
Project Scorpio: This is how Xbox’s Phil Spencer describes a teraflop

In conversation with Stevivor, Xbox's Phil Spencer detailed how he describes a teraflop when trying to sell Microsoft’s upcoming beefed-up Xbox One, Project Scorpio.

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Nyxus2748d ago

"As far as whether or not Spencer considers the Scorpio a current- or next-gen iteration, he’s remaining tight-lipped. Spencer considers the Scorpio a current- or next-gen iteration, he’s remaining tight-lipped. “I just consider it as part of the Xbox family,” he said, matter-of-factly."

This is interesting, so maybe it will be a successor to the Xbox One after all, possibly with a transition period during which games are available on both consoles, and after that we might even get Scorpio exclusives that make full use of its power? It would make sense.

2748d ago Replies(20)
Overload2748d ago

You didn't realize this until now? The most telling thing about corporate gibberish is the wording they use and when they don't use solid details regarding something. All of them do this. It's pretty easy to decipher once you understand that. They are literally trained on how to communicate.

Gazondaily2748d ago

Just because it's out classing the competition in terms of specs doesn't mean it's a next gen console.

Overload2747d ago (Edited 2747d ago )

No, I think it`s a next gen console because it will support VR while the Xbox One won't. That's crossing into next generation territory. When games are not available on the other platform that it's suppose to be an upgrade for (essentially having exclusives), that's getting close to being a next gen console with backwards compatibility and up-res patches.

If Playstation Pro starts having games only available on it, I'll say the exact same thing.

Gazondaily2747d ago

So PS4 is next gen territory?
The X1 struggles to do 1080p on many titles; it obviously can't do VR.

Just because PC VR titles are available on Scorpio doesn't make it next gen.

Phill-Spencer2747d ago (Edited 2747d ago )

if one of the consoles of a manufacturer has

a) exclusives that its predecessor doesn't have
b) features(like vr for example) that its predecessor doesn't offer
c) vastly more power than its predecessor

then one could consider it as next generation console.

If you deny these three points as valid reasons then you could also say ps4 isn't next generation after ps3, x1 isn't after 360.

But then i would like to know what qualifies a new console as being next gen, if the above mentioned things don't do?

Ofcourse when comparing consoles of different manufacturers it's argueable if one console is next gen over the other. Like with with wiiu some see it as last console of the 7th gen(which would mean big n released two consoles in one gen or did they release two gens in a short time?) or was it the first console of the 8th? Who knows!

Edit: WiiU has exclusives over wii, has technical features that wii doesn't have but at the same time it isn't that more powerful than wii. Even with 2 out 3 of the points i made above, it is still considered next gen by most, so why the same can't be said about scorpio?

freshslicepizza2747d ago

then i guess by that logic psvr is a next generation console since you need it to play games on it that other ps4 owners can't. a steering wheel for example is just a peripheral that can be used in racing games but you can still use a stock controller. psvr is dividing the community, then that means its a new generation right?

personally i see microsoft taking a page out of apples way of doing things. an iphone 4 can't really run that well anymore and is not supported. next year they will release a iphone 7 but that iphone 6 is still going to get support. once the xbox scorpio 2 comes out i imagine the original xbox will no longer be able to handle new games. sony on the other hand still wants generation leaps and the problem with that is your library of games may not carry over and we start all over again. microsoft is forward thinking much like a pc, the technology gets better but your games are still yours to carry over. and before anyone says what about next gen games no longer being valid? the pc can play any next gen game sony makes if they allowed it to be ported.

r2oB2747d ago

@ moldybread

That's a pretty dumb comment you made. Every PS4 game is playable on either the PS4 and the PS4 Pro. Whether the gamer has the appropriate display is a different story, no different than needing a 3D display to play games in 3D, or an HD display to play games in HD. But the hardware of the PS4 has the ability to play every game that the PS4 Pro can play. So how is there a divide?

On the other hand, when the Scorpio releases, there will be games available for it that the Xbox One cannot play. Whether the gamer has a VR headset or not, the Xbox One will not be able to play VR games that will be released for the Scorpio. That is the exact definition of divide; there will be VR Xbox games but only one of the two consoles will be able to play them. Put simply, there may very well be Xbox games that Xbox One gamers cannot play.

Now on topic, whether the Scorpio is considered a next gen console or mid gen upgrade is irrelevant if you ask me. Xbox gamers should be less concerned with labeling the console and more concerned with the fact that after only 4 years there will be new hardware that can play games they won't be able to play without buying the new hardware (I.e. every VR game). That is pretty reminiscent of a next gen leap, and by that I'm not referring to fidelity, but functionality (to be specific, the functionality of playing particular games).

Phill-Spencer2747d ago (Edited 2747d ago )

Wow @ moldy

That would be like saying a 3d tv is a console if someone would develop a game for ps4 that is only made for stereoscopic 3d because psvr is just a device to output video. The processing all comes from the ps4.

2747d ago
freshslicepizza2747d ago (Edited 2747d ago )

well when fallout 4 with vr support comes out we will see who made the better decision to support the newer hardware only or to try and support their older hardware as well which limits its vr devices potential.

2747d ago
2747d ago
ShottyatLaw2747d ago

The whole "VR makes it next gen" is weak. Few would reasonably consider the DSi or the New 3DS to be "next gen."

Let's be real, some will call it "next-gen" right up to that moment when Scorpio fans start trolling PS4 users for playing a "last-gen" system. Then it will flip back to being a mid gen upgrade.

+ Show (9) more repliesLast reply 2747d ago
Gazondaily2748d ago

He's said it time and time again. No one gets left behind etc.

Nyxus2748d ago

I just don't understand why he wouldn't be clear about this then. It also wouldn't be the first time Microsoft has changed their mind.

Overload2747d ago

They said the exact same thing about Kinect.

IRetrouk2747d ago

Im excited for it but i dont really like microsofts pr, phils ok but at e3 it was a part of the xbox one ie same idea as pro, now hes saying its just part of the xbox family?, who wants to bet no exclusives other than vr will change at some point? Micro afe known for this, tbh i would rather they support the scorpio with exclusives, same as pro, i wanna see what they can really do without being held back so much, even if its only a few.

Dark_Knightmare22747d ago

One thing he has left open the door for is the Scorpio maybe one day having its own exclusives and has an x1 owner that will really piss me off.

poppinslops2747d ago

@Dark: I like the idea of Scorpio exclusive games, as it leaves the door open for harware-intensive titles like Star Citizen... that said, this sort of thing would only start to happen once the Scorpio has sold enough to justify the development/porting costs.

bouzebbal2747d ago

LOL he also said he wasn't fan of xbox 1,5 idea and that gears of war franchise has become irrelevant.

objdadon2747d ago

Well that's just stupid then because the power will never be truly utilized.

Gazondaily2747d ago


Get your facts right.

1) Regarding Xbox 1.5- he clearly said he didn't want a conservative mid gen upgrade and that if they were going to do it, the upgrade needed to be substantial. That's what Scorpio is.

In fact, the specs are so substantial that some people think it's a next gen console.

2) He said Gears ran it's course on the Xbox 360. In the same interview he talked about how the Gears universe should be expanded in future iterations.

Hope that clarifies things for you. 😊

kraenk122747d ago

You're naive if you believe this though.

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 2747d ago
2747d ago
2747d ago Replies(2)
Jon_Targaryen2747d ago

Would make sense to why the original Xbox One's dropped so much in price then...

2747d ago
NohansenBoy2747d ago (Edited 2747d ago )

I think this counts as next gen consoles since Sony and MS has to release consoles with higher specs to keep up with PC.

RabbitFly2747d ago

It is because they are trying to remove themselves from the console wars and with that the idea of generations as well.

Microsoft is clearly positioning the xbox as a living room pc at this point, they are doubling down on the idea of a integrated eco-system between the two platforms. Basically just making one the casual version of the other. Casual in the sense that you buy it box ready and have less options for content.

feraldrgn2747d ago

It sounds as though MS want to start a next gen already, but don't want to say it outright because they want to try get the upper hand on the competition.

Godmars2902747d ago

If its transitional that only means that they intend to put out another system shortly after Scorpio. Unless of course it gives them the market share they want.

CrimzonRazor2747d ago

Ms has already said they are not looking at hardware in the terms of gens anymore why people find this confusing is a mystery at this point

Nyxus2747d ago

And what does it mean for the gamer in terms of exclusives and optimization of games? I mean, they can't keep making consoles that will also run on the original Xbox One forever, at least not if they want to keep making large technical steps. Consoles do, and have always worked with gens. I don't see any other way how it could work in the long run.

kraenk122747d ago

Of course it will. There is no way Microsoft is going to continuously support the X1 given their history.

gangsta_red2747d ago (Edited 2747d ago )

Just stop errorist.. except that all games will be forward and backwards compatible with X1 and the Scorpio will have full BC for 360. And MS supported the 360 way more than Sony did their PS3 with games in it's last years. First day back and already going ham I see.

kraenk122747d ago (Edited 2747d ago )

Oh come on Rookie, you don't believe this do you?! There weren't any games coming out the last 2 years before X1 released. Btw am I still number one on your most hated list?!

2747d ago
gangsta_red2747d ago

And then 360 had Titanfall, Tomb Raider and a few more directly from MS released for 360. So are you still going to sit there and lie and pretend that MS won't support the X1, especially when Phil stated that games played on the Scorpio will also play for the Xbox One.

Thank goodness you can continue to troll even when your Kraenk account is merked, How many of your alts are on that list by the way. ;)

2746d ago
+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2746d ago
yeahokwhatever2747d ago

The Scorpio is a successor. It will play XB1 games AND xbox certified PC games. MS will not have another "console" after the Scorpio. In fact, Scorpio is a platform, technically, not really just one machine. Think "steam machines" and you'll understand the future of MS and gaming.

Nyxus2747d ago

But someday the Scorpio, too, will be outdated, and they have to release another console at that point.

yeahokwhatever2747d ago

No, they will simply license the software(platform) to enable third party hardware manufacturers to build an "xbox". In 2020, you'll be able to pick from a few different xboxes with various prices and specs from different companies. Maybe an HP, Samsung, Alienware, etc. Think of what steam machines could have been if it had Microsoft's money and marketing teamed up with the xbox's user base. It would mean far more profits for MS, without having to do all of the R&D for hardware every couple of years.

+ Show (11) more repliesLast reply 2746d ago
christocolus2748d ago (Edited 2747d ago )

Can't wait for the reveal. 4k is cool but I'd love to see devs utilize the power of this machine properly...it's clearly very capable, afterall it's got a very powerful GPU, a new CPU and a lot more RAM and even memory bandwidth is greatly increased. Devs shouldn't make 4k a priority. 1080p/60fps with all bells and whistles turned on should be incredible. Anyways I expect to see Dice and Bethesda at the reveal along with MS studios.

Fiddlerblue2747d ago

I tend to agree. I just bought a nice 65", 4k/HDR tv and so far, it seems that a consistent 60fps yields greater impact on clarity than a higher resolution does. Obviously, when the frame is still 4k will look better but games are almost never stationary. The very nature of almost all games demands that the player progress through movement. 1080/60 with some really nice anti aliasing looks REALLY great even on 4k TV's.

Of course, 4k/60 would be like acquiring the holy grail but neither PS4 Pro nor the Scorpio come close to the horsepower needed for that unless the devs nerf the graphics to hell and back.

UltraNova2747d ago (Edited 2747d ago )

4K /60 at high-ultra settings would require 2 scorpios worth of power by todays standards...so yeah lets wait for PS5 Pro and xb3...

At 6tflp, MS better go for 1080p downsampling and ridiculus quality settings @ a rock solid 60fps or/and a 4k presentation at 30fps and medium-high settings.

Dont buy into marketing bs people.

The 10+ trfl Titan X pascal, a 1200 dollar 12gb VRAM GPU sold today...


OpieWinston2747d ago

I have a feeling the Scorpio reveal event we'll see
CD Projekt Red (The Witcher 3)
EA (Battlefield 1)
Ubisoft (The Division)

christocolus2747d ago

Agreed. Dice was one of the first devs to learn about Scorpio and CDProjekt have always been close partners with MS so It wouldn't surprise me to see them there.

its_JEFF2747d ago

Couldn't agree more! We're just not ready for 4K rendering yet. I don't want current day visuals just at 4K, what's the point? Yes it'll be sharper with almost no jaggies but what about the game itself... will the worlds be bigger? more populated? more dynamic Ai? I'm sorry but If when they revealed the 360/PS3 all we got was Xbox/PS1 graphics but at HD resolution and no jaggies I would have been like "huh?"

sullynathan2747d ago

Hopefully, the Xbox One super or whatever can learn from the PS4 pro's weaknesses and force developers to give the player more options.

TKCMuzzer2747d ago (Edited 2747d ago )

So is it the weakness of the Pro or the developer's lack of giving options? You seemed confused. The Pro is a machine, it does not make the decision on options and do you know what that means? I'll give you a big modern day gamer clue, the same devs will be developing for the Scorpio, so guess what again? same options.
It will all be focused on 4K and that is because it's the Scorpio's main selling point so that's where MS will want the devs to focus.

sullynathan2746d ago

The Pro isn't as powerful as the one nor is Sony nudging devs to take advantage of the Pro.

ElementX2747d ago

It will be compatible with the "next-gen" Xbox, I'm certain. In a few years home consoles will go for 4k standard but the Scorpio will play the games fine on 1080p TVs.

XSpike2747d ago

I can already hear the PC elitist saying "Next-Gen consoles can't even do 8K!"

2747d ago
zb1ftw7772747d ago


So much this.

People will be saying how bad 4K is and how it gives them headaches due to the resolution being so low.....

Donnie812747d ago (Edited 2747d ago )

I'm gonna write an article on here about what Phil Spencer had for lunch. I could title it "Microsoft eats better than Sony". I bet it would start a big verbal sparing match.

SirCharles2747d ago

Nintendo is obviously better, they use chopsticks instead of forks. Forks are for scrubs.

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ARK: Survival Ascended Premium Mods on Consoles Q&A - By 2030, Time Spent on UGC Will Be Way Bigger

ARK: Survival Ascended has introduced Premium Mods on consoles. Wccftech talked to Studio Wildcard and their partner Overwolf about the rising importance of user-generated content, especially for live service games.

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Neil Druckmann clarifies true intent of new Naughty Dog game comments

Following a recent interview with Sony, Naughty Dog head Neil Druckmann claims the original intent was “unfortunately lost” in the process.

just_looken5d ago

He can take dog shit put it in a oven with seasoning then call it waistland cookies the sony fans will pay $40 a cookie give them a medal of cooking.

No mater what trash this sobs puts out/talks about it will sell.

The true fact in the 8 years sense uncharted 4 his first time in the main seat to a point all this "amazing" team did was get 2 dudes to fuck in a van then destroy a franchise they never created.

But being a port studio they are decent at they should keep in there lane at being just that a glorified port studio.

fr0sty5d ago

Salty Bots... gotta love it.

just_looken5d ago


Over what? naught dog under his command is a glorified port team tlou2 was mostly tlou 1 asset's with the same game play loop but forced a trans down your throat.

I would gladly help pay for this blight and his team to get removed from gaming in general.

fr0sty5d ago

Seeing a LGBT person exist in a work of fiction isn't "forcing them down your throat". Nobody is forcing you to play it. Nobody is forcing you to agree with it. If you think that just seeing a LGBT person exist is "force", it sounds like they make you very uncomfortable, and maybe you need to be doing some serious reflecting on exactly why... looks to me like you're suppressing something with all that fear.

just_looken5d ago


When i think of the last of us i think of a group of survivors crossing the apocalypse wasteland with a growing bond between 2 people that end up with Joel making ellie his new daughter.

Then you fire up the 2nd one bang joel is dead oh that comic series? bang dead

Oh you want to continue all that we grew in the first one? na f that toss it in the trash

Now here is a trans woman so strong superboy would blush go out there kill all what made tlou1 then halfway get a forced sex scene that you can not skip between 2 dudes.

The gameplay? just like the first game the combat/backpack system crafting sytem? 0 changes/improvements.

I could go on but lets face it they copy pasted that tlou 1 assets bin a shit ton of times.

There is nothing on the box or the ads or anything before the game that said you would going to spend most of the game controlling a new trans character that has no ties to anything of the first game the only existence was to kill what the first game made.

Oh but hey there is a mp mode coming out before 2022 wait what is that? oh we made it its own game then cancelled it now go but the game again as we port it a few times.


mkis0075d ago (Edited 5d ago )

What has Straley or Henig released since they left ND? Not a thing! stop scapegoating! Which of them is credited with co-writing a majorly successful show?

just_looken5d ago


You bring up Bruce Straley really? someone that gave us 4 generations of amazing games and was there in the creation of 4 legendary franchises but was tossed in the trash for the pos niel druckmann not 7? years ago

So yeah in those 7? years you right all he has done is get 2 awards one is a game award for a puzzle game he made oh boy right like for fuck sake's all niel has done is one game that was a overhyped fan boy orgasm underneath all that ps jizz was just a typical 5/10 game.

Then you drag Amy Hennig that poor woman was also kicked out then became this century's Brendan Fraser with her sexual misconduct information coming out.

We all know how horrible people are treated behind the scenes she might have been sexual attacked groped or something.

So yeah all she did after was battlefield hardline forspoken now that new marvel 1945 game but hey Brendan Fraser was a great actor till he also said he was sexually attacked just now he is allowed back in no doubt she also had to take a leave of absence out and or was forced out on ice.

Man there are way to many out there that look at niel at the new gaming jesus when all he had done is some work on uncharted 4 then tlou2

Oh also the tvhshow? for real all they did was use stuff from the 2013 game its like saying GOT was a 10/10 but never watching past season 3

-Foxtrot5d ago


That's highly unfair to them both

Amy Hennig got messed around working on projects that got cancelled by the publishers (EA) and then ended up on a awful game (Forspoken) where you had 4 other writers working on it which is just a recipe for disaster. She is now working on Marvel 1943: Rise of Hydra. Not her fault she was pushed out of NaughtyDog, something both Nolan North and Richard McGonagle have both said in interviews.

Bruce Straley left after burn out, the rest of the story we don't know and will never know just like what happened with Amy Hennig. He decided to take a break and wasn't sure if he wanted to come back to gaming however he had an idea he wanted to make so he founded Wildflower Interactive, a smaller studio where they are currently working on a new game.

Tacoboto5d ago

@the obvious stain of a commenter

The trans character wasn't Abby. Try playing Part 2 instead of gatekeeping what you think Part 1 was about and meant.

Maybe try watching the show while you're at it, because you're terribly off with your opinion on that too

MajorLazer5d ago

Naughty Dog is better than all the MS studios put together.

derek5d ago (Edited 5d ago )

@just he has been behind 2 of the greatest games ever made. Tlou2 was easily the best non-vr game made last gen. Losers just can't get over Joel's death, mixed with the usual console war nonsense. The fact that you so casually call him a sob shows how deranged some gamers have become about Drunkmann.

derek5d ago

@frosty, for people like Just, including anyone that can be categorized as being a minority in any kind of media is "forcing it down his throat " lol. I to don't care for poor "checking box" inclusion for inclusion sake but that was not the case with tlou2.

fr0sty5d ago (Edited 5d ago )

The pathetic part about it is, you can tell just_looken never even played TLOU, because that was the game where Ellie's sexuality was first brought to light... No "that was forced down our throats" to be said about that.

Only terrified folks in the closet that use their hatred as cover from outing themselves fear LGBT people that much. They exist. They will exist in all aspects of life, including popular media. Get over it.

just_looken4d ago


Once again you drag out something like its a big win

Here is my old channel a clip of me playing TLOU on ps3

Search my channel for more clips

Proof its my channel? look at this profiles banner that is 7yrs old then look at other vids on that channel like my bf3 clips to see my psn id. But knowing this group that is way to much work.

Also elle being a lesbian is another trump card? one dlc is all we got of that a dlc that took over a year to be tossed out.

Rainbowcookie4d ago

Hey at least we have cookies to eat 😄

+ Show (12) more repliesLast reply 4d ago
Rangerman12086d ago

Glad he clarified it but i'm still somewhat skeptical. Plus, his comments about how Ai will revolutionize storytelling were still pretty iffy.

anast6d ago

No need to bow down, Stan your ground. The AI comments were gross though.

S2Killinit6d ago

Pretty excited as I read these. I just cant wait to see what ND is up to.

Export6d ago

put a chick in it and make her gay !

shadowknight2036d ago

Next they need a diverse couple, and perhaps some climate activists

StormSnooper5d ago (Edited 5d ago )

I would love that if only to piss off all the lunatics. Lol

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Naughty Dog Boss Neil Druckmann Says AI Will 'Revolutionize' Development

Druckmann claims the tech could 'push the boundaries of storytelling in games.'

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Jin_Sakai7d ago

I’m more interested in what else he said.

“Neil Druckmann says new Naughty Dog title could ‘redefine mainstream perceptions of gaming’

7d ago Replies(6)
H97d ago

It will be something like "we erased gameplay all together it's just a movie now"

purple1017d ago

every time naughty dog make a game, you play it and get the feeling "this is not possible'

from the boulder running towards you in crash, on ps1,
to the massive open world of jak and daxter, on ps2,
to the QuickTime events sequences of uncharted on ps3/4

and now we will see what they do with ps5,

H97d ago

Press X for doubt at "PS5"

-Foxtrot7d ago (Edited 7d ago )

Arrogant asshole who sniffs his own farts bigs up next game…sounds like typical PR to me

You know what I find interesting? Almost every site reporting this as the main title where the REAL interesting bit of the interview is Neil praising AI and saying it will be used to help push story, characters, dialogue and more.

It’s super shitty to big up AI especially when it comes to story telling and other creative elements.

senorfartcushion7d ago

Just because someone says this type of stuff, it doesn't mean that it's guaranteed to be good news.

You can say this about microtransactions. MXTs revolutionised the gaming industry.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 7d ago
Levii_927d ago

Geez how full of themselves are these guys.

Einhander19727d ago

He also said it has "ethical issues we need to address" but of course that doesn't get the clicks.

CrimsonWing697d ago

I’m all for it. Cuts the time to make a game. Look, Hellblade 2 took 5 years to make, if AI can do that in half the time, as a consumer, I support it.

Chard7d ago

Things will get far sloppier brother

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