
Here's the PC that Cyberpunk 2077's E3 gameplay demo ran on

GearNuke writes: "Cyberpunk 2077's E3 trailer shown off at Microsoft's conference was amazing, but the actual closed door gameplay demo is what every game journalist is taking about."

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2172d ago Replies(3)
Tsar4ever012172d ago

Dumb ignorant comment spotted. FLAG! FLAG! FLAG!

How are you going to compare the performance capability of the 'overrated' X1X up against a gaming PC that has an i7 8700k cpu, 16gb ram, SDD, GTX 1080 TI GPu powered by a 600w psu? It will be a miracle if the PS5 & XBox 4 will be able to compare with those specs.

Either your Trollin' or you are hands down the dumbest person on this comment section.

doggo842172d ago

I think he's option B: the dumbest person on this comment section

AgeInTheCage2172d ago

Its the only thing xboxone players can brag about, even if they dont own the console they can pretend they do because theres no way to tell what version of xbox u playing. So insecure fanboys will say "the power of X" every time a 3rd party game is released.

I played x and pro and they dont look much better than ps4 OG, base xboxone s games looks and perform the worst of all.

2172d ago
Vasto2172d ago (Edited 2172d ago )

Dumb ignorant poster spotted. Flag! Flag! Flag!

You are the dumbest person in the comment section.

Who said anything about Xbox One or PS4 being comparable to those specs? Either you cant read or you cant comprehend. Either way you need to get that looked at. LOL

And like I said before,

No Problem For The X

RacerX2172d ago

Actually, the X1X performs comparably to a 1080 ti. Not exactly, but pretty close. Right now, the 1080 ti is the "go to" card for 4k performance on PC's, and they're still only getting 30fps most of the time. The X1X can hit 4k at 30fps, I assume because it has less overhead than a PC...

Anyway, my X1X performs closely to my PC, which whether you believe it or not, is an i7 8700 K, TUF Z390 MOBO, 16GB Ddr4 Ram, Evga GTX 1080 TI.

SCW19822172d ago


Keep drinking that Kool-Aid. I can't take you seriously if you think the One X is comparable to a 1080 TI.

Antifan2171d ago

No Racer. The X is comparable to a very well optimized overclocked 1050ti.

itsmebryan2171d ago


You realize no matter how you put it the game will look and run better on the X1X. That's is a fact. Because the X1X is more powerful. Now please give your excuses on why power is not important.

Will cyberpunk run better on x1X than the Ps4 Pro? Simple question. Waiting for your quick reply.

FinalFantasyFanatic2171d ago (Edited 2171d ago )


No way in hell, the XoneX is comparable to about a 1060 roughly, there's a worthwhile difference between a 1060 and a 1080ti, then you factor in the CPU where the XoneX is criminally under-powered (it holds the GPU back), the beast is not going to do anywhere near that level of performance, you can forget native 4k on this one.

Ju2171d ago

I got a Predator i7+1060Gtx. This is quite comparable with the X. But the i7 makes this actually a 60fps target where the X runs 30. So, nowhere is the X close to a 1080

+ Show (8) more repliesLast reply 2171d ago
KwietStorm_BLM2172d ago

Knew somebody would say it. You're the reason PC gamers laugh at consoles.

MasterCornholio2172d ago (Edited 2172d ago )

"confirmed the PC specs of the machine that was running Cyberpunk 2077’s E3 2018 demo."

They should have ran it in the X if that was true. But the reality is that the Xbox One X probably won't run this game at a native 4k. Doesn't mean the game won't look amazing in it but it pays to have realistic expectations.

"Who said anything about Xbox One or PS4 being comparable to those specs?"

You did actually.

"No Problem For The X"

If you said something along the lines of " I'm sure it will get close" then you would be right. But you made the claim that the Xbox One X would have no issues running the game on the same level as what was shown at E3.

Vasto2172d ago (Edited 2172d ago )

Saying " No Problem For The X " means the X is comparable to a High End PC? LMAO

"But you made the claim that the Xbox One X would have no issues running the game on the same level as what was shown at E3."

Did not say that either. Keep assuming and trying to tell me what I said.

Common sense has to kick in at some point.

No Problem For The X

mkis0072172d ago

I repeat no one takes you seriously Vasto...

MasterCornholio2172d ago (Edited 2172d ago )

Native 4k will be a problem for the X which is what the demo was running at with everything running at Max.

However im pretty sure the PS4 Pro and the Xbox One X won't have any problems running the game at lower settings.

If the game is good I'll probably buy it for my Xbox One X but im not expecting it to look as good as the E3 demo.

Anyways maybe next time you shouldn't be so vague with your comments because it's hard to see what you mean.

FinalFantasyFanatic2171d ago

I'm just going to get it on PC, it'll be worth it for the considerable jump in performance on this game, I did the same with the Witcher 3.

Razzer2172d ago

No problem for the X.....with lower settings and 30 FPS.

UltraNova2171d ago

It will be no problem for the OG xb1 with the lowest settings and 30fps too.

MadLad2172d ago

The X is great ... for a console.
That PC is great ... for a PC.

Apples and oranges.

BehindTheRows2171d ago

You should really look at those PC specs again and rethink that.

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 2171d ago
bluefox7552172d ago

They want it to perform as well as possible, it's not surprising they'd play it on an extremely high end PC.

FalloutWanderer20772172d ago

Well almost all of these demos are first shown running on high-end PC's, devs have been doing this for as long as I can remember. Unless it's stated verbally or on screen 'the following footage was captured on PS4 Pro/Xbox X' etc.

Jinger2172d ago

Well no wonder everyone was impressed by it...

The PC had an i7 8700k running at 3.7Ghz, 32GB of RAM, a Z370 motherboard and a GTX 1080Ti.

InKnight7s2172d ago

Isn't that Specs for Ps5 pro or Ps6? Still Isn't huge leap from Horizn ZD or Infamous SS.

IamTylerDurden12172d ago

32gb ram. Textures must've looked dumb good.

edeprez2172d ago

They most likely went for maximum overkill on the hardware to try and be safe from frame drops or hiccups. I was watching a Rooster Teeth video about their demo and they stated that the game looked good, just not next level. He was super impressed by the game itself, the art style, and the systems within it though. Hopefully we get to see that behind closed doors demo soon.

ZaWarudo2172d ago

Is i7 necessary for gaming? i thought it was more for work and such.

Michiel19892172d ago

I7 isnt needed at all for gaming, most of the time if u have a decent cpu the bottleneck is ur graphics card. While goin from an i5 to i7 certainly gives a performance boost for games it's small at best. I7 is good for streaming, rendering, big calculations etc. basically it excels at cpu heavy tasks.

KwietStorm_BLM2172d ago

Of course it's not "needed" but people on the internet just like to act as if your rig is crap if you don't have top of the line parts for every component. You can have a good i5 model with a good gfx card and play any games on the market. It just comes down to how important things like 4K and specific graphics settings are to you.

warriorcase2172d ago

Not at the moment no but devs and engine designers (Unreal engines presentation I think it was) have said that future engines are aiming to utilize multi core much better where we could offload the player to cpu0, npc crowd in the street to cpu 1, physics to cpu 2 etc. They are building a new version of their RedEngine so perhaps they have implemented multi-core tasking? Interested to see what the further years of developments bring.

Ju2171d ago (Edited 2171d ago )

To do that, the os would need to support core/thread affinity. Basically locking certain threads to hw cores. Windows usually doesn't allow that. Consoles however do. So, unless there is something like that available at the kernel level, the os might swap cores at any time. Which makes this hard to design for a general purpose os which must run background tasks while the game is running. On a PS4 for example 2 of those cores are locked away for those tasks but not available for the game. However, with this setup, those different workloads don't interfere

FinalFantasyFanatic2171d ago

The higher the resolution, the less the CPU factors in, after you shoot past 1080p any decent CPU will give similar results unless you need the highest possible frames with no compromises.

Ju2171d ago (Edited 2171d ago )

Yes, because at those resolutions memory bandwidth weights heavier than raw number crunching. As long as number of npc etc doesn't scale, the CPU should not have an impact

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Cyberpunk 2077 Director On 95% Positive Steam Rating: "Never Thought I'd See It"

Cyberpunk 2077 has come a long way from being one of the worst games on the planet to being one of the best ones.

DustMan13d ago

I shelved it after a few hours in game at launch, glad I didn't refund it. One of the few games I've actually completed in the last year, and after finishing the campaigns I wanted to just jump back in from the start. They pulled a No Mans Sky and finished one of the best FPS in the last few years.


Games That Were Bad on Release, But Are Now Great

BLG writes, "Some of the most popular games have had a rough start, with some of them being downright unplayable.

Despite that, developers have managed to turn it around for them and make their game worth playing. Here are some games that had a rough start but were pretty great."

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Terry_B25d ago

Good list..hoped to see Street Fighter 5 there..and it is.

Vits25d ago (Edited 25d ago )

Sea of Thieves... I'm not disagreeing that the game has improved in terms of content. But I feel that the most significant change between now and its release is actually the public perception. Nowadays, most people are aware that the game is a multiplayer PvP-focused experience first and foremost, and not "Black Flag made by Rare". Consequently, people dismissing the whole experience because the single-player aspect is lacking or the story is plain are much less common.

darthv7225d ago

Several years ago, i submitted an idea to Rare that would change up the mechanics of battling opponents in the game. whereby if you died in battle, you turned into a skeleton warrior and had to fight your way back to the land of the living. It was an interesting twist on respawning and would allow the player to experience both sides of a battle.

I keep hoping to see something like that get added to the game.

Kaii25d ago

They consider FO 76 & ME Andromeda to be great now 🤭

anast25d ago

Every game in the last 2 decades...


It's sad that this quick retort is more often than not true... The industry's acceptance of release and patch has gone too far.

gunnerforlife24d ago

Days gone! By the end of the game I couldn't drop it down! I went around so many hours killing zombies! It was addictive by the end.

S2Killinit24d ago

That game was just plain good game. It didnt improve, it was just good.

gunnerforlife24d ago

I don't know, I got it abit late, and struggled for a few days, and then all of a sudden it just got good!!

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Source Code For The Witcher 3 & Cyberpunk 2077 Has Allegedly Been Compromised

Source code for CD Projekt's action role-playing games The Witcher 3 and Cyberpunk 2077 have allegedly been compromised.

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just_looken38d ago

Well they are using unreal engine now thanks to there work culture and horrific job on making cyberpunk so for the future no impact.

But it will be interesting to see what mods will be made


just_looken36d ago

7 disagrees shows how many look at one dlc that had a rip off fight from ghost in the shell and goes wow what a goat team i love cdpr while ignoring that they only made 2 games that were good witcher 2/3 in 20yrs.

But its a new world we want a criminal that support's legal murder as president/support shoplifting love toxic work environments and have a mass casualty event every other day.

GhostMirror36d ago

I’ll admit I didn’t play it at launch, but Cyberpunk 2077 is a really good game now.

And who the hell knows what you’re even going on about in your second paragraph here.

EazyC37d ago

Wait a min...I swear to god CP2077's source code got leaked before. CDPR needs to stop using "password123" for all their accounts 😅

just_looken36d ago

Na its hundreds ex employees no doubt just getting there revenge.

Profchaos36d ago (Edited 36d ago )

This is the same leak the threat actors have been trying to sell the source code after cd project didn't pay the ransom.

They didn't manage to sell the source code to any company largely because it would be unethical for say EA to buy it so the threat actors failed to find a buyer.

After they failed to make any money they went through with their threat of simply giving it away.