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N4G GOTY Voting is Live!

Cat|3413d ago |Blog Post|40|

You may have noticed that you can now vote! http://goty.n4g.com/

We've held these awards at a point where we expect you've played all the games on the list you really care about. Still, out of courtesy to your fellow N4Gers please keep the discussion below spoiler-free.

Here's a bit of an FAQ:
1. How did you end up with these nominees?

User nominations! http://n4g.com/user/blogpos...
N4G is a user driven site, so having the staff deliver a list to you for you to vote on seemed contrary to the way N4G works. We want the official N4G GOTY poll and results to be a reflection of the current N4G community, so all nominations come from you.
2. Will we see ALL of the nominations?

If it was nominated only once, probably not. We set the bar at being nominated by at least two users.
3. Where and when do we vote?

Now and here: http://goty.n4g.com/
4. What if I want to suggest a category for next year?

Go ahead! Use the comments, PM, sky writer - just let us know and we'll consider it!
_____________________________ __
Thanks to everyone that submitted nominations and happy voting!

Hellsvacancy3413d ago (Edited 3413d ago )

No Bloodborne for most anticipated game of 2015? I thought that game would be a no brainer

TXIDarkAvenger3413d ago

For the most part, users selected Uncharted 4 or MGSV as their most anticipated game. Just from skimming through, there doesn't seem to be any mention of Bloodborne so it wasn't chosen as a nomination.

Anthotis3413d ago

..expect the "GamerGate" option for "story of the year" to be overlooked on N4G too.

Christopher3413d ago

Actually, GamerGate was the most suggested option by those who made the nominations. I don't expect it to go overlooked at all.

memots3409d ago

"story of the year"

The extensive Trolling in 2014

Christopher3413d ago

I think it got overlooked by the big 4th quarter releases planned for the year.

DarkOcelet3413d ago

I am really disappointed that The Evil Within is not in any category. So damn Underrated game.

Christopher3413d ago

It had only one mention overall in just one category. I think, for many, it was either a love or hate it game. I watched some gameplay and was on the fence myself. Might pick it up eventually.

DarkOcelet3413d ago

You really should, its a great game and Tango gameworks was the one in the category not The Evil Within so it sort of doesnt count :D

Christopher3413d ago

It had one vote for Best New IP. But, that wasn't enough.

DarkOcelet3413d ago

No, i just doubled checked it, its not in best new ip. It doesnt hamper my enjoyment of this beauty but it would have been great to be mention, thats all.

Christopher3413d ago

I meant on the nominations blog, not on the actual resulting nominees list. A "one time mention" on the blog to get nominees wasn't enough. But, if it had one more vote... you would have seen it there.

lipton1013413d ago

They also missed Alien Isolation in the GOTY category. I was disappointed in that choice

Nineball21123413d ago

Thanks to the the guys/gal that helped put this together!

It'll be interesting to see who wins in each category.

jairusmonillas3413d ago

The list of games are horrible.

Nineball21123413d ago

Did you comment on the blog that asked for nominations and offer some suggestions?

crashbash3413d ago ShowReplies(1)
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