
This multiplayer video of the Uncharted clone isn't exactly impressive

Yesterday all the world knew about the game Unearthed: Trail of Ibn Battuta. This game has a lot of similarities with Uncharted for PS3. It seems there is also a multiplay for this game.

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MultiConsoleGamer4726d ago

Wow, WTF they actually called it "Unearthed"

lmao. wow.

thugbob4726d ago

I love that a lot of people call it uncharted clone so lets continue calling it that.

-Alpha4726d ago (Edited 4726d ago )

I say cut them some slack. Obviously a no-named developer group heavily influenced from Uncharted. But they are so amateur, so to laugh at their technical limits doesn't mean much.

Sure, it may suck like hell, but it could also have some interesting things to it. It may even be one of those "so bad it's good" games.

At least it's not "Generic FPS shooter #23193"

I think I'd try out this game before another generic FPS game. At least it sounds to have a much more interesting story

thugbob4726d ago (Edited 4726d ago )

They even copied the logo to a certain extent. Copying may get you noticed, but it can also result in you gaining no respect. It's not that I'm making fun of them or whatever I just want it to be a message to the developers or any developer for that matter that being original is the best policy. I'm pretty sure those devs wouldn't want to be known as the guys that made the "uncharted clone." Especially since the game is not looking good so far. So at this rate they'll be known as the guys that made a failed attempt at an uncharted game.

As for generic FPSs I blame Call of Duty fans. Any other FPS game that don't play like Call of Duty they complain and the developers listen to them resulting in a bad sequel that neither the Call of Duty fans or the original fans like.

I wouldn't pick up this game or a generic FPS at all as I see them both equally as bad. I'm tired of the lack of originality in games.

HeavenlySnipes4726d ago

if you make a clone, at least call it something different. Its like the devs of Quantum Theory calling it Cogs of Battle lol.

-Alpha4726d ago (Edited 4726d ago )


Of course I wouldn't buy this, but people are being so hard on this game. I guess that comes with the territory for copying the game but people are taking it too personally.

Also, If you want to criticize originality look at the big devs that actually wield the power to do something new but don't. IMO originality is a problem that lies with them, not small time devs that have neither the funding or likely experience the leaders in the industry do.

guitarded774726d ago

@ Alpha
I kinda see your point... I don't know anything about this game, but if it was a student project, I would give them props for making something of worth with little to do it with. But if this is a game that someone is selling then they can sit on it for ripping off a great game and trying to sell it off like a cheap ass Chinese remake.

Tank_Commander_E64726d ago (Edited 4726d ago )

Well at least the got the health levels right. lol

Rumor4725d ago

uhm WTF just happened?

did the just WALK THROUGH each other?? o__O

Heartnet4725d ago

Guys its made in unity...

taht engine is like $300 for the Pro version so dont expect it to be as good as a multi million dollar game Lol

Biggunz4725d ago

LMAO...I guess I've never played a "so bad it's good" game.

seinfan4725d ago

A lot of people aren't calling it a "clone". It's just this Kingsora bitch.

chainer30004725d ago

"At least it's not "Generic FPS shooter #23193" "

Well, you do know how games become generic, don't you?

gta28004725d ago

This looks and has the same cheap sound effects of an early PS1 game.

SilentNegotiator4725d ago

I can't wait for their next title, "Super Blario Universe"

HappyGaming4725d ago

LMFAO especially when they walked right through eachother xD

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BreakNeckSpeed4726d ago (Edited 4726d ago )

Give these guys a break :(

They're an indie developer and as others have said this is probably their first game. They don't have the triple A backing of a huge corporation like sony with money up the wazoo.


The only similarities to uncharted is its name, and how the characters are perceived from the single artwork released. It looks like a PS2 game, and yet people are trying to draw comparisons with Uncharted. It's stupid, as there are hundreds of games out there with likeness to uncharted - shooter or plat-former.

I don't get the un-needed hate. It's not like its a 'threat' to uncharted as some people are finding in the some of the fanboy comments below.

princeofthabay4726d ago (Edited 4726d ago )

What are you talking about? Being an indie developer is your chance to do something new and fresh,not do a really bad copy and paste.

the name,the characters,the artstyle, and the premise.Its a bad reskin,you have to be blind not to see it. There indie dev all over the world that make names for themselves like the devs of limbo, vvvv or supermeatboy. Being indie is no excuse.

Heartnet4725d ago


Being Indie does not mean you have to do something new.. Just means they can create what they want and if they want to create a game like this dont say "wtf u doing ur indie create someing else" cuz maybe they dont want to.

Every 3rd Party developer have the chance to do something new lol..

DOnt mean you got to :)

and yeh Similarities rely in its setting name and the fact its 3rd Person...

gta28004725d ago

This game is equivalent to those cheap movies I see on netflix that are ripping off Hollywood blockbusters.
Transmorphers is the best example lol.

subtenko4725d ago

Someone mail the dev team and tell them to scrap this hardcore mockup...it would be doing them a favor..

This is ridiculous.

EazyC4725d ago

Unearthed= Uncharted

Just change "chart" to "earth" or vice versa! Lol?

ELite_Ghost4725d ago

i dont get it... *sarcasm*

50Terabytespersec4725d ago (Edited 4725d ago )

Are you serious..This will be fun...
Thank god we don't have smell O vision!
perhaps to enjoy the pungent foul Curry smells that this game has behind it =O ).The swet and the (cough ripp off) original talent & concept of the Arabic community of gamers and anti-deoderant gamers. Surley would be fun to play this game with a veil over my face and camel nuts in my mouth i meant pistachio nutts =), and
of course i can't wait to see what Oil money can do for a game that obviously deserves so much attention from a so so talented region of game designers and who with out oil finances could easily do any game they would want and be original as well.
PASS!!!! Should be a great Bluray to shove upa camels arse like that Prince of Persia movie lmao...NO WAY!

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 4725d ago
metsgaming4726d ago

They would make way more if they ripped of a franchise that everyone flocks to like COD, plus if they did that they would have a chance of making a comparable game.

-Alpha4726d ago (Edited 4726d ago )

Everybody rips off of COD though.They did something more original, ironically enough, by ripping off Uncharted instead.

shammgod4726d ago

COD sucks ball though, so people that rip it off are doing us a favor. Uncharted can't be topped.

firemassacre4726d ago

unearthed is far from uncharted

undercovrr4726d ago

you do realize that every single letter in UNCHARTED is re-arranged to make UNEARTHED with the exception of the letter C

firemassacre4726d ago

the difference between this and uncharted is
uncharted 2

1. uncharted 2 9.6 meta
2. highest rated hd console game of all time.
3. most awards of ALL TIME.
4. the few, the proud, the uncharted .


1.the imitators, the unworthy, the knockoffs
2.in my opinion looks 'ok' but not near uncharteds level.

metsgaming4726d ago

GTA4 has the highest review scores that proves you cant go be review scores. ( even though uncharted actually deserved the high scores it got.)

hilyou4726d ago

i think uncharted 2 is wayyy better than anything gta4 can throw at it!

omi25p4726d ago (Edited 4726d ago )

1. I have no idea why your trying to prove to everyone that uncharted 2 is a better game when not only is that obvious its also unfair on the much smaller budget and team of the people making this game.

2. Uncharted 2 isnt the highest rated game ever
Half-Life 2
The Orange Box
Mass Effect 2
Resident Evil 4
All have the same score and there are games higher rated.

3. I also find it extreamly worrying that you have some sort of crazed loyalty to the game.

BreakNeckSpeed4726d ago

Are you serious *firemassacre?

The difference is clear in the budget of both games. You don't seem to appreciate how low budget this is. Uncharted had the backing of a multi-million dollar corporation - sony.

Not to personally attack you, but you're an idiot for even comparing the two. The article is even dumber.

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Video Game Rip-Offs That Are Hilariously Bad

Many developers try to copy great games and they often fail miserably. These are some video game rip-offs that are hilariously bad.

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senorfartcushion300d ago

Every battle royale and soulslike. Every cartoony live service game with dancing

banger88299d ago

Nah most of the Soulslike games turned out pretty good. Probably the only one I didn't much like was Immortal Unchained.


Phoenix Down 71.0 – Unearthed: Trail of Ibn Battuta

We kick off the Year of the Bad Games with this Uncharted knock-off.


Uncharted Rip-off Unearthed: Trail of Ibn Battuta Episode 2 Confirmed

Chris Mawson writes: "It has been widely regarded as one of the worst games of all time, but that’s not stopping Saudi Arabian developer Semaphore from ploughing ahead with episode two in its Unearthed: Trail of Ibn Battuta saga."

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Dark_Overlord3178d ago

I think I paid about 50p for it, despite the game being pretty bad (even for ps2 standards), the glitches were hilarious, I had fun with it :)

Vitalogy3178d ago

I think sony shouldn't even allow this on the Store.

freshslicepizza3178d ago

i think they should leave it up because what it does is show how much better naughty dog are

Lamboomington3178d ago (Edited 3178d ago )

not allow it ? why lol

traumadisaster3178d ago

Guess you've never been in the thick of it, knee pads can make you so much more effective my friend.

Roaddhogg3178d ago

Considering the game is cross-platform, why wouldn't it be?

raggy-rocket3178d ago

Because it didn't come out on Xbox

Roaddhogg3178d ago (Edited 3178d ago )

Episode 2 is planned for Xbox One, as stated in the article.

Protagonist3178d ago

Just learned about this game, and watched a couple of YT videos of the "first one". Wish I never did, this is probably one of the worst games, I have ever seen!

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