April is my last month with HAVAmedia, thank you for the past 7 years!


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It's Bubble Day!

(Actually, there is a "world bubble day" and today isn't it. Shhh...)

Comment on this blog (once) and I will give you a bubble!


- I'm leaving! ( http://n4g.com/user/blogpos... ) Consider this precious bubble a farewell gift?
- We plan on getting rid of bubbles in an update (new comment system)
- ...but that update isn't ready, and aren't we all tired of waiting?

So, yes. Comment on this blog and I will gift you a bubble. Golly, make it a really good comment and I will gift you two! Probably more. You should have more, right?

uth113344d ago

Ok, I have my bubble wand out, ready to catch them :)

I'll be glad when that new update comes, it's hard to gain bubbles, but easy to lose them

LordMaim3344d ago

Bubbles are caused by surface tension. There's a hidden message there somewhere. ;)

KidBroSweets23344d ago

Is there any possibility of me talking my way into losing a bubble instead?

Dee_913343d ago (Edited 3343d ago )

interested in seeing what that update look like.. i think anything would be better than this bubble system.

nosferatuzodd3343d ago

I need one bad can iget a bub please

Dr_Angus3331d ago

Sorry to burst your bubble, but that's not going to happen!

Christopher3343d ago

Worst "Friday" parody ever ;)

memots3343d ago

Have fun in whatever you are doing next.

Bigpappy3343d ago

This is the internet. You are never really gone, unless you no longer exist.

equal_youth3342d ago

A bubble more or even two might be useful in the future :D great day to you guys!

Kingthrash3603336d ago

8 days late for bubble day....AWSOMMMMMEEE...that' ;s what I do for excitment!..
I'm late to everything. ....i recently was late for an appointment on getting my brakes fixed, so I rushed through traffic to make it on time....Needless to say that It was exciting! Did I make it you ask?????
Let's just say....no and tow truck and hospital bills.

+ Show (9) more repliesLast reply 3331d ago
AngelicIceDiamond3344d ago

Don't be greedy some of those bubbles may pop you can't handle it.

Concertoine3344d ago

Honestly 3 has been enough for me, i really never used my extra ones. I think 5 or 6 was my peak.

I'm looking forward to the new comment system, wondering how trolls and such will be countered without the bubbles...

DragonKnight3344d ago

*Insert Really Good Comment here*

Worth two bubbles? LOL!

You know, I wish I was in the position to be able to do things like that for people when I leave a company. It's nice to leave a parting gift, even if it's a small one. Bringing some goodness to someones day just feels good to me. Maybe one day.

Heck, if I was a filthy rich guy, I'd probably make it rain money. Figuratively speaking of course but that's just because I don't really care about money.

Anyway, I've rambled. Bye now.

Anthotis3344d ago

Emotions ran through my head
I found myself wishing I was dead
All because you were moving away
I knew I would never see you another day

You got in your car and waved goodbye
and then I was left all alone to cry
I felt helpless, and all alone
I could only talk to you on the phone

You were my neighbor, and my best friend
Why, Oh why did it have to end?
You made me so happy, so carefree
You made it feel okay for me to be me

It's been almost a year since you moved away
but it feels like it was only yesterday
I remember everything you used to do
It may seem impossible, but it's true

You were the best friend I ever had
Now that you left me, I am beyond sad
I love and I miss you more than you ever knew
You've taught me so much, and I want to say thank you.

Show all comments (157)

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anast3h ago

This game is about to get buried by Path 2.

LordoftheCritics2h ago

Still no global chat or group finder.

The emptiest MP game ever made.

OtterX2h ago

1 more month then I can celebrate 1 year since i stopped playing and uninstalled the game.

Walalon1h ago

We are on the same team brother!


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