
Popular characters on first screenshots of Telltale's Game of thrones game

This year the first episode of The Game of Thrones game from Telltale Games will apear. We still haven't seen any screenshots or trailers, but today finally get to see the first screenshots.

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Kingsora3485d ago

I am really curious how this is going to turn out. Big fan of Telltale Games and Game of Thrones. Match made in heaven?

grailly3485d ago

I would love it to be great but I have my doubts. I can't shake the feeling that the story happening in the game can't have any importance, because if it has any importance you would have heard about it in the books ( I mean they can't go killing kings willy-nilly). It kind of removes the sense of importance that there is to the main story. I guess they could still make a cool small-scale story that ressembles what Arya is living.

Maxor3485d ago

If this is true then nobody would give a crap about Clementine and the rest of the Walking Dead games.

AliTheSnake13485d ago

Is this show really as good as people hype it up to be ? I only saw the first episode of 1st season. Too much unnecessary nudity and sex stuff. Made me think they're using that to sell the show.
Are they ? is it worth watching ?

Kingsora3485d ago

@Alithesnake: The show is magnificent. It has such strong and interesting characters.

The story is sometimes a little slow, but it still is one of the best tv shows running at the moment.

grailly3485d ago


the walking dead and game of thrones are very different though. In the walking dead you only care about the characters and how they survive, it rarely ever touches on the fate of humanity of the world. Game of thrones is the story of a kingdom, the rise and fall of powers told through the eyes of characters you care about. I'm afraid the game might be missing the part about the struggle for power of the different kingdoms/races/bloodlines.

If the game is all about characters on a small scale, it wouldn't mean it's not good, but I would be disappointed as a game of thrones fan.

Xof3485d ago

If I were make ng it, I'd just make it an alternate universe thing instead of trying to fit it in with the books' narrative. IE let the player determine who lives/dies instead of the book.

spicelicka3484d ago


Yes there's a lot of nudity and yes that's to sell the show, but unfortunately that's the trend now days. It rarely has any importance as much as people say it adds to the show.

But that doesn't mean the show isn't amazing, it's literally one of the greatest shows ever created. You can't judge is by watching a few episodes, since it's based off a book, the story is carefully unraveled, things don't just happen to make you watch the next episode. That's why you have to have patience and let it build up, it'll take at least 5-6 episodes, but by the end of the season you'll be sucked into that world, specially during season 2.

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Sketchy_Galore3485d ago

This has the potential to be beyond amazing but I really hope the show/book characters only feature as much (or at most a little more) than The Walking dead Comic characters. I love Tyrion but I don't want to play as him in some super important side story the book or show just forgot to mention. I'd much rather play through some side story with original characters that just fits into the same Universe.

Kingsora3485d ago

They already confirmed that the characters we are going to play with aren't any of the familiar characters.

Sketchy_Galore3485d ago

Very good news. Thanks for the helpful info.

shadow18spirit3485d ago

And yet we forget their names sometimes.

MegaSackman3485d ago

They changed their art style and i didn't know the have the series license. I'm really looking forward to this.

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What’s the best Game of Thrones video game?

Over the past decade, Game of Thrones has become a bonafide powerhouse in the realms of television and fantasy literature. However, despite its massive pop culture presence, there’s one entertainment avenue in which George R.R. Martin’s politically charged fantasy drama has mostly floundered: video games.

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TheSinsibleOne1841d ago (Edited 1841d ago )

I personally loved the Telltale GoT. Probably one of the few where your choice actually matters. Iron from ice!

lucian2291841d ago

One of my favorite telltale games. Loved the story

Manubiggs1840d ago

I loved it too, my favorite tell tale game. Always wishes there would be a sequel

Hatsu121841d ago

The one that's not written by D&D

pietro12121841d ago

What does that even mean? Sounds like you don't know what D&D is?

TekoIie1841d ago (Edited 1841d ago )

D&D is used as an abbreviation for the main writers of the show (David Benioff and D. B. Weiss) because it's a hell of a lot shorter. So it's not a 'what' it's a 'who' and to be honest he's right. These guys have shown a complete disregard for the material with their recent attempt to rush it to completion to move on to their Star Wars work. These guys showed talent in adapting but don't have an original bone in their body based on their work beforehand.

pietro12121841d ago

In that case I agree and I apologize for coming off as an A hole. Dungeons and Dragons kept popping in my head every time I read D&D. Lol

porkChop1841d ago

I mean we only have the Telltale game, the 2012 RPG, and some mobile games to choose from. So probably Telltale? Even though I personally thought it was one of Telltale's worst products.

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Can the Games Market be Dominated by the Film Industry?

Written by Alan Kerr - The continual push towards better graphics has led the game industry to a point where games are starting to look incredibly realistic. At the same time, the film industry’s ability in CGI has come just as far and it is getting harder to notice the difference.

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PhoenixUp2207d ago

Well first of all gaming does far more than just realistic graphics, it goes for all different kinds of art styles.

Second visuals aren’t everything. It’s the only interactive medium with various aspects that can’t be replicated in any other medium.

Finally the gaming industry is the fastest growing industry of all time and in recent years it’s outgrossed both the music and movie industries combined.

MorpheusX2205d ago

Can the Games Market be Dominated by the Film Industry?

There trying .

TekoIie2205d ago

Not really. The games industry is far more flexible and able to wriggle its way into people's lives be it from candy crush on the bus to Call of Duty at home.

Film has it much harder to make its way into people's lives seeing as you may have to put aside a few hours in the day to see a movie.

To me it's just one major advantage the medium has over the other from a market standpoint.


Winter is Here: Five Games to Play Until Game of Thrones Returns

After a fantastic seventh season that greatly improved upon the somewhat lacklustre sixth, Game of Thrones is once more on hiatus. Now that everyone must wait until Summer 2018 (or possibly even as late as 2019) for the next series, OnlySP has decided that the best thing for everyone is to offer a list of the best video games to scratch that Game of Thrones itch as they wait.

quantoxtech2465d ago

How did I not notice that it's already winter?

LawlessSXE2465d ago

Because it's not literally. Winter just ended in the southern hemisphere and is three months away in the northern.
The title refers to winter in the show, as well as acting as a metaphor for the hiatus period until the next season as dead months.

Prince_TFK2465d ago

Winter is here...in Westeros.

mocaak2465d ago

"After a fantastic seventh season that greatly improved upon the somewhat lacklustre sixth." 😂😂😂 Wow, ok. Season 6 was superior in every way.

NordicRainy2465d ago

Yeah seriously. What has this author been smoking? This season has been criticised much more than 6.

Lou Ferrigno2465d ago

right?.. both seasons were really good , but S6 was amazing and had the perfect ending going into S7... can't wait for S8.