
I saw EA's new game streaming service, and it works

EA isn't ready to say how much it costs or when the service will launch, but it is testing this new cloud gaming initiative with an eye toward releasing it soon.

gangsta_red2190d ago

It seems odd for a bunch of companies to be investing and making their own streaming services for a world that's not ready.

2190d ago Replies(5)
ApocalypseShadow2190d ago (Edited 2190d ago )

It's not odd. Just a smart option to prepare for IF consumers want it. EA isn't doing anything new that Sony hasn't already done. Tv and a game controller? Yeah. Did that already besides phones, tablets, pc, portable consoles and bluray players. And I expected them to because Sony already made music, tv/movie streaming since they create that content internally. Why not games?

Just as dialup led to broadband, common sense tells us that faster internet speeds are coming. Question is, how do companies get around data caps, attacks on net neutrality, latency, poorer countries and areas with no Internet or slow internet where a disc makes more sense?

Also, EA hasn't announced a price because they're watching and copying other established service's good qualities to see where they can cut in. Basically letting others risk making the market feasible, then try and benefit off of it.

But, will this lead to multiple streaming services and subscriptions where gaming becomes more expensive than its worth? Will gamers own anything anymore going digital? Do gamers like the idea of always on that was shunned back in 2013 that lead Sony into destroying Microsoft? What about used games? Borrowing games? Are gamers ready to pay for physically owning nothing tangible?

If it becomes the only option, I'm out and will just play what I have and haven't finished. Got enough games that it will take years to play them all anyway. I like the idea of digital for space saving. I just don't like the side effects of it and corporate greed.

gangsta_red2190d ago

"But, will this lead to multiple streaming services and subscriptions where gaming becomes more expensive than its worth?"

I believe with so many jumping on price will definitely start to become more competitive. I wouldn't even doubt the whole cable model where they give a deal for a certain amount of months but lock you in for a couple of years.

"Will gamers own anything anymore going digital?"

I'm sure retail won't go anywhere soon but we're already seeing this with Music. Physical music is still available but just not popular anymore, the same could be said with this medium in the future.

"Do gamers like the idea of always on that was shunned back in 2013 that lead Sony into destroying Microsoft?"

Funny enough a lot of us are always connected anyways. And judging from the Live and PSN numbers I don't think many gamers truly had a problem with it. Unfortunately the message and time MS delivered this wasn't right and no one coming off of last gen was prepared to hear this.

"What about used games? Borrowing games?"

I rent the majority of my games so this would be a problem. But with these services having a huge library available maybe that will be an equel substitute. But they would have to have the whole catalog of games available so in case I feel like renting El Shaddai again, I can.

But good points and it's definitely something to think about for the future of this hobby.

PressXtoBacon2190d ago

bandwidth infrastructure needs some serious updates if everyone is moving to streaming

chris2352190d ago

only odd if you don‘t know how the world is working in general. the future is digitay streamlined. goodbye second hand market hello microtransactions and loot boxes.

techsquisite2190d ago

you can either wait for the needle to move or force it. gaming and mobile is whats been moving it recently, and the momentum will only build.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2189d ago
PressXtoBacon2190d ago

It works if you pay by the hour

SegaGamer2190d ago

"And who wouldn't want it to happen? A world where all you need is an internet connection, a controller and a device"

You make it sound so simple when it's anything but. Not everybody can get great internet. It's not just about speed, latency is a huge thing too, as is data caps and a steady connection that will never drop out at any second. All of these things combined are not as easy to achieve as the person who wrote this thinks it is.

Also, i don't want to play my games this way. It looks inferior for a start, picture quality when streaming isn't anywhere near good enough.

XiNatsuDragnel2190d ago

Cloud is not my future but my option

Lamboomington2189d ago

It absolutely is. Heck it kind of already is right now.

It's just a side effect of more people having more internet, and the internet becoming more and more prevalent in our lives. It's inevitable.

XiNatsuDragnel2189d ago

Nope physical over digital mate, I'm old and probably walk out of gaming when happens.

yeahright22189d ago

I'm right there with you Xi, but for different reasons. what will run me out of gaming is going to be the take over of multiplayer, always online GaaS rubbish.

MunchMiller002189d ago

You should call your local environmental agency. There is clearly something bad in your water.

lociefer2190d ago

Well of course it would work if we had EA's internet connection and deep pockets

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Kaii1d 13h ago

Crunch+Bad management+Greedy disgusting monetization.
I'll tune back in when D3 is dropping and they've toned down the monetization & the foundation is good

DefenderOfDoom216h ago(Edited 16h ago)

Final Spape campaign getting very positive reviews. I am enjoying the Final Spape campaign myself. Definitely worth the delay.


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VincentVanBro1d 21h ago

One of many low hanging fruit that would have improved the game

anast1d 21h ago

Better tech, better devs, and Morrowind like freedom would have improved this game.

enkiduxiv1d 19h ago

Wow, both options sound terrible.