
Rank The Grand Theft Auto Games

GR: "With GTA V just 42 days away, let's rank our favorites in the series. I'll go first."

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TrollCraftTales3959d ago

1. Probably GTA V
2. GTA San Andreas
3. Vice City
4. GTA 4
5. GTA 3
6. GTA 2
7. GTA 1

cleft53959d ago

I agree, but I would put Vice City and Ballad of Gay Tony (yes the dlc was that good) before San Andreas.

Khajiit863959d ago

Just switch vice city with 4. For me the DLC and multiplayer in 4 put it slightly behind San Andreas.

I_am_Batman3959d ago

1. GTA Vice City (best GTA setting in my opinion)
2. GTA 3 (First 3D GTA - set the stage for future GTA games)
3. GTA 2 (My first GTA - Really fun and unique game.)
4. GTA 4 (Haven't played it a lot. Got bored quickly)

AceBlazer133959d ago

4 sucked only reason i wouldnt put it last is cause of gay tony

TrollCraftTales3959d ago

The only reason I really liked 4 is because of the DLC and the awesome ragdoll physics.. I could play it for hours just hurling myself off of random things :P

Kleptic3958d ago

I bought GTAIV on release day...I didn't finish the campaign literally until 2 weeks ago...bought the dlc package and already finished LaD, which was pretty good...and am nearly done with gay tony...

gay tony was good enough to be its own game imo...GTAIV's biggest problem was complete crap mission structures with all kinds of layered/scripted gimmicky shat...'chase this car'...didn't matter what car you had, and didn't matter how many rounds you pumped into who you were chasing...it would stay ahead of you until the game deemed it acceptable...lost and damned fixed most of that, and gay tony more or less removed it...

and gtaIV SUCKED with weapons...if it had the stryker from lost and damned, or the frag round equipped 12 gauge from gay tony...it would've at least been fun...but other than mindlessly running around, which was fun for 30 minutes in gtaiv...its still one of the most overrated games i've played...

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Foxgod3959d ago (Edited 3959d ago )

My ranking is different from the video.
Vice city
The rest...
San Andreas... i cant stand ghetto's :P

superbhoy3959d ago

you do know san andreas was based in space... have you even played the game bai??? jk, lol

Anon19743959d ago

I'm in the same boat. I know many loved San Andreas but I just couldn't stand it. It wasn't the subject matter for me, it was just boring compared to the others. Lame characters, no story, irritating missions..just a painful slog all around that wasn't fun to play. Ugh. I tried multiple times to get into this game and just never could.

For me:
1: GTA4, hands down. Once you learn to ignore your phone, this game was a masterpiece. One of the best, adult video games I've ever had the pleasure of playing. Great plot, fun gameplay and characters that felt right out of the best episodes of The Wire/Sopranos.
2: Vice City (I'm an 80's kid)
3: GTA3
4: GTA 1&2
5: San Andreas. That's right. I had more fun with the 2d GTA games then I did with San Andreas. Those "defend your turf" missions where everyone just runs around like idiots were painful, and if I don't care enough about the game's plot or protagonists to want to get through the horrible missions, what's the point. Again, I know I'm in the minority here. Everyone seems to love the game but I've just never understood. Perfect Dark was another of those games that everyone went nuts about and I'd try, I honestly would, to get into these games but ultimately just couldn't force myself to like them. I'm sure everyone has a game that they tried again and again to like because everyone loved them but just couldn't do it. GTA4 really ended up being a love it or hate it type experience for a lot of people.

Looking forward to 5.

SaffronCurse3959d ago

Same for me, SA wasn't my cup of tea. I really wasn't into the rap stuff so it pretty much turned me away on multiple occasions.

I loved Gta3,VC, the PSP games and GTA IV.

Sketchy_Galore3959d ago

San Andreas was the only game in the main series that I hadn't played until I bought it recently on PSN and I have to say I haven't really been able to get into it. I don't even really know why. Maybe nostalgia is colouring my opinion of the older games but I've replayed them recently and they hold up well. I am not even out of the ghetto in San Adreas yet and I'm sure it will get better once I am but to be honest it's already feeling like a bit of a slog.

thelaughingwiseman3959d ago

Vice City
San Adnres

GTA V hasn't come out yet

dbjj120883959d ago

I'm trying not to be over hyped!

superbhoy3959d ago

san andreas
vice city

...i havent played the rest

DxTrixterz3959d ago

1.San Andreas
3.Vice City
4.Liberty City Stories
6.Vice City Stories

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gold_drake17d ago

i think the only real loss is GTAV

OtterX17d ago

I think everyone and their sister owns the game by now. They likely want to squeeze the rest of the holdouts before GTAVI releases.

Profchaos17d ago

That game comes and goes from subscriptions so frequently I think it's expected now. Like rdr2 on gamepass Rockstar Games only last a max of 3 months On a service

MrBaskerville17d ago

Talos Principle is the real loss.

BanginTunes16d ago

Facts that game is good as fuck I'm playing through 2 now, very underrated

Huey_My_D_Long17d ago

indivisible was pretty neat. Cute artstyle, fun throwback to older RPGs, shame its leaving but it is on sale often

shinoff218317d ago

Definitely. I e joyed what I played of it. Still gotta grab the physical at some point

Petebloodyonion17d ago

I'm not surprised by GTA V removal, Rockstar never allows this game to stay long on a subscription service.
They usually allow 4 to 6 months.

lodossrage17d ago

Yeah, they do that routinely with both GTA and Red Dead.

But it's because they know they can still sell them so they take them off and on to these sub services in cycle.

The weird thing to me is why is anyone still buying those games at this point? You would think after 3 generations of being sold GTA 5 that everyone and their momma would have it by now

RNTody17d ago

I fail to see how the loss of an almost 11 year old game that released across 3 generations is in any way a problem.

17d ago
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