness for free. Lol

PapaBop2036d ago

People still play that game? I remember playing that back when I was a teenager.

michaelknight352036d ago (Edited 2036d ago )

Oh look its the guy who keep using a dead rapper name and pic you know i never did get a chance to see what you wrote on that trump article before i could see what you wrote the page was gone

maximumspidey2036d ago

2018 could never be ready for those

Srhalo2036d ago (Edited 2036d ago )

The difference is back then people were mostly joking or just in it for shock value. These days the people saying this stuff are 100% serious. And either way it wasn't appropriate then and it still isn't now.

2pacalypsenow2036d ago (Edited 2036d ago )

Nah people were always saying that, only difference is we have social media and you see everything.

People still do it for comedy and shock value, like me. I don’t care who gets offended, if you get offended that’s your choice.

jwillj2k42035d ago

It’s all the same to the person being offended

DarXyde2036d ago

I remember the Resident Evil Outbreak lobbies on PS2 that were pure text for communication. There was often a lobby titled "Whites Only".

There was no voice chat and they basically "vetted " you by asking if you were white when you joined (or rather, more specifically, ask if you were.... someone of African descent). For the sake of pissing them off, I always used Mark. I got kicked so fast, but it was honestly worth the laughs.

2pacalypsenow2035d ago

Shut up, no there wasn't...

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FPSFox2036d ago

Not saying it didn't happen, but this story is borderline too absurd.

-“That is no white man!” the older voice insisted. ” Boy, you might as well make a [swear word] [swear word] [derogatory term for someone with African heritage]. Do you want to be running around this [swear word] game as a [swear word] [derogatory term for someone of Middle Eastern descent]?”

“No, Daddy”, the little voice said quietly. I couldn’t tell if it was a boy or a girl, but the child sounded like they were crying a little. It was absolutely heart breaking."-

Video evidence would have been appreciated. Every console has the record / share feature built in so why not utilize it and get such a person a guarantee ban? Again, not saying it didn't happen, but with the way things currently are with race being such a hot topic, I'll look at everything skeptically if no proof is presented.

Jinger2036d ago

I guess it would be up to Bethesda to ban him, but did he really break any rules? I don't believe in racism, but it's not like the player was griefing or cheating or anything. A few racial slurs shouldn't be ban worthy unless it becomes excessive like he continued to follow the player and send him private messages with it and stuff.

jwillj2k42035d ago (Edited 2035d ago )

If I called you a derogatory name is that not excessive to you? Why should someone else’s subjective opinion about what constitutes excessive come into play? “You’ve offended 10 people, it’s not excessive unless he stalks them as well”. Doesn’t make sense.

Jinger2035d ago


Well it all depends on how Bethesda wants to control free speech. There is a reason why the ESRB doesn't rate online modes. There is a difference of people not liking what you're saying and full on harassment. People can be offended by anything nowadays, does that mean it's ban worthy?

jwillj2k42035d ago

Bethsada creating a written policy is an objective artifact, which can be interpreted subjectively. you saying it shouldn't be ban worthy unless it fits your definition of excessive would be entirely subjective. no one in their right mind would think "im fine with people going around calling people x as they arent stalking.."

Jinger2035d ago


Hence why I said it was up to Bethesda to determine such things.

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Mulletino2036d ago

Original draft below

-“That is no cisgendered white male!” the older voice insisted. ” Boy, you might as well make a [swear word] [swear word] “

Cobra9512035d ago (Edited 2035d ago )

I saw no hint of any reference to real-gendered anyone. This was just straight up racist child abuse--assuming the story is true, because it certainly is too extreme and convenient to be sure without any evidence. Then everything is so hypersensitively censored that who knows what actually was said, if anything. An audio recording or video would have helped.

Edit: Then again, rereading your post, maybe that was the gist of it? If so, whoosh! Right over my morning-groggy head.

bluefox7552036d ago (Edited 2036d ago )

"And everyone clapped"

porkChop2036d ago

I got the same vibe when I read it. It seems fake. The way everything is worded just doesn't make sense, no one talks like that. Especially with how easy it is to record, there being no proof tells me this didn't happen.

SegaGamer2036d ago

The story sounds like BS too me. Actually, I'm calling BS on the whole thing.

Silly gameAr2036d ago

I thought it sounded like a work of fiction too, but there are some straight up scumbags online, so I believe him at the same time.

rainslacker2036d ago

The story seems really fishy to me. A little voice calling a random stranger on the net Daddy? Crying because they're being talked shit to? How old is this kid, and why are they even playing the game if they're that fragile?

Not even sure why they'd make a point to call out FO76 on this, because this is possible on pretty much every MP game.

The_Sage2036d ago

The dad was in the room with the kid watching him create a character, and berating him.

Neonridr2035d ago

yeah, as the other person said, pretty sure this was a father watching his kid play. Not two complete strangers.

Cobra9512035d ago

Ostensibly, it's a horribly damaged dad watching his kid create a character for the game. But even in that light, very fishy indeed.

rainslacker2035d ago (Edited 2035d ago )

Then I question the ethical standards of the writer in that he wouldn't report such a thing to the proper authorities, or Sony itself, so they can investigate.

In any case, is it possible to communicate with others during the character creation screen?

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Gh05t2036d ago

I 100% believe that people like this exist, I have had my own experiences with them, but I have a hard time believing this person when they get so offended by the use of the word "retard" that they have to put a disclaimer for their audiance and also said they were surprised to hear it. I don't trust this person to not exaggerate the rest of the story.

carcarias2036d ago (Edited 2036d ago )

Good point about the whole exaggeration thing.

If they're so over the top about the 'traumatising experience' they felt and the use of the word retard, then how can we feel confident about the way the rest of the story was portrayed to us?

Also, it's really convenient how the dad managed to cover almost EVERY racial slur. How much was that kid changing the avatar in that short space of time?

Finally, 'world's worst father'? Really? Pretty sure what he did wasn't as bad as beating the kid or molesting him. Another example of the ridiculous hyperbole.

Neonridr2035d ago

it's an online article. The word is derogatory and rude. Not to mention this author represents some online publication company. Just because you might find the word not offensive hardly means that others agree with your thinking. I would never use that word nor encourage anyone else to do so.

salmonade2036d ago

I agree. It's sounds like total a total fabrication for this struggling website, it's total bullcrap. Just trying for a fresh round of clicks. HOPEFULLY, Bethesda give an option to turn off surrounding voices of people you dont know.

Nicaragua2036d ago

Yeah, this sounds like some amateur level SJW fantasy to stir up controversy.

That's not to say that there aren't terrible people online, but this conversation just reeks of bullshit, nobody speaks like that.

Cobra9512035d ago

I'm beginning to wonder. You may be right. This article might be an attempt at sabotage in the name of some agenda, which would be much worse than a fabricated story to garner clicks. Impossible to know for sure, from the info currently available.

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I have an advice. Go outside more.

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You wouldn't say that if you lived in a fallout shelter! ;P

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Save your time and play something else...


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