
First Review: Sony OLED TV

By David Richards, 04/01/2008:

Smart House today got an exclusive First Look at the new OLED TV technology from Sony and it is impressive. The first thing one notice's is the dramatic improvement in OLED screen quality. It sharper the colours richer and there appears to be a smoother flow of the image across the screen.

Pros: This is one very sleek unit. In fact almost everything is irrelevant to the quality of the OLED panel and the sheer thin width of the screen and in both cases they are the best TV picture Smart House has ever seen on a TV screen.

Cons: The weakness of this early unit is the control buttons and the lack of flexibility in the arm that links the ulta thin screen with the base control unit.

Product rating: 4 stars out of 5

The full three-page review covers the TV's design, features, functions, price (in the USA), and size and weight.

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Shaka2K65993d ago

Sony is the most innovative company with the hottest products in the world, period.

snoop_dizzle5993d ago (Edited 5993d ago )

....why not just buy a 40" bravia for basically the same price for now and wait until bigger oled tvs come out and price drop?

11 inches is very small.

Mr Marbles5993d ago

2500 to 3grand for 11 inches!!! that is insane, wtf are you going to do with it, it is too small even for a laptop monitor! You are a brain washed moron to buy something just cuz you worship Sony, heck, you did see that two other companies are showing off larger OLED screens didn't you?

travelguy2k5993d ago

that the only negative about this T.V. is the stand, and they doc a star for it. I guess another negative could be the price. But as far as new tech. goes.."you gotta pay to play".

PlayStation3605993d ago (Edited 5993d ago )

as I do agree with the price tag being too high, (and really disagree with the name calling). I, however, see the Sony's version of the OLED tv's being better than the Samsung's.

Samsung's contrast ratio = 5,000:1 at the moment.

Sony's contrast ratio = 1,000,000:1

So yes they are more expensive, I'm not getting one til the price drops and the size grows, but other OLED tv's are not as good as Sony's. Best to stick with an LCD, Plasma, or better yet, IMHO, SED (when/if they ever get released) at the moment :P

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 5993d ago
Marceles5993d ago

$2,200 for an 11" screen? Wow...I'm scared to see the 30" price, but I bet PS3 games look incredible on it

Shaka2K65993d ago

As usuall Sony products are to expensive for poor xbots like you.

no offence.

Shadow Flare5993d ago (Edited 5993d ago )

he's not an xbot shaka. You can usually tell one by the amount of disagrees they get

Marceles5993d ago (Edited 5993d ago )

I'm an xbot for thinking $2,200 is too much for an 11" TV? lol...damn thats the first time i've ever been called that, I even have Tobal No. 1 as my icon haha and I even said how amazing PS3 games must look on it...I own all 3 systems with over 10 games for each and PS3 being the system I own the most games for...I didnt even buy an xbox until October and I've had my PS3 since launch, I've even been part of the Sony GAP since 2003...I seriously dont know how you came to that conclusion that I'm a poor bought because I have to pay $2,200 for a TV that would look good in my car lol...that's my laugh for the day

Thanks for clearing that up btw Shadow, bubble

HarryEtTubMan5993d ago

I just really REALLY want a XBR Bravia that is 40 inches.

Marceles5993d ago

Me too, maybe there is a good side to this TV coming out: the prices of Bravias might drop

IntelligentAj5993d ago

LED's are still too expensive for the main market but they are getting there. It may seem expensive but i'm the picture quality s superb(due in some part to the LED's)

unlimited5993d ago

very expensive..ill get one the price drops..

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Here's a closer look at the new ASUS ROG Ally X as early renders are leaked online

It's almost time for the ASUS ROG Ally X to be revealed, and these leaked renders already provide a look at the device and its specs.

UltimateOwnage18h ago

Is it running the same Windows OS? Because that is the biggest issue with the current Ally.


The MSI Claw Gaming Handheld Sees Another Game Performance Boost Through New BIOS and MSI Center M

MSI is proud to announce that its gaming handheld, Claw, has achieved a significant performance increase of up to 30% through a new BIOS and MSI Center M update. Furthermore, the new BIOS and MSI Center M enable Claw to smoothly play all of the top 100 po

purple1018d ago (Edited 8d ago )

is this the one with the switch2 chip inside.?

this is Intels first try at the format

probs not though, as it's $799. so not good for switch actually

Huey_My_D_Long7d ago

Well thats nice considering Ive heard it consistently performs worse when it really shouldn't.

Now if only Lenovo would do the same for the legion go


New and improved ASUS ROG Ally X battery life is just what it needs to compete with the Steam Deck

Yet another leak for the ASUS ROG Ally X points towards as much as 8 hours of battery, but how does that compare to the competition?

Vits15d ago

Honestly, I really like this updated version. But it doesn't solve the biggest flaw that the original had for me: the Z1 Extreme APU. Yes, it's an extremely powerful part, but it is not part of AMD's Adrenalin driver update program, so it's dependent on Asus for driver updates. And unfortunately, Asus doesn't have a stellar record of support for their devices.

Goodguy0115d ago

Up to 8 hours basically just means the least demanding games. AAA gaming at highest wattage would probably be about 2-3 hours which is good compared to just about 1 hour with the current ally. The OLED Deck can do about 2-3hrs.

mrcatastropheAF12d ago

With much less performance so that makes sense.

The Steamdeck shines at the lower TDP end but gets absolutely mopped at the high end.

Similar longevity with much better performance is a big win for the Ally X

Killa7813d ago

Too bad Asus are all awful company.


They used to be the best when it comes to motherboards, now I will never buy anything from them again.

Firebird36013d ago

8 hrs yea right. Running tetris?

Skuletor13d ago

Only after setting the screen brightness to the lowest level, of course.

Notellin12d ago

They tested the battery life watching a game of Tetris in 360p. Running Tetris natively brought the number down slightly to 1 hour and 38 minutes. 😂

Asuka13d ago

Nope. The only improvements I want to hear is better customer support. Otherwise, I can't be bothered.

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