
The Witcher and Assassins Creed Devs Talk About How Breath of the Wild Will Change Open World Games

We deconstruct the key lessons for developers with the help of Assassin's Creed and The Witcher designers

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thekhurg2540d ago (Edited 2540d ago )

Umm I know studios like to be nice to each other and all but BotW did nothing new compared to Witcher 3. It didn't do anything better than it either and took several steps back in key areas of gameplay.

Jon615862540d ago

Exactly. I feel as if when Nintendo does something it is praised as the second coming even it something that has been done for years.

2540d ago Replies(6)
Sirk7x2540d ago

I suppose developers are all lying then when they say that BoTW has given them inspiration, and that the game design is brilliant. They're all just saying it for no reason at all but to circle jerk, right?

-Foxtrot2540d ago

Pretty much a circle jerk.

If it wasn't called Zelda or done by Nintendo develops wouldn't be saying shit

The 10th Rider2540d ago (Edited 2540d ago )

Now we're supposed to believe it's not just reviewers that are biased, it's all the other developers praising the game?

The people making those claims can't provide a single shred of evidence that what they say is true. Breath of the Wild shattered the record for the most perfect scores awarded. Apparently it hasn't occured to the people screaming bias that they themselves are the ones biased against Nintendo, which is the more likely scenario considering the near universal praise the game has gotten. Even reviewers like Angry Joe, who doesn't play Zelda games, heaped praise towards the game.

Imalwaysright2540d ago (Edited 2540d ago )

The 10th Rider

He can't prove anything. That foxtrot guy is the one that is biased as he was for some reason downplaying the scores the game was getting even before playing it. Now he wants us to trust him and wants us to believe that these developers are lying as if they had any reason to lie whatsoever.

thekhurg2540d ago (Edited 2540d ago )

Developers are always praising studios for their work. Zelda didn't bring anything revolutionary to the table.

If it was the exact same game just not by Nintendo and not with the Zelda name it would have just been another standard open world game with an annoying inventory micro-management issue and shallow on the story side. It would also have been criticized for its lack of 100% voice over as well. But Nintendo gets a pass on that.

Imalwaysright2540d ago (Edited 2540d ago )


A pass? These developers are giving the game a pass? For what reason and what did they say that wasn't accurate about the game?

" Zelda name it would have just been another standard open world game"

Really? Where are those open world games with a physics system even comparable with Zelda? Where are those open world games in where each object has a logic based reaction when you interact with them which adds a somewhat realistic feel to them? Where are those open world games with as much interactivity as Zelda? Where are those open world games that allow you to experiment? What other open world game offers the same experience as Zelda?

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2540d ago
2540d ago Replies(2)
_LarZen_2540d ago

If you dont think BotW did nothing new compared to the Witcher 3 or any open world games. Then you clearly have not played BotW.

thekhurg2540d ago

Oh it did new stuff. Having an annoying inventory micro-management addition was a huge one. By nothing else in the game stood out beyond any of the other great open world games I've played.

Big_Game_Hunters2540d ago

Witcher 3's game play is the only bad aspect of the game. what are these " Key Areas of game play" you are referring to?

Maybay2540d ago

Did you read the article? "Developers the ones stating this," not bias members on a gaming website.


Play the game, then go and play other open world games. If you can't find at least 3 things BOTW does different, then you simply don't care or are bias.

DanteVFenris6662539d ago

It's sad that fanboys would rather not be gamers and disvalue a game because it's not on their console of choice

Istolla2539d ago

Should I take your word for it or actual developers. Hmmm.... Tough decision.

DrumBeat2539d ago

Please don't put Breath of The Wild and Witcher 3 in the same sentence. Makes Witcher 3 look bad.

iplay1up22538d ago

Uh, not. The Witcher 3 is amazing, but BOTW is way different, it really is an open adventure for you to explore.

+ Show (8) more repliesLast reply 2536d ago
Munnkyman2540d ago

The devs in the article are saying that you explore botw because you want to just explore it, not because something is indicating you to go somewhere. That is super hard to achieve that.

Aenea2540d ago

Nonsense I've spent hours of exploring in The Witcher 3 and Horizon Zero Dawn for instance while avoiding continuing the story. It literally is nothing new. The easy climbing is neat tho, so are other things and it's a lively game, just started it recently, but I don't feel it's groundbreaking at all.

Aenea2540d ago


I hate you can't edit simple typos like that anymore....

Munnkyman2540d ago

This is base on my experience with the game. I love it and truly had a great time with it and keep going back for more, I just have a lot of fun with it. I have never play horizon but with witcher 3 I got really bored with it. And played the game more like a chore since I spent money on it. Just a personal opinion.

DanteVFenris6662539d ago (Edited 2539d ago )

I took your comment seriously until you mentioned horizon. Theirs literally nothing in the game world too explore? So all your exploring is moot and not rewarding or rewarded.

Zelda trashes horizon in that aspect completley

Your talking from a perspective who hasn't played. Play the game and what people are saying will make more sense

Aenea2539d ago


Have you played Horizon? I have, and loved to get to places where seemingly nothing is left to do, the views were usually amazing as well.

As for Zelda, don't be foolish, I'm not speaking from a perspective of never having played it, I am currently playing it, I like it, I like it a lot, but it doesn't do anything really new, just combines a lot of things and does it really well, which incidentally is exactly what people say about Horizon as well.

You say that in Zelda your exploring is rewarded, is it really tho? Another Korok seed? What else is there as a reward, I haven't seen any yet and honestly, past few days I've had trouble returning to it, it's just running around, discovering and 'solving' shrines, grab more weapons, kill some of the same enemies you've seen before, grab even more weapons, drop the ones that are breaking, oh look a Korok seed, etc., etc. It's becoming stale to me at the moment. To be fair I think I skipped a lot of things and areas so I bought the strategy book a few days ago. Will give it another go today and see if I'm missing things in the game...

So far tho, I had a lot more fun with Horizon, Horizon got my blood pumping at times, I also couldn't put it down which I can't see I have the same with Zelda. I will keep going, am hoping I will eventually see the brilliance and that I can't put it down either.

Maybe people are just different? Dunno...

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2539d ago
-Foxtrot2540d ago

Every open world game when people start out they explore themselves to check the world out it's nothing new...jeez

Movefasta19932540d ago

Elderscrolls and fallout games from last gen spring to mind

DanteVFenris6662539d ago

Maybe play the game unstead of making a fool out of yourself.

You think those developers are stupid and don't know that? You think the players and critics are?

It's the way Zelda is designed to perfection that makes it so much supieriour.

Dan_scruggs2539d ago

Well it would be a positive Nintendo article without a pissy comment form Foxtwat

rainslacker2539d ago (Edited 2539d ago )

Seems kind of subjective to me. Would highly depend on if what was worth exploring was of interest to the player themselves. I imagine for any given open world game, one could find one boring and one great in this area, while another player could feel the exact opposite for the same games.

It doesn't make Zelda revolutionary, because I have played open world games where I just feel like exploring for the heck of it and go off the track from the game itself. In fact, this is why I tend to get bored with good open world games, because I spend too much time exploring things that interest me, and not much time following the story, so I always feel that the story isn't all that urgent.

Sometimes, just to get through an open world game I actually have to force myself to go back to the story.

I have spent countless hours just wondering around in games like WOW exploring, and that's a pretty open world game....that does set some content limits of course.

Can't speak on where I stand on Zelda at the moment though. Still muddling my way through Horizon because I keep going off track to wonder around with no real purpose. BOTW is on my to do list soon after I finish that game up. Maybe with Nier between them.:)

WeAreLegion2540d ago

So, Zelda finally catches up with RPG's from a decade ago and this stuff happens? This is absolutely insane.

OtakuDJK1NG-Rory2540d ago

The first Zelda did this. Zelda BotW just took every Zelda did in the past and make one big thing.

Uken122540d ago

OtakuDJK1NG is right. Why are you hating on Zelda when so many have created elements in gaming that almost every game has taken from.
The development team of BotW clearly stated that Elder Scrolls games and the like were an inspiration. Nothing wrong with other developers taking cues from BotW and incorporating them into their games.

Deep-throat2539d ago

You clearly didn't play any Zelda game before. Enjoy your Ubisoft clone with its blind AI.

joab7772540d ago

Love the idea of being able to make my way anywhere. Though Zelda has boundaries too. But for games like Horizon, Id prefer a realistic way of climbing mountains, which it seems to have. Just scaling a flat surface with your hands may work in Zelda but not in TW etc. You could pretty much go anywhere in that game too.

As far as the physics. Hope to see it in Mario, and something like it in more realistic games, but with a sense of dynamic gameplay.

DanteVFenris6662539d ago

Well horizons climbing isn't realistic

InTheLab2540d ago

I disagree with the majority of this with exception to the environment and physics. There is no real reason to explore in Zelda as your reward will be the same thing it's been since you first emerged from awakening. Shotty Styrofoam weapons, seeds, and shrines....and maybe some clothing that defies the logic of breakable equipment in the game because thread and chainmail are both stronger than steel unless the steel is armor ?

I sure as he'll hope more devs pick up on the physics and survival aspect of it at toss the story telling, half assed voice acting, terrible combat, broken AI, boring quests, non existent dungeons, pointless fetching, etc.

DanteVFenris6662539d ago (Edited 2539d ago )

Another person who has a negetive bias for a game he hasn't played

Most of your critics plainly don't exist

InTheLab2537d ago

Easier to say I haven't played the game than address my issues?

Tell me...does it make sense that weapons break so easily but armor doesn't? Are tailors more skilled than blacksmiths?

Are shrines really a good addition to Zelda instead of dungeons?

Outside of Lynals and guardian bosses... is the combat Good? Or painfully mediocre? Can I toggle through targets to take on larger threats? Why isnt my stamina affected by combat? I can swing an uncharged attacked indefinately but jumping up a ladder tires me out?

I get it though. Most critics loved this game and could look past the nonsense but I couldn't. I've played maybe 20 hours of the game and I just don't like it.

DanteVFenris6662537d ago


Completley makes sense. Armour is wa harder to obtain and is upgradable. Why would you want to lose hours of work? This is a game not real life.

Shrines are a fantastic idea for the open world format.

That's a bad argument. Why would you want your sword to take stamina?!? It wasn't designed as so and there is too many enemies you face. This isn't bloodborne some enemies take dozens of swings just for a regular for.

None of that is nonsense. All of those flaws are actually good design decisions

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Ubisoft say AC Shadows protagonists will be "romantically attracted to different types of people"

Ubisoft recently shared more details about Assassin's Creed Shadows protagonists, confirming that both of them will romantically attract and be attracted to different types of people.

Hugodastrevas17h ago

That should please everyone I'm sure...

RpgSama2h ago(Edited 2h ago)

Feudal Japan DEI LGBTQ+ Samurai, sounds very accurate for the time period. Surely a decision made only with historical accuracy in mind.

Crows902h ago

Or even modern day accuracy.....

Lexreborn22h ago

You have no idea what you are talking about, bet you didn’t know nobunaga was bi-sexual. Or ran maru his is often depicted as androgynous was a “beautiful boy”.

So yeah, feudal Japan had tons of lgbtq and kawaii enough… A BLACK SAMURAI! All without the need of offending a Caucasian because the world is diverse.

VenomUK1h ago(Edited 1h ago)

This story has cracked me up so much! Bravo Ubisoft, bravo! 🤣. So last week everyone was upset that in the long-awaited first Assassin’s Creed: Japan game the protagonist is black. But NOW he is also LGBTQ+ ! It’s like the Ubisoft creative team sat around a table and said “How can we best impress our Kotaku/IGN/Polygon friends and antagonise gamers? Let’s make it woke x 100!’ And then they all silent clapped!

Just you wait until the Star Wars: Outlaws details come out, there better not be anybody complaining about Kay Vess’ dating preferences and the gay droid armies.

Christopher51m ago

It actually is.

Japanese were very Greek in their sexual experiences.

lodossrage48m ago

Lexreborn2 is right

Go read up on Japan's feudal era homosexuality and bisexuality was a very common thing in that time.

I just have to laugh because the same people complaining about this are the same ones crying about wanting "historical accuracy". When it's clear most of the whiners don't even know history themselves.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 48m ago
CrimsonWing693h ago

Geezus, just make a good game… holy sh*t this is becoming insufferable.

Crows902h ago

Oh yeah!!!! What about being inclusive???

I'm sorry
..please replace the word inclusive with stupid.

Hofstaderman1h ago

You asking UbiSoft to make a good game? This is not 2002.

Hofstaderman1h ago

I take my hat off to you good sir. Brilliant.

Laskin54m ago

Thanks… I was originally going to write Samu-Bi but then I realized it was right there already so it works better

darthv722h ago

Is that genuinely a selling point for people?

RpgSama2h ago(Edited 2h ago)

They sure as hell want to see if it is, time and time and time again.

VincentVanBro2h ago

You have to understand they’re incapable of writing a good story so this is the best they could come up with

Show all comments (29)

Unannounced Valve 6v6 Shooter MOBA Footage Leaked

ESTNN writes: "A leak for Valve's 6v6 3rd-person shooter MOBA has supposedly been released ahead of time. And if the reports are true, fans of the genre have much to be excited for."

XiNatsuDragnel1d 11h ago

Deadlock looks like bioshock and Moba had babies

JunonZanon2h ago

Valve really cannot count to 3.

Number1TailzFan1h ago

They should've had a new L4D like 10 years ago, it can be expanded upon a lot more but they just left it collecting dust.. it was a good game for its time but L4D2 doesn't have nearly enough content these days to keep players engaged, and it needs a serious graphics upgrade

mastershredder15m ago

Nice bend at the knee there Gabe. Seriously? A quirky character arena shooter? This late into the me-too-shooter market? I thought you guys were so much better than that crap. Gabe must need a bigger yacht.


Limited Run Games: There's Still Demand For Physical Media, But Not In "Traditional Way"

Limited Run Games believes that more companies will start selling a limited number of physical media in a decade.

CrimsonWing697h ago(Edited 6h ago)

Like a vocal minority demand?

On PS5 alone the digital sales made up 77% of all game sales in 2024.


Also, I despise f*ckin limited run games because they will extort people that want a physical version by marking up the prices almost 100% so they make more. So a game digitally that’s $30 you can expect it to be $60 on LRG and don’t even get me started on the collectors edition prices… it’s borderline highway robbery.

Jingsing6h ago(Edited 6h ago)

Yeah and other quarters it is 63% and sometimes lower than that, the split goes up and down so it isn't quite the digital domination you are trying to paint. I suspect given all that has been going on the past couple of years with digital and subscriptions people might start having a change of heart and tip the balance back.

CrimsonWing696h ago

No, it is quite the domination that I’m painting it out to be. Otherwise we wouldn’t be hearing how stores out struggling or seeing the removal of physical media flat out.

Please show me the quarter where physical sales beat out digital please. I would like to stand corrected.

darthv726h ago

I've never liked their practice of taking someone elses work and putting their own spin on it. Glorified bootleggers is what they are. Peddling their reproductions at more than full value of the original.

CrimsonWing695h ago

Kinda of crazy about their burned disc scam for 3DO games.

shinoff21834h ago

You do know the developers sign up for it and get paid. Believe it's a 70 percent developer and 30 percent limited run games. How are they bootlegging. They also go through Sony so it's all legit

TiredGamer3h ago

At the end of the day, they are providing a service that others don't. You can moan about it all you want, but the reality is that without them, very few niche games would get a physical release. It's niche and they don't get the benefit of large volume manufacturing and sales.

They are a business; they have many costs. They employ staff, probably pay out benefits, have to invest in capital and property, have to work out licensing and contract agreements, have to come up with design ideas and work with manufacturers, they have to market, and they have to take on risk of inventory. They do it while still providing a service that others are willing to pay for. Sounds like a success story to me.

shinoff21834h ago

Those numbers are fabricated as fk though.

Say there's 1000s games and only 200 are available physically. Of course digital will be higher.

CrimsonWing693h ago(Edited 3h ago)

what are you even going on about?

What is being fabricated as “fk” with and I quote, “ Sony's fiscal report for the year ending March 2024, less PlayStation owners are buying boxed PS5 games that ever before. PS5 and PS4 physical sales in 2024 now only account for 30% of all PlayStation games sold as players continue to invest more in their digital game collections. Plus, with the release of the new PS5 Slim with its optional disk drive, we might see even more players buying the best PS5 games digitally.”

Help me with the mental gymnastics on how the numbers are fabricated in a fiscal financial report…

And regardless of the number of games even your point still shows how digital is selling more than physical. Like, what is even happening here?

A physical media distributor is even saying the landscape is changing in this very article. I don’t even know how this is up for debate. What will be apparent is “fk’s” like LRG will charge you way above the MSRP for physical games.

MetroidFREAK216h ago

I'll continue to buy physical games until my last day as a gamer

Skuletor5h ago

I still have a physical copy of The Crew, lol.

MetroidFREAK215h ago

I have Exoprimal and Helldivers 2 physically so I feel you on that

SonyStyled1h ago

I have 4 sealed first release copies of Class of Hero’s 2g on PS3 from Monkey Paw. The only way they’d be printed is if you placed an order, so it was a publishing run by number of orders. Their shipping date was delayed a couple months due to some publishing issue from Sony at the time. Monkey Paw ended up making another run or two of the games publication after the first