
A Vision of The Future: Building a Game Engine For The NGP

When a new platform is released, it gives developers an exciting chance to create something unique and different that entertains an entirely new audience. For the NGP, developers will once again be able to create compelling new experiences that push the boundaries of what we expect in games, and to do that they will need a powerful game engine that allows them to make the titles they want, rather than what they are constrained to make with a limited engine. To talk about bringing the Vision Game Engine to the NGP/Vita, the rise of freeware and dominance of the Unreal Engine, PlayStation LifeStyle chatted to Trinigy’s General Manager, Felix Roeken.

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Sev4749d ago

NGP has some serious potential.

BigPete79784749d ago

I agree. It will be a day one purchase for me. I cannot wait till E3 and see what they reveal about it.

blusoops4749d ago

nice interview...but what games have been made with this engine already? Just to get an idea of what games will look like on this engine....

BigWoopMagazine4749d ago

Sounds like that could really help have a quick, easy, and large library of games for the NGP on or near release. Even if they're ports, there's a lot of great games on consoles that'd be good on the go too.

doctorstrange4749d ago

"We are using a lot of the sophisticated rendering effects and complex material shaders originally developed for PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 on NGP these days, and the visual quality is extremely compelling."


Pedantic914749d ago (Edited 4749d ago )

We get to see some more engines running on the NGP.
Maybe 1 or 2 NA devs on the stage to show off their new title and talk about their experiences with the NGP.

What im really hoping for is that we atleast get to see a 3rd party video reel. (hopefully some JPN games aswell)

But that might be unlikely seeing as we got TGS coming after E3 and japanese devs are more prominent at TGS.

Lirky4749d ago

An elderscrolls PORTABLE game would be amazing imagine sitting at the park on a blanket while wondering around a vast landed area.

SlyFoxC4749d ago

or you could go for a walk in real life and explore the vast landed area....

T3mpr1x4749d ago

And turn that into a game, right? Like, an AR (Alternate Reality) version haha.

jujubee884749d ago

Nah. Touching strangers in real life could get you sued.

persistentlobster4749d ago

oh come on, don't be THAT guy. this is a game site. if we gave a shit about the real world we wouldn't be on our computers looking up the latest game news. silly man. besides, there aren't land dreughs in our parks; not any that i know of at least... sneaky buggers.

SlyFoxC4749d ago

lol im a gamer....but i just think that if someone is going to go outside....(the wilderness) that they should leave the video games inside lol (command center)

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 4749d ago
VampiricDragon4749d ago

no thanks I dont want a console experience on a handheld because then it makes the console worthless.

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Havok To Buy Trinigy's Vision Engine

The most prodigious gaming engine on the planet will soon integrate with one of the most advanced 3D technological companies in gaming. What does this mean for gamers?

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RaymondM4680d ago

Nice, gaming keeps getting better and better and the havok engine is certainly made certain games stand out as a great engine

Murgatroyd74680d ago

I'm certainly interested in seeing where this takes us!

omicron0094680d ago

now I want to know what games they're going to make using it.


NGP game engine showed off

A few screenshots from Trinigy's Vision Game Engine, now available for licensing by developers.

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lelo2play4749d ago (Edited 4749d ago )

Yes... it's looking very good, graphics wise.

guitarded774749d ago (Edited 4749d ago )

After doing some research, these are just screens from the Vision Engine demo... Link http://www.trinigy.net/en/p... there's no proof of relation that these were built specifically for NGP... although it shows the capabilities of the engine.

SilentNegotiator4749d ago

+Helpful for guitarded

Much disappoint.

chainer30004749d ago

Mmmm. I like that they "showed" off a few different graphical styles within the same engine.

ThanatosDMC4749d ago

Only four of the images loaded. The rest are blank boxes with a little X button on the lower right. :(

Schism204749d ago

Real nice looking for a handheld.

MidnytRain4749d ago

I felt a seizure coming on when I reread that headline.

Sarcasm4749d ago

Thank god I wasn't the only one who noticed. They sure showed us didn't they.

Fishy Fingers4749d ago

Does look good for a handheld that's for sure. Unreal Engine on NGP still has me the most impressed, it scales so well.

blusoops4749d ago

yeah, that and whatever engine Uncharted is using look incredible.

Gamingisfornerds4749d ago

I'm not at all into portable gaming, but that looks impressive indeed!

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Trinigy Launches Vision Game Engine For NGP

Trinigy, an industry leading 3D game engine provider with offices in Germany, Austin, TX and Seoul, Korea, announced the immediate availability of the Vision Game Engine for the next generation portable entertainment system.

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MasterCornholio4749d ago

Heres a video of the engine in action on the NGP.


It looks pretty good for a handheld.