
Xbox boss says backwards compatibility can help with the uncertain future for single-player games

Original Xbox backwards compatibility coming to Xbox One was one of the highlights of Microsoft's press conference at E3 2017. But why is the company adding this feature and why now? Xbox head Phil Spencer explained one of the reasons in an interview with Giant Bomb, and his answer traces itself back to the increasingly popular "games as a service" model:

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deadfrag2548d ago ShowReplies(19)
masterfox2548d ago

"uncertain future for single-player games" <--- And this is why I really don't care for the xbox that much because this way of thinking of MS, this gaming industry is as big now because those games, because of the single player experience and not because a twelve year old prick screaming to your ear in a COD match.

KingKionic 2548d ago

Phil is right. Online games dominate single player games this generation. There are less games made that are single player from last generation as well as sold. Streaming services such as twitch or youtube are dominated by cooperative and pvp games.

The top publishers of this generation all have released less single player games this generation.

The top multiplatform games this fall have multiplayer in.

Its not some conspiracy.

masterfox2548d ago

"Phil is right." <--- Yeah because PS4 is at number one spot because of multiplayer online games right?, and because the PS3 came from last place to beat up the 360 cause of onlines games right ?, even with a cost of $599 the PS3 manage to do a comeback all because online games....hmmm.. yeahh...onlines games. -_-

Sorry my comments are based on facts, Phil credibility is not trustworthy after knowing he was also in the same boat when the xbone was presented.

Razzer2548d ago

Any response from Kionic other than "Phil is right" would have kicked me out of my chair.

trooper_2548d ago (Edited 2548d ago )

You will agree with anything he says huh? He could say the skies green and you would agree.

Some of the best games ever made were single player. There's nothing wrong with a mix between multiplayer and single player games.

You guys....are un-freaking-believable.

_-EDMIX-_2548d ago

Not really.


Star Wars Battlefront moved 14 million yes, but its player base was pretty much gone within months.
Star Wars Battlefront 2 added a single player mode.

So I'd argue, more games are seeking to be SP or have a SP mode or even remove a MP mode.


Remember Evolve?

Its too much of a hit or miss and many games are failing trying to chase Call Of Duty.

The industry is overwhelmingly more SP then MP and I'd argue MP is getting harder to sell then ever before.


TheCommentator2548d ago

Just look at GTA V as an example of where gaming is going. MP is king in GTA, which is why it sucks when devs go where the money is.

bouzebbal2548d ago

Uncharted 4 says hi..
Next question ?

How did titanfall 1 do ??
I thought so too !!

UCForce2548d ago

@TheCommentator But GTAV has Single Player.

Sirk7x2548d ago

There should be a choice. Games like Persona 5, which I am greatly jealous of that I can't play by the way, sold fantastically and was highly rated critically and with consumers. Good single players games still captivate gamers. Look and Breath of the Wild and Horizon for example. After this E3, I realized that Microsoft is giving us absolutely SHIT to play.

TKCMuzzer2548d ago (Edited 2548d ago )

Look how much the Uncharted series has sold, God Of War and now Horizon, The Last Of Us and so on, i mean even games the like of Witcher 3, gamers want single player games, stop denying it because it makes Xbox look bad. They are failing in that area very badly, just admit it, it's not good enough, you buy the hardware, they should supply the software. You and many are so quick to shoot Sony down for not allowing cross play in Minecraft yet you can't have a go at Microsoft for not providing decent games for their own hardware, its just constant deflection from the real issues regarding your console. Maybe you want cross play so you can convince yourself it adds value to 3rd party games, therefore justifying buying an Xbox.
The only thing I wish is that the Forza Horizon team would jump ship, make a game for the PS4 and get the recognition they deserve along with the sales, it's the only game I want from the Xbox library, but I wouldn't take it over Horizon, GOW, Uncharted, Last Of Us etc

Angeljuice2548d ago

"Online games dominate single player games this generation."

Not in my house, not by a long shot. SP games get 10x as much play as online.
I played a lot more MP games last gen.

GamesMaster19822547d ago

And why do you think xbone is selling like crap compared to sony and nintendo because of the lack of single player games on the thing. The people have spoken and want single player games. If microsoft carrys on the way it is xbox will be dead in a few years and microsoft will just focus on pc.

rainslacker2547d ago (Edited 2547d ago )

No. SP games still sell more overall than MP games.

The "uncertain future" Phil speaks of is one of their own devising, because they lack the confidence to take the risk to make a compelling SP game, and lack the ability to market it thus it doesn't sell, thus it makes it look like SP games have less impact.

But then you go to Sony, and they have games like UC, TLOU, Horizon, etc, which sell in the millions. While any one of those games may not outsell a COD or BF, those MP games are extreme examples of how much the typical game sells.

The highest selling game on consoles is GTA. It sold more than any MP game when it was a SP game.

MS wants MP games to be the future, because it gives them what they want without having to upset the overall consumer. MP has ongoing revenue streams, which is what publishers want, but the whole MP is taking over is a myth the same way that digital is overtaking physical is a myth.

To put it in perspective, there are more SP games being released now than there ever have been. More games release with each successive generation than have released in the one's before. MP is making it's way, but it is not making the future of SP uncertain. The only uncertainty is if MS has the talent and desire to actually capitalize on the market the way that Sony, Nintendo, and countless other publishers do.

Chevalier2547d ago

Lets take a look at the top million sellers this year so far.

Nier Automata
Persona 5
Horizon Zero Dawn
Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild
Mario Kart
Resident Evil 7
Mass Effect Andromeda
Ghost Recon
For Honor

Notice anything? They all feature SP modes prominently.

+ Show (10) more repliesLast reply 2547d ago
KingKionic 2548d ago

Ps4 is definitely selling well because of multiplayer games. I dont know why you would even question that. Look at all the games from indies to third party that have been coop or pvp Sony has made sure to highlight them from Rocket league to Destiny.

There numbers in community and sales speak volumes.

Look at the exclusive dlcs and marketing deals Sony has. The vast majority of those games are multiplayer focus.

UCForce2548d ago

Ok, Horizon Zero Dawn 2.6 million units in weeks. Like I said, Phil lost faith of SP Game.

Razzer2548d ago

And yet single player is still successful.

_-EDMIX-_2548d ago

LMFAO! Marketing deals? That is the best you can come up with?

Yet you are not talking about this major L?


tontontam02548d ago

You don't seem to understand the situation, people will surely buy mp games but the question is on what platform?

Trez12342548d ago

I really think some in the Xbox camp don't understand gaming at all and that's why they are where they are. Multiplayer games sell more but single player games are very important in gaming and to say otherwise is just....odd. they basically tell you that they wanna make money instead of giving you new single player experiences and you think it's a good thing for gamers ?

If Sony, Bethesda, S enix etc.. still bringing single player games on the table I'm sure microsoft could do the same but they choose not to. So this dying crap is just microsoft wanting that EA, Ubi, Activision's money and nothing else.

If you 100% into multiplayer than fair enough but gamers with even just a little interest in single player games will choose the console that offers them both multiplayer and single player of the highest quality. Just like Sony, Nintendo, you have to call microsoft out when they trying to change gaming for the worse.

Sirk7x2548d ago

I looked up best selling PS4 games globally, and there were 40 single player games (some had multiplayer elements) that sold over 1 million.

TKCMuzzer2548d ago

Please tell me, yourself, Darth and Moldy work for MS, this would at least give some credibility to why you support the lack of support for your console of choice.

AmUnRa2548d ago

Stop every comment you make shows how full of sh*t you are.
Singleplayer games ARE important. Look at how good singleplayer focust games have been selling on the PS4, last example is Horizon, over 3.000.000.
You are delusional.

trooper_2548d ago

Its selling well because of name recognition and its powerful collection of exclusive games, both of which have single player/multiplayer offerings.

Oh, and real variety, unlike the nonsense Microsoft has been spoon feeding you guys for years.

And they sell very well.

You should demand more.

mcstorm2547d ago

Ucforce I see what you are saying but how many copy's did cod, bf sell with small sp. MP games are what drive sales now. Yes some spare games sell well like UC but no where near the numbers of the big MP games this gen and last gen is dominated by the yoy MP games and the numbers prove this

rainslacker2547d ago

So long as there is a market for both SP and MP, both will continue to exist. The SP community hasn't dwindled, it has increased along with the MP community. Gaming as a whole is on the rise.

This isn't a scenario where there can be only one, and SP games will become few and far between. There is too much creativity in the industry for this to be the case likely within our life times.

All MS is saying here is the uncertainty of the future of SP on the Xbox platform and nothing else. If MS doesn't want to make those kinds of games, then that's their prerogative, and they shouldn't be trying to satisfy those who want SP experiences with BC. BC is old games. People want new games. BC isn't going to keep people's SP need satiated. MS has no say in how the market proceeds elsewhere. If they want to ignore the market that exists, then they can stay content in their position of selling half the competition...and likely, over time, it'll only get worse for them until suddenly theyre all about SP games again, or they just leave the market.

This is MS problem. They don't cater to a diverse audience. They cater to that audience which can derive the most profit. They design their games based on focus testing, not on creativity. People who believe the way you do are not doing MS any favors. It's fine if you prefer MP, or think that MP games are taking over. But to sit there and say MS doesn't need to make a future for these games on their system instead of just letting that future dwindle is what's going to put them in an ever increasing state of wondering why they aren't doing so well.

+ Show (8) more repliesLast reply 2547d ago
danny8182548d ago

I got into video games because of COD 4 and halo 3 multiplayer. I'm sorry but the industry blew up even more after that wholeness multiplayer hype

dilbig52548d ago

So you don't care about anything actually going on in the game? Just "I'm gonna shoot this guy, and that guy"? That's lame tbh. That's one reason Overwatch got boring after awhile.

xX-oldboy-Xx2548d ago

you're either late to the game or very young. The backbone of the industry is single player games. It's what the industry was built on. Yes, multiplayer is great - but single player games are still relevant. This is another case of MS not knowing their ear from their asshole. Shameful Phil.

Sirk7x2548d ago

So you like shooters. There are many others who like RPGs, competitive fighters, action-adventure games, horror, novelized, survival, racing, etc. A good console to support with money should have decent choices for all types of gamers. Online shooters tend to sell the best, but it'd get boring pretty quick if that was the only thing out there.

Yui_Suzumiya2547d ago

I got into video games because of the NES in 1990. A million years before all that noise :3

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2547d ago
tontontam02547d ago

That is how they think because xbox owners only plays mp games.

EatCrow2547d ago (Edited 2547d ago )

I hate hearing the worst case scenario brought up with multiplayer games every freaking time
"a twelve year old prick screaming to your ear in a COD match"

Can we maybe play other multiplayer games then? Mute? Ignore? Block?
Play with a group of friends, etc. Many many ways to get by without hearing those 12 year olds.

And yes gaming got big because of singleplayer but lets not forget the mutliplayer folks.
Goldeneye, quake, Team fortress, Perfectr Dark, Neverwinter Nights, mario party, smash bros, conkers bad fur day, halo1? list goes on.

Multiplayer games made gaming big too. Dont discredit it simply because you have your preference.
Your comments are based on half truths and half the facts.

Btw, I prefer singleplayer.

rainslacker2547d ago (Edited 2547d ago )

No one is forgetting them. But it's like the whole physical vs digital argument. One side is fine with them coexisting. The other side seems to think there can be only one, and one is on the way out and those who partake in the old are stupid or can't accept they're on the losing side.

No one thing really made gaming big. Gaming is an ever evolving technology and consumer product. It changes often. We went from SP, to MP in couch co-op, to SP with a MP element, to online co-op, to SP with heavy MP additions, to MP MT being applied to SP, to MP only games, to SP with MP additions not getting MP on sequeals, to MP only games gettinng SP campaigns, so on and so forth.

There is no one reality, just like there will be no one discrete future.

To me, SP games do not have an uncertain future any more than the entire gaming industry does, because things change. All I see is Spencer trying to justify what is likely a future lack of SP focused games coming from them in the future. This is the 2nd such comment from him in the past month. It doesn't bode well, and it's almost insulting that he feels that BC will somehow save future SP games as a general principal.

Edit: While my comment may seem contentious, I'm not actually arguing against what you say.

EatCrow2546d ago

I agree with your comment. Not bothered by it one bit.

Of course they can and should coexist. I dislike the argument some people keep regurgitating against multiplayer though. Ignoring how many fond memories multiplayer has given the industry and gaming.

But it stands that singleplayer games are more risky now then before. Simply because of their longevity and the success of multiplayer focused games. Perhaps what MS is doing under Phil is find ways to fund the singleplayer games... Money from BC may help in that department also money from game pass. Who knows.

I obviously disagree with them being on the way out since more are still coming.

Only time will tell how Microsoft plans to tackle singleplayer games... But as has been for a while now... Their focus will likely stay with multiplayer like it has been. Nothing has changed.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2546d ago
Angainor72548d ago (Edited 2548d ago )

"Uncertain Future For Single-Player Games" 

Really?? Horizon: Zero Dawn/Uncharted 4/God Of War 4
U better change yr way of thinking

SegaGamer2548d ago

Yeah, i can't agree with him here. The best games this gen are single player games.

If backwards compatibility helps with anything, it's that it keep our library of games safe from being lost forever.

DARKKENT2547d ago

You all need to see the reason why he says this

Phil's smart,he knows Microsoft lacks first party studios,and it's not something you can just go out and do,it takes years,decades even...Sony and Nintendo have that.

And what genre of exclusives from Nintendo and Sony usually get released?.....of course single player games.

So Phil's way of trying to combat this is flocking the sheep together and trying to make them believe that single player games are a dying breed.

It's quite clever but really damaging to the gaming industry, because if people start to believe this crap Phil is saying the single player games category could very Well start to take a hit.

Remember this is the same Phil that said power isn't everything,now he can't stop talking about Xbox one x specs over it's rivals.

This is the same Phil that said it's not all about sales,then when Xbox won like 4 months in a row he put out a tv ADVERT claiming Xbox one is the best selling console.

This man is like a evil genius but not as smart.

SmielmaN2547d ago

Phil is lost. Guy is clueless.

PhoenixUp2548d ago

Uncharted 4 has multiplayer

UCForce2548d ago (Edited 2548d ago )

Yes, but it wasn't their priority focus. I think it's about balance between SP and MP.

PhoenixUp2548d ago

Obviously but it still doesn't seem right to see it listed alongside other single player only games

Omnislashver362548d ago

That's because it's mainly a single player game.

PhoenixUp2548d ago

It can also be mainly for multiplayer. Naughty Dog provided awesome effort to both modes

Razzer2548d ago

Which shows you games don't have to be either/or as Spencer wants us to believe.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2548d ago
Jeff2572548d ago

Don't forget Spider-Man. It is SP only as well. That is probably my most anticipated title for next year.

RevXM2548d ago

Lmao can you even imagine a multiplayer Spiderman game you'd rather play than a Singleplayer spiderman game?

What if in 3 years sony announce a another exclusive spiderman game, but it is multiplayer only?
Okay so only 1 player can be spider man? how many players? How many characters? how many teams? balancing issue?
Imagine freeroaming Manhattan (or wherever Spiderman is) with 60 screaming 12 year olds all playing as spiderman fucking around. Yeah no thanks. "Uncertain future for SP games"

Jeff2572548d ago

I actually could imagine a co-op Spider-Man game and it would probably work fairly well. Could have multiple versions of Spider-Man like in Edge Of Time. Add in Spider-Gwen and Miles Morales. But if you're talking competitive MP yeah that wouldn't work.

Germaximus2547d ago

As well as Nier; Automata, inFamous: Second Son, and some others I'm probably forgetting at the moment.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2547d ago
KingKionic 2548d ago (Edited 2548d ago )

Phil Spencer is very smart for trying to add certain OG Xbox games on the platform that are single player people can play but ultimately this will not help the overall domination of online games.

Theres no way single player games will ever return to a balance level in sales or even popularity ever again.

I think people on N4G need to go look at the AAA games we have had over the last 4 years. Even indies that have come to your system.

These games have created cooperative and pvp communities while the online services PSN/XBL have increase features to accommodate for the influx in social gaming.

UCForce2548d ago

Then what ? He will ditch the future of SP Games. You and him are losing faith of SP game.

bluefox7552548d ago

Was there ever anything that Phil said or Microsoft did that you didn't like or agree with?

tyasia02548d ago

That's a good strategy if you want to be third out of three consoles. I mean If people want single player games from previous generations why would you assume they don't want modern single player games. That entire logic is flawed.

PS4 is selling tons of single player games and they are selling consoles at record pace. Switch has single player focus and it's selling so fast they can't keep them on the shelves meanwhile Xbox sales have been dwindling for the last 18 months even with BC. And the fact that PS4 software sales are nearly 4x as much as Xbox should really tell you this strategy is wrong.

The real reason Phil is saying this is to damage control because Xbox doesn't have any single player games.

KingKionic 2548d ago

You do realize that what im talking about isnt a Microsoft strategy right? This stuff is happening on both systems.

Software attach ratios are not tied to single player games over multiplayer. Thats nonsense. The top games selling games of 2016 were

Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare
Battlefield 1
The Division


These games are heavily multiplayer and cooperative play focus.

Lol its not a conspiracy even overwatch became a billion dollar franchise in the same year it released


UCForce2548d ago

@KionicWarlord222 What about Evole and Gears 4 ? Those MP focus didn't help the sales neither.

tyasia02548d ago

Kionic, Let me just use this as an example what is more 1,000,000 or 11x100,000? You don't have to sell a lot of one game to make money.

And please keep it in mind that none of those games you listed are Microsoft games, so Sony by virtue of having more consoles is selling more copies of those games and making more money. And Sony is selling more consoles by offering a wider variety of games. and that variety in and of itself equals software sales.

And it is Microsoft strategy to focus on multiplayer Phil has said it himself over and over.

yomfweeee2548d ago

Look at the game of the year winners for the past 10 years.

Look at the Sony exclusives that have driven them to smash Microsoft.

Look at Nintendo's games that keep people coming back to their underpowered system.

Spencer is clueless.

r2oB2548d ago

I love how some Xbox fanboys ridicule Sony for the lack of cross play, calling it anti consumer, blowing it out of proportion, not understanding the business and politics behind it.

But when Phil Spencer mentions the uncertainty of single player games, they understand the business and politics behind it. They say that it doesn't make business sense to support something that may not bring in the revenue stream the company wants. Really?

So backwards compatibility would be a better solution to resolving an uncertain single player experience than releasing awesome single player games?

I'd like to see the Xbox community that was insisting PS4 gamers be vocal with Sony about cross platform play, buckle up and take their own advise. Be vocal with Microsoft to bring certainty to the future of single player games, by releasing more single player AAA games that wow us.

DaGreatOne2548d ago

Oh that will never happen though.

Trez12342548d ago

Exactly, I want crossplay so I think sony is wrong there but I just can't believe how some Xbox could actually think what's Phil is saying is good...like..really ?

Ps2 played ps1 games and when I moved to ps2, I hardly played ps1 games because ps2 offered " new" arguably better experiences. Same with ps3. But now microsoft wanna make this BC thing to be the reason why you they won't be bringing new single player games and some think it's a good idea ? Good for Microsoft but 100% not good for Xbox gamers or gaming In general.

blackblades2548d ago (Edited 2548d ago )

No he's really dumb, all I heard this week was shit that comes out of his mouth. Why the hell ya keep defending the things he say. You guys call yourself gamers come on.

MainstreamGamer2548d ago

What do you expect? They are a bunch of shills. I wouldn't be surprised if KionicWarrior is some sales guy working for MS.

BIGBOSS082548d ago

Of course you would say that! He could piss on your face and stuff his shit down your nose and throat and you would call him smart for it.

TKCMuzzer2548d ago

Credit, I didn't think any individual could make so many poor comments on one article and at the same time accrue so many disagrees. At some point you must question what you are typing surely, then again I imagine you are typing these comments on a Surface Pro that has the best keyboard to ever be created.


You need to go look at the AAA games this year! RE7, nioh, nier, zelda, persona 5, horizon are SP and are the best games this year!

rainslacker2547d ago (Edited 2547d ago )

You know for the millions of people who like SP games, they don't care about the upswing in MP, nor does MP overtake what they want. Plus, there are more SP games to play nowadays than there ever have been.

BC is a nice addition to play some older SP games, but pales in comparison to the excitement SP gamers get for new games, just like the MP gamer does.

Just so you know, SP games sell more than they ever have. Games in general sell more than they ever have. Stop with your idiotic hyperbole spewing facts which just aren't true.

If MS decides to simply use BC to supply the SP gamer, then they have already failed, or they've become content with their lack of innovation and don't give a rats ass about competiting in the game market. All they want to do is captialize on the ongoing revenue stream that MP games can bring in, and eventually have users for their live service so they can impress their investors.

Good news for the Xbox fans in general wouldn't you say? Nothing to look forward to from MS but some MP games, and a bunch of old SP games to play? Good times. Great time to be an Xbox gamer wouldn't you say? I can see why Xbox gamers are so excited for the Scorpio.

What's ironic, is that another article about Sony holding back the industry, they were all in there saying this was the case because of cross play, but MS having doubts about the future of SP, and with each passing statement it becoming clear that MS is probably going to invest less in them, you are lauding them as right and if pushed, I bet you would think they are moving forward.

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 2547d ago
Razzer2548d ago (Edited 2548d ago )

Translation:. Story based single player games are coming to an end on Xbox.

Reality: Story based single player games will be widely available on non-Xbox consoles as always.

Bottom line: Microsoft want to sell services like Azure to other developers. That is where they will make money going forward. Not with games, but cloud services. The longer a game is running on their services the more revenue they generate.

2548d ago Replies(3)
Phill-Spencer2548d ago (Edited 2548d ago )

With the way phil handles xbox i believe either his job as the head of xbox or xbox at a whole will come to an end.

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Mark Cerny: When making consoles, we're not trying to build low-cost PCs

PlayStation legend Mark Cerny discusses PS5, the challenges of making consoles, and his 42-year games industry career

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darthv7221h ago

Well... they used to design their own chips. Emotion Engine, Cell, RSX... when they switched to using X86 based chips is now more akin to low-mid cost PCs than before. It may not look like a PC but it pretty much is one. I'd bet it could do productivity stuff just fine if they allowed it to.

Cockney19h ago(Edited 19h ago)

I think series consoles are closer to pc than playstation seeing as they used the full suite of rdna 2 functions, didn't Sony strip a lot of that away to streamline their machine to be games focused? Its probably lacking in the office and productivity department, don't ask me what their custom chip does or doesn't do I just remember reading a lot about at the time, "rdna 1.5" was the call and yet what we see is pretty much level pegging as far as games go

GamerRN18h ago

Actually, stripping that away doesn't streamline, it hinders. Those features are actually helpful for gaming.

And they didn't strip them out, they just didn't work closely enough to be able to use them all since specs weren't finalized. Microsoft took an inside line on that one.

The reason why things are equal is because Xbox rarely has games designed on their box, they are usually designed on PS5 and ported over. So Xbox loses the power edge it has to making up the poor optimization.

It's ok, I think the lesson is you have to have a significant increase in power of 30 percent or more to be noticeable. And you have to sell enough to become the lead console for development otherwise you lose that power.

Einhander197216h ago


PS5 outperforms series x because it uses custom chips to process things that on xbox need to be done by the GPU/CPU.

Things like Tempest Audio, and it's custom compression chip for SSD as well as having a separate chip for upscaling using checkerboard and presumably FSR runs off it as well.

OlderGamer175h ago

O please stop the myth that the seriesX mythe is the only console that is using the "the full suite or Rdna2" is already debunked al long time ago.

Number1TailzFan18h ago

The consoles use video ram as system ram as well since it's all shared, so nah.

Powerplay0746h ago

Yea like cheap laptops or windows handhelds.

Christopher17h ago

You should probably read the whole quote and not just go based on the title.

darthv7217h ago

I have read it... I dont think anyone can build a PC that equates to the performance of a PS5/Series X for anywhere close to their selling point. Not for a while at least.

And my comment about them switching from custom chips to more PC related just adds to that fact. whether people want to believe it or not... Sony has built a low cost (not spec, there is a difference) PC.

neutralgamer199217h ago(Edited 17h ago)

We need better games on these consoles. This generation has been such a huge letdown so far. Moving forward these current consoles will be supported even when newer Playstation and Xbox are in the market. AAA games have been so expensive to make and it seems fun is taken out of games and loot boxes take their place. Try playing a NBA 2k game it's like a casino with slot machines

just_looken7h ago

The cost of making these games is a scam

Nba 2k19 to 2k14 its like madden the budget to make went stupid high but the fundamental of the game and the game modes never changed.

Anything now even basic intersection construction is tens of millions but pre coivid few hundred grand.

2018 here is $400 landscaping now here is the pink slip to my car.

I swear the cost of everything is the same but there taking of that huge profit top for there own pockets.

Einhander197217h ago

The PS5 is incredibly customized.

The SSD, the Tempest Audio, the APU itself is a mix of cross generation AMD hardware in order to be more optimized for gaming and cost efficient.

The PS5 Pro also has features from cross generation AMD hardware with RT features from RDNA 4 plus it's own custom upscaler PSSR.

PlayStation 5 Pro features next-gen RDNA 4-based ray tracing engine, allows 2-3x faster RT

PlayStation still uses custom designed hardware.

darthv7214h ago

honestly... I dont know why some are taking offense to it being called a low cost PC. It really is... and low cost is a good thing. the article did not say low performance PC... that is totally different.

Einhander197214h ago

I'm saying they still are designing their own chips, they just use AMD templates.

The PS5 APU has features from RDNA 1 2 and 3, and the PS5 Pro adds features from RDNA 4, and the CPU is the same with it own customized features.

Then all of that is paired with other custom chips.

just_looken7h ago

What you all said my rig in my bedroom can do it no issues

That plastic box has a 2020 cpu with the pro using a 2021 6700

The custom is do to them being dirt cheap with a 2 prong power supply so they made a cpu/gpu combo chip aka apu.

Get a amd laptop with there new mobile chips get the same performance.

VincentVanBro14h ago

You’re right but downvoted for some reason.

just_looken7h ago

Its this site even the head admin banned me for awhile being but hurt over my "anti" sony comments.

n4g is pro sony nothing sony will ever do can change that.

Pyrofire9512h ago(Edited 12h ago)

When you only look at the big flagship chips that seems true, but there's a lot going on in a modern console that takes advantage of being a dedicated kit. The various elements put into how the pipelines are connected shape the direction of games. End to end decryption and data streaming is something big that PC can only kind of do and with less certainty for example. Dedicated audio chip that rivals the main CPU in the PS4 is a big paradigm shift, devs used to fight for cores and audio was often last priority, whereas in traditional PC design the main CPU does both of those jobs of processing audio and decryption, while also performing all the other CPU based tasks.
It's not the custom silicon that used to be what made consoles but there's a lot more to consoles now. Data storage was not even a consideration and almost no RAM was on old consoles. Now there needs to be an enormous amount of SSD storage, and RAM to make these games tick with how much is demanded from them.

just_looken7h ago


Your comment show how many sony blindboys are on here

You are 100% correct but to add on the gamecube-ps3 also had a gpu/cpu combo back in the day unlike modern consoles that are just glorified tablets using apu/igpu's.

I miss the ps3 era start of ps4 era that sony was awesome

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 5h ago

Yah, hence the majority of the PS5’s hardware investment going towards an SSD instead of a GPU.

There are countless custom pc gaming rigs out there, and I bet none of them took an SSD-centric approach to their design, like the ps5 did.

just_looken7h ago

LMAO wow sony blind boy's are mad in love

That is called direct storage windows 10 has had that for over 5 year's every computer with a nvme based ssd has had that tech for years.


The ps6 will then have this new amazing tech you all will go crazy over resize bar

But that tech has been out for 2 years all 40series gpu's intel gpus and the new amd cards have that tech.

There is nothing a ps5 can do over a 4+ year old computer 2019 rig want resize bar? get a cheap amd/intel card for half the cost of a ps5.

bigfish18h ago(Edited 18h ago)

I can see where he’s coming from re ps5 not just being a box with parts like a pc. They must also spend an awful lot on r & d just to design the thing so it has aesthetic appeal and typical Japanese with some sort of Philosopy behind the design. Would also think other factors around the custom airflow and the like would cost a lot given that it’s not a standard box shape

gold_drake17h ago

true, but the alternative is, relatively, a expensive ordeal.
unless you dont game at all ha.

mkis00712h ago(Edited 12h ago)

Just spent 2000k on a 4070ti super 7800x3d 1440p gaming pc. Honestly consoles will never be replaced at this wide a gap in price. I plan to get a ps5 pro too.

just_looken7h ago


You waisted 2 grand you mean

At 1440p a amd4 chipset with a 5600x3d combined with a 6750xt even a 6800 can push 1440p just a much for half the cost or less used/new and or sales.

I have a 75hhz monitor in my bedroom 1440p playing games maxed out spent around 1200cad but aio 5800x3d 32gb of ram and a 6750xt 28 or 30 inch monitor.

Every time i hear pc so expensive i just laugh you can spend less than $500 buy a used ebay rig fix it up or a office pc toss in a cheap low profile card.

Pyrofire9512h ago

If you look into the hardware beyond just the CPU and GPU things start to look different, and there's plenty beyond just those two parts, those two parts even are modified to their own design in some degree.

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Eternal Damnation Interview With Soham Jaiswal, CEO, SD Games

Recently Gareth at Skewed and Reviewed spoke with Soham Jaiswal, CEO, SD Games about the pending Eternal Damnation game. The game is a hybrid of RPG and RTS and cast players as a Spider.


Take-Two CEO Doesn’t Think AI Will Reduce Employment or Dev Costs; “Stupidest Thing” He’s Heard

Take-Two CEO Strauss Zelnick doesn't think AI will reduce employment or lower development costs, and calls it "stupidest thing" he's ever heard.

lodossrage6d ago (Edited 6d ago )

They already have AI trained to do coding.......

How he thinks it's stupid is beyond me, Especially since we see it happening in real time.

CS75d ago

Company A has 300 employees and lays of 200 to replace them with AI to release the same quality game.

Company B has 300 employees and keeps all 300 but instead uses AI to release a game with dramatically larger scale, scope, complexity, short dev cycle etc.

Company B would release a dramatically better product by using humans + AI and consumers would buy the better game.

I actually agree with this concept.

Huey_My_D_Long5d ago (Edited 5d ago )

This is key facet. Its how the AI is used. It's actually is impressive as is and really would make an amazing addition to alot of people in their jobs, not just tech. It also has the potential for businesses to use to lay off large amounts of people, as much as they could to save money on labor. I hope too many companies don't go with the latter. But since usually companies are worried about bottom line over people...we will see some try and hopefully fail. But yeah, if its to help workers like in your company B scenario I'm totally down...Just scared Company A may be too enticing to some ceos and businesses.

Darkegg5d ago

Value of AI and value of humans will both be increased with human-AI complex. Each, by themselves, will not be independently better than the other. Whether AI will ever be independent from humans is the fear question of humans, ironically because of our doing. At this stage, most of the doing is because of humans, not because of AI. AI is doing exactly that by our design, until we have failed ourselves with an AI development that went awry. The biggest take is that humans have only ourselves to blame when things become wrong, and we have to decide what is the ultimate goal with AI we want to accomplish. It would take a person with high morals and high ethics to make right of AI. I would not want businessman to decide what AI should do or what capabilities it can have. AI should be in the hands of people with high moral fiber, or those operating on love, kindness, and compassion.

BlackOni5d ago

AI is SUPPOSED to be used as a tool, not a replacement. It's designed to do two important things artists can take advantage of immediately.

- Make the ideation/reference imaging process much quicker and easier (basically using it as a google search)
- Make mundane and time consuming tasks faster and easier so more time is spent on creation.

Unfortunately, what many have done is used it as a way to replace rather than supplement.

Einhander19725d ago (Edited 5d ago )


In the ideal world yes.

In the real world where companies have shown little desire to innovate and spent every effort to maximize profits the end result will be the same quality games (if were lucky) made by less people and more AI.

Company Real World: Fires 200 people and makes the same game cheaper using AI and the executives get record bonuses.


Lets look at history, specifically auto manufacturing.

In the 70's and 80's the auto unions tried to oppose automation of jobs (robots) stating that they would take peoples jobs. And the people in charge who wanted to make more money said the exact same types of things that are being said about AI. But we can look at history and see that countless types of jobs were in fact replaced by automation, that was of course even compounded upon by computers.

The net effect was that the rich got richer less jobs were needed so wages were forced down by competition for the jobs that were left.

hombreacabado4d ago

that concept works in the initial beginning phase of AI but once AI learns and surpasses the knowledge and coding expertise of even the best human employee than this CEO will no longer need competent humans in that line of work.

Extermin8or3_4d ago


Yes but that is a choice then by massively increased productivity and this greater income and wealth and stagnating with similar levels of productivity and output and not creating much wealth. Usually the option that creates wealth prevails because a rising tide raises all ships.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 4d ago
Number1TailzFan5d ago

You can already make your own SFX with text prompts now as well, of course it will lower development cost and time

1Victor5d ago (Edited 5d ago )

Sure Strauss and robots didn’t take jobs from car factories.
Edit:Sad thing is he believes it and unfortunately he won’t be replaced for a long time by AI

senorfartcushion5d ago (Edited 5d ago )

He doesn't, he's just lying. These people lay people off so they can get bonuses. If AI takes jobs, their bonus goes bigger and the workforce goes smaller.

porkChop5d ago

Because he sees AI as a tool to aid development. He wants to use AI to help make bigger and better games in the same timeframe. Other CEOs want to replace devs with AI to cut costs and make lifeless games faster for a quick buck. Strauss has the right idea, this is how AI should be used. To extend and expand the capabilities of devs.

neutralgamer19924d ago

There will be few companies who will go overboard and try to replace their employees with AI tech. The ones that will make the most money will be the ones that utilize ai, along with their employee talent, to make the best product possible

AI could handle some of the most time consuming processes. To expediate the development, so in return, costing the publisher's last money end time.

Extermin8or3_4d ago

Not reliably they haven't. Coding done by ai is generally abysmal for all but the most generic tasks.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 4d ago
jambola6d ago

Ceo says stupid thing
Part 5837384

Zeref5d ago (Edited 5d ago )

I think maybe sometimes we give people in these positions too much credit when it comes to intelligence.

DarXyde5d ago

I think you mean candor, not intelligence.

If you take him to mean what he's saying at face value, sure.

I don't. And I think he's clearly lying.

romulus235d ago

As long as it doesn't effect his inflated executive salary or his ridiculous bonuses I'm sure he's fine with it.

RNTody5d ago

Hahaha yeah trust the CEO suit over the actual developers making the games. Good one.

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