
Romance in Cyberpunk 2077 goes "beyond heterosexual relationships"

Players can choose between fast-paced romances and long-term relationships.

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Eonjay2175d ago

"Players can choose between fast-paced romances..." oh you mean hookups lol got you.

mrcreosote2175d ago

Netflix and chill circa 2077.

Eonjay2175d ago

I bet that by 2077 there wont even be such a thing a sexual orientation. There will only be sex and you will have it or your wont. And hell, what happens when the sexbot androids get here? Sexual preference will cease to have the same meaning it does today.

candystop2173d ago

Well lucky for us there won't be a 2077.

Antifan2173d ago

No no, where talking quicky quicky, 2 minutes of talk, 5 minutes of wetness. Then going back to whatever I was doing.

2175d ago
Chaosdreams2175d ago

Why do I get the feeling that when this game releases, it'll be the only thing I play for a very, very long time?

xRacer74x2174d ago

I still get nostalgic and play witcher 3 from time to time. That is after spending more than 100 hours on the XBOX one version and another 100 hours on the PC version.

medman2173d ago (Edited 2173d ago )

I don't know why you got so many disagrees.....Cyberpunk seems the type of game I sit down to play and two days later I've forgotten to eat or sleep. Such neccessities as sleep or food go unfulfilled when immersed in a truly great experience, which I fully expect Cyberpunk to be.

And for sure, it is a game that seems built for replayability and multiple varying style playthroughs, so again......why the disagrees?

Chaosdreams2173d ago

Ah I think I know why. Might be something to do with the title.

Eitherway. This'll be an amazing experience.

SuperSaiyanGod412174d ago

Funny people calling out gay and lesbian on the last of us 2 but the Witcher 3 and this game will be ok to have it lol. Just saying at least be fair if u going to make fun of games u dislike but they also have it in your games u enjoy.

BondJames2174d ago

Because here you probably can choose.
In TLOU 2 is forced. Just look Naughty dog twitter account. Logo in lgbt colors.

SuperSaiyanGod412174d ago

It's not being forced bro, we all knew Ellie was lesbian from the first game from the dlc.

Second this scene that was shown is part of the story and tells us now why Ellie has decided to kill every last one of them. Watch the trailer from e3 and put it all together with the other 2 trailers. All the clues are right there which is what naughty dog likes to do in their stories.

Besides that I'm not going to put down a game because of some gay kissing scene especially if it's a awesome game from one of my favorite developers of all time.

People are just quick to judge if it's not a game on their platform. Guarantee if the Witcher 3 was exclusive to Playstation there would be more headlines of gay men in the game but it's a multiplatform game.

RNTody2174d ago

I'm sorry but your comment is flat out stupid for two reasons.

One, Ellie was shown to be a lesbian four years ago in The Last of Us Left Behind DLC. Get over it.

Two, Cyberpunk is a ROLE PLAYING GAME giving players agency and choice in how they approach their character and story. The Last of Us 2 is a narrative-driven game, you're experiencing the developer's story.

If you can't understand the distinction, or are still bothered by something you knew four years ago, I suggest seeking an extended education because yours didn't quite work out.

DexSun2174d ago (Edited 2174d ago )

That's because its gay pride month, and not the only ones showing support for it. If you're going to complain at least understand what your complaining about. And as for the LOU trailer most of us can see that the smoochy smooch is part of a bigger story and move on with enjoying the rest of it, if you can't do that then it's you forcing yourself to make a deal about it.
Plus you say it's forced yet probably have beaten off to lesbians at some point so quit your jibber jabber.

yeahright22174d ago

I remember when you lot were on board with "as long as the character just happens to be gay" (which is ideal to me, have it be part of their character but not the only thing that defines them) . Well you got that in the last of us. her sexuality played no role at all and you loved the game. Then when it was revealed that she was gay the whole time, all of a sudden it's "forced" this, agenda that and homosexuality needs to be a choice and blah blah blah. just play the game or don't.

MWH2174d ago (Edited 2173d ago )

@everyone, yes it is forced.

Remember how the series was established with critical success? None of this was presented in the main game, we all loved and enjoyed the first game because the story and characters were accessible to us all, anyone could relate to it and understand it.

Along came the DLC and it created a devide between fans, but not everyone played it and not everyone was aware of this new story element.

And now this. With the removal of Joel and not presenting any other character choice it becomes clear the developer decision to enforce their exclusive views on the majority after establishing the first game in an inclusive way.

It is sickening if this was their plan from the start. This Ellie character is now the extreme opposite of what was presented in the first game, from a girl who was trying to survive into a thing who is excessively violent, dangerously unstable and heavily disturbed in a disturbing way and on top of it all, gay!

Seriously how many can relate to that?!

Mind you, in the end this is just a game and its main goal is supposed to be fun for every fan of this genre.

With all due respect and far from any judgements, actually if you look into a previous comment of mine you may understand something, however; i lost all respect to naughty dog if this was their scheme from the begining and for forcing it on us.

Ausbo2173d ago

Everyone has the pride colors. It’s pride month man.

MadLad2173d ago

Because it was an isolated, directed story. Damn. I'm no SJW ... I'm just someone who lives in this damn world, and realize gay people exist. Sometimes an Ellie can happen. Sometimes Ellie has a story to tell.

MAULxx2173d ago (Edited 2173d ago )

I don't appreciate devs force feeding me their twisted views (TLOUII) & acting like I'm the Ahole for not accepting them. I assume in Cyberpunk 2077 things will be more optional. I guess time will tell.

yeahright22173d ago

@MWH why do I have to relate to it to enjoy it? Maybe I want to hear a story from a perspective I never thought of. Maybe I'd like to see what something is like through someone else's eyes. Hell, you say it's because you can't relate, how many clickers did you run into yesterday?

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 2173d ago
Rachel_Alucard2173d ago (Edited 2173d ago )


Part of the cyberpunk theme is being able to mod yourself to whatever you desire. You can do anything from splicing animal genes to become an irl furry to having detachable genatalia. LGBTQ community doesn't exist in Cyberpunk because it's no longer an identifier of a person. But of course the current progressive community will try to chalk this up as a victory or something, when it's part of the universe.

CorndogBurglar2174d ago

Human-Cyborg Relations now has a new meaning.

Smokehouse2174d ago

Right. Does it even matter when society is barely human anymore? They are well beyond that point.

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Resident Evil Zero and Code Veronica Remakes are reportedly in the works, not Resident Evil 1

Industry insider Dusk Golem reveals that there is no Resident Evil 1 Remake in the works. Instead, Capcom are reportedly in active development of Resident Evil Zero and Code Veronica.

-Foxtrot1d 4h ago

RE Zero would be better to do first over RE1 because they can tie the story into RE1 more.

The original RE Remake was weird because Rebecca never mentioned anything about what happened in Zero and it felt so disjointed because Zero was developed during the Remake and they clearly didn't share any notes with one another.

Cacabunga3h ago

Wise decision. 2 of my favorites!

Knightofelemia1d 2h ago

Give me Dino Crisis dammit Capcom

TGG_overlord7h ago

And all it took was +24 years + a phone call from me lol.

GotGame81812m ago

LOL! A phone call from you? ROFL! They have been remaking RE games for YEARS! It was a matter of time!

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Hi-Fi Rush Developer Tango Gameworks Was Working On 2 Games Before Studio Closure

Tango Gameworks, the developer behind rhythm-based action game Hi-Fi Rush, had been working on 2 games prior to studio closure.

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H98h ago

That's for people who said that Ninja Theory would not get closed because they are working on a new game

1Victor3h ago

Well Microsoft have to plug the holes somehow to appease their investors 🤷🏿

darthv723h ago

Tango was part of Bethesda, that was their call. Ninja is their own thing, and MS lets them do their own thing. MS may own Bethesda, but they let them make their own decisions.

porkChop2h ago(Edited 2h ago)

That is technically true. I do think Xbox can still come in and make those kinds of decisions if they want to though, but it's true that Bethesda has been running themselves. That's how we ended up with Redfall in the first place.

I wouldn't let Xbox off the hook though because they obviously would have known that Bethesda were shutting them down and let them do it. Xbox could have just moved Tango directly under Xbox Game Studios instead.

darthv722h ago

We can only assume as much since we dont fully know the conditions of their partnership. It may be that Bethesda agreed to the merger under the conditions that they still be allowed some autonomy like making decisions for game releases and studio management. Again, that's just a guess but when i see people try and convey that Ninja Theory is in the same boat as Tango... this is what comes to mind. NT is their own entity, under direct management of MS. Tango was not.


Frostpunk 2 Director Łukasz Juszczyk Discusses Game Balance, Politics, and Beta Feedback

TechRaptor writes, "After getting our hands on the Frostpunk 2 story, we got to sit down with Łukasz Juszczyk to talk about how the game evolved from the original."

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