
10 Things You Need To Know About The #GamerGate Scandal

Articles everywhere have sprung up overnight claiming that ‘gamers are dead’, or ‘gamers are killing gamers’. Chances are you’ve seen one of these articles with whatever sensationalist title they’ve used to draw you in, but why are people saying this? What does #GamerGate mean?

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Beetey3556d ago

Excellent article. It's sad how many websites are simply ignoring the issue or posting articles that are blatantly insulting to their target audience. I just hope the campaign will be enough to bring some actual change to game journalism instead of just continuing to be a touchy (and often misrepresented) issue that people are afraid to discuss.

johndoe112113556d ago

Agreed. The author got everything spot on. This issue is a very very very serious one and as gamers we really need to come together and demand that these "journalists" and devs be held accountable for their actions.

They are trying to shift the blame to gamers and are labeling us terrorists and misogynists due to the actions of a select few. It's all about misdirection so that we don't focus on their deceitful,unethical and underhanded practices.

WilliamUsher3556d ago

This times 1000

We need some way to get the word out there in a mass way, though.

All the major sites are closing down their comment threads so other people can't be informed whenever these issues pop up.

It's like it's really hard to get momentum going when these people have so much reach to shutdown discussions and spread using their marketing connections.

I mean, WTF is up with Reddit and Neogaf? This is straight up BS. Reddit's /r/Games and /r/gaming are especially egregious given that it's supposed to be an OPEN forum for discussion and they're purposefully shutting all of it down. It makes me sick.

Dee_913556d ago

Even here on N4G its questionable why these articles don't generate more heat despite the fact they gets lots of comments and views..

3-4-53556d ago (Edited 3556d ago )

* If we stop going to these Journalists sites and giving them hits, they will go away.

We have more power than you think.

People who play games and buy games, control the games, not the media.

Aquariusgamer3556d ago

Heads up, this is another "click my website 10 times because all my points are spread out on 10 different pages" article.

johndoe112113556d ago (Edited 3556d ago )

Usually I would have a serious problem with that but as this is one of the very very few journalists that actually have the courage to speak up for what is right, I don't mind giving him the clicks.

LucasRuinedChildhood3556d ago (Edited 3556d ago )

This is worse than that time Lucas ruined my childhood.

#GameJournalistsMakeGeorgeLuc asLookGood

Additionally, Anita and Quinn's manipulative nature is more sickening than the experience watching Kingdom of The Crystal Skull ... I still shutter. What a cruel trick.

Anyway,it's nice to see that some have to courage to stand up and demand integrity in this industry. So many websites are almost worshiping Zoe Quinn - a woman who admitted to raping her boyfriend, exchanged sex for good publicity, doxxed a group trying to help out female developers, and in general is just a corrupt individual.

LucasRuinedChildhood3556d ago (Edited 3556d ago )

SJW: 'How dare you, you misogynist 'gamer'. Gaming is not about playing games. It's about pushing agendas, in return for pussy. Unity should let me play as a woman, even if the main character isn't a woman and that wouldn't make any sense. Make it make sense. I'll censor/kill you!!! I bet you have white skin. Oh, the inhumanity!!! Depression Quest saved my life, and is the greatest light of justice in the universe, the Citizen Kane of gaming - an eternal classic. I've looked at the facts, and I don't like them. They aren't important, and I wasn't paid to say any of this, even if you can prove it.

I did not have sexual relations with that woman!'

Ogygian3556d ago (Edited 3556d ago )

We need more articles like this to spread the truth about our concerns, and combat the false narrative being portrayed by hipster game journalists and Sarkeesian's minions.

Additionally, we need to catch the attention of devs, which is only going to be done through headlines. In light of all the hatred against our side of the debate, it's both important and brave for writers to be taking a stand to keep our hobby free from external "moral"-sociopolitic al pressure.

These people aren't smart enough to tell us what sort of content we should be consuming.

EdoubleD3556d ago (Edited 3556d ago )


I'm sorry if I keep posting the same image from other comment sections. But this is just one example of how bigoted and two-faced these people are.

I appreciate articles like these, we need more. Gamers aren't the bad guy in this narrative.

mixelon3556d ago

There aren't bad guys in this narrative. Not in the sense that one side is righteous and the other bad. That's what's perverse about the whole thing. There are idiots and hate spewing self righteous turds on both "sides".

EdoubleD3556d ago

That's kind of my point. When I wrote that, it was aimed towards the 'story' these guys are trying to spin.

I know there are turds on both sides, but you have to admit. We're being constantly bombarded about how we're the ones who have to change, have high moral standards etc. When you have examples like the one I've posted happening.

Ogygian3556d ago

I suppose it depends on whether we can mutually agree on what a "bad guy" is.

I mean yes, there are crazy extremists on either side who take things too far, but I believe there is a "good" side in one of the general arguments.

Take the SJWs: Have an idea of morality. Believe that more games should reflect this morality, regardless of what sales figures dictate the wider audience actually wants.

Anti-SJWs: Have a different idea of morality. Do not try to impose it on others.

And that's the important element. One side is merely trying to prevent the other from telling devs what to do. It is saying "let the market decide; if you want more games to be like X, prove you are willing to sacrifice something for them and actually buy games like X".

So this is in a sense like tolerant religious believers vs intolerant. One one side you have people saying:

"we are right, you should convert to our religion and we're going to demand your religious leaders spread *our* word to educate you"

On the other we have:

"We're not going to criticise the beliefs you like to follow by launching attacks against your religious leaders (those who create SJW-friendly media), we simply won't attend their sermons. Please let us worship in peace, as we grant you that freedom".

All gamers want is for the media to stop patronising gamers by telling us how "immoral" and "misogynistic" we are so we can just get on withn our lives, and for devs to not fear making stuff we enjoy so as to maintain good PR with the SJWs.

So to me, it seems clear that this is simply a case of intolerance (SJWs) vs tolerance (gamers). If you don't agree that intolerance is 'evil', however (or as close as it gets), then for you, I can understand how neither side can be considered 'good'.

I mean for me as an economist, the costs of the "battle" for moral supremacy and its casualties outweigh by far the costs of simply learning that some people just disagree with you, and also finding a way to tolerate and live side-by-side with these individuals. I support tolerance which is why I oppose SJWs.

mixelon3556d ago

@spartanlemur "So to me, it seems clear that this is simply a case of intolerance (SJWs) vs tolerance (gamers). If you don't agree that intolerance is 'evil', however (or as close as it gets), then for you, I can understand how neither side can be considered 'good'."
It doesn't seem like that to me at all. A large number of gamers are not showing any tolerance at all.

Ogygian3556d ago


In what way?

Who is criticising SJW-friendly media? If they want books with female protagonists that's fine. If they want movies with strong female leads, then that's fine, and I'm not going to criticise.
I wouldn't watch them myself because I'd rather have things which appeal more to me and my lifestyle (I can empathise more with a male lead in paternal, fraternal and romantic themes), but I would, if I had a case, try and appeal to devs on the grounds that they're missing an opportunity and they could make more money if they targeted stuff at people with the same taste as myself. To do so I would try and use statistical evidence and be willing to defend its accuracy (the ESA evidence SJWs use is easily dismissed as it includes mobile gaming, which this debate does not really concern).

So the SJWs are not using much data, and where they do, they don't defend it from critique. Instead they are using emotive and condescending arguments to make devs change games to their tastes and away from those who make up the majority of the market.

So, using some statistics, and what I feel are reasonable assumptions about character protagonist preferences (only SJWs fight their inner nature and "martyr" their own desires by doing "what's right" in playing "strong independent women" (in the case of men); the rest of us just do what comes naturally...we accept our humanity and aren't bothered with "crusades/causes") I think it would be efficient if the percentage of games with respectable female leads reflected the percentage of women who play women in the market; the percentage of sexualised female leads reflected by the percentage of men in the market who play women; the percentage of sexualised male leads reflected in the market by the percentage of women who play men; the percentage of respectable male leads reflected by the percentage of the market who are men who play men.

So that ^^^ seems like pretty fair equilibrium state, where firms/devs are efficiently appealing to all niches (no people don't *only* buy games with one type of protagonist, but these are simple preferences, and it's all proportional; the statisticians out there will know what I mean). I would believe that any group who lost out from the above statistic would have a rational case to push, provided they find supporting evidence.

With a lack of supporting evidence, SJWs are merely trying to work against supply and demand to profit from disproportionate representation. They are trying to trick people into pretty much giving away what they *really* like playing by demonising goods/games which they don't like.

Another example is vodka and rum. Say 10% like rum and 90% like vodka. Dissatisfied with the variety of rum, the 10% could try and demonise vodka, getting it banned, and thus forcing the 90% to drink rum, which they find less enjoyable. We now would see more producers making rum, and far more varieties, making the 10% very happy at the expense of the 90%.

In a sense you could even call it theft.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3556d ago
OpenGL3556d ago

ISIS/ISIL beheaded another journalist today.

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10 Rarest PS3 Games Worth an Arm and a Leg

The Nerd Stash: “The PS3 marked a turning point in the industry, and among the sea of popular titles came the rare games that are worth more now than ever.”

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Burrito26a3h ago

Aquanauts Holiday at $500. Nice

jznrpg1h ago

I don’t collect games for their value I collect games I enjoyed playing. Many games I own are worth a lot of money but they must be games I want to play for me to purposely collect them. Most of this list isn’t games I would enjoy. I may have some of these games because I bought my friends PS2/3 Collection years ago and I never actually looked what was in it. It was a couple hundred games though still sitting in a box and I’m sure there are some good valuable games. I should go sift through it sometime.

P_Bomb13m ago

I still have Afrika. Who knew it’d be worth something?


‘Hellblade 2’ Launches As The 23rd Most-Played Xbox Game, What Does That Mean?

Senua’s Saga: Hellblade 2 launched last week to solid reviews from both fans and players. But its playercount? That's another story.

helicoptergirl8h ago(Edited 8h ago)

That's awful. This combined with the really low Steam numbers paint a disastrous picture imo. Really bad timing too because Tango was closed down for a similar thing. Great reviewed game, and low sales and/or player count. Hi-Fi Rush reviewed a hell of a lot better and it was widely loved by everyone, Hellblade 2 nowhere near that.

I know the rumor is that the studio has their next game already green-lit, but if I worked at Tango, I would be furious. "Why do they survive while we get binned?" I'd be telling myself.

But the suit woman will have you believe "Oh we have different metrics for the success of one studio compared to another studio. We judge each studio and game on their own set criteria" or something like that, I'm paraphrasing here but you get the idea. But no one who works there knows what the hell that even means. I mean the DLC for Redfall was getting worked on days before they even got the news their studio was getting dumped in the trash. So what are these mysterious metrics to let studios survive and others perish? I bet this is all hogwash, I bet MS don't even really know. They just had to make cuts and certain studios just found their way on the chopping block. Someone had to bite the dust, why not you?

Well I bet all this does nothing for the confidence of other employees in other studios. The truth is you have no idea where your career will be in a year from now working at one of their studios that aren't the mega big ones. MS just have too many studios to manage efficiently. "We'll just throw money at them and buy them and worry about the details later on. I mean we can do it, we're Microsoft."

darthv727h ago

...have you seen what the top 10 consists of? Its things like fortnite, roblox, CoD, apex... etc. This being a new game that has a niche appeal is actually surprising to see at 23. Its also the 33rd top paid game on the PC through the MS store.

tay87017h ago

Those are dreadful numbers any way you slice it dude. They hyped this game to hell for the last 4 plus yrs. It was supposed to be xboxs big game this yr. Ninja Theory is probably sweating right now.

Scissorman6h ago

And it's already slipped out of the Top 100 on Steam. Meanwhile a port of the 4-year old Ghost of Tsushima is sitting comfortably at #8.

RiseNShine6h ago

One of the biggest games of the year, a multi million sequel and heavily advertised game, at 23 most played? There's no way to justify those numbers.

darthv726h ago

^^heavily advertised game...?

I mean, I knew the game was coming but outside of a boot screen ad for it, there has been little to no marketing. And yet it still managed 23rd. Make of that what you will.

Elda4h ago(Edited 4h ago)

Here in the East Coast on NY/NJ on cable tv Hellblade 2 has been advertised pretty well. I see the commercials every day at least 3 times a day for the past 3 weeks. It's even advertised as YT commercials.

Chevalier4h ago(Edited 4h ago)

What an idiotic comment. Let me guess the next comment would be GTA V outsold everything so....

Absolutely terrible numbers all round for this game. Ghost of Tsushima at number 8. Good games going to sell regardless of excuses

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 4h ago
RpgSama5h ago

What a disaster, 2 failures in a row for Ninja Theory, first Bleeding edge, now Hellblade 2, any way you slice it these are not the numbers the most awaited game of the year for Xbox should show (before Activision purchase), also player numbers is extremely low and even more surprising considering is day 1 on gamepass.

Crows901h ago

If they worked on heavenly sword instead then they would have something worth playing and waiting for... unfortunately that won't happen.

Terry_B8h ago

It means that it will be the..50th? 75th? most played xbox game in June.

CrimsonWing697h ago

That people played it 🤷‍♂️

Scissorman6h ago

If this game cost more and took longer to develop than Hi-Fi Rush, then I would worry if I were Ninja Theory. Projects may have been greenlit, but the increased scrutiny over at MS may very well put them on the chopping block. The incredible irony here is that it was PlayStation players that pushed the original game passed its 1 million copies sold milestone. With that purchasing power cut out, and the Game Pass effect having trained Xbox players to not purchase games, it seems that the sequel may have been set-up for failure.

italiangamer6h ago

And that's exactly what pisses me off about Hellblade 2 not being on PlayStation, Sony promoted the original game and I bought it basically on D1 back in the day because I liked what I saw and ended up really enjoying it!
I really hope Hellblade 2 is next on the porting list because I would buy it in a heartbeat, asshole microsoft robbed me of this game!

darthv726h ago

Just get an xbox. Then it will be YOU that is robbing Microsoft. Gamepass is a hell of a deal and an addictive one at that.

AndrewM5h ago

No darth, buying an Xbox only helps xbox lol he can play gamepass on com if he wants to take advantage of them destroying themselves.

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The twin-stick shooter “REMEDIUM” has just dropped its "Full Act 2" update for PC via Early Access

"Limassol-based (Cyprus) indie games publisher ESDigital Games  and Moscow-based (Russia) indie games developer Sobaka Studio, are today very proud and glad to announce that they have just released the "Full Act 2" update for their fast-paced twin-stick shooter “REMEDIUM” (the said update is available right now for PC via Steam and EGS)." - Jonas Ek, TGG.