
PlayStation Store Preview – May 31, 2011: WTF Already Edition

"Want to know what is coming to the PlayStation Store this week? Find out in our weekly PlayStation Store Preview, complete with confirmed content, as well as a look into the future in our coming soon section."

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Ser4751d ago

Didn't Sony say that they plan on restoring all services by the end of May? Last chance indeed.

BeOneWithTheGun4751d ago

Even if they do, there will be 15 million people downloading their 6gb free games and it will crash....a lot. Sucks! I want to get InFamous so I can plat it! I only have 4 trophies left!!!!

jeseth4751d ago

"WTF Already Edition"


TheLastGuardian4750d ago

What about the PS+ discounts for May? Can we still get 20% off Outland and 60% off Funky Lab Rat and other PS+ May content in June?

showtimefolks4751d ago

we will start to get psn store back like when psn online play came back

give us a map of when each state is due back or something

saladthieves4751d ago

Something tells me that the PS Store won't be returning tomorrow. It's getting ridiculous. I can't redeem content or download demos.

Akth8r4751d ago

You can redeem your (deadspace) codes on the playstation website.(but if you have to download some file to play online then its not gonna help.)

harv0524751d ago

What I really feel sorry for is all those small devellopers who's got games on there and are suffering the income loss...

LOGICWINS4751d ago (Edited 4751d ago )

^^Yeah, I get that feeling too. They would have said something by now.

UnbiasedGamer4751d ago (Edited 4751d ago )

tomorrow last day...if they don't bring it up by then..alot of people will be furious...

redeem codes

can't do crap..that is why i was using my Xbox 360 lately to download all the latest demos. That new Red Faction game kinda fun..alot of destruction!

saladthieves4751d ago

Yes...I completely agree. It sucks. I can't get online and kill some necromorphs in dead space 2 because I need to redeem the online code. The same thing is happening with people who bought the PS3 version of DiRT 3, as it requires you to redeem an online code. The same thing with L.A. Noire...I bought a version that comes with the DLC "The Naked City" and "The Badge Pursuit" challenge. Can't redeem both codes either!

I really sucks, but we have no choice but to wait. Even worse is that Sony isn't even giving us any ETA on the Store. The fact that they told us they'd bring it back by the end of this month, and we're almost here with no results doesn't seem to be promising.

One things is for sure: with the PSN down debacle, the compromise of user account data, the Store remaining offline and these continued attacks on Sony, their goal of matching and surpassing Xbox Live seems more like a really far dream.

I blame this whole thing on one arrogant person: Geohot

ian724750d ago

The Red Faction demo is one of the things I want to try to see if its worth buying. It looks good by the video's I've seen.
Hopefully, PSN will be back up and running soon.

hiredhelp4751d ago

Just read on playstation.co.uk from a moderator this.


PSN Maintenance Scheduled Tues 31st May 19.00 GMT until Wednesday 1st June 01.00 GMT

on 27-05-2011 11:00 AM

PSN Network Maintenance has been scheduled to take places from Tuesday 31st May at 19.00 GMT until Wednesday 1st June 01.00 GMT.

During the maintenance window, the following services will be unavailable:

PC Registration
Console Storefront
PS3 Account Management
PS3 Network Account Registration
PSP Network Account Registration
Qriocity Account Management

If you attempt to log in during this period you will receive the site maintenance notification page.

If you are already signed in during this period you should be able to stay connected and you will not lose your gaming session (however the above services will still be unavailable).

If you have any queries please Tweet or PM me.


Click here to follow me on Twitter:

hiredhelp4751d ago

LOL at the disagree. i get for prividing proof

gaden_malak4751d ago

Some people just don't like hired help.

TheGameFoxJTV4750d ago

Facts. On N4G people think they can change them with the disagree button. Which brings up a good point about this system. Doesn't something have to be an opinion or belief to disagree in the first place?

UnbiasedGamer4750d ago

UK GMT 12PM MAY 31st no sign.... perhaps in the afternoon.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 4750d ago
DanteKnightsTemplar4751d ago

PS Store.. I miss you.. come back home :(

Dart894751d ago

Well it won't be coming back i have it tied up and hidden in my closet you can never taste all these wonderful updates as i have:D.

If you want you're psn store back you gonna have to pay me 1 million dollars:D.

Lavitz20124751d ago

Well apparetnly some people can't take you're joke.

RankFTW4750d ago

Hahahaha only 1 million dollars, that's nothing these days :).

tehpees34751d ago

when the PS store is up again everything can finally go back to normal. I hope those hackers get their just deserts for this

subtenko4751d ago

what...they dont deserve any desserts....give em some of the stuff on that bizarre foods show, the really nasty stuff

e-p-ayeaH4751d ago

"WTF Already Edition"

lmao indeed

Jack-H4751d ago

Haha that made me laugh too. C'mon already.

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inFamous 3: We Want A Second Son Sequel

Fans of the action-adventure franchise have been eagerly awaiting news of a potential sequel to one of the best games on the PS4.

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Alexious374d ago

I want it too. Make it co-op as well.

-Foxtrot374d ago

Yeah they had a lightning bolt in the shape of a question mark at the end of Infamous 2

They always went off the good ending for Cole so I think for Delsin it should be the bad ending

What he did in the bad ending, absorbing everyone’s powers, seemed like he was going to turn into something powerful.

Makes you feel like he could have been the real Beast and John was just an anomaly because of them messing with time

Sets up a Cole vs Delsin showdown

potatoseal374d ago

How would fans feel about a reboot? You know to bring a new audience in? Not a good idea? Good idea?

anast373d ago

Not a god idea. They let it sit for too long and the game hasn't been strong enough to carry itself all these years. There is so much other stuff out there right now.

masterfox374d ago

Second Son was released in 2014 was an amazing game visually and gameplay wise, sometimes I play it again on the PS5 and seeing it run at 60 fps is something to behold(yes an almost 10 year old game), if you haven't done that on your PS5 try it you won't be disappointed, pure eye candy, a PS5 exclusive of Infamous would be amazing no doubt.

gold_drake374d ago

meh, i want Cole to come back.

or maybe a reboot. with cole.

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Revisiting PS3 classic Motorstorm - The driving celebration that should never have ended

Digital Foundry : Evolution Studios' Motorstorm is one of the first, finest and most fondly remembered of launch titles for PlayStation 3. It's a release designed to answer the question posed by each new console generation: what makes a game 'next-gen'? With its robust physics engine and massive tracks, Motorstorm serves up a bold affirmative answer to this question, delivering an experience that could never have existed on prior console hardware. At the same time, the path to release was fraught with challenges that almost serve as a microcosm of the PlayStation 3 release situation itself. It was a success, however, with a trilogy of PS3 releases, plus PSP, Vita and even PS2 off-shoots.

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RaidenBlack743d ago

After Driveclub and Onrush, the dev team will now contribute to and assist with the development of the upcoming NFS.

darthv72743d ago

I would give anything to have a full compilation of the series remastered to play on PS5 with full DS support. Feeling the deformation of the tracks as you race in pacific rift or the snow laden tracks in arctic edge... that would be sweet.

MastaMold743d ago (Edited 743d ago )

Yes MotorStorm World Tour for PS5 damn it Sony make it. The Desert, Pacific Islands, The Arctic and City races.

Army_of_Darkness743d ago

Motorstorm Pacific rift was awesome! I think MotorStorm: Apocalypse was what killed the franchise due to its change of direction...

darthv72743d ago

Pacific rift is the best (IMO) but apocalypse wasnt what killed it. At least it was still somewhat of a MS game. The RC one is really a departure from the norm. None of which were bad as they were all fun in their own ways.

Army_of_Darkness743d ago

Lol! I completely forgot about the RC version.

Knushwood Butt743d ago (Edited 743d ago )

RC was a blast to play on Vita.

Apocalypse had unfortunate timing due to the 3/11 earthquake in Japan. I never got around to playing that one.

Evolution had some harsh experiences. I had Driveclub from launch and the server issues weren't that bad and certainly didn't prevent you from enjoying the game.

ABizzel1742d ago

Agree Apocalypse didn't kill it, it's just racing games in general just became less popular nearing the end of the PS360 generation as it was flooded with medicore racers and the extremely niche but enjoyable ones like Motorstorm, Blur, Spilt Second, and Forza Horizon (still going strong, but actual sales have been decent fro a racer, and often expanded by console bundles and now GamePass)

But since the PS4/XBO generation had a lack of arcade racers, it's a prime time for games like this to come back.

I've said for the longest, the additional income of PS+ Premium should be used for, Remastering, Remaking, or recreating sequels / spinoffs of classic PS franchises to launch into the service. Many PS3 games fit this mold of looking good enough that a quick remaster to 4K@60 with better texture maps would give them near PS4 quality.

Remasters: A game like Motorstorm look good enough where it can simply be remastered in 4K @ 60fps, and have better textures for mud, mountains/rock structures, and vehicles and it would hold up WELL.

Remakes: Games like Legend of Dragoon, Warhawk (could be a simple remaster also), and so many others could get remakes like FF7.

Recreates: Shorter sequels/prequels/spin-offs to other classic PS IPs like how Infamous First Light / Blood Festival (BF was a highly underrated vampire game) and Uncharted Lost Legacy. Give spin-offs to things like Heavenly Sword, The Order 1886 (1786 or 1986), Puppeteer, Tokyo Jungle, and more.

ABizzel1742d ago (Edited 742d ago )

This is also why Sone NEEDS to get PS3 emulation up and running. It gets rid of all the PS3 server farms and replaces it with software that can work on EVERY future PS console with updated coding.

At bare minimum emulation could double the resolution and framerates of all PS3 games making many of them 1440p@60fps without any real work, and a few 4k@60fps.

As for full-on remakes again updating to 4K@60fps with completely revamped textures, and an option for 1440p@60fps with global illumination can make these games shine with a new lease on life.

Also I'm still waiting on my DriveClub 1440p@60fps update 😭

ChiefofLoliPolice742d ago

Apocalypse was actually pretty good i don't think that's what killed the series. PR was the best though.

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Kurt Russell742d ago

I was late to PS3 and Pacific Rift was the first game I picked up on it... huge miss to not have one on PS4, hope it gets some love on PS5 (as well as Ridge Racer and Wipeout).

akurtz743d ago

Only driving game i enjoyed.

darkrider743d ago

Really cool franchise. It's shame it ended

RosweeSon743d ago

Never really got into it myself I remember getting it with ps3 and being a bit underwhelmed I preferred the RC version they did for vita 🙌🏻🤣

EvertonFC743d ago

Going from ps2 to ps3 was not underwhelming when I first played motorstorm, it was like nothing we'd ever seen before ?

RosweeSon743d ago (Edited 743d ago )

Each to their own didn’t like it myself. 🤷🏻‍♂️✌🏻 ;I didn’t say going from ps2/3 was underwhelming just the launch game motorstorm, bit different but hey ho.

PS3 was a slow burner for me it’s my least favourite Sony console, maybe as I had my 360 as my main at that point but yeah wasn’t impressed with first couple of years to be honest but that’s just me. Once uncharted MGS4 GT5 Last of us GTA4/5 dropped sure but launch games weren’t all that imo. Resistance was alright wasn’t as big a change as ps4 or even now ps5 for me. PS3 took out rumble and basically went HD it’s wasn’t exactly a revolutionary start. 🤷🏻‍♂️✌🏻 ;

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Older PlayStation games that we'd love to see on the PlayStation 5

From Xfire: "For a company with a three-decade-long history in gaming, Sony has done a crappy job at preserving its legacy. "

Flawlessmic764d ago (Edited 764d ago )

All the mgs games, all the ape escapes, silent hill 1-4, croc 1 and 2, legend of dragoon, tekken 3,tenshu, bushido blade, vagrant story, okami, ico, crash bash, gt4.

Thats just off the top of my head that i would play immediately, still so many more though that id love.

Welshy764d ago

MGS, Silent Hill etc are no brainers, but you earned my thumbs up for our boi Croc. I talk about him all the time, it's an honour to find another man of culture.

Flawlessmic763d ago (Edited 763d ago )

Hahaha yea was one of my very first games i owned on ps1 as a child, great memories!!

Love to hear there other people out there that enjoyed the gem of a game that is croc 👌

RedDevils763d ago (Edited 763d ago )

Okami has HD version already. I want those Sly games though since PS3 and vita had it.

Flawlessmic763d ago

Yea sly would be cool, i never got into those so would be a good opportunity for me to do so.

But yea theres so many games in sony catalogue we coukd be here all day listing titles.

Hopefully we all get the ganes we are hoping for.

outsider1624764d ago

Tenchu 1 and 2
Socom 1 and 2
MGS 1-3

seanpitt23764d ago

RDR2 for me they can boost that up to 60fps with better graphic settings than last gen

Luc20764d ago

Folklore. It was such a unique and beautiful game. Great soundtrack. I still have my PS3 copy

The_Hooligan764d ago

YES please! Also I would love to see Warhawk come back. Such an awesome game.

moriarty1889764d ago

The Resistance and a killzone series for me.

Bigman4k764d ago (Edited 764d ago )

Infamous 1 & 2 probably will get remaster for PS5/4 at some point as for the others in that article idk

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