
Nintendo NX 'Teased' By Mojang Employee

Nintendo's upcoming dedicated home console, the Nintendo NX, has been teased by a Mojang employee.

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wonderfulmonkeyman2952d ago

"[UPDATE 1] In a new Tweet by Geuder, he states that there is “no NX news”, and hints at a possible E3 reveal. Since Nintendo already shared that the NX won’t be present at the E3, Geuder seems to be misinformed."

So, that's that; this is officially a non-article.

Phunkydiabetic12951d ago

Videogame "news" is pathetic already without this bullshit.

XanderZane2951d ago

Another clickbait article. Glad I didn't click on it.

kraenk122952d ago

WHO approves stuff like this?! This site is going down

2952d ago Replies(1)
AgentXaaz2951d ago

IKR! About a week ago my story was making its way up the "top stories today" (was the 6th one in the line of articles at the top) and it got taken down because someone posted the same news as I did 9 hours AFTER I did, got flagged as duplicate, got removed and the person who posted theirs 9hrs after got approved... the f*ck??? -__-

kraenk122951d ago

This can happen if you're not a power user and other power users use their might to drown your voice.

sorenx2950d ago

Sony fan site if it looks like negative Nintendo news it gets approves.

ScorpiusX2951d ago (Edited 2951d ago )

If true that he has visited Nintendo to talk Minecraft for NX ,Then that means MS knows and is keeping a big secret on what's inside the new console .Wow very cool

bleedsoe9mm2951d ago (Edited 2951d ago )

why is everyone assuming NX is nintendo , nx is abreviation i'd use for xbox next

@castillo my point is the nintendo system is code named NX but ms might steal the abbreviation before nintendo releases , mojang is more likely to know ms plan

ScorpiusX2951d ago

Mojang may know of both plans but seriously doubt they would reveal the plans of their owners .
As for the NX don't see MS taking it , they seem to love using names associated directly with anything MS .

sorenx2950d ago

This isn't about microsoft?I

ScorpiusX2950d ago

Microsoft is involved directly or non directly weather you like it or not .
who do you think owns Mojang , who owns the Minecraft IP .. take a guess

Tobsesan2951d ago (Edited 2951d ago )

You know why Nintendo wont reveal the nx? Because ms will! Its the Nintendo Xbox because ms now partners with Nintendo and all Future games will share the same console. You heared it here first.

One can dream

ScorpiusX2951d ago (Edited 2951d ago )

That's one hell of a dream , but can you imagine all the butt hurt just from non Nintendo & Xbox fans knowing that this new system has a ton of awesome games .....

@Tobsesan LOL

Tobsesan2951d ago

I just want to see all the damge control, would make the Internet melt.

danny8182951d ago

i wouldnt be surprised at this xD definitely would make the internet very angry but i doubt any japanese company would do this.

ScorpiusX2951d ago (Edited 2950d ago )

its not like one is buying the other or vice versa , just a simple partnership to generate profit and maintain a good amount of Market shares.

@Tobsesan imagine playing all those games with the greatest controller ever , sweet.

2951d ago Replies(1)
wonderfulmonkeyman2949d ago

The only good thing that could come out of that, is that Rare's franchises would be accessible to Nintendo once again, and then we might actually get the Banjo-Tooie sequel we've been begging for for years.XD

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2949d ago
L0cky2951d ago

The wii u was revealed way to early in hindsight.
Revealing a few months before launch will not kill the hype momentum as with the wii u.

I think its actually bad to reveal and spoil a lot on a new console or games months even year(s) before it launches.
People are more news hungry nowadays then they want to play something if they have to wait to long on a product befor it finally comes out.

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