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The Ads displayed on the Mobile version of N4G needs to change

I love N4G and I have been visiting it almost every day for 3 years now but at the moment, it's getting so unbearable with how awful the Ads are displayed on the mobile version. It is so irritating how everytime i open an article, a stupid Ad just pops up and takes half the screen and even closing it is annoying. And quite a lot of users at N4G have been complaining about this and so far, there was no response or feedback from the higher-ups at N4G and this is truly hurting the website as a whole for me and a lot of people who enjoy visiting this website. So please, do something about this.

Update: Sorry to hijack your post DarkOcelet, but we want to make sure all can read this as our post in the comment section will not be seen by most users. This is just a quick message from the N4G tech team to let you know we 100% agree with this blog post and we are working on sorting this out. Short answer is that we do not have full control what ads are shown on the page at all times as they are served via many different ad networks. Lately there have been a few ad formats introduced that have been too aggressive and we are working together with our ad partners now to make sure these no longer will show on the site. It is also worth mentioning that any redirect ads that automatically takes you to another page are caused by spammers attacking the ad networks with malicious ad scripts. These type of ads are never supposed to run on any site. This is a wide spread problem that is hurting a lot of sites. In most cases these ads are not "dangerous" to your phone, just super annoying. We are working with an ad security company to help us shut down the spammer who has attacked dozens of gaming websites the past few weeks. We are sorry this have negatively affected so many of our users and going forward we will also try and be much quicker with shutting down any ads that are not within our ad guidelines.

N4G Tech Team

DarkVoyager2258d ago (Edited 2258d ago )

“The Ads displayed on the Mobile version of N4G needs to change”

Tell me about it! How are you suppose to type with this video crap in the way!

Gaming_Cousin2258d ago

Just as I try replying to you the video pops up...

kneon2258d ago

Even on my tablet the video ad is so huge that I have pretty much given up trying to view the site on anything but a PC. It easily takes up 3/4 of the screen, and to make matters worse it often won't close.

choujij2258d ago (Edited 2258d ago )

The amount of times I clicked the video when I attempted to tap the X...

The_Jackel2258d ago


no its actually coz the ad hasnt timed out.... i got a note 8 with the pen and even with the pen its clearly on the x to close it but yet opens the video still

UltraNova2257d ago

The very reason I'm not bothering with n4g so much these days. This needs to be fixed asap.


The Wood2257d ago

What ads

Firefox plus ublock origin = what ads are you talking about

nix2257d ago

let's not forget how heavy the site is... and i don't even know what creepy sites these ads are coming from. Also, if you're on slow internet speed, the site never loads and instead shows you a page with html coding.

NecrumOddBoy2257d ago (Edited 2257d ago )

Thank YOU so much for bringing this to light. I didn't know it was such an epidemic. N4G it's not only filled with insane amounts of pop ups. Many times you can't even click them away, or have to wait for them to completely load which means it takes anywhere from 15 seconds to 1 minute before you can even comment or read what you want to. N4g also opens up secondary pop up sights on any browser that doesn't have super sharp ad blocking. It's incredibly frustrating and I cannot stand what N4G had become. I have been using N4G for what seems like nearly a decade but I barely come on here because of the ad and malware. :( Please fix this mods

Relientk772257d ago

It's so frustrating

These ads are EVIL, PURE EVIL I tell you

G20WLY2257d ago

I think we should offer an incentive for N4G to fix this.

How about if it's not fixed within 4 weeks we all take 2 weeks without visiting N4G?

lalalala2257d ago

To be fair to the owners of the site though, they won't have overall control of whats ads they are showing, but they can probably remove certain type of ads. The issue is that these ads that are annoying are also the best paying ads, and the site needs to cover costs somehow.

The only solution really is to offer premium membership on top that has no ads.

xHeavYx2257d ago

I use Blokada, haven't seen an ad in forever

ThePenetrator2257d ago

Even when you close it comes back

81BX2257d ago

Lmao, thought I was the only one

Testfire2257d ago

To add to this, these ads automatically stream video so those with limited data get screwed even more.

blackblades2257d ago

Ikr, I got mad last night when typing and the ad came up. I said screw and got off. Glad there's a article now cause last time a complaint came around was in the comment section of n4g article.

+ Show (14) more repliesLast reply 2257d ago
WilliamSheridan2258d ago

Also the redirects are off the chart here...

PoopsMcGee2258d ago

Those irritate me to no end....

morganfell2258d ago

Some of the redirects actually point you to the fake Google cleaner malware installer. Perhaps N4G should consider they are legally liable under such circumstances.

Xenophon_York2258d ago

Especially when I'm two paragraphs deep in a reply and I have to start all over because I won something on facebook. Furious is the choice word that comes to mind.

Atticus_finch2257d ago

N4g seems to be taking advantage, they believe we will still visit even if they are forcing disrespectful ad practices. I know this ads and their dissabled x, aren't an accident.

WilliamSheridan2257d ago

The disabled X is a trick to make you click, thus creating more ad revenue

CaptainCamper2257d ago

The redirects are not always the fault of the website, although they are responsible for cleaning it up. It's typically due to the third-party advertisers not doing their job to clean up ads before sending them through. Google usually punishes for these rather quickly though, but it's been a problem here for a while now.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 2257d ago
Zabatsu2258d ago

Completely agree. I've installed an adblocker just because of this reason. N4G doesn't care though. It's all about the money in the end, that's why the approve of every flaimbait article tjat ever existed, because it causes drama and attention.

pinkcrocodile752257d ago

YES, the article count is down and the horse shit opinion count is sky high.

Sgt_Slaughter2257d ago

I downloaded the Ad Blocker Browser specifically to get around these ads. It's probably the worst mobile site I've had to use due to that. Add that on top of the text box lagging when trying to type.

ThatDudeMunkee2257d ago

They actually have no control over the ads that are displayed through their providers. That's why they are having to contact their ad suppliers. They can't really keep control if what is displayed as much of it is more than likely based on a viewers search algorithm.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2257d ago
StormSnooper2257d ago

I can’t even read a single article without a pop up from “amazon” forcing me to go back and reload the same page.

Sam Fisher2257d ago

Finally an article we can all agree on

fenome2257d ago (Edited 2257d ago )

I know right! This has seriously been so damn irritating though, hopefully they actually take notice of this and do something about it.

G20WLY2257d ago (Edited 2257d ago )

Who the hell disagreed with this??


BlackIceJoe2257d ago

I'd like to know who the person that disagrees on this issue is, because the ads are really bad and need to go away.

VenomUK2257d ago

Well said brother. I’ve never seen such unified agreement in the comments before!

I understand that a website requires ads, but they are done so badly and obstructively it sours the user experience. Many ads take you away from wha you were doing or reading. When on my phone I will read the headlines, tap one story, then get fed up and leave. There has to be a better way?

TheVetOfGaming2257d ago

I use Firefox with ad-block and I don't get one single advert on any web page. Chrome is slightly quicker, but I only ever use that for "ask Google" type of stuff. I was using Chrome on here, but as you say, the adverts done my head in.

Muzikguy2257d ago

I agree as well. The redirects have kept me away. It’s frustrating

joab7772257d ago

This isn’t even what bothers me. It’s the instant port to some ad site. And you can’t get back. It happens ALL the time.

Nu2252d ago

Christopher please fix this

Edito2238d ago

I simple stopped using the site on mobile because of that.

+ Show (10) more repliesLast reply 2238d ago
Araragifeels 2258d ago

This video ads are annoying and sometimes it takes a couple of time to close. Plus the scam ads website comment is really annoying especially when they write on someone comment and they haven't done anything. N4G OP probably avoid people complain since they most likely making money off this video ads.

travestyj2257d ago (Edited 2257d ago )

I can't even close the video on my phone no matter how many times I try. If I click on the x it bring me to the advertised site.

JamieReleases2258d ago

Can you send over any screenshots please? Thanks!

JamieReleases2258d ago

Thank you! If you've got anymore send them over, I'll bring it up with ad ops tomorrow morning. Sorry for the issues.

WilliamSheridan2257d ago

It's even worse if you are trying to type

DarkVoyager2258d ago

I posted one above if you want to check it out.

2257d ago Replies(2)
Aenea2257d ago

This has been going on for months, I've stopped using the site on mobile for this reason alone...

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 2257d ago
ILostMyMind2258d ago (Edited 2258d ago )

Which ads? I don't see any. 😘

Kiwi662258d ago

Go look at the links that some have provided if you don't believe it

Leeroyw2258d ago

I think they are being sarcastic......

Or flirting with me....

I am married!!!!!!! How dare you.

G3ng4r2257d ago

That's fine, it's nice you've found a way around this trash but not everyone wants to use a second browser specifically for n4g.

letsa_go2257d ago

Why would you need a second browser for N4G? I just use adblock in google chrome. But then again I don't look at the site on mobile devices, only desktop.

battletrax2257d ago

@letsa_go There is no adblock for Chrome on mobile smartphones. You have to use an adblock browser.

ILostMyMind2257d ago (Edited 2257d ago )

I use AdBlock on Firefox and uBlock on GChrome for Android.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2257d ago
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Final Fantasy VII Rebirth Combat Director Wants Final Part To Offer Players "Even More Freedom"

The Final Fantasy VII Rebirth combat director has expressed that he wants the final part in the trilogy to offer players "even more freedom".

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gold_drake12h ago

i wonder if where gonna be able to jump

-Foxtrot6h ago

I love the game so far but please don’t make the final part a mini game fest

Everytime I get to a new part in Rebirth it’s “mini game time”

Inverno10m ago

Hope ya don't mind me asking since it seems like you've played it, did it feel like a decent step up from the last game or was it more like the best from the last but more polished?

CS71m ago

It makes Remake feel like a demo.

9.5/10 imo. And I think the “mini games” did a great job of adding variety to the gameplay. Purely optional as well.

Becuzisaid9m ago(Edited 8m ago)

I had a weird cycle of love/hate for all the mini games as I played through. At first I really hated the seeming need to check all these boxes while exploring the grasslands. I didn't enjoy the Gilgamesh quest initially, and thought Queen's blood was fine but didn't want to commit to it. The side quests didn't really grab me either.

Then for some reason everything in Junon region changed my mind and I did pretty much everything. I liked most of the side quests, I actually liked playing fort condor (didn't care for it in the intergrade dlc). And my interest for completing these quests stayed pretty much through to Cosmo Canyon.

Then they added that horrible Lifestream memory/battle mini game and I started getting so burnt out of it all. I just wanted to do the story. I didn't do any side quests in neibleheim and beyond except for the summon. I abandoned Gilgamesh.

So what I'm saying is I would like the third part to go back to the focused progression from remake. Keep the mini games to the gold saucer. Start the game snowboarding if you want, but from there keep the story rolling.


Kingdom Come Deliverance 2's Scope Was Impacted by Xbox Series S Limitations

Wccf tech writes: "Kingdom Come Deliverance 2's scope was impacted by the Xbox Series S hardware limitations, as developers could only make a game that was 25% bigger than its predecessor."

Read Full Story >>
-Foxtrot6h ago

This is the issue with things like this

Xbox Series X is apparently to MS the worlds most powerful console

However the Series S is obviously a limitation because it’s underpowered and developers have to go for parity.

So what’s the point of the world’s most powerful console if you are holding third party developers back? They aren’t going to push themselves if they have to think about the weakest console.

The issue wouldn’t be as bad if it was just Xbox but you are also affecting the PS version aswell

I think developers need to start just taking advantage of a console and if one of them can’t do X Y and Z then f*** them…why should the others suffer. What’s MS going to do? The bigger the franchise the least chance MS are going to tell them to f*** off. Baulders Gate 3 seemed to have stood their ground and suddenly their “strict” parity rule didn’t really matter. We suddenly got super optimisation efforts for the Series S that got things sorted.

anast2h ago

I agree, and the sad part is use normal folk saw it the second they announced their plans.

LucasRuinedChildhood6h ago

More info from the author of the article, I think:

"1) I was told this info from the producer of the game Martin Klíma.
2) He specifically said the game will have only one mode.
3) And this mode is 4K 30 on PS5/XSX and 1440p 30 on XSS.
4) He said that the game is already running north of the 30 FPS cap so the performance should be stable on launch, much better than KCD1.
5) The limitation was XSS because of the 10GB memory. He said that's why they wanted to make the game 25% larger.
6) Speculation on my part: the output resolution is probably upscaled and the reason why there won't be a 60 FPS mode is because it'll most likely be very CPU heavy, like Dragon's Dogma 2 for example."

Doesn't seem like they're adding a 40fps mode on PS5/Series X for launch even if they can handle it.

Sgt_Slaughter2h ago

I'd much rather have 1440p/60fps or even 45fps. Having just one, even with the Series S in mind, is disappointing.

franwex1h ago(Edited 1h ago)

Remember when xbots were adamant that the series s won’t hold back the gen?

Microsoft just needs to let go of the mandatory parity. Who cares if your grandma doesn’t understand that a game cannot be played on the S. It’s not like it she can buy you a physical game for it anyway. Before buying the game put up a notice that it only works on series X. If you’re buying for a friend-allow for a refund.

Bam. Everyone is happy. Most series s owners are for casuals that want Game Pass anyway and most likely don’t purchase most games.

If the developers want it to run on S, let them figure it out.

Jin_Sakai1h ago

“During the event, the Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 producer also revealed that on PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X, the game will run at 4K resolution and 30 frames per second“

Another “creative decision” right? 🤦‍♂️

IHateNate27m ago

Amateur hour. Very incapable developer.

Outside_ofthe_Box7m ago(Edited 7m ago)

Since you're not an amateur and clearly know more than them, can you over there and help get the game running on the S without having to sacrifice their true vision. Us gamers would really appreciate you using your wisdom for good 🙏

IHateNate4m ago

Thousands of games run just fine on S.

But Kingdom Come is the game that can’t. Must be one hell of a game!

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HexGaming Launches Kickstarter Campaign for Hex Phantom

Custom Controller Company HexGaming launched a Kickstarter campaign for their latest pro controller, Hex Phantom. - IS

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