
Pokemon Go Has A Dark Side That You Need To Be Aware Of

Alex Gibson from WGTC writes "Quite apart from the social confrontations that might arise as a result of Pokemon Go’s design, the implications for tech are, of course, enormous. Pokemon Go is yet another example of Google effectively utilizing its APIs to create Google Maps Mashups, tools that have been used by law enforcement, corporations and retailers in a surveillance capacity before."

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madhouse022878d ago

The privacy setting for Pokemon Go are a little odd. Apparently you can switch certain stuff off.. I don't really like the idea of people watching me wherever I go.

aconnellan2878d ago (Edited 2878d ago )

"I don't really like the idea of people watching me wherever I go"

1. No one is 'watching' you. You're a data point, a number. Part of a stat that says 'x million users logged into Pokemon Go today', or 'x number of users stood near a lure for the full half an hour duration, but y% left after 15 minutes, let's figure out why'

2. Have you ever used any other technology, like a phone? Or Google? Or Google/Apple maps? Or the internet? Or downloaded torrents from your home/phone's internet connection?

3. The game needs data for where people go, given that's how it's built - people go to PokeStops, Gyms, set lures, request new PokeStops, use some Pokemon more than others, etc. How do you expect any meaningful updates to be made if you're against them collecting data for feedback and improvements? (and again, back to point 1 - you're a number on a spreadsheet to them. They aren't turning on your camera, finding out where you live/work, and turning up outside to stalk you)

TheHip142878d ago

You make some pretty interesting points, but I think that people are just having way too much fun with the game to really see the downsides and dark sides of it. At least at this point.

gamerpop2878d ago

Yeah cos privacy isn't a big deal, right? :p Seriously I wouldn't be surprisedoing if we see augmented reality games become cash cows for ad agencies.

Soldierone2878d ago

Niantic is already making partnership to create pokemon go stops at stores, I don't see the problem with that at all. More pokestops for me, doesn't mean I have to buy anything.

kevnb2878d ago

It obviously isn't to anybody commenting on here or with a Facebook account.

Sirk7x2877d ago

If you use the internet without a damn good VPN, or carry a smartphone, you already have lost a good amount of privacy. Did you know that surveillance equipment and facial recognition software is at the point now where if a person is spotted multiple times with someone with a particular criminal record, it can be automatically logged as an event, and label a person as a potential accomplice?

fenome2878d ago (Edited 2878d ago )


Replied to the wrong comment, me and my phone have a love/hate relationship. We love to hate eachother...

basilboxer2878d ago

The game is the biggest craze I can remember for a long time. I think it's going to cause issues in a social sense but nobody cares.. as long as they're catching them all.

Kevlar0092878d ago

Nothing has taken off this quickly or publicly in years. The closest is Angry Birds or Candy Crush, but PokeGO is has had more public interaction and noise. But in a social sense the closest is most likely Snapchat. It's crazy how prevalent PokeGO is, it's quite the fad atm.

KurtRussell2877d ago

craze is the perfect word for it lol. Dumb people, must have nothing better to do. If i was some dictator, i'd send them to to build some railroad or something and be of some use. "We build the railroad, the railroad builds us" haha

terallo2878d ago

At this point its like white noise. Every app seems to compromise your privacy, and I think people are just used to it. Sad, really

Duke192878d ago

I feel like more and more articles like this just seem to be grasping at straws for why Pokemon Go is such a doom and gloom app. Its not the first "game" of its kind, and definitely won't be the last.

Hell if you don't like it don't touch it.

Tsuru2878d ago

Right? No ones forcing you to play the game.

Summons752878d ago

That's because all the negative people are mad people are actually going outside and actually meeting other people in real life. The app has done more good than it has bad and all the "bad" it has done isn't because of the app itself but because of stupid people.

Sirk7x2877d ago

Most negative ads like this, unless intelligently arguing a point or situation, are invoking controversy solely for ad revenue. It must obviously work, seeing as how often it's used.

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