
Digital Foundry Examines Whether Sony Could Make A PS4 ‘Switch’

Digital Foundry: Is Switch truly one of a kind, or could Sony - and indeed Microsoft - create their own console hybrids? Rich explains why it's actually more likely that Switch could step up to challenge those consoles rather than the other way around.

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StormLegend2220d ago

They can easily make the most powerful handheld but IMO it's not worth it. Even if it had tons of support it still wouldn't sell very well. Most people have moved on from handhelds and Sony is best at consoles. I just feel like those days are over now.

Stsonic2219d ago

That wasn't the question though. And the answer is no. Watch the video, PS4 architecture was not designed to be a handheld. The switch uses about 10x less power as it was designed from mobile. It's actually quite impressive what you can run on 10 watts of power these days.

Gaming_1st2219d ago

Not very much it seems. And the answer is yes they could and they could make something even more powerful. Hence laptops with Xeons and 1060M's in them. But it would be expensive.

Vegamyster2218d ago


There isn't a 1060m, it's just a underclocked desktop 1060 in a laptop. It wouldn't work very well because it would require a large battery, the laptop variant still uses close to 100w's, never mind the CPU ect.

uth112218d ago

but but the PC guys kept telling us the PS4 uses a tablet CPU! /s

RacerX2218d ago

I'm holding out for another console until the next full generation... But if Sony did a PS4 handheld I'd probably pick it up at launch.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2218d ago
Prince_TFK2219d ago

“Most people have moved on from handhelds ”

The Switch and 3DS’s sales beg to differ.

Aenea2219d ago

The Switch is not just sold to people as a handheld, I bought it to use on a TV...

Vegamyster2218d ago


OP stated it wouldn't sell well because Sony moved on from handheld, but the article is about them making a PS4 Switch which would mean it's a hybrid as well. In my opinion there is still a large market for it, but it has to be priced right without sharp drawbacks, the 3DS sold over 70 million after a bad launch & the Switch is doing quite well itself. They can't make something like the Vita where they're selling 32gb cards for $100, not advertise the system at all then drop 1st party support after a few years.

Regardless DF states it's not really possible with current technology because it would end up being large & expensive which isn't shocking, laptops are just catching up to desktops (within 10%) after a couple decades.

Segata2219d ago

They could only make something about on par with Switch since the X1 is the most powerful chip for a mobile device at that price. We are years away from PS4 power being viable to something with a battery. Maybe in 2021 Volta will be ready but we are not there yet.

2219d ago
ABizzel12218d ago


Gaming uses FP32, so it's 437 GFLOPS - 750 GFLOPS, not 1.5 TFLOPS (half precision) which puts it's around 1/2 the power of a XB1.

Other than that you are correct.

notachance2219d ago

with current technology it isn't comercially viable to make anything portable more powerful than Switch, even if it can be done. There's the portable power source problem, the fact that current GPUs still aren't power efficient enough to depend on said power source, and the heat circulation problem which still plagued anything compact and powerful.

DwightSchrute012219d ago

Someone doesn't know the difference between a handheld and a hybrid. Lol Switch is not a dedicated handheld.

Godmars2902219d ago

If they could get Steam on board while offering strong support for the platform itself, would have to disagree. Likely the only thing that might thrive if not survive against Nintendo.

Neonridr2218d ago

Well twice now Sony has tried to make the most powerful handheld, and while the PSP sold very well, in comparison the DS decimated it. The Vita was just a bad decision by Sony all around, and has turned into a major flop for them.

SuperSonic912218d ago

Sony already made an excellent poryable/home tv console ... its called the PSP 2000

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 2218d ago
TallonIV2220d ago

I wouldn't be surprised if Sony copied Nintendo with the Switch, they're known for copying Nintendo multiple times in the past.

UCForce2220d ago ShowReplies(8)
-Foxtrot2220d ago

Oh please they all copy one another and Nintendo is not innocent in this

TallonIV2219d ago

Then give me a few examples of when Nintendo copied Sony? I'll wait.

Nyxus2219d ago

@ Tallon: most recently, the share button.

TallonIV2219d ago (Edited 2219d ago )

@Nyxus Uhm the Wii U had a share option so try again lol

Edit: Still waiting for your response @foxtrot ;)

Nyxus2219d ago

I said share button. A dedicated button on the controller for taking screens. This is something the Switch directly copied from the PS4.

TallonIV2219d ago (Edited 2219d ago )

And I said the Wii U already had a screen sharing option, whether it's a dedicated button or not is seriously reaching on your part lmao.

Nyxus2219d ago

Ah, so you don't want to hear it. Okay.

Prince_TFK2219d ago (Edited 2219d ago )

So now even a button need to be exclusive to the PS4? Smh...

Realms2219d ago


Ok but who owns the console space now? Nintendo has made way too many mistakes to ever be the industry leader they are also too quirky for my taste giving into gimmicks and such. Nintendo was slow to adapt and Sony took the lead yes Sony has taken ideas from Nintendo but so has MS that is how industry works. A company innovates and introduces ideas that become standard practice. Anyhow Sony wouldn't even be in the console business if it had not been for Nintendo royally screwing Sony so it serves them well karma is a bitch.

edeprez2219d ago (Edited 2219d ago )

Nintendo is adding share play to their NES games, pass the controller online. Sound familiar?
And motion controls, the DS3 had sixaxis before the Wii came out. The switch is a modernized version of the Sega nomad. Everyone does it, best not to fret about it when it happens.

Gaming_1st2219d ago


Nintendo has copied alot of things. Fujitsu was the first cd rom based console, all in one. Fairchild Channel F was the first one to use cartridges. The Vectrex controller and Atari 5200, was first controllers with a analog stick. I mean seriously i could be here all day picking the stuff out Nintendo has copied or bought rights too, such as the gyros in the wii controllers. They bought the rights from gyro which was PC exclusive. It's obvious you're very young. Maybe educate yourself on the subject.

Facts doesnt care about your opinion.

Necr0philiac2218d ago

Everyone copied Sega. They were way ahead of their time

Kryptix2218d ago

Not sure if this fits copying Sony's PS Plus, Microsoft's Game Pass or a combination of the 2, but Nintendo's paid subscription service which offers "free games."

Stogz2218d ago

@Kun_ADR um he was asked what was copied. I know xbox fanboys like you are always looking for reasons to fight, but this is one you should let go. SMH indeed.

Christopher2217d ago

@Tallon 'free' games with online play pass

+ Show (11) more repliesLast reply 2217d ago
Silly gameAr2220d ago

Yeah, like every nintendo idea is always original, right?

TallonIV2219d ago

Of course not, I never said that but if you look back through the years Sony has followed in Nintendo's footsteps on multiple occasions in both hardware and software.

UCForce2219d ago

@TallonIV Can you say the same thing to MS ? MS Kinect is Wii rip off. Also, your previous statements sound ignorant.

shinoff21832219d ago

What on motion controllers. It was whack for wii and whack for ps3. Sony still brings it though. They could kill it with something like the switch. I wish they would it might attract some other devs

xenz2219d ago

You know, Nintendo copied Sony’s dual analog-stick solution with Gamecube. They’ve also copied the share button on PS4’s controller and a slew of other things. But we all know you won’t aknowledge it because Nintendo never copied anyone, right?

Prince_TFK2219d ago

Sony had also copied Nintendo as well with things such as motion control and games like Playstation Allstars. But hey, let focus on just a button lmao.

Aenea2219d ago


Is it copying when Sony was already working on the move controllers way before Nintendo released it?

Araragifeels 2218d ago

@Kun_ADR Objection! PlayStation were working on motion control ever since PlayStation 2 era and they have a video on YouTube showing a prototype of the PSMove in the PS2. But hey, let be ignorant and say that Nintendo created everything lmao.

gangsta_red2217d ago (Edited 2217d ago )


Waitaminute...Sony was working on move controllers even before Nintendo's Power Glove??


Just because there's a video of Sony working on something doesn't mean Nintendo wasn't at the same time or before.

Especially when Nintendo got their controller out to the market first.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2217d ago
bluefox7552219d ago

It's too bad Nintendo won't copy them and get basic, modern console features, yeah?

Aenea2219d ago

And MS copies from Nintendo and Sony and Nintendo copies from MS and Sony, who cares...

Aenea2219d ago

"Sony has followed in Nintendo's footsteps on multiple occasions in both hardware and software."

Okay, give examples then, I'll wait!

Gaming_1st2219d ago

As is everybody in the console business. Fujitsu was the first console to release with a cd drive. So it seems a lot of consoles copied that. Ps3 was first console with bluray and it seems another console copied that. We could do this all day.

kneon2218d ago


How about motion controls. I don't know that Sony was first, but there were way ahead of Nintendo having started filing patents around the year 2000.


Nintendo didn't even invent their tech for motion control, it was licensed from another company..

There is also a Sony patent that predates the Wii U but is a very similar concept.

And as others have mentioned they portable gaming consoles with video out and a dock with a video port, which is all the Switch is. The only new thing about the Switch is the removable controllers, and they are being sued for infringing another company's patent for that concept.

SuperSonic912218d ago (Edited 2218d ago )

And Nintrndo is known copying the PSP with the Switch.

And don't forget that the PlayStation was created by Nintendo with full R&D and funding. So obviously a lot of Nintendo's DNA is in PlayStation.
Just look at the controllers.
Your precious Nintendo created its own undoing.

Aenea2218d ago

The what now? Don't be crazy! PS1 wasn't create by Nintendo and they certainly didn't get funding!

Sony and Nintendo had a deal to work together on a new console, the Nintendo backed out completely out of that deal. Since Sony had invested money in game console hardware they decided to develope one of their own which became the PS1...

super_cuddles2218d ago

Name one time Sony copied Nintendo? You can't ! If anything , Nintendo copy sony

TallonIV2218d ago

Are you serious?? A quick google search would show the amount of times Sony has copied Nintendo LOL!

madpuppy2218d ago

The Nintendo faithful are such wackos.
They ACTUALLY believe that Nintendo invented gaming and that they are the only ones that innovate. They also say moronic stuff like "games from Microsoft and Sony may look better but they aren't as "fun" as Nintendo games because the game-play is so much better in Nintendo games" garbage nonsense. But, I guess I would blindly love Nintendo as well...if I was a Child....or a man-child.

+ Show (11) more repliesLast reply 2217d ago
Maybay2220d ago

For the consistent negativity Nintendo receives (and rightly so, considering certain aspects of the company's baffling decisions), there's a lot of people who want Microsoft and Sony to be "more like Nintendo." It's probably software related, though in this case...

wonderfulmonkeyman2219d ago

I find it hard to believe that it would be software-related, considering how often none-Nintendo gamers bash Nintendo games for being "the same thing over and over". [Despite buying third parties that are just the same concepts wrapped in different packages over and over. Bloodborne and Dark Souls, anyone? How about some more CoD?]

shinoff21832219d ago

My issues with Nintendo are the dumb decisions. The hard drive being incredibly small while pushing digital. The not bringing blurry to their systems. I get the switch though can't really bluray that. I actually like the switch. The indie support is great. Zelda was good. Mario odyssey sucked for me cause the tacky two player option. I know they will bring a proper mario though so I'm cool

yardank2219d ago

Bloodborne is first party. Also, saying FromSoft games are 'the same contents wrapped in different packages over and over' is as ignorant as putting them in the same category with CoD.

shinoff21832219d ago

I think sony has done better software wise since ps1. It's where the games are

PhoenixUp2220d ago

Unlike Nintendo, Sony has no reason to make a hybrid since their stationary consoles still find huge success

TallonIV2219d ago

Unlike Nintendo, Sony's last handheld flopped so maybe they should consider making a hybrid.

Nyxus2219d ago

Their latest home console is a huge success though, so there is no reason to.

UCForce2219d ago

Can you say the same thing with Wii U which was a commercial failure ?

OffRoadKing2219d ago

WiiU was an even bigger flop.

Officialxandr2219d ago

Love Nintendo & PlayStation (I own both a PS4 pro and Switch), but damn is this website full of PlayStation fanboys. You can't even criticize or speak truth on PlayStation and their mistakes without getting down voted to hell. Ridiculous.

super_cuddles2218d ago

Nintendo's last hybrid was a colossal flop, so they made another...

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2218d ago
Cobra9512219d ago

You're forgetting that Sony themselves said they can't ignore the Switch.* Rich explained in detail why the PS4 won't get shrunk to a Switch form factor; but like all successful companies, Sony is thinking years into the future. They might surprise you.

* http://twinfinite.net/2017/...

Nyxus2219d ago

That doesn't mean they will make a hybrid console themselves, it just means they are aware of the competition they need to face.

Prince_TFK2219d ago

Sony flopped with handheld console and Nintendo flopped with home console. So naturally they both concentrated their efforts on what they are good at. No need to make this thing another war.

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