
GameSpot: PlayStation Move Heroes Review

Uneven controls make it a chore to compete in some of the events, and the entire package is hurt by the crushing repetition. It's still fun to control an airborne disc or shoot down idiotic robots, but that mild entertainment is not worth suffering through the rest of this adventure. Ratchet, Sly, and Jak deserve much better than this uninspired collaboration.

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PlayerX4806d ago

Isn't this one of those AAA PS3 Exclusives people have been listing for the past year?

danthegardner4806d ago

Yeah, but try not to pay attention to those lists. It's just fanboy dick measuring.

happyface4806d ago

AAA sony exclusive in da house boyz

Peaceful_Jelly4806d ago (Edited 4806d ago )

I love how fanboys distort reality. Guys... This is just a MOVE game or do you guys count those lame Kinect games as anticipated Xbox exclusives? =/

I'm just saying...

Silly gameAr4806d ago (Edited 4806d ago )

It's clear you guys are trying to hard. Very clear.

spunnups4806d ago

anyone that researched this game for 2 seconds knew it was going to bomb. a no name developer taking on move for the first time with legendary playstation characters equals disaster. if insomniac, naughty dog, or sucker punch were in control that score would be at minimum an 8/10.

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danthegardner4806d ago

Hmmmmm. These guys are making the NGP version of Resistance, but I'll reserve judgement until the game is done.

remanutd554806d ago

yea thats exactly what i was thinking , i hope they dont mess up Resistance NGP , why Insomniac didnt let Sony Bend do it again ? Resistance Retribution is one of my favorite psp games

iliimaster4806d ago

thats odd..... way to low if you ask me.... kinda suspicious really but i do have some high hopes for this game...

Moerdigan4806d ago

ALL the scores I have seen of this game have been all within this ballpark range.

ElementX4806d ago

It was funny how so many people thought this will be the best game ever. I didn't know it was a mini-game compilation. I thought it would be sweet as a platformer, but as soon as I heard it was mini-games I knew it would suck! LMFAO.

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Console Domination Podcast - Episode 11

Console Domination writes: This week on the Console Domination podcast we discuss the latest news including the new SBS and ABCi view channels coming to Xbox 360 on Demand, we discuss the upcoming Gears of War 3 and Batman Arkham City DLC packs and get into some serious discussion about them both. We also discuss the latest press event for Battelfield 3 that the crew went along to. Larry reviews Mercury HG and gives his thoughts on the game. We also discuss the latest releases as well as what is coming out over the next few weeks. Finally, we discuss the next upcoming Console Domination Community Play date and let you know how you can take part to win one of 10 copies of Modern Warfare 3! It's all here and waiting for you, so come get some!

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Console Domination: Playstation Move Heroes Review

Console Domination writes: Combining three separate and very popular franchises into one game should work right? Jak and Daxter, Ratchet and Clank and Sly Cooper are three of the best action adventure/platforming series that Sony has to offer. Good gameplay and good story make these the hits that they are and the prospect of a mash up should be cause for celebration. Unfortunately the end result is a a party game played with motion controls, rather than some kind of massive adventure. Something of a disappointment really. On its own merits it's a passable game. The minigames are fairly entertaining, if somewhat repetitive but as a party game it's sorely lacking in the party atmosphere.

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TSG's Deal Of The Day: Buy 1 Move Game Get 1 Free

Yup, its that time again. Time for the Deal of the Day. Today's deal comes from Gamestop and features 3 Move titles. Buy any of these 3 games (Playstation Move Heroes, The Shoot, and TV Superstars) and get one free. Just make sure to enter the coupon code B1G1MOVE at the check out. Read the full story to get the direct link.

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