April is my last month with HAVAmedia, thank you for the past 7 years!


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N4G October Contest Winners!

Cat|3498d ago |Blog Post|19|

Congratulations October winners! Our November contests are here: http://n4g.com/user/blogpos...
and the chance to win a Destiny PS4 bundle is here: http://n4g.com/user/blogpos...

The $50 COMMENTS - EIGHT WINNERS!: Each of the 8 Winners will get a $50 Amazon gift card!


4 winners, a $50 Amazon Gift Card each!

yoshiroaka: Why "more advertising" is not always the answer http://n4g.com/user/blogpos...
darkpower: #GamerGate #StopGamerGate2014? More Like Print Media Versus Viral Media http://n4g.com/user/blogpos...
rambi80: Nintendo's Upmarket Woes http://n4g.com/user/blogpos...
Valenka: "Destructive Creations' 'Hatred' Takes Video Game Violence to New Levels" http://n4g.com/user/blogpos...

BEST USER REVIEW: 2 winners, a $50 Amazon Gift Card each!

Valenka - The Evil Within - http://n4g.com/channel/the-...
Honest Dragon - Alien: Isolation - http://n4g.com/channel/alie...

 Submit news and get a top News ranking in October to win Amazon gift cards!

The prizes are:
1st: Abriael $100 Amazon Gift Card
2nd: Pozzle $75 Amazon Gift Card
3rd: Geobros $50 Amazon Gift Card
4th: francisjairam16 $25 Amazon Gift Card
_____________________________ _
Some Terms and Conditions:
1. Competition is open to all N4G users, except for employees of HAVAmedia and immediate relatives. Contests are not limited to the US/NA. Note: Moderators do not receive remuneration, are not employees of HAVAmedia, and are eligible for N4G monthly contests.
2. Closing date is 11:59 PM EST 31 October 2014.
3. In the event of unforeseen circumstances N4G/HAVAmedia reserves the right to substitute the prizes for alternatives of equal or greater value.
4. Prizes are not transferrable.
5. The winners of the competition will be notified by N4G ticket on or before November 7, 2014.
6. Failure to reply to ticket notification within seven (7) days results in forfeiture of prize.
7. All N4G TOU apply and may affect eligibility.
8. Lottery style winners are chosen at random from eligible entries. Spam or multiple accounts will result in disqualification.
9. All prizes are in USD, where prizes are awarded to winners outside the USD the exchange rate at time of prize issue will affect prize amount.

coolbeans3498d ago (Edited 3498d ago )


It's funny that would occur b/c I shortly thought about the off-beat chance of winning shortly before. Since a lot of typical users needed to cool down during the glut of released Driveclub reviews plus the cap at 8, I figured participating mods could actually have a shot.

Congrats to winners. Spend it wisely.

HammadTheBeast3498d ago

Haha that's awesome.


Paprika3498d ago

Congrats to this months winners :) great blogs too I might add.

Another 100 for abraiel lol, I bet that feels good on top of his dualshockers pay lol!

DragonKnight3498d ago

Uhhhh, I won for a comment? That's literally never happened before. Lol. I wonder which comment I won for. Well in any event, thank you very much. :)

TheUpbringer3498d ago

Me too. I didn't even know these contests existed. Well, I knew they existed but not what they actually were.

I like getting surprise money :)

But I gotta step up my blog game now that I know about these contests.

rivencleft3497d ago

I won a $50 gift card though here last month, was definitely awesome, used it on Borderlands Pre-Sequel. So congrats! Really sweet that n4g does this.

GarrusVakarian3498d ago

Coolbeans won a $50 Amazon gift card?! But he's a mod....mods can't win prizes!


Expect to hear from my lawyer!

coolbeans3498d ago

"Competition is open to all N4G users, except for employees of HAVAmedia and immediate relatives. Contests are not limited to the US/NA. Note: Moderators do not receive remuneration, are not employees of HAVAmedia, and are eligible for N4G monthly contests."

Bring it! I can get My Cousin Vinny down here in a heartbeat!

Paprika3497d ago

Threatening comments?..... notcoolbeans!

Show all comments (19)

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anast3h ago

This game is about to get buried by Path 2.

LordoftheCritics1h ago

Still no global chat or group finder.

The emptiest MP game ever made.

OtterX1h ago

1 more month then I can celebrate 1 year since i stopped playing and uninstalled the game.

Walalon16m ago

We are on the same team brother!


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