
Xbox One X's raw power has finally closed the gap with PC gaming

Now that they hype train is finally pulling into the station, we can all sit down and enjoy just how powerful Xbox One X really is. Make no mistake, its arrival marks a watershed moment for consoles. By unlocking 4K and including high-end hardware under its hood, the imposing chasm that stood between consoles and the PC gaming market has finally shrunk.

Gazondaily2396d ago

Obviously it's not as potent as some of the crazy gaming rigs out there but what it's doing, for that pricepoint, is very very impressive.

2396d ago Replies(13)
CP_Company2395d ago

it does not matter how you spin it, 30fps is not impressive.

Lennoxb632395d ago

If all games were 60 fps on console next gen then the graphics jump wouldn't be big enough. And graphics sell games not frame rate. It's not worth it. Especially for single player games that aren't focused on skill and twitch fast inputs.

kevnb2395d ago (Edited 2395d ago )

Call of duty proves that frame rate is actually more important than graphics.

aconnellan2395d ago

I'll tell Driveclub's 30fps that you said that.

On topic, 30fps has its place - largely when devs are prioritising other elements in the game that they want to improve (not just straight resolution, but things like particle effects, players on screen, etc)

Of course I'd take 60fps 9 times out of 10, but when it's 30 it just mean something there's other stuff happening in the game that devs thought was more important

bluefox7552395d ago (Edited 2395d ago )

@Lennox From a marketing standpoint, you are right. From a gamer's standpoint, it's a terrible idea. Every gaming experience benefits from 60fps, the game literally plays smoother. A resolution boost does not make the game play better. Graphics are pretty, but unless you're just looking at the game and not playing it, it's not a good tradeoff.

zb1ftw7772395d ago


$2500 for a barely 4k 30fps PC gaming rig is indeed a waste of money.

You should get an XB1X for a fifth of the price instead.

LastCenturyRob2395d ago

Well, its a good thing many games are 60 fps....also, if a game is running at native 4k with graphics and effects turned up to ultra and running at 30 fps locked that is actually pretty impressive...Even from a higher end pc point of view.

Sirk7x2395d ago

Until console developers have more resources than they know what to do with, they're almost always going to choose to max out graphics and run 30FPS, because shiny graphics are a higher selling point than smooth gameplay.

Prem8tuaProcrastin8a2395d ago

Wtf are you talking about? If it's not impressive to be able to run games in 4k at the same frame rate as the x1s, why don't all consoles do it? Or why don't ALL gaming rigs do it? Oh yeah, it's because a tiny fraction of steam survey p.cs can even run games in 4k at all, and it takes large amounts of power to run in 4k/30. Ms said from the start that they would build a console that could run games in 4k without sacrificing existing frame rates, they have delivered. People said it wouldn't be able to do 4k at ANY frame rate, it does. People said if it could do 4k it would be 700+dollars, it doesn't. Now you're claiming that 4k/30 isn't impressive, IT IS. Your comments reek of jealousy. Go buy some taco bell, maybe you'll win yourself an X.

Unspoken2395d ago

Uh yeah, the 1080 Ti hits 30-40 fps in Origins and Shadow of War.

Father__Merrin2395d ago

nothing wrong withg 30fps, you make it out as if this is somehow unplayable or sluggish it plays perfectly fine depending on game type, 30fps done correctly plays very smooth on a tv setup. on a pc minitor it looks more jagi for some reson but on tv its fine

The_KELRaTH2395d ago

The gaming industry should just kill off 30fps as it doesn't sync with any current screen technology.

I recently installed GT Sport and it turns out that the menus don't run at 60fps. Now you would think this rather unimportant as after all it's just the menus.
Unfortunately PD chose to use side scrolling (ticker tape) text at the bottom of the screen and because it's not in sync with the TV (or my PC monitor) all you see is a unreadable rubber band effect.

It reminds me that for all the CPU & GPU power, in some areas of technology we've gone completely backwards as this type of side scrolling was completely smooth as far back as on Atari / Commodore 8 bit home computer hardware as the hardware speed was locked to the raster TV display so devs couldn't choose to slow things down.

AAWELLS092395d ago

Right and every PC out there cant run every game at 60FPS "only the top end" and not everyone that owns a PC owns the top end of tech. No matter how many claim they have the best of the best. PC owners can just say they have whatever and cant really prove it.

That_Guy2442395d ago

Problem is my 2500$ pc will do much more than just gaming. I can do gaming,streaming,editing, us it as a media hub, and us it for work and alot of that at the same time. So yea will keep my pc when there is an xbox than can do everything my pc can do at the same lvl cheaper I will buy one till then I have zero interest in one no mater how cheap it is.

As far as the 30fps stuff I will never play another game in 30fps. Its just terrible and unplayable for me even 60fps is not that great once you play at 120+fps for so long. So if i had to choose 1080p@144hz or 4k@30/60hz I would pick the 1080p@144 every time.

+ Show (10) more repliesLast reply 2395d ago
lelo2play2395d ago (Edited 2395d ago )

The CPU my friend... the CPU is holding back the Xbox One X.

Xbox One X is still a good console... but it could have been better. 30FPS on the most demanding games isn't great.

Bigpappy2395d ago

An you would be here writing the $699.99 price is too much. I mean they could have gone with an i7 and a 1080ti. But how many people would buy it.
You guys kill me when you sit there and act like you know something that the engineers at M$ don't. Pompous!

lelo2play2395d ago (Edited 2395d ago )

The only thing that Microsoft engineers worried about were teraflops... nothing more. As long as the XB1X had more teraflops then the PS4 Pro, Microsoft was happy.

Instead of 6TF, why not a 5TF console but with a better AMD CPU and keep the 500€ price tag?... Ryzen CPU perhaps? ... Ryzen are good AMD CPU's, not very expensive. Ever heard of them?

bluefox7552395d ago

@Big They could have gone a step down with the GPU, and a step up with the CPU and kept the price. Don't pretend like you need an i7 and a 1080ti to run 60fps, those run circles around x1x.

LastCenturyRob2395d ago

I have to disagree with you. Had they brought in a new CPU it would have increased the price of the console. Even with all you get with the X anything over a $500 price point would have been suicide on the retail front. That being said, yeah the enhanced CPU they are using is no prize pig but it isn't awful either. The GPU is pretty darn good and the amount of ram is unprecedented for a console. Overall, MS delivered the goods big-time this time around!

2395d ago
Kyizen2395d ago

Yeah if they some how got the Ryzen in there it would be a beast but they missed that and it is launching out of date

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 2395d ago
arbi2395d ago

it's very sad to see you getting downovoted buy saying the obvious..... its says a lot about the community here and the fanboysm that exist.

FyBy2395d ago

Yeah for the pricepoint its very good. I cant imagine build pc with 4K capable for that price and size. And thats it. Everything has its pricepoint. MS could do for 600USD XOX with much bettter CPU (Zen family). Also there were speculations Sony considered ZEN for Pro which would be 100 USD higher. But everything is about price. As we could see in case of PS3, which was for 599 USD and that was big problem for many.

But XOX should be high end premium device. I think , that if there was a way to incorporate better CPU for 100 USD higher....that would be much better. But also next 100% gen.

ABizzel12395d ago

The real issue is the CPU really. Everything else is fine. They could have waited and gained another 2 GFLOPS of GPU power by launching a new console in 2018 instead of a mid-gen upgrade, but the CPU is the only thing keeping it from a constant 60fps and truly rivaling PC.

Gazondaily2395d ago

I guess it would have raised the price of the console a bit too much. Some people already think the price is rather steep; any higher and it would really become even more niche of a product

ABizzel12395d ago

For the XBO-X for sure, for a 2018 console possibly not. The hardware pricing is based on what AMD has to offer currently so we know on the GPU side it's based off the RX 480 / RX 580 line, so waiting a year could have gave them a RX 680 for a similar price GPU wise which should have some hints of Vega architecture in it, and there they could have popped another $30 - $40 towards the CPU.

They would have took a loss early on, but they would have got ahead of next-gen and it would have hopefully gave them the restart they needed just like the Switch.

ScreamingMeat2395d ago

Made ground? Yes. And as Septic says, amazing for the price point. Closed the gap? No. Sorry. When it's running Ultra-equivalent settings in 4K native at 60fps... THEN it's closed the gap. 30fps, medium-high with resolution scaling means there is still a big gap.

Cartman551252395d ago

Gamers in general (not just Xbox fanboys) should be celebrating. This will raise the bar for what consumers can expect of consoles.

2395d ago
iNcRiMiNaTi2395d ago

I did an Assassin's Creed Origins test at 4k with an i7 8700k, gtx 1080Ti + 32gb ram on ultra high settings and the lowest I've seen the game dip is around 40fps. If the 1x manages to keep a consistent 4k 30fps then I'd say it's not that bad seeing how it's cheaper than my gpu


+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 2395d ago
AspiringProGenji2396d ago (Edited 2396d ago )

It may be closed to a mid range PC in power but it still doesn’t offer the full benefits that a PC do. Even steam machines offered more benefits yet they failed... I believe to close the gap to PC you need more than power. This will sure please a lot of people that want more power or have been anxious to have the better version of games, but a PC is still the better investment plus MS is putting their exclusives there too. This is only the beggining for MS to make more iterative consoles to keep the power crown, so I wonder how much people will be able to spend to keep up when they can build a PC now and be 3 generations ahead and still beat the next Xbox X

skydragoonityx2396d ago

All that power.. yet so few games

freshslicepizza2396d ago


The Xbox One receieved over 20 titles in October alone, how many can you play in a month?

BeRealisticNow2395d ago

@Moldy Come on dude, you know Multiplats don’t count as games s/

Platinum_Fan2395d ago


That sounds great till you realize PS4 has over 30.

Unspoken2395d ago

Games must not count as games.

SojournUK2395d ago

I lol'd and I've got one pre-ordered.

DivineAssault 2395d ago

Skydragoon youre right but theres no denying its a nice console.. Especially for $500... Unlike the 1st iteration that came with kinect.. I dont want the thing until i see unique software but i definitely have to give them props on the box itself.. Too risky to buy if some devs put minimal effort to bring out the strengths imo.. Maybe when Red Dead 2 comes out and theres a sale ill consider it for 3rd party..

LastCenturyRob2395d ago

You should learn to count before you comment. Ignorance is not bliss.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 2395d ago
2396d ago Replies(1)
maybelovehate2396d ago

It is actually close to high end machines. Witcher 3 at 4k and steady 30fps is not something a mid range PC can pull off. Hell my Titan X has issues pulling it off at medium settings.

Toby_19812396d ago

Don't worry by early next year Nvidia and AMD new Gpus are specifically designed for 4K and 60fps. It's funny how PC technology evolves so quickly.

morganfell2395d ago (Edited 2395d ago )

"It is actually close to high end machines."

No. Not close. Not in the ball park. Not in the parking lot attached to the ball park. Maybe some people should conduct a little research and see what a high end machine can actually do. Titan X? You should know better.

https://www.youtube.com/wat... - 2015 video.

https://www.youtube.com/wat... - 60fps with a GTX 1080ti.

kevnb2395d ago

With the hair garbage turned off it can.

SojournUK2395d ago

Titan X and those issues? Sounds like you have a bottleneck somewhere

bluefox7552395d ago

30fps and "high end" don't belong in the same sentence, and you're wrong about 30fps and mid-range PCs. You're being dishonest about Titan X: https://www.youtube.com/wat... 4k/60 @ ultra

MadLad2395d ago

I am running a GTX680, i5 that was built a year before the original PS4 came out, and the thing runs Witcher 3 at 1440p at an average of around 40 fps with everything at max. The hairworks nonsense turned off. I keep it capped at 30 because of the fluctuation.
The Witcher 3, On an X released 5 years after, runs things at medium at 30fps.

If so, fix your computer.

Many-hat52395d ago

Having been a PC gamer for many years, as well as a console gamer, I would like to commend your honesty. The reality is, PC's are miles ahead at the leading edge, but average gaming PC's are not all that many PC gamers claim. Even with the very best high end rigs, problems often occur running games. It has nothing to do with pure power, it's simply the problem of getting drivers,OS and games working effectively on unknown spec's right from a weak PC to a bleading edge. This is a problem of efficiency that consoles don't suffer from, at least at the hardware level. When they work well, a good PC run's rings around the X, but it's not simply a question of owning the hardware. I would challenge any honest PC gamer to deny this is true.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 2395d ago
Sokol2396d ago

I'm pretty sure it' offers more then mid tier pc In terms of power and performance..
I would know since I have one.

343_Guilty_Spark2395d ago

It’s not mid range at all. Everyone who has tried to build a more powerful high end PC under $500 has failed.

SCW19822395d ago

That’s because you can’t build high end at that price, thus it being a mid range equivalent.

kevnb2395d ago (Edited 2395d ago )

Who said you had to? Who isn’t spending $500+ on a pc every few years anyway? The cost of a gaming pc is the effort and the gpu/power supply. $500 gets you quite a bit of gpu.

Tapani2395d ago (Edited 2395d ago )

I do own a PS4 Pro and Switch, and have been thinking of buying the X, but just because 8700K and Volta are coming, I won't. Even if the Nvidia's 138% more power is half right, the next GPUs from Nvidia will be astounding.

Instead of the X, I'll assemble a PC in the Spring from Nvidia's next flagship GPU (non-Titan), an overclocked 8700K, 3200mhz DDR4, NVME drive, better more silent cooling and casing and high-quality motherboard. Sure it will cost me a lot, but gaming is my biggest hobby and I am an adult with a job, so I can afford to invest a few thousand in it for the next five years. Nowadays kids hobbies cost five times more a year anyway. Good craft beer, annual gym pass, high fidelity A/V and gaming gets most of my extra money (the money after investing and saving for travel and on a bank account.)

So yeah, I don't think the gap has particularly closed compared to the set up above. In fact, I think the very opposite. I believe with PS4 and Xbox One the gap widened and they just played catch up with these mid-cycle consoles. And they just about caught up the mid-range, not the high-end. This is even statistically true, if you look at the past console generation cycles.

And don't tell me people can't afford $2500 gaming rigs. The same people are buying the iPhone X. I'm probably the very average 30-50 years-old consumer out there in the Western world who grew up with gaming and has some extra cash and wants the latest of the latest every few years and strategically buys stuff when there is a generational leap.

I would have to disagree with the article and honestly can't wait to see what my new PC with Volta can do instead of the X! Also, Switch and PS4 (Pro) has great exclusives, which X doesn't (but PC does!)

kevnb2395d ago

Even a 1070 trounces the x, I can see them going for 300 or less next year.

conanlifts2395d ago

The problem you have is that on paper the X is effectively running an amd 580, which is an overclocked 480. So this makes it seem like a mid gen pc. In reality however due to it being a closed box and the nature of consoles it will outperform its pc counterparts. Look at the gpu in xbox one and ps4 and then compare it to their pc counterparts. They massively outperform their pc equivalents. This will remain the same. I guess the argument also comes down to what is mid range and what is high end. Realistically it should not be able to outperform a 1070, but in reality in some games it will. Is a 1070 mid range or high end ? ( I would argue it is the the starting level for high end ) . On occasion it might even perform equal to a 1080, but this is likely to lack of optimisation on pc.
The pc that you build from the sound of it will feature unreleased tech, so should easily outperform the X. My PC is running a 970, which will see an upgrade when the 1180 or 2080 ( whatever it is called) is released. Until then the X is a cheap alternative.

Condemnedman2395d ago

not for the same money you can't build a pc at the same level for 500 bucks without compromises yes you can spend more bit that's not what the X is aimed at

iofhua2395d ago

19 xbox artards disagree with reality.

madforaday2395d ago

The answer is simple, if Xbox One X had some exclusives game to literally show off the power of the X, people will be talking about this so much more. Even the first comment on here is Septic and his last point is about the new Xbox generation already.

Imagine if Scalebound and Crackdown 3 came out when X came out, and those games were made specifically for the Xbox X. It would be HUGE news but yet we just have old games that look better. We are buying into the unknown and that is what MS wants. With all that said, it is a great machine with power but power doesn't win, the console with the games usually win. It is a simple concept that MS for 3 generation has failed on.

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 2395d ago
XiNatsuDragnel2396d ago

Not close to high end pc but mid PC yes but that power is great but bigger issue is upon us like 1st party

NoPeace_Walker2396d ago

No worries. State of Decay 2, Crackdown 3, Seas of Thieves, Ori 2, Firza Horizon 4, Halo 6 are all scheduled to be released in 2018. Plenty of first party to satisfy XB1X owners.

Razzer2396d ago

“Forza Horizon 4, Halo 6”

No, there is nothing “scheduled” for those games. I hope your assumption is correct. I’m looking forward to more Forza Horizon.

2396d ago
conanlifts2395d ago

@Razzer, Forza Horizon 4 is scheduled for September. Forza is never disclosed until mid way through the year, but MS have been open in saying they are annual franchises.

Halo is also supposed to be an annual Franchise, If Halo 6 is not released next year I would say they will release Spartan assault 2 or some other Halo game.

A quote regarding Forza

"Microsoft had an interview with an online publication recently and Chris Tector, Turn 10 Studios software architect, revealed that Forza ‘is now an annual franchise’"

Razzer2395d ago


Hope you are right, but isn’t Playground working on new IP?

conanlifts2395d ago (Edited 2395d ago )

@razzer. Yes i think they are working on a new ip as well. But horizon 4 should still be 2018. From memory Forza 7 was only unveiled in June this year.


Regarding the new ip apparently they opened a new studio to make this. I didnt realise they had expanded.


The bigger question is whether this is an ms game or multiplatform title.

2395d ago
+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 2395d ago
maybelovehate2396d ago

No, it is actually close to High End PC. Try playing Witcher 3 on a mid range machine on 4k. And good luck to you on anything higher than Low Settings.

LP-Eleven2396d ago

It really isn't, because a High End PC can still hit resolutions and frame-rates the Xbox One X won't ever be able to. And never mind the Enthusiast bracket of PC gaming.

maybelovehate2396d ago (Edited 2396d ago )

@LP-Eleven: Depends on what you classify as a high end PC. Sure dual GPU setups that cost 1600 plus will out perform.. But duh?

LP-Eleven2396d ago (Edited 2396d ago )

Well, the "duh" is what many people are trying to convey to those of you who choose to remain in the dark regarding a hyperbolic statement like: "Xbox One X has closed the gap with PC". If we're talking Low/Mid-Ranged PCs, then yes, the "duh" is appropriate, but that's what we're trying to tell you. Consoles have always been fairly close to those types of machines, so it's a moot point.

It has NOT closed the gap with a High End PC machine (which, again, isn't even the highest grade of PC RIG). And you don't need dual GPUs for that.

maybelovehate2396d ago (Edited 2396d ago )

@LP_elevel: The issue is that high end graphics cards like the 1080 are actually giving similar results as we are seeing with the One X. So the message you are conveying is false. Xbox One X definitely closes the gap to high end PC's at this time. Does it close the gap with the Highest End PC's no. But that was not the statement made.

ocelot072395d ago

Try playing the Witcher 3 on Xbox One X at 1080p 60FPS.

Ricegum2395d ago


Conveniently you left out mentioning frame rate there buddy. 4k at 30fps on the Xbox One X right? I'll take the 60fps of a PC thanks.

maybelovehate2395d ago

@Unreal: Good luck getting 60fps at 4k on Witcher 3. It is possible but we are talking dual gpu setups.

SCW19822395d ago

Stop saying this nonsense. It’s closest equivalent is a 1060.

kevnb2395d ago

A 1070 easily beats what the x can do.

LP-Eleven2395d ago (Edited 2395d ago )

Your problem is with thinking that the Xbox One X is on the same level as a 1080, and that a 1080 is a full on High-End card. Neither is the case. High-end is the 1080 Ti , and beyond that, until the Xbox One X is running 4K games at higher than 60fps, it'll never be able to really compete with the high-end market of PCs. And, like I said before, that's not even the highest grade.

So, no, at this time, the Xbox One X is about as powerful as a mid-ranged PC (1060-1070 - at best).

OpenGL2395d ago

Most PC gamers would never play at 30fps. If they were willing to compromise performance they could hit 4K fine on something like an RX 580.

2395d ago
+ Show (9) more repliesLast reply 2395d ago
ocelot072395d ago

In terms of GPU power yes the X in fact even the Pro has a better GPU than mid ranged PC's. However, Both the CPU's in the X and Pro are pretty much potato's compared to mid range PC's. While it maybe true both the X and Pro will be playing the likes of Watcher 3 or Destiny 2 at a higher resolution than most mid range PC's. Most mid range PC's will be playing those games at 1080p 60FPS.

Until consoles can start doing at least 1080p 60FPS for all games. They are still a way off even from the mid range PC's. Personally I would rather playing the likes of Skyrim, Witcher 3, Player Unknown's Battleground, GTA V at 1080p 60FPS than 1440p or higher at 30FPS any day of the week.

PiCOSMOiP2395d ago

Power and OPTIMIZATION...everyone forgets this part of the variable. High end PC sound great on paper, but how many games are truly taking advantage of the hardware when coding for PC is poorly optimized for a lot of games?

There are exclusives on Xbox. I’ll keep preaching this again and again. Average gamers buys multiplatform games on both these platforms. Stupid exclusive narrative and moving goal posts.

XiNatsuDragnel2395d ago

How what exclusive that are actually on Xbox that are only on Xbox. Evidence over the past 10 months ppl will buy exclusives and they can be successful so start chirping.

343_Guilty_Spark2395d ago


Did you finish your sippy cup?

XiNatsuDragnel2395d ago

Did you finish being useless gulity spark?

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2395d ago
Razzer2396d ago

That is just hyperbole. One X hasn’t closed the gap. PS5 won’t either. Fact is PC gaming is always moving forward. That is just do to the nature of consoles and their cycles. Nothing wrong with that, but no need to embellish what consoles achieve.

For example...


maybelovehate2396d ago

It has definitely closed the gap. You cannot build a PC that can compare to Xbox One X in the ball park of the price. And pulling off 4k graphics on a PC is still a challenge. Getting a game like the Witcher 3 to run at 4k and a steady 30fps is a feat for a high end pc.

Razzer2396d ago

Not at all. This is Witcher 3 on ultra on an GTX 1070. Not high end.


maybelovehate2396d ago (Edited 2396d ago )

@Razzer: You will notice he has the advanced lighting post processing turned off. The framerate is also pretty bad based on what we see on screen. And you are still looking at a semi high end PC. That GPU alone cost what, 450 dollars? That is most likely at least a 1000 dollar plus computer and still has to turn features off to get decent "personally looks unacceptable too many peaks and drops" performance at 4k.

PowerControls2396d ago

@maybelovehate Pretty bad framerate? Is ~40fps pretty bad? Then ~30fps on Xbox One X is...what? Extremely bad?;-)

Razzer2396d ago

If this were about price/performance then that would a different discussion altogether. I’m saying no, the One X does not bridge the gap with PC gaming. You said getting 4K 30 FPS was a “feat” on high end PC. The video shows otherwise and 1070 is hardly top of the line. You can dissect the settings if you want, but you didn’t put any qualifications in your statement.

maybelovehate2396d ago

@PowerControls: The framerate in that video was all over the place. Could he have locked it at 30? Not sure, but he probably should have because that wasn't acceptable.

SCW19822395d ago

Keep acting like it’s comparable to a 1080 and 1070. It makes you look like an idiot.

ProjectVulcan2395d ago (Edited 2395d ago )

Every new more powerful console closes the gap to high end PC. It narrows it to a smaller gap than existed before. But it never entirely closes it.

Then 6 months later PC widens the gap again. Which widens once more every 12-18 months consistently with new GPU generations until after about 2 years it's restored a large disparity.

This is called every console generation ever.

6 months time Nvidia will deliver a new series of graphics cards that will annihilate Xbox One X beyond the beating it gets anyway from anything better than a GTX1070. 6 months time and a GTX1080 which comfortably beats X1X NOW will be at best, a mid range card. A mid range card will totally tonk X1X in just 6 months. I guarantee it.

ProjectVulcan2395d ago (Edited 2395d ago )

Do you think The Witcher 3 will run with all effects at the highest level of PC? Tomb Raider and Gears of War and Forza 7 have demonstrated they don't match everything perfectly on Xbox One X, and they don't always hold onto their framerate either.

GTX1070 offers a better experience than X1X on The Witcher despite it not technically being a high end card, AND it's 18 months old. You read that right, 18 months ago you could have been playing all these games in 4K with better performance than X1X all this time later. I have!

A GTX1080ti can max that game in 4K and do 60FPS. That is the standard of high end. X1X is nowhere near that if you're honest.

While it's an expensive card in 6 months it'll be far more accessible with a new generation, leaving X1X totally for dead. You'll still forever be stuck with the hardware inside X1X.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 2395d ago
maybelovehate2396d ago

@Razzer: By your own admission, you showed a gaming PC running Witcher 3 with similar results of an X1X, in fact probably worse results. So according to you, it has closed the gap. Even if you are trying to argue otherwise.

Razzer2395d ago

Again, that was not the high end of PC gaming. This is pointless. Believe what you want.

maybelovehate2395d ago

@Razzer: So now your argument is it doesn't close the gap with the Highest End PC's. Ok, that is fair. But it definitely closes the gap with gaming PC's in general.

Razzer2395d ago

Now? I never said otherwise. And if closing the gap means in comparison to any arbitrary gaming PC then PS4 Pro can make the same claim. But it is still a silly claim as PC simply has more powerful hardware available than ANY console. That gap remains wide open.

PowerControls2396d ago (Edited 2396d ago )

@maybelovehate I am not sure why you are not sure as it was constantly over 30fps:-)

One more thing. It wasn't "all over the place". It was fluctuating between 38-44 during the gameplay, so 40fps lock could be achieved quite easily imho.

PiCOSMOiP2395d ago

Witcher 3 is locked at 30 FPS on consoles. It has to do with coding, not poor hardware.

iofhua2395d ago

No console can close the gap. It's impossible. Consoles are called such because they can't be upgraded like a desktop computer can.

This whole article is ridiculous and is turning xbots into trollbait because they're likely kids who don't understand computer technology.

tontontam02395d ago (Edited 2395d ago )

When xbox or xbox 360 was released it was also hard to build a pc at the same pricepoint during its "FIRST YEAR OF RELEASE". wait at least a year and the gap will again widen.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 2395d ago
Cobra9512396d ago

No. No, it has not. (Do I have to do this on every story on this console now?) It's still a console. It lives in a restricted, closed environment. It has little if any flexibility in how you can alter or enhance it or its peripherals. It has a seriously weak CPU compared to what modern PCs routinely use.

I think it's a super console--CONSOLE. It does not and cannot take the place of a PC.

Rhythmattic2395d ago

Its def closed the Gap on Pc's, But theres still a huge gap.

Cyro2395d ago

That doesn't even make any sense.

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Why The Mass Effect Series Is Still The Best Western RPG Trilogy

The Mass Effect trilogy shines as one of the only Western RPGs to give an immersive and unforgettable experience.

Terry_B1d 8h ago

Your Opinion is wrong. (Witcher ftw)

Sonic18811d 4h ago (Edited 1d 4h ago )

The Witcher trilogy is my favorite but I know everything is subjective.

thorstein1d 4h ago

Balder's Gate trilogy is the best.

shinoff21837h ago

There's much better wrpg series. Mass effect dumbed down after the first one. Seemed a but different going from the 1st to the second, not in a good way.

Knightofelemia5h ago(Edited 5h ago)

My favorite trilogy will be the Ar Tonelico trilogy, Xenosaga trilogy followed by the ME trilogy.

Nittdarko5h ago

How can it be the best trilogy when the 3rd one is terrible and the only thing it had going for it was the multiplayer?
Considering all 3 witcher games are better
Considering all 3 Dragon age games are better
Considering all 3 Baldur's gate games are better

Weird choice

ChasterMies1h ago

Witcher 1 looks like ass. Until we see a transfer, there is no getting around it.

Are Dragon Age games and Baldur’s Gate games a continuation of the same story or at least the same character? Even still, need some connection to make a trilogy. Lord of the Rings is a trilogy. Star Wars is a trilogy. James Bond 1-3 is not a trilogy. It’s just more movies with James Bond.

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How to unlock Magneto in Fortnite Chapter 5 Season 3

X-Men's Magneto is the bonus skin in Fortnite Chapter 5 Season 3, here is everything you need to know to unlock the latest Marvel skin.

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Where to find Oscar in Fortnite Chapter 5 Season 3

One of the bosses from Season 1, Oscar, has returned in Fortnite Chapter 5 Season 3, here is where to find him so you can get his Shotgun.

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