
Game Scoop: 20% of Devs Working on PS4 Games

A recent poll shows that 20% of developers are currently developing PS4 games, 18% of developers are currently developing Xbox One games, 4% of developers are developing WII U games, a small percentage of developers are currently developing games for last gen consoles and handhelds, and most developers are developing for either PC or Mobile.

ArchangelMike3742d ago (Edited 3742d ago )

It's the first-party studios that will really drive next-gen games development. Multiplatform devs will still be limited to the lowest common denominator console. Even though devs are pushing higher resolution and frame rate on the PS4, when it comes to true next gen gaming experiences, it will be the first party studios that matter the most.

Fireseed3742d ago

Star Citizen would like to have a word with you...

Hellsvacancy3741d ago

Star Citizen is being made for PC only, the developers don't have to accommodate for older consoles, they can just focus on PC development

kratoz12093741d ago

Star Citizen will inevitably come to the PS4

alexkoepp3741d ago

Star citizen is a game that will never live up to the expectations, guarantee that games gonna be a turd.

Dark113742d ago (Edited 3742d ago )

Nah not for me but i did bought PS4 instead of X1 only because of the God of War series
other than that 3rd party games is why i'm looking forward to Next-Gen. (Witcher , Fallout , Mass effect etc..)

Thehyph3742d ago

That's the first time I've seen God of War mentioned specifically as the reason to own a PlayStation console!

OT: Isn't it crazy how many devs answered Vita, comparatively?

LackTrue4K3742d ago (Edited 3742d ago )

@ video,
"Wii U.........?!"

hahahaha.ha.hha..a.....hahaha a.hha..a.....hahahahhahah.a.a. . a......a.hahha
hahaha.a...a.ah.hahah........ .hahahahhh...ahha....hahahaha. h a.hha..a.....hahahahhahah.a.a. . a......a.hahha
hahaha.a...a.ah.hahah........ a......a.hahha

N4g_null3742d ago

This video is a bunch of guys giggling like little girls and confusing Zach and wiki for a ngc game. Sad showing here. They are claiming this is worst than game cube and it's not. Also this is a gdc list. Indies don't go there. It is out of their budget. Only 20 to 18 percent on the hype station 4 huh wow.... that is not cool.

Pc and mobile pc really is kicking console tail huh? I wonder who. Else will shut down? 3rd party wise.

Angeljuice3741d ago


20% of all developers coding for PS4 is a huge number. For a console less than 6 months out the gate. As is 18% for the XB1 (it is a multi billion dollar industry after all). 4% on the WiiU after over a year is a little worrying, but that's still a lot of software.

Of course PC and mobile are doing better, they're both long established markets with proven routes to mass exposure and revenue streams.

Gamer19823742d ago

20% developers developing PS4 games, 17% making Xbox One games and 4% making WiiU games. 7% Vita and 2% 3DS for you portable fans. A good year for Sony really with those results.. Vita support is no way near dead..

hkgamer3741d ago

7% on vita and 2% on 3DS?
why is 3DS so low???

N4g_null3742d ago

I wonder how is sony going to fix this only % 20 clearly everyone is abandoning console for pc and mobile. The thing is selling like crazy yet only % 20 of the dev at gdc? Wow.

dcj05243742d ago

Thats good for consoles. PC and mobile will always dominate because its easy to put games on there.

rainslacker3741d ago

GDC is attended by a bunch of different developers from a wide range of studios. The vast majority of studios nowadays are indie ranging from large to just a few people. It's usually wise for these small developers to go to GDC or even E3, just to make connections within the industry, or to show off their game, or to sign with a publisher.

These small devs are more likely to be publishing on mobile or PC due to the more open nature of their platform. Because of that, this statistic is skewed. It it broke down the numbers into big, mid, and low budget games, you would see a much different statistic. However, PC would probably still take up a bulk of them, but I'm sure both PS4 and X1's number would go up significantly.

Anyhow, if you look at the number of games available on Mobile/PC and consoles, you would probably get this same statistic, as the mobile market is certainly flooded with a huge number of titles, many not even worth looking at.

N4g_null3741d ago

I've been to gdc many times. I remember it being a pc console race. Or atleast pc guys wanting to go console. I haven't been since the last one when nintendo rolled out the framework and the gpgpu stuff. I say this is alarming simply because it doesn't seem like ps brand is producing gamers savy enough to make games. Also if you got a bunch of mini game makers and some big Hollywood studios you just end up with shallow great looking boringly made games. I think many vets are going it on their own in the next few years. Indie is where the magic is going. The old industry is dieing because of an empty vision to chase plaques. I haven't seen gamers this unhappy in a long time.

hkgamer3741d ago

not really. most of them are probably indie developers.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3741d ago
purp13m0nk3y3742d ago

I think Mike meant "Next Gen Console" games development. And I agree.

First party studios (whether it be for SONY or MS) will always be able to push the hardware further than third party devs who have to spread their resources across optimizing for several platforms.

We saw it last gen with the PS3. What ND achieved on the aging PS3 hardware with UC3 and TLOU was breath taking.

This time round I think SONY's first party devs will be pushing hard to make the most PS4's GPGPU compute capabilities. AMD and SONY put a lot of work into future proofing the PS4 as far as GPGPU goes. And offers huge potential.

starchild3741d ago

I don't agree at all. The talent of many different third party AND first party developers together is the engine that drives the industry forward. There are talented 3rd party and talented 1st party developers, but there are simply far more 3rd party devs than 1st party.

I know you are big Sony fan, but let's be realistic here. Aside from Naughty Dog's games and LittleBigPlanet most PS3 exclusives were not particularly innovative or special. I'm not saying that some of them weren't good, just that your hyperbole isn't justified.

The vast majority of developers are 3rd party developers and to discount all they have done simply to put your favored first party developers on a pedestal is simply asinine.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 3741d ago
Axios23742d ago (Edited 3742d ago )

I think Sony has 12 1st part studios to MS's 21

Microsoft Studios

First Party (21)

United States

343 Industries – Halo series
Connected Experiences – Untitled Project – Design Large scale multiplayer title and help other first party studios
Good Science Studio – Kinect Adventures, Kinect Fun Labs
Kids and Lifestyle Entertainment – Untitled Project
Microsoft Studios – Los Angeles – Untitled Project
Microsoft Studios – Mobile Gaming – ilomilo
Microsoft Studios – Redmond Publishing – Overseeing and co-developing multiple projects in conjunction with third party development studios
Platform Next Studios – Untitled Project
Playful Learning – Untitled Project
Skybox Sports – Untitled Project
Turn 10 Studios – Forza Motorsport series
Twisted Pixel Games – The Gunstringer, LocoCycle
Xbox Live Productions – South Park Let's Go Tower Defense Play!,South Park: Tenorman's Revenge, Avatar Kinect


Lionhead Studios – Fable series, Black & White series,Unannounced MMO-like New IP
Lift London – Multiple Cloud Based gaming projects
Rare Ltd. – Banjo-Kazooie series, Viva Piñata, Perfect Dark series,Kinect Sports series
Soho Productions – Kinect Sesame Street TV
Press Play – Untitled Project[24]


BigPark – Joy Ride series, Kinect Sports: Season Two
Black Tusk Studios – Untitled Project
Microsoft Studios Victoria – Untitled Project

Third Party (67)

@ StarElite, my bad, 20 studios

LuaMaster3742d ago (Edited 3742d ago )

And Sony first party has both quality and quantity over Microsoft's tiny number of first party developers.

It should be obvious from this hilarious attempt to inflate Microsoft's tiny number of actual first party console developers why for the past four years Xbox fans having been crying over the 360 having almost nothing to new at each E3 other than Kinect garbage.

More than half that hilarious list are:

* Closed studios
* Not actual first party studios but standard developer support groups
* Mobile developers
* Windows game developers

And then you are left with a bunch of Kinect focused casual shovelwave developers and a few actual real console development studios.

Just looking at the pathetic Microsoft first party lineup it should be obvious why Microsoft is desperately hyping a downgraded PC port in Titanfall and Xbox fans are desperately hoping that yet another Halo is coming out in 2014.

It also should be obvious why Microsoft is going to fight like mad to keep from being forced to drop the Kinect junk from the Xbox One no matter how badly it is failing in the market. They would have to dump a huge chunk of their already tiny first party developers because they are casual shovelware Kinect developers Microsoft has been acquiring over the past four years with the inane assumption that the Xbox One would be some type of Wii type mass market megahit with both gamers and non-gamers.

scott1823742d ago

20% of devs working on PS4 games, That's great, I guess it really is all about the games. But Good resolution and fps doesn't have to be thrown out at the same time. Sony's studios are the best, and they are all quality (and active) console game developers.

NegativeCreep4273742d ago (Edited 3742d ago )

Giving the benefit of the doubt and assuming Axios2's list is 100% up to date and accurate, I would wager that at least 70% of those studios are tasked with focusing on lame empty-shelled kinect games.

Gamer19823742d ago

Agreed above people think those studios are all making xbox games and far from it only about 4-5 of them are making games for the Xbox.. The rest make windows and mobile games or are just doing other things within the company right now.. If they really were then you would see a load of first party exclusives on xbox but we dont in fact we only really saw halo and forza last generation that were mainstream then you had the odd ones from rare... Fable was and has always been multi-platform and soon as MS pulled the PC from Lionhead Peter Molyneux left. As that guy simply wants to make PC games..

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3742d ago
Majin-vegeta3742d ago

Yet ND alone makes all those DEVS look like chumps xD.

OT:Can;t wait to see what all of SOny's 1st party DEVS have been up to.

jcnba283742d ago

I'd love to see Naughty Dog create a game on par with what Nintendo Tokyo EAD can do. xD

seppo913742d ago (Edited 3742d ago )

Jcnba28, wouldnt that be a drop in quality?

Master-H3742d ago

Yet, most of Xbox exclusives are made by 3d/2nd party studios, that should tell you something...

dcj05243742d ago

That it has strong third party support?

StarElite3742d ago

You know Microsoft Studios Victoria closed down 3 months ago right?

BG115793742d ago

At this point and seeing how many studios MS has, I'm wondering were all the games for the 360 disappeared for to these last 2 and half years...

Akuma2K3742d ago (Edited 3742d ago )

deleted by mistake, was trying to edit

Akuma2K3742d ago (Edited 3742d ago )

Sony's studios....

First Party:

SCE Japan Studio – Ape Escape, LocoRoco, Patapon, Knack Team Ico – Ico, Shadow of the Colossus, The Last Guardian
Project Siren – Siren series, Gravity Rush

Polyphony Digital – Gran Turismo series, Tourist Trophy

North America
Naughty Dog – Crash Bandicoot series, Jak and Daxter series, Uncharted series, The Last of Us ICE Team

SCE Santa Monica Studio – Kinetica, God of War series, PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale
SCE San Diego Studio – MLB: The Show, ModNation Racers
SCE Bend Studio – Syphon Filter, Resistance: Retribution, Uncharted: Golden Abyss
SCE Foster City Studio - supported studio for SCE Worldwide Studios
Sucker Punch Productions – Sly Cooper series, Infamous series

SCE London Studio – SingStar, EyeToy, PlayStation Home
Evolution Studios – World Rally Championship, MotorStorm series, Driveclub
Guerrilla Games – Killzone series Guerrilla Cambridge – MediEvil, Killzone: Mercenary

Media Molecule – LittleBigPlanet series, Tearaway
XDev - External Dev Studio

Second Party:

Clap Hanz – Everybody's Golf series

North America
Insomniac Games[32] – Spyro the Dragon series, Ratchet & Clank series, Resistance series
Ready at Dawn Studios – God of War: Chains of Olympus, God of War: Ghost of Sparta, Daxter, God of War: Origins Collection, The Order: 1886
Idol Minds – Pain, Warrior's Lair, Ratchet & Clank Collection
Sanzaru Games - Secret Agent Clank, The Sly Collection, Sly Cooper: Thieves in Time
Zindagi Games – Sports Champions, Medieval Moves: Deadmund's Quest
Giant Sparrow - The Unfinished Swan, Edith Finch

Quantic Dream – Heavy Rain, Beyond: Two Souls, The Dark Sorcerer
Tarsier Studios – Rag Doll Kung Fu: Fists of Plastic, LittleBigPlanet PS Vita
Double Eleven – LittleBigPlanet PS Vita
Novarama – Invizimals, Reality Fighters
Supermassive Games – Start the Party!, Until Dawn, Tumble, walking with dinosaurs
Plastic Games - Linger in Shadows, Datura
Ovosonico[33] - Murasaki Baby
CCP Games - DUST 514
Firesprite - The Playroom

Third Party:

Level-5 – White Knight Chronicles, Dark Cloud, Rogue Galaxy, Jeanne D'arc
Q-Games – PixelJunk series

North America
High Impact Games – Ratchet & Clank: Size Matters, Secret Agent Clank, Jak and Daxter: The Lost Frontier
Slant Six Games – SOCOM: U.S. Navy SEALs series
ThatGameCompany – Flow, Flower, Journey
United Front Games – ModNation Racers
Bluepoint Games - God of War Collection, The Ico & Shadow of the Colossus Collection, PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale
Magic Pixel Games - Carnival Island
Mass Media Inc. - Jak and Daxter Collection, The Midway
Fun Bits - Escape Plan
The Workshop - Sorcery
VooFoo Studios - Hustle Kings
Superbot Entertainment - PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale

Housemarque - Super Stardust HD, Dead Nation, Resogun
Ninja Theory - Heavenly Sword

pupa3742d ago

Nice work thanks for the info. Bubbled up

DreadGara3742d ago

Thanks for bringing this epic list.
I have enjoyed everything I got so far from the above and looking forward to play what I have missed.
Wishing all the Developers best of luck on the Next gen.

AceBlazer133741d ago

Then you have NIS America's exclusives like Disgaea and the like

And the fact that mos jap devs big and small don't even bother with xbox support sometimes.

How can anyone be so delusional to claim ps4 has no games.

hkgamer3741d ago

does insomniac still count as 2nd party? im guessing it's kinda a 3rd party dev now. actually insoniac is making a xbone exclusive

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3741d ago
Oh_Yeah3742d ago (Edited 3742d ago )

Yeah bruh...Alot of us don't count kinect/ arcade games. Bringing their actual AAA studios down to around 4? In which they crank out sequal after sequal,

Forza gears halo fable -___- if you're telling me you'd take those 4 games over the dozens of unique ps exclusives spanning acrossed all genres then idk...

T23742d ago

I certainly don't blame people for wanting all systems and playing all games but when ms was forza gears halo fable and you look at what's coming for ms.... Fable gears forza halo, I'm sorry but that's not exactly mind blowing... Good games all in all but not blowing the door off innovation

hkgamer3741d ago

fable, 1st game was pretty decent, but lacked a lot of things. never played the sequel.

halo had a pretty decent single player but multiplayer was where it was at. sequels improved on that formula and game hasnt really been milked to death.2 for xbox, 4 for 360 and 1 HD remaster/remake.

Gears had great multiplayer and pretty much made 3rd person multiplayer what it is now.

forza. pretty decent sim. not really sure it needs that many iterations but if fans want to buy a new game every few years then why not?

Also how many people even play a wide range of genres?


not blowing the door off innovation, but defeinitely improving over the previous game.

Gridloc3742d ago

All those studios and still no GOTY contender or winner. You must be proud...

Hicken3742d ago

How many of those studios are making avatar clothes or apps? How many are even working on the XB1?

avengers19783742d ago

@axios2 look how many studios you listed that have made zero games, plus you inflat the list with support studios, mobile game studios, and kinect studios. Plus you aren't even close to the number of studios Sony has witch is closer to 24-30 studios.
But if it's a list you want

SOE- DCU ONLINE/ Everquest
Japan studios--ape escape/ knack
Team Ico-- Ico/ Shadow of the Colossus
polyphony digital--Gran Turismo
ND-- Jak and Dexter/ Uncharted/ TLOU
SSM-- God of War
SCE San Diego studios-- MLB the Show/ Mod Nation Racer
Bend-- syphon filter/ Resistance
project siren-- siren/ gravity rush
Sucker Punch-- sly/infamous
London studios-- sing star/ eye toy
Evolution studios-- motor storm/ drive club
Guerrilla-- KILLZONE
Guerrilla Cambridge-- medieval
Media molecule-- LBP/Tearaway
Clap Hanz-- everybody golfs/ hot shots
Ready at Dawn-- god of war(PSP games)/ the order 1886
Sanzaru-- Sly
House marque -- superstardust/ resogun
Incognito-- twisted metal/ war hawk
SCE Liverpool-- wipeout/ F1
Zipper-- MAG/unit 13/ socom

All without naming support studios like SCE Foster City, i.e.

Fact is Sony has more studios, more exclusive games, and arguable better studios( though this is opinion, and all depends on individual preference for games)

Axios23742d ago (Edited 3742d ago )

Zipper is dead

One of three studios Sony closed

SCE Liverpool is also dead

You need to revisit your list

hkgamer3741d ago

i could be wront but i dont think ready at dawn is a sony studio. they make exclusive games for sony but don't think they own them. they are kinda like or was like insomniac.

team ico and project siren are technically part of japan studios. think they are just development teams.

axios2 pointed out the 2 closed studios.

OK, decided to copy and past off sony website instead of guessing;

"Sony Computer Entertainment Worldwide Studios (SCE WWS) is a global network of highly successful game development studios. Each studio is owned by SCE and works exclusively on the SCE portfolio of computer entertainment products.


Media Molecule - Guildford, UK
Guerrilla Games - Amsterdam, Netherlands
SCE London Studio - London, UK
SCE Cambridge Studio - Cambridge, UK
Evolution Studios - Runcorn, UK

SCE Europe is also home to the PlayStation Academic Development and Partnership Programme


SCE Japan Studio - Tokyo, Japan
Polyphony Digital Inc. - Tokyo, Japan


Naughty Dog - Santa Monica, California
SCE Santa Monica Studio- Santa Monica, California
SCE Foster City Studio - Foster City, California
SCE San Diego Studio - San Diego, California
SCE Bend Studio- Bend, Oregon
Sucker Punch - Washington"

would like to add that some studios make more then one game.

SnotyTheRocket3742d ago

- Naughty Dog
- Sony Santa Monica
- Sucker Punch
- Guerilla Games
- Media Molecule
- Polyphony
- Studio Liverpool

greenlantern28143742d ago

Black tusk is working on the gears of war now and the other project was put on hold

Retroman3742d ago (Edited 3742d ago )

@ avengers1978

WOW!!! MS haaaaaas those many studio's and we only hear about gears,forza and halo,titanfall whats up with that???

_FantasmA_3742d ago (Edited 3742d ago )

LOL M$ has more studios, according to your fanboy list, but none of them are A class. Most of them make kiddie and Kinect games, or B class games. Sony is known for their first party studios and the names and franchises of their studios are known by name. M$ studios are unknown to the general public. For 13 years they have been pimping Halo, Halo, Halo, more Halo, Forza and Fable. They only added one new franchise for the 360 and that was Gears, which they killed with Judgment. Sony studios have tons of hits and variety across 4 consoles and 2 portables. Try again kid.

guyman3741d ago

Lionhead, 343 and maybe black tusk and rare
The only first party studios capable of competing with sony's first party studios


Major_Glitch3741d ago

@Axios2 Please correct me if I'm wrong, but NONE of those studios you listed produced a GOTY winner in ANY year of last gen. In fact, if I recall correctly, all of last gen's GOTY winners were either playable or outright EXCLUSIVE to the PS3.
You know Ax, it's kinda sad. Your attempt to prove that MS has more studios than Sony has horribly backfired, and instead you've shown that MS really doesn't have too many quality studios.

+ Show (14) more repliesLast reply 3741d ago
wonderfulmonkeyman3742d ago

Does the Wii U's 4% include the indie developers, too?
I find it hard to believe that OVER a hundred and twenty indies, and growing, were included into figuring a mere 4%...

Oh well, there's still a lot of quality titles coming, so I'm happy whatever the percentage.^_^

lonelyplayer3742d ago

It obviously includes indies...

BitbyDeath3742d ago

PC and mobile would be less than consoles if they did not include indies.

N4g_null3742d ago

Nope they are ignoring that on purpose. Their are some great unity3d projects going up also.

Just waiting on the sdk for dual gamepads! The big publishers pay ign bills.

urwifeminder3742d ago

That 2% will change when Titanfall releases they will stop developing and start playing.

RPG_Lover3742d ago

1) I doubt the validity of this GDC poll. There is no failsafe

2) Lets assume it is true. 1% for the 3DS is just pathetic. It speaks that the developers are more interested than pumping that mobile dollar than putting it on a system with real controls.

MatrixxGT3742d ago

Less than 1% for DS and 2% for 3ds. I think its viable info but not concrete info. This also is only for NA studios and 3rd party. I really don't see much coming to 3ds that fits that criteria. We're getting games that's already been made just being localized and even then they are still mainly first party in some way. Vita is at 7% which makes sense too even with a smaller install base it has more controls, and higher res display, multitouch support, a really high attachment rate, Sony being extremely easy to work with to get games on their platform/store and you have a heaven on earth breeding ground for indies to branch onto consoles other than touch only phones and tablets.
I'm willing to be that out of that 2600 "developers" polled that over 2000 were indies.

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PrinceOfAnger5h ago(Edited 5h ago)

Such a good looking game, best graphics this gen so far

" When the camera zooms in for a close-up, the level of detail is such that it left me guessing whether I was looking at real-time graphics or a pre-rendered cutscene. Thankfully, with Photo Mode being available at any time, you can easily confirm that they are, in fact, real-time.Of course, it's really the animation you experience while playing that impressed me the most. The expressions visible while engaged in combat or simply exploring really help bring the characters to life. "

As a story-focused game, characters and character rendering play a significant role in the presentation. However, while the pre-release media largely focused on Senua herself, Hellblade 2 features a surprisingly large number of other humans. It's without doubt one of the games defining visual features - the character rendering in Hellblade 2 sets new standards, delivering sequences that, at times, almost resemble actual filmed scenes with real actors. This is one of the first examples of a game that stands up against the promise of the UE5 demo The Matrix Awakens. The scenes feel very natural and realistic in a way that manages to somewhat sidestep the uncanny valley almost completely.

Einhander19723h ago

So, the other day I was talking about how DF lies, and their bias. I said cross-reference what they say with other videos and you'll see that what they say is dishonest.

You can see here, that frame-rate is section is hidden near the end of the video and it's one of the shortest sections and of course the segment they show is all 30 fps and they of course don't show any series s footage, but they specifically say it holds 30 FPS "flawlessly".

"It does reach this target flawlessly in my experience with virtually zero hiccups - it runs at 30fps and 30fps is exactly what you'll get from start to finish."

Now watch this video

Here it drops to 21 fps for example

I just used these videos because they were already posted on N4G and Analista De Bits it above questioning about legitimacy, but you can find other people who will also show that the game drops frames regularly, especially on series s.

Petebloodyonion2h ago

OMG! You caught them Lying hard because the game frame dips from time to time to 29 frames per second and at one point it drops for flash at 21 FPS.
Clearly, they are trying to hide something and the 99% of the time that the game holds 30 frames doesn't mean squats in a saying with VIRTUALLY Zero hiccups.

As you can see by the several comments in the video you posted people are venting their anger about how well the Serie S is holding up and how well the game is running across the board

But I guess MS probably paid the users to Shill for MS also since it's your narrative
By the way, let me inform you that 87% of Steam users who got this game are recommending it!
Must be shilled too right?

darthv722h ago

You're trying too hard... John enjoyed the game and stated as much in his testing.

Einhander19722h ago(Edited 2h ago)


OMG! You caught them Lying hard because the game frame dips from time to time to 29 frames per second and at one point it drops for flash at 21 FPS.

I did catch them lying, thanks for noticing.

The problem isn't me. The problem is that you're O.K. with it because they are lying in a way that supports your personal opinion.


Get mad at me because I catch them being dishonest? I'm the bad guy, not the people who are actually lying. Man, the world we live in today is absolutely backwards, it's the bizarro timeline...

If I wanted to take the time I could show you that this isn't the exception, they constantly lie and mislead people in their videos.

HulstWholeSlate1h ago(Edited 59m ago)

But you’d be fine if it was a PlayStation Studios game they were reviewing…

Einhandler is triggered. Can’t handle an Xbox game getting praise. 🤡

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1h ago
OptimusDK5h ago

Incredible graphics..this is finally next gen graphics. It’s an experience more than a game. You can fault it or accept it and embrace what it gives you. It’s like Sony 1886.

PrinceOfAnger5h ago

- Takes advantage of everything UE5 offers
- Final game 'lives up to the lofty expectations' of the 2019 reveal
- Character rendering sets new standards and nearly resembles movie sequences with actual actors
- Leverages Unreal's Meta Human 5 to bypass the uncanny valley feel
- DF were left guessing whether some cut-scenes were in-game or real life footage (photo mode shows they're all real time)
- Character detail and how light / specular etc reflect on it praised
- A lot of the visual make up is tied to the post-process effects
- No option to disable things like CA, DoF etc but it's all suitable to the games presentation
- Soft filmic image quality and wider FoV praised

Resolution and Visuals:
- DRS 1296 to 1440p (w/ black bars 964 to 1070p). Series S will be covered in separate video
- 'Not sure if adding more pixels would make a difference to the filmic quality'

UE5 Features:
- Lumen is used extensively for direct and in-direct lighting, a lot of real time changes and shadows etc all update accordingly
- 'Phenomenal stuff'
- Lumen does a better job than traditional real time lighting system for indirectly lit areas like under ramps etc
- Lumen reflections used in combination with SSR for water bodies. Some water bodies can show SSR artifacts when moving camera
- 'Anyone looking at the game in motion will be impressed even if they do not understand the technical reasons'
- Unreal's fog is used effectively, fog lights up with light sources and runs at high quality
- Water effects and waves are praised. ' Absolutely stunning'

- Nanite is extensively used and eliminates visible pop-in even during scene transitions
- Minimal repetition or tiling, uses photo-grammatory
- Some assets like tree branches can show low resolution when zoomed in with photo mode, however

- Fine shadow detail is retained even when zooming extremely in thanks to Unreal's Virtual Shadow Maps
- Shadow quality is not always perfect and can show cracks in some instances but very consistent by and large
- Not the first UE5 game to use all these features, but by and far the best looking game to do so.

- 30 FPS but the performance is locked and never dropped in John's testing on Series X
- DF tested the game on their Series X - similar - PC to see how much performance could be gained over 30
- 4K with DRS, they were able to stay locked at 30 FPS on High
- DRS 1440p with 60 FPS target sees game play at high 50s with more drops in cut-scenes
- DF thinks based on this test, SX can do 60 FPS with a more aggressive DRS target
- However, PC version can show massive frame time stutters that the Xbox version does not in the same areas
- DF summary: 60 FPS is theoretically possible, but for a stable 60 they might need to drop settings a lot

- Headphones are needed for Binaural audio effect that the game uses extensively
- DF thinks it is 'incredibly engaging'

Trailer Comparison:
- They compare the Giant fight trailer with the same area in the final game
- Final game has lesser lens distortion and difference in how the flame is lit
- The flames felt more 'fluid' in the demo versus the final game, otherwise no difference in the segment noted

- DF thinks Ninja Theory 'reached their goal'
- Praise the polish, presentation etc.

Obscure_Observer4h ago

Excellent work from Ninja Theory to get the Series X to finally flex it´s 12TF muscles to the max!

Thanks for the summary, @PrinceOfAnger.


PrinceOfAnger3h ago

After all 60fps is possible on series x with tweaking the graphics settings! :)

Lightning771h ago

They hate those facts very much lol.

darthv725h ago

If they achieved this level of quality their first time using UE5... I can't wait to see what their next game is going to look like.

PhillyDonJawn3h ago

Remember the trailer release and ppl didn't think it was insane footage cause it looked too good

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