execution174558d ago

haha first thing I thought of when I saw that pic was "quick change the channel"

darthv724558d ago (Edited 4558d ago )

those games werent just crappy launch titles. They were crappy titles....PERIOD!

It pains me to admit this but...I still have the original night trap. Not many knew this but that same game came out later for the 3DO and was visually more impressive but still a crappy game.

It was the attempt to "polish a turd" and it was just a shinier turd.

@wages...cybermorph wasnt all that bad. Trevor McFur...THAT was bad.

Laxman4558d ago

Well for a game to be a bad launch title, it would have had to be a bad title.

MaxXAttaxX4557d ago (Edited 4557d ago )

And 4 out of 5 "worst ever" just happen to be on PlayStation?
Either the author hasn't played any other systems, was lazy to research or this was done on purpose.
And some of these are multiplatform.

SilentNegotiator4558d ago (Edited 4558d ago )

For anyone who wants to know what they listed without being molested by pop-ups...

Def Jam: Icon - PS3
Sonic the Hedgehog - PS3
Streetfighter the movie - playstation
Night Trap - Sega-CD
Genji: Days of the Blade - PS3

I mean, these are bad games, but I doubt that 3/5 of the "worst launch titles ever" are on the ps3...

darthv724558d ago

they made the emphasis of the ones being on the ps3 when they were available on other platforms as well.

Like i said above. Sonic (for example) wasnt just a bad launch title (if we can call it that). It was a bad title (on all platforms). Streetfighter was also on the saturn (I think i still have that game) and it was the same as the PS version.

If anything, they should have placed the platforms the games were associated on as a whole instead of just individually. Yes sonic wasnt a launch title on the 360 but it was on the 360 at the same time it was on the ps3.

blumatt4558d ago (Edited 4558d ago )

They made the emphasis on PS3 because I swear the media for some odd reason is just completely against Sony this generation. I just don't get it. The thing is, if we're all completely honest, had Sony came out with a $400 PS3 (cheaper than $600) and had they came out the same time as MS, they would not be in third place right now. ALOT of PS2 people went out and bought a 360 because they didn't want to wait it out for a year to get a PS3. Then, they ended up just saying "well I've got a system, now I don't need a PS3." That's why the 360 got so popular because of people not wanting to wait a year to get their hands on a next gen system. That and the super expensive price tag.

The irony in saying that Sony had the worst launch games is that it has definitely had the best games since launch and most exclusives for sure. All quality too.

Legion4558d ago

Def Jam: Icon was an ok fighter for those hat like the music. Not sure why they passed on so many other titles and chose these?

I am assuming they haven't played many games?

Legion4558d ago

I would have thrown a few others in the mix. i.e. Kabuki Warriors, Daikatana, E.T., Journey, Superman (N24).

Dac2u4557d ago

@Legion: Only one of those games is a launch title.

ZippyZapper4557d ago

Bigfoot and a leprechaun were watching X Files while eating cheese made from the moon.

Conspiracy theory much?

bozebo4557d ago (Edited 4557d ago )

"For anyone who wants to know what they listed without being molested by pop-ups... "

Get Firefox and Adblock Plus extension...

Legion4557d ago

My bad in not noticing the word launch.

So changing that up here is a revised list.

Trevor McFur in the Crescent Galaxy
Orphen: Scion of Sorcery
Mobile Suit Gundam: Crossfire
Escape from Bug Island
Journey Escape

Honorable mention going to: Marky Mark and the Funky Bunch: Make My Video, it was so bad it was funny.

orange-skittle4557d ago

So What! You girls are crying b/c the list was mostly made up PS titles. Why? The sh-t is true. PS had some bad titles at launch. Do we have to bring Riiiidge Raaaacer? Xbox was launched w/ Halo and 360 was launched with Ghost Recon, Perfect Dark Zero, NBA 2K6, King Kong, and Condemned. That's a nice resume. Playstation launch titles always sucked. I love my PS3, but they dont pick up speed until mid-season

RastafariPrime4557d ago

But, what if I enjoyed Genji? I personally thought Genji was really fun at the time, and was a vast improvement on some of the previous gen games.

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 4557d ago
KwietStorm_BLM4557d ago

lol I wish I could delete that abomination from my brain

Gamer19824557d ago (Edited 4557d ago )

Wow they really hate PS3 this site as they have a lot of anti ps3 bile lately don't they? I mean 2 of those titles were also out for 360 which had been out for a year. They should have stuck with exclusives rather than multi platforms just to hit out at PS3 which they clearly hate.

Heres a great list and theres some bad ones in here all around. Nintendos had mostly good though.


+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4557d ago
wages of sin4558d ago

That list is crap, most of those are playstation games and that's just not right. I'm not the biggest PS fan but that's not fair no matter what console you prefer.

Cybermorph isn't on the list, that's all you need to know about the valiidity of this article, nuff said.

grashopper4558d ago

I wouldn't even call Sonic or Def Jam launch titles. PS3 was out in November
Sonic was January
Def Jam was March
Come on...

t0mmyb0y4558d ago

Ya this is a dumb article

BiggCMan4558d ago

They were launch titles for Europe I believe, but yes you're right, not for the November 2006 launch in NA and Japan.

Gamer19824557d ago

Indeed they are trying to take a shot at ps3 which is nothing new for CVG they not been ps3 fans for years now.

orange-skittle4557d ago

@BiggCMan, you're right. If grashopper noticed, this article was written by a UK author. Those were UK launch titles. He wasn't bashing the PS3, he was just stating a fact. Anyone that thinks that is definitely a fanboy. Eventhough I love my PS3, I always find myself defending 360 because fanboys are always finding the most minute thing to bitch about when it comes to the console. The both have strengths and flaws. Why are people still picking sides?

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4557d ago
adorie4558d ago

no amount of massive damage will save this article.

DC19804558d ago (Edited 4558d ago )

NBA Live 06 for the XBOX 360 should be in that list.

Rainstorm814557d ago

I got this game day one for my xbox360, and was so appalled at the game i immediately returned it for NBA2k6 and ive been playing 2K ever since.... Actually Live 06 was so bad it killed the future framework of the game, and now the game no longer exists

DC19804557d ago

I was considering at the time grabbing NBA Live 07 thinking the game would be a big improvement from 06. After renting the game, I said no thanks. Game was twice as bad as NBA Live 06 because of the glitches. Hell, NBA 07 on the PS3 was 10x better. I still have a blast with NBA 07 to this day mainly because it's in 1080p, and it looks absolutely stunning on my TV.

Blaine4558d ago

Really, of the the "5 Worst Ever", 3 are on PS3, 1 on PS1, and 1 Sega-CD?

I know lists are subjective, but this is beyond opinion. It's just trolling, period.

I clicked it because I was actually interested in seeing some bad launch games throughout the history of Video Games. What I got was just yet another not stealthy PS-bashing article. Garbage article, garbage site.

Legion4558d ago

I think it is just because the author only really played these games and never really owned any other consoles. Hard to make a list of best or worse when you live in a small secluded portion of the video game world.

Blaine4557d ago

That's quite likely. But then he's clearly in no position to be writing a list of "Worst Launches Ever", is he?

Video games "journalism", I tell you...

bozebo4557d ago

Yeah, I would guess 90% of game "journalists" that seem to write articles that get submitted to n4g barely touched games before halfway through the last gen. Old and young (though most of them are probably 11-17 lol).

Kyosuke_Sanada4558d ago

How Genji got listed here instead of Gundam Crossfire is beyond me but the hate for Playstation is strong in this one.....

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anast4h ago

This game is about to get buried by Path 2.

LordoftheCritics3h ago

Still no global chat or group finder.

The emptiest MP game ever made.

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1 more month then I can celebrate 1 year since i stopped playing and uninstalled the game.

Walalon1h ago

We are on the same team brother!


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