DrPepper4435d ago (Edited 4435d ago )

Wesker Jr.? ..........huh?

SOD_Delta4435d ago

My money is that he is HUNK.

Sweet trailer. I cant wait to play.

sikbeta4435d ago (Edited 4435d ago )

IF you played RE3 and unlocled all the Epilogues, there is pic of Hunk which is pretty similar to Bruce from RE:DA which is pretty similar to Crhis from the First R5 trailer, that guy... not so much


Can't wait RE6 day one!

aCasualGamer4435d ago

Wesker Jr, is a bit overdone in my opinion but it will be interesting nonetheless. Ada Wong being protected by Leon means alot of the story elements that were spoiled in this trailer are part of a more complex conspiracy.

Resident Evil 6 will be incredible!

Sherry Birkin, i knew was that girl before this trailer was released, as did many more RE fans.

Sevir4435d ago

Considering that she protected Leon throughout the events of 4. Why would she be obsessed with this strain of virus!? A female antagonist for an RE game sounds delightful.... But Damn never expected Ada to be doing it... The RE universe gets more and more interesting!... October 2nd can't come soon enough

JoySticksFTW4435d ago

Leon AND Chris in the same game?! :0

Leon's the man. His games are my favorite in the series (and code Veronica)

Looks like I'll be getting this.

MGS and RE games are my weakness

crxss4435d ago

new 10/2 release date! woot woot!

F7U124435d ago

cannot unsee giraffe blowj*b drawing.


zeeshan4435d ago (Edited 4435d ago )

It looks more like an action movie trailer than a survival horror video game. Call me crazy but even with Leon (MY FAV RE CHARACTER) and Chris (steroid high macho man) in the game, I don't think Capcom will ever capture the RE feel that we all loved. RE5 it seems was the start of it and RE6 may well establish the fact that we may never get that classic RE game ever again unless of course sales are horrible and they pull a MK9 (in terms of going back to the roots).

RedDead4435d ago

zeeshan, i'm guessing Leons campaign will have a survival horror feeling and Chrises one will be actiony.

ABizzel14435d ago

Unfortunately it doesn't look like full on horror, but there's a slight horror vibe there. Capcom seems to finally learned from their mistakes, but I doubt they've made a full 360 :D

gaden_malak4435d ago

"Sherry Birkin, i knew was that girl before this trailer was released, as did many more RE fans."

Anyone who played RE2 knows this, her clothes haven't changed.

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 4435d ago
ritsuka6664435d ago ShowReplies(9)
HarryMasonHerpderp4435d ago (Edited 4435d ago )

Ahh spoilers alert!!!
Looks cool,hope its not all out action
and mixes some horror into it.
BTW it sounds like sherry`s original
voice actor from resi 2,im liking that.

Kyosuke_Sanada4435d ago

After Capcom announcing that "Survival Horror fanbase is too small..." I wouldn't even hold my breath......

Nimblest-Assassin4435d ago (Edited 4435d ago )

why would people disagree with you?

Ada fully said that in the trailer (also I think she is the main villian this time, since Chris was all pissy about her)

Youtube trailer here:


Rainstorm814435d ago

This game is going to sell tons and be completely unlike a RE experience.

I guess Ignorance truly is Bliss, ill be gamefly-ing this

Kurylo3d4435d ago

hate or not.. ur still going to enjoy the game.. even if its not survival horror. I mean these games still come out good one way or the other.

I think your problem is just that u know the potential of the franchise and the developer is more concerned with profits.

Rainstorm814435d ago (Edited 4435d ago )

Exactly i totally agree even though RE5 wasnt the RE i wanted it was a good co-op action game with RE characters, Im still waiting for that RE experience again, Not knowing whats around the corner,fear of running into enemies with low ammo and no herbs because your death meant starting from your last save point, these days you play as a super soldier thrashing hordes of "ënemies" with ease but unfortunately the old RE days seem dead and gone.

Especially with Cap¢om's thinking that the Survival horror market is to small, but ill rent it enjoy it for what it is then move on, maybe ill buy it once RE6 gold edition releases ...... if i enjoy the game of course

schlanz4435d ago

You should check out RE Revelations if you want more of the old school stuff, the Jill sections are legitimately creepy and more survival horror focused while the Chris sections are more actiony. I think that's how RE6 is supposed to pan out more or less, both of best worlds represented in a split storyline.

cjflora4435d ago

At least you're still willing to play the game rather than being one of these "I'm totally not interested in this game, and to prove it I'm going to say it in every RE6 post that I see." people.

I would rather have an action RE game rather than no RE game at all. There are still characters that I find interesting, and I would like to see how this all plays out. Do I wish it was still more survival horror? Of course. Will it keep me from enjoying the franchise? No.

I'll get my horror fix from Dead Space.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4435d ago
alien6264435d ago

so assassin creed 3 and resident evil 6 in the same month...my wallet is going to hurt me :(

VanillaBear4435d ago (Edited 4435d ago )

As much as I will stick to my guns about it being too much action and nothing like a RE game I will admit that it does look a little exciting.......although I will resist buying it day 1.

My question though

Are they using the same voice actors from the past RE games

I know Chris has got the same voice actor but what about Leon, Sherry and especaily Ada

Speaking of Ada....WTF.......why make her the villain....unless theres a twist and she's not but she's just killed those men. Ada has protected Leon since RE2, why be the big villain now. It dosen't make sense story wise.

Aswell as that I'm quite disapointed at her design/looks....it dosen't even look like Ada. They should of least kept her clothing red..."B*tch in the Red Dress" nod.

Another problem with RE6 is that I think they are biting off my then they can chew....Leon, Chris, Wesker Jr, Ada, Sherry, multiple locations, over the top action. This would of been great as a new IP but they are adding so much stuff in the game that I feel like it will ruin the overall story, with past RE games they've always focsued on just 1/2 characters but now that it's differen't I feel like it won't have a good solid story

Virtual_Reality4435d ago

Good trailer.

But the real question is...Where is the Survival Horror, Capcom?

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 4435d ago
Afterlife4435d ago (Edited 4435d ago )

Great trailer.

DrPepper4435d ago (Edited 4435d ago )

one question what does that date change mean at the end. any idea anybody.

rohsik4435d ago

that mean the game will be releasing a month earlier.

axerated4435d ago

hopefully that they've brought it forward by like a month and a half, thats what i took from it anyway

WeskerChildReborned4435d ago

I'm guessing that they are gonna release it one month earlier but i think when each trailer come's out it might show the real date it come's out which could possibly be sooner.

aDDicteD4435d ago

same here that date change means something

fastNslowww4435d ago (Edited 4435d ago )

Errr. Yeah, it means its coming out earlier lol

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4435d ago
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Every Resident Evil game Leon is featured in, ranked

GF365: "The iconic survival horror franchise Resident Evil boasts a great number of popular and memorable characters. Arguably, Leon S. Kennedy is the most popular and recognizable character aside from Jill Valentine. In this article, we'll be counting down every Resident Evil game Leon is featured in, ranked."

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Babadook7273d ago

Yeah I figured it would be ordered like this. For me Leons best game was his debut. RE2.


Resident Evil Games Ranked: Mainline Series

The modern entertainment industry has witnessed the rise of the Resident Evil franchise as one of its most renowned and celebrated multimedia phenomena. With numerous video games released across multiple platforms, it can be daunting for newcomers to determine where to commence their journey. So here is every main mainline Resident Evil Games ranked.

In preparation for the highly anticipated Resident Evil 4 Remake, let’s take the liberty to rank each of the mainline story instalments, providing players with a fundamental comprehension of the Resident Evil universe.

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There Will Never Be Another Resident Evil 6 (And That Sucks)

A rough gem that may never get the proper treatment it deserves.

Terry_B442d ago

^^ I don't want what the author was smoking.

-Foxtrot442d ago

It’s this thing where after enough time people start coming out to defend bad games for some strange reason

I mean hey if you liked it good for you but it was a f****** awful RE game.

Capcom are finally back on track and now people are crying about their shitty mistakes? No thanks.

RpgSama440d ago

I'd take a full blown remake of RE6 based around a GREATLY expanded Leon part and make it even more horror.

That might be something I would be interested in, do not care about any of the other parts of that game.

MadLad440d ago

I couldn't even get through the demo.
Years later I bought it for $3 for PC. I played about 5 minutes into it and uninstalled it.

babadivad440d ago (Edited 440d ago )

RE6 was better than 5. RE6 just took the series to the conclusion that started with 4.

RE4 was the inaugural title in the action game trilogy.

RE9 will be the likely end of the first person psychological thriller trilogy.

They'll switch it up for RE10 or more likely titled RE-X.

hotnickles440d ago

5 is vastly better than 6 imo

TheEnigma313440d ago

RE5 is way better than 6. Stop lying to yourself

FallenAngel1984442d ago (Edited 442d ago )

“But all this is solely with respect to how fans felt back in 2013 when Resident Evil 6 had just been released. The game resulted in the series getting indefinitely killed off until 5 years later when we got Resident Evil 7 and balance was restored yet again. ”

1.) Resident Evil 6 came out in 2012, not 2013

2.) A series getting killed off means no titles at all released in a time period. Silent Hill, Dead Space, Dino Crisis, Parasite Eve & Siren fans would love to see how you can say RE was on the same level of dormancy. In that 5 year time period we had a number of remasters that kept the series alive and kicking. RE1 02ms remaster even broke sales records during the period between RE6 and RE7.

3. Way to disrespect Resident Evil: Revelations 2. It was released during that RE6-RE7 period. It along with its predecessor were mainline titles that kept the horror roots of the series alive in comparison to RE5 and RE6. RE: R1 in particular even introduced the ability to walk and shoot into the series, a feature we can all be grateful for that in modern RE titles. The director RE: R1 later went on to direct RE7 and the director of RE: R2 later went to to direct the RE2 & RE4 remakes.

Immagaiden441d ago (Edited 441d ago )

“Resident Evil 6 is often maligned as the worst entry in the Resident Evil series and is cited as the cause behind the long death of the franchise.”

Titles in the Resident Evil series such as Survivor, Gaiden, Dead Aim, Outbreak, Operation Raccoon City, Umbrella Corps, & Resistance we’re received far worse than RE6.

And death of the franchise?

RE6 was still one of the most commercially successful games in the series, guaranteeing the franchise’s future. Compare how underwhelming sales of Dead Space 3, Silent Hill: Downpour. Alone in the Dark: Illumination, Dino Crisis 3, Fatal Frame: Maiden in Black Water, Castlevania: Lords of Shadows 2, and Metroid: Other M which caused their respective series to go into a long period of dormancy without any rereleases to even keep activity up.

RE however still had a significant number of titles released and rereleased after RE6. Not only that but development for RE7 started a short time after its predecessor came out, meaning there was never a development time that the series could be considered dead. There hasn’t been a single year that Capcom stopped either developing, releasing, or rereleasing Resident Evil games. Let’s not act like the 5 year period between RE6 and RE7 is such a longer time compared to the 4 year period between RE4 and RE5 as well as RE7 and RE8. We can pretty much expect RE9 in either 2025 or 2026, and you can be certain that Capcom will still release other RE tiles leading up to it

TheEnigma313440d ago (Edited 440d ago )

Man go some where with this. Only a few like this game. Why would they remake a garbage game no one likes risking money because it won't sell? RE 6 is dumpster drippings, sorry.

MIDGETonSTILTS17440d ago

It wasn’t that good, even if you enjoyed it like me.

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