
Gamescom 2011: DICE Says You'll "Need a Really Good PC" for Battlefield

GeForce.com writes, "Our own Leslie Pirritano had the opportunity to sit down and speak with Battlefield 3 developer Karl Magnus at Gamescom 2011. In the video interview posted below, Magnus explains how the PC version will be the best SKU and says gamers will "need a really good PC" to run it."

gravemaker4669d ago

i already have, so bring it on!

Yi-Long4669d ago (Edited 4669d ago )

... just bought a new one 2 months orso ago, but I don't really use it for games...

It's an i7 2600, 3,40 ghz system with 8GB DDR3 RAM and GTX 460 graphics card...

I mostly use it for graphic design (Photoshop and such...)

lucifon4669d ago (Edited 4669d ago )

Easy :) unless it's an unoptimized mess

Army_of_Darkness4669d ago (Edited 4669d ago )

Better start saving and upgrading that tower so you can be proud that your pc out performed the ps3/ 360 version of this game;)

Yi-Long4669d ago

... it only gets a 5,9 windows index rating though, but that's because the HDD is supposedly only a 5,9. The other scores are 7,5/7,6.

gamingdroid4669d ago (Edited 4669d ago )

I wonder if my poor C2D E8500, 8GB RAM and GTS 240 will run it better than my Xbox 360/PS3?

Karum4669d ago

Get yourself a SSD at some point my friend, you'll never look back.

And yeah don't pay much attention to that index rating Windows gives, your score is only as high as your worst performing area, your PC will run the game absolutely fine.

rogalik4669d ago

You might need to upgrade your CPU to a quadcore, as for GPU it depends on a resolution your playing on.

qwertyz4669d ago (Edited 4669d ago )


my old 2006 gaming pc with a core 2 extreme qx6700 4gb ddr2 and 8800gtx is 5-7 times more powerful than your ps3 and will run battlefield 3 better than your ps3/360 EVER will

you LIE. ps3 is as good as a 2005 high end single gpu pc. a 2006 high end pc even with a core 2 duo and an 8800gt/gts(not even as powerful as my 2006 rig) would destroy ps3 and 360 put together. get your facts right would you and stop making the ps3 look more powerful than it actually is.

stevenhiggster4669d ago (Edited 4669d ago )

There were people in the alpha with what would be considered fairly poor gaming PC's and it ran fine, I'm talking people still using 8800gt's.

I could run the alpha fine on my old system which was a E6850 dual core 3.2ghz with 4gb ddr2 and a gtx460. It wasn't a buttery smooth 60fps but it ran fine and was more than playable.
So yes you might need an uber PC to fully enjoy it at max but you can play it perfectly well on a pretty modest PC.

And the alpha was still a work in progress so it'll be better optimized by release and probably run even better.

Bonobo123454669d ago


Here we go again, another rehash of the same message you so love to convey.

KillerPwned4669d ago


Get yourself a GTX 560 they are like $160-$250

You will be set completely.

stevenhiggster4669d ago (Edited 4669d ago )

Don't bother up grading from a gtx460 to a 560. Absolutely no point you'll get like an extra 5fps if that.
Much better off spending less money on another 460 and sli them, a far better option than a 560.
Imho though there is currently no need to up grade from a 460 unless your trying to play at super high resolutions.

FanboyPunisher4669d ago

Sorry; <720p 30 fps; could do that with 6 year old gpus on games today.

Consoles are 6+ year old tech remember that; you cant wish or pray for it to magically use new hardware.

Its using old gimmied design; thats why Xcross game chat isnt possible on PS3; its gimmiped.

hazeblaze4669d ago

You'll probably be fine. I know you can max out Witcher 2 with the GTX 460, around 45 fps. The newer cards art the GTX 5xx though.

Dee_914669d ago

my 1998 dell powerhouse says hello

180i 14fps sexiness :D


I have assembled my last gaming rig on the end of 2007, but even at the time it wasn't top quality, it has a good mobo (it's currently on 4GB of RAM, but it accepts 8) but the CPU and, even more, the GPU wasn't in anyway prime at the time (E6600 and 8600GT). I got myself a notebook in the end of 2009 as I was tired of dealing with the rig and needed a mobile PC at college, but it's a low-mid end Vaio, no gaming machine.

Chances are neither will run it halfly good. I'll give it a try anyway, the old tower is still running on Vista, maybe I update it for what I can, but if neither run it properly I'll just go with PS3 version if it's really a good game... I don't really care that much for BF3 anyway, I like the multiplayer but I get quickly bored, not something I'll put 100 hours in. I can wait for Doom 4 or the next HL to build a decent gaming rig.

+ Show (12) more repliesLast reply 4668d ago
Hellsvacancy4669d ago (Edited 4669d ago )

So do i, my PS3 is JUST as good

Edit: lol, i knew you tech heads would get all overwrought

RedDead4669d ago (Edited 4669d ago )

No it isn't

Bigger maps...more players...remember? Not even gonna get into the graphics

InNomeDiDio4669d ago

PS3 is JUST as good as a decent PC from 2005/2006. Nothing against you, but that's fact!

MidnytRain4669d ago


Well, the benefit of getting the 360 or PS3 version is knowing it'll run no matter what, lest there are some hardware defects.

narked4669d ago (Edited 4669d ago )


24 players on a 1280*720 resolution with washed out textures. (PS - You can play on this setting on a 5 year old pc)


64 players at over 1920*1080p resolutions with hd grade graphics.

sureeee the ps3 is JUST as good. you simply can't say that. finally we have a developer working towards improving technology, benefiting both pcs and consoles

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4669d ago
kingdoms4669d ago (Edited 4669d ago )

Just got a HP Pavilion Elite H8-1050 from QVC

3.4Ghz 2nd gen Intel core i7 2600

Radeon HD 6850

10 gigs of RAM

I never owned a PC like this is this good enough?

I heard the 2600k was better for gaming. Does over clocking mean I have to change the stock cooling system? If I swap the 2600 for the 2600k or will the difference not even be worth the trouble?

You can get this PC at QVC for 6 easy pays of 270 a month in total. Have it hooked up to my 46" Samsung lcd

ApexHell4669d ago

you will do fine lol

my pc is only intel core 2 duo at 3.6Ghz
gtx 460 1GB
and 2 GBs of ram
all my stuff is overclocked.

and mine runs alpha fine 57-65fps

and your pc is clearly way better than mine with or without overclocking lol that shit will run like cutting a knife into slightly melted butter lol

overclocking is easer with the k because it has unlocked clock multiplier, stock cooling should support your setup even up to 4.0GHz, as my cpu is still running on stock cooling.

stevenhiggster4669d ago (Edited 4669d ago )

lol, I should think you'll be able to run pretty much anything for the next couple of years at max settings with that pc, have fun.
And personally I wouldn't bother with overclocking that, your CPU has auto turbo mode where it'll go up to 3.7ghz if it needs to. In your position overclocking will be more hassle than its worth.

hazeblaze4669d ago

He will still need to overclock the gpu if he wants to max out settings for the next few years... that card is already pushing the limit for games coming out this year w/o overclocking. Meaning he can still max most of them out but will probably be w/in 30-40 fps @ 720p... possibly lower at 1080p. Newer cards can max out today's games with a butter smooth 60+ fps @ 1440p!

superrey194668d ago

the only difference between the the 2600 and 2600k is that the latter is unlocked. This means that you would be able to overclock the hell out of it. You can't overclock your cpu well, but its still a beast of a cpu and is more than enough. I would say dont go through the trouble of swapping them.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4668d ago
Ascalon944669d ago

what about these specs, 3GB of RAM, 2.0GHZ Dual Core, and ATI Radeon 5700?

hazeblaze4669d ago

You will not be able to see the type of graphics in the videos... you'll probably have to play it on low, if it will play at all.

superrey194668d ago

I dont think you will be able to run it... maybe on low settings?

1PC2PS333604668d ago

if thats a laptop and not a typo about the 5700, do you mean mobility 5700 or 5700 family>>

if its a laptop, it aint gonna happen dude, maybe in 800x600 like the console will run it with no anti aliasing....it might work

MostJadedGamer4669d ago

So in reality the console version will be the best for 95% of gamers.

1PC2PS333604668d ago (Edited 4668d ago )

way more people in the world have gaming capable pc's than ALL 3 current consoles combined dude!!

11.5 million people alone play wow, 35 million on steam, thats already more than ALL OF the xbox360's in the entire world in those 2 things i just named!

I know you may say, dude xbox360 sold like 50 million consoles, yeah...but dude....half of them are broken for real....so maybe, being generous, there are 35 million actual xbox360's in peoples homes....maybe...probably not....well there are more people just on steam dude, then think about xfire, gamespy arcade, comrade, impulse, direct2drive, gog, greenmangaming, amazon downloads, origin, ubistore, battle.net

dude...consoles are so over brahh...

MostJadedGamer4668d ago

"way more people in the world have gaming capable pc's than ALL 3 current consoles combined dude!!"

We are not talking about people having gaming capable PC's. We are talking about gamers who are interested in Battlefield 3(and those gamers need a lot better then just a gaming capable PC for BF3), and for probably about 85% of those gamers Battlefield 3 will be superior on their console NOT on there PC.

So while 95% might have been a little exaggeration its not far from the truth.

AKS4669d ago

I've got a pretty strong combo with the 2600K and 2 6950s in CF, but the main thing that worries me is that I'm constantly seeing "Nvidia" everywhere. I'm hoping I don't have driver issues. Given that it's DICE, I think I'll be OK. I just don't want to have another Crysis 2 DX11 type of problem again in which Crytek basically coded DX11 for Nvidia cards and forgot about everyone else. I don't think DICE would do that to me, and the Alpha seemed to run at a nice frame rate, which I'm sure wasn't well optimized.

hqgamez4669d ago

Phenom II X6 1100T
HD Radeon 6990

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 4668d ago
Orpheus4669d ago (Edited 4669d ago )

Kudos to DICE for really utilising the power of PC !!!

NBT914669d ago

Yeah, even as a PS3 gamer it is really good to see a developer utilising that extra power that a good modern PC can deliver when it comes to multiplatform.
I mean if there are extra features available on a platform, why not use them?

Having said that, does not every modern game look better on a top end PC than the consoles?

Workshyskiver4669d ago

Yeah even games that were not so hot on consoles get turned into beast on High end PC's. I mean Just cause 2 looks better than The best looking PS3 exclusives when maxed out.

AKS4669d ago

Many advances in technology over the last few years are going to eventually show up in the next generation of consoles. Even those not into PC gaming should be happy to hear technical and programming advances have been made because some of that may eventually end up in your next console.

OpiZA4669d ago

Cool, where do I post my delivery details?

jozzah4669d ago

Recommended specs would be nice please DICE

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hmmm I think there will be no old BF glory days for EA since they are loyal to their greediness and laziness :D

Knightofelemia564d ago

You're asking for a miracle with EA that will never happen unless they can exploit the money making schemes behind it.

MadLad564d ago

We'll see what happens now that Zampella is overlooking the series.

564d ago Replies(1)
Father__Merrin564d ago

Anyone that wants to plat bf3 you can still go ahead and play it

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MadLad690d ago

There's fun to be had here.
