
Nintendo NX To Be Region Free, Current Prototype Has 32GB of Internal Storage

According to new reports, the Nintendo NX will be totally region free. Its internal storage is 32GB, at least in the current prototype.

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Neonridr2841d ago (Edited 2841d ago )

Region Free part is fantastic.. internal storage... not so much. Here's hoping there is at least a slot for expanding the internal memory. Hopefully a standardized thing like a SD / micro SD card.

Alexious2841d ago

Yeah, internal storage would be just too small. Either that or they should increase it to 64GB for the final version

2841d ago
fr0sty2841d ago

Internal storage will probably only be for OS, game saves, and maybe some cache to make loading and streaming faster. I imagine the game cartridges will be where they end up being stored, not locally on the machine. I'm sure it'll have expandable memory also.

superchiller2841d ago

@ fr0sty - That doesn't seem likely. Where are digital games going to be stored if not in the internal memory (and of course a supplemental memory card)? Or do you think Nintendo just won't offer digital games at all?

bow2yoda2841d ago

I would imagine that DLC and Digital games would be able to be downloaded to SD card or External HDD
kinda like wiiU

yeahokwhatever2841d ago (Edited 2841d ago )

maybe the game updates will be saved onto the carts themselves, and you could possibly have a cart dedicated for saving digital games onto. It would be cool to let your friend borrow your game, and they plug it in and start playing. its already up to date and installed on the cart so 0 installation/download time.

UnHoly_One2841d ago

Yeah 64 GB would be enough to install 1 game.



Phunkydiabetic12841d ago

Pfff HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA you think 64gb would be enough? Are you for real? People bitch about having 500gb in their systems.

LOL_WUT2841d ago

64 Gb? LOL

People complained about the PS4's 500gb. Nintendo could easy offer the same amount if they stopped being cheap. ;)

2841d ago
MurDocINC2841d ago

People complain about 500GB cause they're forced to install every game to keep up load times. NX is cartridge based which is faster than blu ray so it won't require installing games onto drive. 32GB is enough for updates and saves. For digital games it's not enough, but don't most console players prefer physical copy?

indysurfn2841d ago

superchiller remember this from the chip suppliers, they can supply member cards with large capacities like current disc's(assumed 50-66 GB). That being the case they would not need to have a large hard drive because if you have a 40 gig game you would normally store on a Hard drive instead you store it on a fast loading Cartridge. They are no longer a few megs like in the 80's, they are tens of gigs cheap according to suppliers.

As far as digital games that's another story (usually they are small) but if you have a lot or a couple big ones.
Looks like they are going to have a hard drive, or sell us generic memory cards like PSVita? (just a option, though I HOPE NOT!)

+ Show (8) more repliesLast reply 2841d ago
Null19802841d ago

As someone who travels between Europe and the US often for extended periods of time, Region Free is a huge deal for me. About time, Nintendo!

RosweeSon2841d ago

It's what helped make their handhelds so dominant it's only a good thing for it to be region free surely.

CaptainObvious8782841d ago

Well at least they got the region free aspect right. They're not completely stupid.

But if the 32 GB of storage is true they might be mostly stupid.

I'll reserve judgment until they get around to revealing it.

wonderfulmonkeyman2841d ago

If you believe rumors, the last one showed a slot on top for an SD card.
So, you know, there's that.

Neonridr2841d ago

drawings don't exactly have much weight.. I will wait to see an actual unit first. But like I said, logic would dictate there is some sort of slot, much like the 3DS.

Intranquill2841d ago

Another leak of a supposed mock up of the dev unit showed a "SD card slot", so take that for what you will. I can't see them not going the SD route.

RosweeSon2841d ago

Yeah 32gb isn't a great deal and I'd like to see it at least doubled but it is manageable all the major and bigger games get physical all the rest digital luckily the VC games take up MB's each most are 20-50MB even the bigger DS and N64 games are only 100Mb or so sure the Wii games are larger and surely the NX games will be pretty big, I'm sure external will be an option but would make a nice change to have a good 250gb in a console from Nintendo. Even my phone has 128gb haha.

Fullmetalevolust2841d ago

I agree, region free will be a great selling point. They need a stronger presence in regions other than Japan and the US.
32 GB doesn't seem right unless they're trying to keep the cost low and provide two versions of the console.

ChrisW2841d ago

32Gbs SD card only costs about $10 at any local store and I'm certain Nintendo could get them for 1/10th the price.

I'm certain they will go much, much larger capacity. Besides, it was said that this is a prototype.

2841d ago Replies(1)
uth112841d ago

If internal storage is true, it means this won't be a graphical powerhouse/PS4 killer

Loktai2841d ago

it's years late to kill ps4. it won't even be an xbone killer.... all it can do is try to cut a share of the market now that the other consoles hype has died down. ... at least until the new machines. wii U I think failed to do just that. .. but they may have a better chance this time around

Segata2841d ago

You can bet on a SD card. Wii,3DS,Wii U all have a slot for one. Nintendo is not about to do a Vita memory card.

TRGMatt2841d ago

32gb screams dev kit, to me.

2841d ago
2840d ago
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Frisky2841d ago

32gb? Here's another rumor about the console that I hope doesn't come out to be true.

Gemmol2841d ago

how is it bad if the system use cartridge, nothing will be saved on the handheld unless you plan to download games and if thats the case.......128 gb sandisk card on amazon is 35 dollars

joeorc2841d ago (Edited 2841d ago )

@Gemmol7m ago
[how is it bad if the system use cartridge, nothing will be saved on the handheld unless you plan to download games and if thats the case.......128 gb sandisk card on amazon is 35 dollars]

Like you just said, it's really not a bad choice to have 32 GB of internal storage if your system has already a cartridge port as well as a blank media slot to boot..say if the design is sorta t like a over size 3DS in design but a tablet instead.

Powerful Arm chipset or a Nvidia Tegra, 4GB of system Memory , using a subsystem big little configuration.. With having a New online Nintendo store with HDMI through a dock or also from the device itself..and if it also had the Tegra Store with running Android APK's and the Android OS is forked by Nintendo like Amazon did for its Fire tablets and devices.

That 32 GB internal is quite a bit..with OTG or external USB hosting in most all Smartphones and tablets being built already in today's devices plenty of storage options could exist for Nintendo , I mean they already use SD cards anyway in Wii and the larger or newer DS line of Handheld game systems..hell even the game carts was duplicated to hold a SD card port..yes that was mainly for piracy purposes, but it showed it could be done.

Storage was never really an issue for Nintendo, because many times their games are low storage requirements for their software in the 1st place.

yeahokwhatever2841d ago

if the new nintendo runs android games and allows indie devs to make stuff easily(NOT LIKE APPLE), then I'll be primarily a nintendo gamer for the first time in my life.

rainslacker2841d ago

Means the system may not be that digitally focused though. Carts are great, but digital distribution is picking up enough steam, particularly in mobile devices, that some may wish to have more storage or a way to expand storage easily.

Carts only go so far on keeping options open, so either options with more storage available, or ways to expand storage through SD Cards or external hard drives(less likely for a portable) should be required to include more consumers.

SD Cards are a big likelihood though. Hopefully nothing proprietary like the Vita.

Loktai2841d ago


storage space hurt Nintendo so badly in support during the n64 era that even with the half measure of going with a proprietary disk for the game cube that system suffered as well. storage is one of the main things that will keep third party, especially multiplat AAA games off the machine.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2841d ago
pcz2841d ago

Nintendo are the most tight fisted company in the world, of course it's true

Summons752841d ago

You do realize that if both the handheld and games being on carts rumor is true than there is nothing wrong with 32gb storage right? 1)Games would be on cart and not require space. 2) You don't need 5000000000TBs of space for handheld games to begin with. I have a 32gb card in my 3DS and I haven't come close to hitting the max and I buy digital a lot for 3DS. Plus if that's only internal and there is an SD slot to boot then *gasp* that's more storage. I don't see. I never once saw anyone cry that the 3DS could only go up to 32gbs. I don't see people crying because most phones are 16-32gbs.

nevin12841d ago (Edited 2841d ago )


What about people who prefer digital?

2pacalypsenow2841d ago

IF nintendo is going to have 3rd party support, most of the 3rd party games will be 30+ gb.

_-EDMIX-_2841d ago

This is actually how I'm seeing it

InTheZoneAC2841d ago

my vita has 32gb and I can't keep everything on it(which is all games btw)

my 3ds has a 32gb card because the 4 or 8 in it was too small

my wii u with 32gb has an external hdd for ONE game because the few games I have for it(which are all downloaded) maxed it out

32gb is way too small for anything

2841d ago
+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2841d ago
_-EDMIX-_2841d ago

Except that most of the rumors are not even saying it's a console most are saying it's a handheld...

joeorc2841d ago (Edited 2841d ago )

@EDMIX-_24m ago
[Except that most of the rumors are not even saying it's a console most are saying it's a handheld]

Exactly, and if those Rumors happen to be true, this message N effect could open up the Living room game console market with a absolute flood of mobile developers & Publishers making Games for this thing..lol

Do people not understand how many publishers and developers are Mobile games for Smartphones & tablets? There is a hell of a lot of them..and Nintendo making such a system that plays to their development and publishing strengths can net Nintendo Somthing the OUYA tried to do as one of its goals , but failed , while Nintendo could really end up doing ..

There is pretty much while Microsoft & Sony for the most party try to gather the PC and console developers that develop for x86 and console architecture.

Nintendo could grab even more of the 3rd party Smartphone & tablet developers & publishers for their platform for the Living room , because one device supports both their mobile & now gives them a living room platform that is a main gaming console company is offering to them.

That is if a few caveats on the Rumor happen to be correct & True.

MoveTheGlow2841d ago (Edited 2841d ago )

Of all of the weird things Nintendo has done hardware-wise, storage has been surprisingly open. You're talking about a company that allowed you to just hook up an external HDD via USB and use *that* for storage on the WiiU. This is why when Nintendo released their 3DS's with a paltry amount of HD space but allowed for standard SDHCs, it didn't matter, because we just upgraded to 32gb for next to nothing. That's way cheaper for everyone than having either proprietary memory formats (Vita) or internal memory only (iPhone).

If they stick with only 32gb in their provided format of storage space - and I don't think they would, this is possibly just an internal storage limit with external expansion - this will still be just fine if they're 1) supporting cartridges for those of us who can't upgrade storage space (kiddos) or don't want digital-only media (us physical media holdouts and those of us without broadband), and 2) keeping their storage standards open, while allowing for more than 32gb of space (highly likely).

The region-free part is much, much more promising. Good Lord, I hope this is true.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2841d ago
Imp0ssibl32841d ago

I had much higher hopes for the technical specs of this console. Nintendo seems poised to disappoint again.

Neonridr2841d ago

guess it depends if you were hoping for a standalone home console or a handheld/console hybrid.

Alexious2841d ago

True, a hybrid console has more limitations. I hoped for a standalone home console, honestly

-Foxtrot2841d ago


That's basically why a hybrid console was not a good idea. Just more limitations...not just for them but for third party devs and us.

hiawa232841d ago

I think many of us was finally hoping for a standalone Nintendo console that would rival the Scorpio, Neo, spec wise and would play our favorite Nintendo franchises. I have zero interest in a handheld or hybrid, but I wish Nintendo well.

Gemmol2841d ago

like i ask the person above how is it bad if the system use cartridge, since nothing will be saved on the handheld unless you plan to download games and if thats the case.......128 gb sandisk card on amazon is 35 dollars

2841d ago
iplay1up22841d ago (Edited 2841d ago )

If BOTW looks better on NX, I will be happy, not like overly though. I really just wanted a home console, I like my TV set up 60inch 4k subwoofers etc, it is great for gaming! So I just hope NX games look really good on it. Wii games do not look so great , but Wii U games MK8, SSB, Xenoblade X, look really good!!! Gosh Nintendo give us screen shots!

The way NX sounds though it might be super portable, I lug my Wii U to the Boys and Girls club, its a bit of a hassele, I know its probably a hand held hybrid, Hopefully with some power, and ease to take with you!

joeorc2841d ago (Edited 2841d ago )

@Imp0ssibl31h ago
[I had much higher hopes for the technical specs of this console. Nintendo seems poised to disappoint again]

Well I can understand your frustration in that point, but from Nintendo and their perspective , if indeed this is a hybrid Mobile and Living room console, Nintendo can gain many 3rd party developer and publishers to look at Nintendo's platform as a priority for their type of hardware that they mainly code for.

Today's mobile Developers for Smart device's are dealing with higher end embedded small systems with not just one Processor on a single die..it's now clusters of processors..with mobile GPU's able to push HD quality gaming ..now that's not as robust as say a high end PC is now..but think about this..within the last 19 years mobile has moved from Single core processors with less than 600MHz to now groups of Processors with clock rates into the GHz range..with clock rate of the connection bus in 850MHz and higher!

We're not dealing with low frequency clock rated processing any more even in Mobile we are now Multi-Core with clustering like a Beowulf Clustering but now even on a mobile level!

Think about this these smart device Mobile developers now could very well have a living room game console platform that now caters to their choice in hardware that they code for, but now their would be a well known company like Nintendo providing such a platform for them!

Think big smartphone game developers & publishers out of Japan, China, or publishers like King, Gameloft.. Etc
But now working on making an Exclusive with Nintendo co-op the deal.

@Foxtrot33m ago

[That's basically why a hybrid console was not a good idea.]

I think that depends on how you look at it, many say well one of the main weakness of Nintendo's is hardly any real strong 3rd party. Support.

[Just more limitations...not just for them but for third party devs and us]

But say if Nintendo now starts to play to their strengths of Handheld gaming, taking the 3DS type of mobile gaming but now offering Such mobile smartphone & Mobile smart device publishers a way into the living room for the Mobile chipset environment of development and games publishing..Nintendo could gain Exclusives by default by creating a system like this.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2841d ago
TheColbertinator2841d ago

I hope not on the storage. 256GB minimum

-Foxtrot2841d ago


That's a joke...right?

SpaceRanger2841d ago

Maybe it's for the handheld portion only? With possibly more GBs in the docking station.

Just my speculation, and hope really. No way is 32GB enough going in to this gen.

MasterCornholio2841d ago

If its truly a hybrid handled/console they can't shove a 2.5 inch HDD into it. So 32GBs of internal memory makes sense. Hopefully the dock offers more.

gamerb62841d ago

No your a joke. This is whats called a "rumour". I like how you miss out the part about it being region free.
Typical hater, focus on the negative, ignore any positive. Your a very sad sly fox with no life.

-Foxtrot2841d ago

God do you always spit your dummy out. Like a kid having a temper tantrum.

If true then I'm going to enjoy how you spin it around.

I'd take more memory then it being region free but being region free should have happened years ago yet you make it out to be some huge victory.

gamerb62841d ago (Edited 2841d ago )

lol pot kettle black, truth hurts huh. lol
If false and it has 500gb, watch you ignore it as usual and look for something else Nintendo related to hate on.

God your like a broken record.

-Foxtrot2841d ago

The truth hurts...REALLY?

The majority of things people say you THINK are "hating" on it are usually formed because of the truth, that Nintendo is so stuck in the past.

Then when you see someone write that and state it on here you get enraged and attack them for it. At least they focus on the topic at hand and don't resort to direct personal attacks over an opinion.

I mean you say "your like a broken record" when EVERYONE of your comments are white knighting Nintendo and attacking people when they don't agree with you.

Man you are hilarious

captainexplosion2841d ago

WTF are you guys even talking about? If the NX is 500GB it should either be ignored or criticized for only having 500gb. And the NX shouldn't get credit for being region free. Only criticism if it wasn't region free. You guys will really give Nintendo credit for anything.

gamerb62841d ago (Edited 2841d ago )

How can you possibly form truth based on rumours and hear say? Your logic is idiotic to say the least, just because you try and pass off your opinions and rumours as fact doesn't make it so and you just come across as salty.

It's not hard to see that your fake truth is based on hate. Im not enraged, I've never known anyone to stalk a company like you so I find it quite amusing if anything. Lol
What did they do to you that was so bad? Poor baby, there there, here's a hug, let's hug it out lol

You spend your whole life attacking Nintendo and they don't even know you exist, how sad. d;o)

Everyone of your comments are attacking Nintendo, don't get mad at me because you differentiate the difference between fact and rumour.

Your failed attempt to attack me for simply stating the fact that this article is a rumour and your treating it as fact due to hate for Nintendo. Smh

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