
Nintendo Tells Square "Never Come Back" After Fallout Over Final Fantasy VII

At one point in time, Nintendo and Square were synonymous in the video game industry. Square had released many of their biggest RPG hits on the Super NES like Final Fantasy VI (or III in the US) and Chrono Trigger. Square was loyal to the Big N in the early to mid 90s until Final Fantasy VII came along.

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naruga2693d ago (Edited 2693d ago )

...and future justified the instincts of Square ...now Ninty is on the risk of getting out of hardware business denying to be more open and evolve while Square materialized a nearly mythic game which people cry to see a remake and is doing fine

Neonridr2693d ago

risk of bankruptcy? Please tell me you are joking... They have billions in the bank.

there are rumours that the remake will be on Switch too.

_-EDMIX-_2692d ago

I don't think they're at risk of bankruptcy but I don't think you understand how much money it actually costs to roll out a platform that fails...

They actually for a fact financially cannot afford to continue having feeling platforms literally this platform and possibly one more could possibly literally bankrupt this company more than you actually realize.

You're talking about money in research and development and marketing and in game development that they never actually get back if the platform fails

DarkZane2692d ago


People can come up with all the stupid rumors they want, but it doesn't change the fact that Sony published the original, which means it's gonna be PS4 console exclusive forever because you can't remake something without anyone involved in the original being on board.

Plus even if they could release it on another platform, the Xbox One won't get it because it won't sell and the Switch is already confirmed to be a lot weaker than the xbox one and PS4, thus wouldn't be able to run the game.

hellothere19772692d ago


funny how you quip about neon not understanding something. you have any idea how much money is generated with just ONE BILLION dollars of cash nintendo currently sits on? do you? it's a sh!tload per annum. their R&D staff are made up of regular employees they have on bankroll at any given time. they aren't like Apple where their money is put in a bottomless sink hole to develop advance future cutting edge tech. you can see that in their consoles. nintendo is successful and will remain SOLVENT pretty much forever, because they arent stupid to bleed money with risky ventures.

why do you think there is a constant shortage of nintendo games/consoles/merchandise??? it's because they only produce a safe number of items to realistically sell and not lose money. you peopke complain about shortages and nintendo "doesn't know what they are doing...blah blah blah. if they did things the way many of you idiots suggest, they would end up like THQ and their millions of unsold peripherals (which incidently help bankrupt the company,) or the countless other studios shutting down because of poor financial decisions and risky/expensive game developments.

please, for the love of allah, go take a few courses in business before opening your mouth.

Armyntt2692d ago

What is nintendos overhead? And all operating costs? Whats their margins? Same could go for Sony and Xbox(not ms as a whole). There is more to the balance sheet than any dollar amount. I don't think people realize how close to folding all these game divisions are to bankruptcy. Not necessarily anytime soon but literally one or two big hardware fails from any of the big three could bankrupt them. I'm not posting links to prove a point, if u care to disagree google is your friend and will point you in the right direction.

kowan2692d ago

Nintendo is doing fine but FF7 remake on the Switch? Now that's even more ridiculous than Nintendo going bankrupt.

BlackTar1872692d ago


Where did you hear this rumor?

ABizzel12692d ago

Just because you have plenty of money, does not mean you can't file bankruptcy. Filing Bankruptcy allows you to discard or make proper payments towards debts. It doesn't mean you don't have any money and you're broke.

A business or corporation does so to liquidize or reorganize the company without incurring more losses in the process.

Which fits Nintendo's position perfectly if the Switch turns out the flop like the Wii U (which I seriously doubt will happen).

BROKE does not mean BANKRUPT

Sunny_D2692d ago


That isn't how that works. The trailer of FF7 remake already said it "coming to PS4 first" implying that it will come to other platforms. Also, the original FF7 came out on the PC before as well.

Angeljuice2692d ago (Edited 2692d ago )


You are aware that Apple is THE most profitable company in the world aren't you?
That is profit, not turnover.

To say that Nintendo doesn't do business like Apple isn't a complement at all. Every company wants to be as profitable as possible and Apple leads the World in that respect.

Your comment is naive to say the least.

" please, for the love of allah, go take a few courses in business before opening your mouth."
I suggest you practice what you preach.

_-EDMIX-_2692d ago (Edited 2692d ago )

@hell- it can literally cost a billion dollars to roll out a new platform.

You have to add up the cost of research and development and marketing on top of all the games that are in development on top of all the marketing for those games that are even coming at launch.

Now if that platform fails you're not going to get that money back...

Now something like Horizon zero Dawn begin development in 2011 which actually means that Sony was already paying for something regarding the PlayStation 4 before its Public Announcement.

Nintendo believed that they were going to sell 100 million wii u which also leads me to believe that they had a bunch of games in development with the expectation that the platform was going to be successful enough to justify the cost.

You just need to know a little bit about business to understand how this company could go bankrupt if you realize that they're spending lots of money to roll out Hardware that has to be successful for them to meet a respectable return.

I don't think the Wii U gave them that respectable return if you factor in we don't even know just how many games might have been cancelled or repurposed to go on other platforms like 3DS or switch after its failure.

Like I said they believed they were going to sell 100 million which tells me that they also probably invested in lots of marketing and development of titles with the expectation that they would make a return with a 100 .

The reason why I talk about business on here so often is because I actually own a small business lol

Now I don't think this company is going to go bankrupt because I believe the switch is probably going to do pretty good for them but in the respect that the switch doesn't I still don't see them going bankrupt because I believe they're smart enough company to avoid creating Hardware again if they realize they could not get a respectable return.

I believe that in the event of the switches failure they're more likely to go multi-platform and as a software company only.

Like I said before Sony started paying for development of PlayStation 4 games as soon as 2011 with Horizon zero Dawn....

Now PlayStation 3 did not sell 100 million units, the Nintendo Wii did so how many games do you think Nintendo had in development years prior to the Wii U with the expectation it was going to move 100 million units?

joab7772692d ago

That's the sad part too. They are sitting on so much cash, and yet many of their moves do not back their supporters. People can disagree, but I am NOT happy about the WiiU and how it was handled at all! Now they expect all of us who supported them to just turn around and trust them again and buy a Switch because they are Nintendo.

Listen, Nintendo is a big part of my life, but they are shady like the rest. Look at how the PlayStation came to be and they are mad at Square lol?

bluefox7552692d ago

They may not be at direct risk, but they're certainly not untouchable like they used to be. Another major hardware flop would definitely hurt them bad.

2692d ago
Kenshin_BATT0USAI2692d ago

Doesn't matter, if Switch fails investors will want to

A) Cash Out,
B) Go mobile software only.

Kleptic2691d ago (Edited 2691d ago )

@Shin -

A cash asset balance is different than net income, comprehensive income / overall profits, etc.. There are 1000's of reasons for diminishing asset balances even while being profitable. Nintendo was profitable through both 2015 and 2016, despite the Wii U's unanimous crappiness. And overall company financial position (the entirety of the balance sheet) was steady.

Just saying, you can't look at a cash balance and remotely see the whole picture. Liquidity is considerably down right now (probably because of Switch related aspects)...but, it's pretty common for investors of electronics/tech companies to look at extremely high cash asset balances as lazy, meaning it looks worse when an electronic company ends a period with a pot of cash instead of having it invested into something. This specific case is most likely, like mentioned, related to heavy investment into the Switch occurring within those periods.

but even as the Wii U slipped deeper into irrelevance, Nintendo profited more in 2016 than 2015. The issue many are running with is simply that those 2016 profits were considerably under forecasts a year or two ago, as the Wii U flopping this hard was not expected.

The primary thing with this discussion is some people struggling to separate an overall company from a specific product they offer. The Wii U was/is a disaster. Nintendo, as a brand, is as strong as ever. Nintendo could potentially reach a period of insolvency (i.e. consideration of bankruptcy), but almost every creditor would accept it as short term, and adjust claims as needed (i.e. preventing Nintendo from entering bankruptcy). All I mean is, Nintendo isn't at any real risk, pokemon go and that explosion reassures any creditor that they have a hold in multiple markets. I don't know if it's a situation of people not understanding what bankruptcy is (some got it right, it doesn't mean you're 'broke'), or not understanding the flexibility incorporated to certain degrees when a guaranteed entity has a few hiccups.

indysurfn2691d ago (Edited 2691d ago )

Can't deny Neonridr is right about the money. And last time I checked Square Enix was the only one of the two to get in financial trouble. They almost kicked the bucket over that movie. Nintendo has NEVER dropped below the million...NO BILLIONS cash on hand, and in free cash flow.

Of all the firms that could really spend on losing on the cost of hardware it would be Nintendo. Because Microsoft even though they have more money are not welling to risk losing as much on the video game sector now that they are a major player.

+ Show (14) more repliesLast reply 2691d ago
EddieNX 2693d ago (Edited 2693d ago )

Since that fallout Nintendo has seen massive success as well as a few hiccups. Remember the GBA, the Wii,DS,3DS ? Haters always focus on the negatives. Nintendo has been doing well in terms of software sales and the handheld market.

Omnislashver362692d ago

Yeah but Wii wasn't a success among gamers, it was a fluke success among physical therapists and soccer moms. Their success wouldn't have carried on for Square-Enix...

_-EDMIX-_2692d ago

Business has everything to do with "what have you done for me lately?"

So the success of the Wii is not going to do anything to someone like square if they're unable to produce a game on that platform that actually entices the fan base in regards to the Final Fantasy fans.

That is no different than the situation regarding the PlayStation 1 and the N64 you're basically asking this company to allow their position in the market to be taken over by one of their competitors freely on the PlayStation 3 and 360.

Now that the Wii U failed, what would Square Enix be doing if they really made a Final Fantasy on the Wii? They would basically be screwed because the PlayStation 3 in 360 generation very likely would have had a J RPG that was looking to fill the void of Final Fantasy fans that actually wanted a quality Final Fantasy game.

That is actually why many companies will not side with specific console manufacturers simply based on sales because they also don't want to compromise their position in the market.

The Wii was amazing for one generation what does that do for Square Enix a long-term if they've basically abandoned with the PlayStation 4 and Xbox one generation ,a generation ago?

How do you know that during the PlayStation 3 and 360 generation several Japanese companies could have came forward and fill the void that squaresoft left when they decided to make a final fantasy for the Wii?

Sooooo no.

You might see those platforms as successes for Nintendo but I don't think third parties want to leave their specific markets based on fads.

Where are those ds sales? Where are those wii sales?

So how does that help Square Enix in 2017?

If you really want to help Square Enix you also have to provide Square Enix with what they need to still remain competitive in the market which actually means they need to have the hardware to allow Square Enix to still compete against their competitors I don't really think Square Enix is going to be all too pleased to be releasing a PlayStation 2 looking game on the Wii while their competitors are releasing these amazing life like looking graphics.

I'm sorry but Nintendo cannot guarantee Square Enix longevity in regards to success they can't even provide that for themselves.

Wii and DS sales are not Wii u and 3DS's sales.

PlayStation and Xbox are more consistently successful and powerful enough to meet their needs to stay the best in their Market

dillydadally2692d ago

@OmnislashVer36 What gamer didn't have a Wii?

Deadpooled2692d ago


I wouldn't say the wii 'wasn't a success among gamers', some of the best games of the generation were on the wii such as the absolutely superb best ever Mario game/series imo Super Mario Galaxy 1 and 2 (the second is one of the best games I have ever played).

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2692d ago
Dan_scruggs2692d ago (Edited 2692d ago )

It immediately lets me know the intelligence level of someone who assumes Nintendo is on the verge of bankruptcy/leaving the hardware business/dying (pick one). But much like a Trump voter you can believe what you want.

yeahokwhatever2692d ago

Actually, people like you are the reason Trump won. That said, the main reason he won is because Hillary Clinton. Anyways, back to video games.. The Wii U did pretty bad, but to think that means Nintendo as a whole is failing is pretty lame for sure.

2692d ago Replies(3)
3-4-52692d ago

* Nintendo has enough cash reserves to fail the next two gens in a row and still have enough money to be fine.

Stop these wishful lies.

Huguinho2692d ago

Square did came back to ninty after the final fantasy vii thing, wtf are you talking about sonytard?

2692d ago
DarXyde2692d ago

Are you actually suggesting that Square has justified instincts? Let's not have a conversation about Square's "instincts".

Kenshin_BATT0USAI2692d ago (Edited 2692d ago )

whoops wrong person.

LAWSON722692d ago

Oh man, you must have missed the decade long hatred for Square. Besides the small turn around the past couple of years the only big games square was pumping out were those eidos and big western ips/devs they bought. Square has only been fine the last year or two. Ask yourself is a company that can only get that much buzz from a remake of an old game that fine? I assure you can only milk that cow so long, and they know this and are doing a good job now at making games.

dillydadally2692d ago (Edited 2692d ago )

Actually, I'd personally say it's the other way around. Square is a shadow of its former self when it comes to game design. I can't remember the last Square developed game that I thought was as good or well made as a Nintendo Exclusive. Maybe FFX? I think Nintendo gets a bad rap, but they're still making great games.

+ Show (8) more repliesLast reply 2691d ago
darthv722693d ago

Nice little throwback read. They forgot to close it with, eventually Square came back to nintendo in force with all sorts of games for the DS, 3DS and Wii / U. There is likely to be some switch games as well so obviously the two put aside their differences.

Like the saying goes, time heals all wounds.

Neonridr2693d ago

yep. This story along with the SNES-CD addon which would eventually become the Playstation are two of those what-if moments in history that make you wonder what would could have been had things played out differently.

gangsta_red2692d ago

In an alternate universe the SNES-CD and the Dreamcast 2 are still battling it out.

sk8ofmnd2692d ago

Sony and nintendo would have had a monopoly on gaming. For selfiah reasons i think id love that but theoretically it could have been bad with 2 conmpanies becoming 1 slaying all competition. As much as i dislike ms they have brought some great things to the medium.

pcz2692d ago

crap read.

''Nintendo Tells Square "Never Come Back" After Fallout Over Final Fantasy VII''

using present tense when talking about something that happened 20+ years ago.

TheCommentator2692d ago

They also forgot to close it with, "If Sony wasn't so greedy when developing the Play Station with Nintendo that they insisted upon owning all IP published on their CD drive, none of this would have even mattered."

Shinox2692d ago

Square Enix is way too dumb to even let them have Cloud Strife for Smash Bros to begin with , how can they be so cocky and ungrateful when they have done the impossible .. i mean Cloud Strife being in SSB for crying out loud , he was supposed to be on All-Stars but he wasn't .. and all that in favor for Nintendo

franwex2692d ago

Well he's there, get over it. Smash bros are actually good games. Maybe square doesn't mind having one ir their most recognized characters in an actual good game?

Ravenor2692d ago (Edited 2692d ago )

SSB>All Stars

EDMIX below knows what's up.

sk8ofmnd2692d ago

3Rd partys > all nintendo 1st partys.

Ravenor2692d ago


How's The Order and LBP3 working out for you?

jaycptza2692d ago

sicne we playing this game PC>PS4>XboxOne> Switch

kayoss2692d ago

When did The Order and LBP3 become 3rd parties?

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2692d ago
Featuring_Dante2692d ago

nintendo is a sinking ship!
Square realized this 20 years ago!

quent2692d ago

Is that why they took money from M$, who's the bigger sinking ship ?

sk8ofmnd2692d ago

I would say nintendo. Ms has yet to have a failed console.

Featuring_Dante2692d ago

you're comparing apples to oranges!

franwex2692d ago

Well as the article pointed it out. Nintendo does what it wants. They wont listen to developers or even fans. They make systems for their own needs. It gets them in trouble at times too.

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Resident Evil Zero and Code Veronica Remakes are reportedly in the works, not Resident Evil 1

Industry insider Dusk Golem reveals that there is no Resident Evil 1 Remake in the works. Instead, Capcom are reportedly in active development of Resident Evil Zero and Code Veronica.

-Foxtrot1d 3h ago

RE Zero would be better to do first over RE1 because they can tie the story into RE1 more.

The original RE Remake was weird because Rebecca never mentioned anything about what happened in Zero and it felt so disjointed because Zero was developed during the Remake and they clearly didn't share any notes with one another.

Cacabunga1h ago

Wise decision. 2 of my favorites!

Knightofelemia1d ago

Give me Dino Crisis dammit Capcom

TGG_overlord6h ago

And all it took was +24 years + a phone call from me lol.

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Hi-Fi Rush Developer Tango Gameworks Was Working On 2 Games Before Studio Closure

Tango Gameworks, the developer behind rhythm-based action game Hi-Fi Rush, had been working on 2 games prior to studio closure.

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H97h ago

That's for people who said that Ninja Theory would not get closed because they are working on a new game

1Victor1h ago

Well Microsoft have to plug the holes somehow to appease their investors 🤷🏿

darthv721h ago

Tango was part of Bethesda, that was their call. Ninja is their own thing, and MS lets them do their own thing. MS may own Bethesda, but they let them make their own decisions.

porkChop1h ago(Edited 1h ago)

That is technically true. I do think Xbox can still come in and make those kinds of decisions if they want to though, but it's true that Bethesda has been running themselves. That's how we ended up with Redfall in the first place.

I wouldn't let Xbox off the hook though because they obviously would have known that Bethesda were shutting them down and let them do it. Xbox could have just moved Tango directly under Xbox Game Studios instead.

darthv721h ago

We can only assume as much since we dont fully know the conditions of their partnership. It may be that Bethesda agreed to the merger under the conditions that they still be allowed some autonomy like making decisions for game releases and studio management. Again, that's just a guess but when i see people try and convey that Ninja Theory is in the same boat as Tango... this is what comes to mind. NT is their own entity, under direct management of MS. Tango was not.


Metal: Hellsinger dev says he is against Game Pass after seeing how it affects sales

Founder of Metal: Hellsinger studio says he wasn't against Game Pass until their game launched on Microsoft's service, which affected game sales.

TheProfessional11h ago(Edited 11h ago)

Why did PS copy gamepass if it's so terrible and unprofitable? PS Now was before gamepass but it was streaming trash that no one had any interest in.

And honestly the way the industry releases overpriced and broken games with day one season passes and dlc who wouldn't want to just pay for a subscription instead of $70 per game?

Only biased PS fans would defend paying more to a corporation rather than an option that's cheaper for the consumer overall. If it's from an indie studio that needs the sales that's different but games published by larger companies are fine on a subscription model. Also any of these devs who complain did decide to put their games on gamepass in thr first place.

ocelot0710h ago

Ahhh yes the typical but but but Sony in a Microsoft article.

When did Sony copy Microsoft? I havent seen Sony's big day one titles such as God of war Ragnarok or GT7? Do you want to know why they are not on the service? Because people are still willing to PAY for the games. Sony has already admitted they lost millions putting Horizon Forbidden West and Ratchet & Clank on PS+ Extra.

"larger companies are fine on a subscription model" Oh really? So why is all the cod games yet to be on it? Where is elden ring? Resident Evil 4 Remake? Street Fighter 6? Boulders Gate 3? Alan Wake 2? Where are they of gamepass is great and big publishers are fine putting newer games on it?

I'll tell you where they are. They are currently still selling for their respected publisher's. You know actually making them money. That money they can use to fund the next project.

who wouldn't want to just pay for a subscription instead of $70 per game?

I'm one of the millions who much rather pay $70 so fully support the publisher. Why do we do this? Well for starters I rather just pay for it rather than keep renting it each month. If we all just kept renting years ago blockbuster would still be around. Secondly, I rather we have AAA titles in 10 years time to enjoy. Rather than play mobile quality crap from a subscription.

Tell me how this is a good thing for gaming going forward. The last time I subbed to Gamepass was October 2023. During that one month subscription I played the newly released Starfield, Forza and a few other titles. All for the cost of about $7. Since then Microsoft have not released anything I want to try out or put anything on GP I want to try. So they last made $7 from me 8 months ago.

In the last 3 months. I have bought Sea of Thieves on PS5 (earning MS more money on that than my 1 month subscription to gamepass). Resident Evil 4 for £20 and Diablo 4 for £25 (again earning MS more buying this than buying a sub). Tell me how it's best for gaming I pay $7 and play the latest and greatest for a month. Rather than just buying what I want even if it means waiting a few months and getting it cheaper than full price yet earning the publisher more than renting said games of a monthly sub.

darthv722h ago

...but didn't this game leave GP and then join PS+?

If a sub service is so bad, why get into another one right away?

Cacabunga1h ago(Edited 1h ago)

Finally devs waking up! More will follow .. reminds me of capcom during PS3,360 era almost going bankrupt they released extremely poor games because Xbox gave them paychecks not to release them on PS3 for as period. Sales were terrible and they went away from that.

Hofstaderman9h ago

Sony has never released new titles day one. They experimented with Forbidden West which was fairly new and quickly discovered that it cannabalized sales. XBOX gamepass was always an act of desperation to remain relevant and in their desperation they effectively dug their grave where today everybody is biding their time for their formerly exclusive titles. In a nutshell GamePass made XBOX not relevant.

Plague-Doctor272h ago

It wasn't desperation. Subscription Models had a very different outlook in 2017 and then with the gaming surge during COVID reaching critical mass seemed more and more possible.

Phil convinced Satya to chase a trend and it hasn't worked out

lellkay8h ago

Literally dev who put game on gamepass:
It's not good

TheProfessional: but but sony but sony

S2Killinit8h ago(Edited 7h ago)

Sony didnt copy MS. MS copied Sony, then MS went on to make xbox a subscription device. Remember that part? Yeah.

MrNinosan7h ago

You're not too bright, right?

First of all, Sony didn't copy Microsoft regarding PS+ and GamePass, which you admit to early in your comment, but with some faults. PSNow was not only streaming.
The mentality at Xbox gamers, is to NOT buy games, because they are used to get it on GamePass, preferbly day 1 like with all Xbox Studios games.

This is not a thing at PS+ and never was.
Sure there was plenty day 1 games on PS+ like, Rocket League, Stray, Sea of Stars, Tchia, Operation Tango etc, but those didn't take away from gamers that it was more like a "bonus" than a "thing".

Playstation gamers buy games, a lot of games and PS+ has been proving to be way better for business than GamePass, both by actually having more subscribers but also no eating up sales.

dveio7h ago(Edited 7h ago)

"Only biased PS fans would defend paying more to a corporation rather than an option that's cheaper for the consumer overall.“

How can you possibly come to this conclusion?

First, you pay for a subscription.

Then download games. But games will eventually leave the service. You will again need to buy them if you want to play them ever again. Or if you cancel your subscription. Right?

Eventhough this may NOT have an effect on every subscriber, this IS in fact the economical motiviation behind the service like GP.

If you are not already paying "double" this way, you pay at a 1.2 or maybe even at a 1.5 ratio eventually than opposed to simply buying the game in the first place.

As I said, this maybe doesn't apply to every subscriber. But this doesn't erase the fact of this business model existing. And possibly keep growing.

It's driving me nuts at times that especially the die hard Xboxers seem not to understand what they are actually cheering for foolishly.

The Wood6h ago

xbots always tryna group...

..they'll never understand or refuse to acknowledge why these two console brands are miles apart. Gamespass isn't the golden egg some would have you believe. Its hit its peak and is nowhere near the demanded target of subs by the purse holders

The Wood6h ago(Edited 6h ago)

xbots always tryna group...

..they'll never understand or refuse to acknowledge why these two console brands are miles apart. Gamespass isn't the golden egg some would have you believe. Its hit its peak and is nowhere near the demanded target of subs by the purse holders. on top of that it seems more devs on top of the devs that have shunned the service are not seeing the value of subs vs actual sales. Sell first, sub later works better than sub off the bat. MSGaming has a major sea change decision to make regarding COD. Do they release it dod and lose a high portion of up front revenue or either up the price of gp on the whole or create an even higher sub tier to cushion the blow or don't release it on gp at all and potentially damage the good will gesture reiterated not too long ago. The acquisition money wasn't free money....they'll have to pick their poison

anast4h ago

"Why did PS copy gamepass if it's so terrible and unprofitable?"

They didn't copy GP. They aren't dumb enough to put their exclusives day 1.

"Who wouldn't want to just pay for a subscription instead of $70 per game?"

People who don't like to rent things.

outsider16242h ago

It's funny when he says who wouldn't pay for a subscription instead of paying 70$. Well no shit...if MS keeps releasing average titles who wouldnt..🤣

Cockney1h ago(Edited 58m ago)

The reason is playstation didn't copy anybody and they don't release broken games, their games are still not day 1 and Ps players still buy games so ps+ is just an option for those that want a subscription service, the fact playstation doesn’t push it front and centre should tell you a lot.
On xbox gamepass IS front and centre with an option to buy games on the side, look how that is panning out for them!
Xbox fans are the only ones trumpeting this from the rooftops

shinoff21838m ago

Weren't we able to download ps3 on ps3 and ps4 on ps4 systems back then I really don't remember.

Truth is Ms still copied Sony and made a couple adjustments. One adjustment being day one games which clearly has been xboxs issue hence the ps5 releases, and they groomed the base to not buy games.

+ Show (9) more repliesLast reply 8m ago
Skuletor11h ago

I feel no sympathy for the guy, it doesn't take a genius to figure out that putting your game on gamepass would affect sales.

JEECE5h ago

Seriously, how is it that devs need one of their games to bomb in sales due to Gamepass for them to realize what so many people could easily predict? Like people joke about "armchair CEOs" on here, but at least with respect to the effect of Gamepass, we keep seeing that the armchair CEOs are actually smarter than the real heads of these indie studios.

dveio9h ago(Edited 9h ago)

The 'day-one' feature is the breaker or maker with GP, business-wise.

GP is no Netflix.

Because, from all the Marvel's Avengers to Sicarios, illustratively speaking, they all had their box office money. Before they had entered Netflix.

This concept shows you what Microsoft have actually put themselves into.

And what situation studios put themselves into if they go day-one into GP.

solideagle4h ago

GP/PS Extra day one is best suited for GAAS or free to play games

truthBombs9h ago

Why not sell your game the traditional way first? Then after about 6 months to a year put it on a sub service.

Day one on gamepass is a gamble. It works for some (Pal world) and not for others.

anast4h ago

It's the old psych. experiment. Set out some candy and tell the person they can have it all now, or if they wait, they can have double the amount. Most choose the first option, then complain when it doesn't work out for them.

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