
Attack of the Fanboy - First Fallout: New Vegas review

Attack of the Fanboy writes: "You know that old saying if it ain't broke don't fix it? Obsidian, the developer in charge of Fallout New Vegas took this and ran with it. Much if not all of what made Fallout 3 great remains intact in this latest tale from the wasteland. The games craftsmanship is an art in itself as the new locale, The Mojave Wasteland, gives the gamer as much a sense of place as Fallout 3 did(if you can forget for a second all about Fallout 3). The game main story line is accompanied by obscure yet intriguing side quests and subplot"

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HellsJanitor4976d ago (Edited 4976d ago )

Still going to be a day one purchase for me.

goosepoose4976d ago (Edited 4976d ago )

i dont know who they are.

edit: damn....i read the review. i was expecting a plasmastation review. the complaints seem valid. oh no....this review will probably be better than ign's review. oh god, i was going to buy this game. stupid review. its like finding out the girl you about to have sex with had sex with guys from chatrooms.

and YES i know, i should play the game myself. bla bla.forgive me, but i either buy food or games. not both

toaster4976d ago

"food or games"

You reeeally need to get your priorities straight.

Cloudberry4976d ago

Highly not recommended.

falloutx4976d ago (Edited 4976d ago )

This reviewer clearly says he didn't like Fallout 3, Well I loved Fallout 3 and i think i'll love this too.
This is a poorly rushed review just for the sake of being the 1st Fallout New Vegas reviewer.

Matthew944976d ago (Edited 4976d ago )

^^ actually the reviewer says he loved fallout 3

"Much if not all of what made Fallout 3 great "
"it's all pretty much the same as Fallout 3. So what's not to love?"
"Fallout New Vegas' story just never hit home with me the way that Fallout 3's did."

He like the game but says the plot wasn't as good, the engine is a bit dated and there are tons of glitches like the last one.

grailly4976d ago

I'm a big Fallout 3 fan, but I didn't think it's story was great either, it didn't really have one. which means that what we're getting is more or less the same thing as fallout3, that's good enough for me

knifefight4976d ago

Obsidian Entertainment commented on this:
"This website did NOT receive a review copy of the game, and I can reassure you this website has not played the full version of this game. It is merely a pre-judged opinion of previously seen footage and should not, at ANY COST, be taken seriously as an ACTUAL REVIEW."

Then go read the text + look at the pics and yeah, everything is pretty vague and there's nothing really specific that proves he played the game in full.

DMason4976d ago

The only reason this crap site gets reviews out before other sites is because they play pirated games.

Matthew944976d ago

where did you get that quote from, give a link

Obsidian commented "knifefight made up a quote about us in order to prove his point."

MeatyCarling4976d ago

I don't think it's important whether the reviewer actually played the game or not (let's face it there are ways to get games before they are released). The key thing is that this is just one persons opinion and the things that annoyed him about the game other people will most likely love. Personally I don't care what the reviews say as I would rather trust the fact that there has already been 3 good games in the series and I'm pretty sure that with the amount of money and effort they've put into it this one will be just as good.

HolyOrangeCows4976d ago

I hope Bethesda sends this stupid hits-hungry site a take-down notice.

DORMIN4976d ago


I dont get why people click on these sites, you guys really think a small game journalist with have their review up before a big name?

Moonboots4976d ago (Edited 4976d ago )

Yup the reviewer says he didn't like Fallout 3 and I thought it was amazing.. I'm going to go ahead and just assume the opposite of everything this review said. 3/5 seems like a slap in the face and will be interesting to see what other sites with an actual name and reputation for themselves score it.

Interesting Obsidian has now noticed.

SonyPS3604975d ago

Another irrelevant website scrambling for the early review. Nothing new here.

frostypants4975d ago


Another Bethesda game that plays just like every f*cking game they've made since 1995. With all the glitches intact.

P.T. Barnum was right.

Amplitude4975d ago (Edited 4975d ago )

"OMG! Your comment started off interesting and then you just exposed yourself as the same troll half-wit you come down on N4G about.. Saying a big o pile of pure BS like that.. Allow me to knock you off your high horse. Your own post proves the opposite of what you are typing. I hope that was heavy sarcasm."

K, allow me to explain this. You guys are smart.

<From my post>
"If you would have said [while using big words to sound smart] "But, the PS3 version will probably be a thousand times better cause of the processor, so im gonna play it anyway on my PS3 as an F U to 360 fans! It only does everything" at the end of the paragraph, then you would have gotten at least 30 people to agree"

I ended it with a PS3 fanboy post in an attempt to prove that you could get agrees by going off topic and ranting about the PS3 being good.
Apparently it didnt work and nobody got it. lol. kthx.

+ Show (15) more repliesLast reply 4975d ago
-Ikon-4976d ago (Edited 4976d ago )

No way this game will live up to Fallout 3. Average game engine + crappy dev = mid 7 and 8 reviews. Game is going to be loaded with glitchs and bugs.

EDIT: @ Below. Yes crappy dev!! Sure Alpha Protocol was decent but only worth a rent not a buy. Seriously Obsidian is mediocre at best.

Muletroid4976d ago

i know its funny because its true lol
well i wouldn't say crappy but mediocre yes average yes etc etc

Blacktric4976d ago

I wouldn't say "crappy" too but look at their cycle. Bioware develops a great game (KOTOR, Neverwinter Nights), Obsidian takes charge of the sequel (KOTOR 2, Neverwinter Nights 2). Reviews pour in that says the same thing; can't live up to the first game. The same will happen with this too unfortunately. Yes there are guys from Black Isle Studios (Chris Avalone for example) but have you ever watch any of the Developer Diaries? Every one of them hyping how big The Strip is and what we saw is a small sh*tty reimagination of a post apocalyptic Vegas. I seriously hope otherwise to happen but I think the game will be mediocre at best and people who were bashing Bethesda for making Fallout 3 will start praising them.

callahan094976d ago

This is made by the Alpha Protocol developer? Uh-oh. That gives me a bit of pause about this one. You say "average game engine", does that mean this doesn't run on the Fallout 3 engine? The graphics look basically the same as Fallout 3 though. Seemingly. Anyway I just played Alpha Protocol for the first time last night, and I didn't like it at all. I'm not really sure what it was about it that didn't strike me, but just overall within about an hour I was feeling like it was a complete chore to try to play it. There was nothing identifiably wrong with it, just not much right either, just some undefinable feeling of a lack of polish. Never played any of their other games, though, so I dunno about them as a developer.

Gilliand4976d ago

And Fallout 3 wasn't loaded up with glitches and bugs?

callahan094976d ago

I am surprised at the disagrees I got. What do you disagree with? It's not like I said some fanboy crap. If you really liked Alpha Protocol, maybe you disagreed with me. And if that's you, then respond and tell me why you liked the game rather than disagreeing and leaving it be. I still have the game from GameFly and if you think it's a good game, tell me why so that maybe I go back and try it again before sending it back.

n to the b4976d ago

obsidian reusing same graphics engine with no updates - kotor2 and now new vegas. it's not just that though. it's the uninspired use of said graphical assets I'm worried about (just like kotor2). and the screens I've seen show some pretty average looking bits of environment...

then again I've loved my fallout3 even more than kotor. might still be worth a revisit to good ole V.A.T.S.

Amplitude4976d ago (Edited 4976d ago )

Its N4G. People disagree with anything that ISN'T a fanboy post.
If you would have said [while using big words to sound smart] "But, the PS3 version will probably be a thousand times better cause of the processor, so im gonna play it anyway on my PS3 as an F U to 360 fans! It only does everything" at the end of the paragraph, then you would have gotten at least 30 people to agree. And maybe 4 disagrees. xD

Don't get mad. N4G is mostly trolls and fanboys saying irrelevant things for the lulz (see MeatyCarling above) anyway.

That's why i love my PS3. There are no trolls online on the PS3 since there are no kids on it, and everyone is mature and can research why bluray is the future of home entertainment due to its large disc capacity. PS3 owners are smarter than the XBots and have more money. Unlike N4G, nobody online is there to bother you unless you're paying MW2.

Moonboots4976d ago (Edited 4976d ago )

"That's why i love my PS3. There are no trolls online on the PS3 since there are no kids on it, and everyone is mature and can research why bluray is the future of home entertainment due to its large disc capacity. PS3 owners are smarter than the XBots and have more money."

OMG! Your comment started off interesting and then you just exposed yourself as the same troll half-wit you come down on N4G about.. Saying a big o pile of pure BS like that.. Allow me to knock you off your high horse. Your own post proves the opposite of what you are typing. I hope that was heavy sarcasm.

Millah4976d ago

Since much of the original team at Black Isle (the creators of Fallout 1 and 2) are at Obsidian, including the two lead designers of Fallout, I was hoping for something a little more inspired than basically just the same thing as Fallout 3. They certainly hyped it to be much more than that.

danielle0074976d ago

Which is really kind of what I want, honestly. I'm no graphics whore, and if the game is great enough, I can ignore a few glitches.

Just gimme a good damn story, really cool places to explore, really nifty and random people to meet and fuck with, and I'm set.

+ Show (9) more repliesLast reply 4976d ago
PrimordialSoupBase4976d ago

Poorly written and provides no insightful criticism. I just read a whole lot of nothing.

JsonHenry4976d ago

I've already got it pre-loaded on steam. Just waiting till noon EST on the 19th to play it.

visualb4976d ago (Edited 4976d ago )

attackofthefanboy surely didn't get a review copy...

so they either:

a) pirated the game
b) got it from someone who works at gamestop/game and played it.

either way - couldn't have played it for more than 4-5 days = not enough for a FO game...
and I'm not reading this because it gives me a virus alert (and I'm on OSX =|)

so...First Fallout New Vegas HITS WHORES

I'll wait for the first REAL REVIEW thank you.

chazjamie4976d ago (Edited 4976d ago )

its coming out next week. i am pretty sure you can get a legit copy by now already...if you really want the origianl game that badly, you can find a way.

Petro894976d ago

Wait for reputable websites before passing judgement.

From what I've seen and read so far, I'm confident that this game will score well across the board.

Meta: 85+

Philoctetes4976d ago

This review sounds like something that was written without having played the game at all. Is there anything in here that a person couldn't have already known based on pre-release marketing?

I mean, yeah I'm disappointed too that the engine hasn't gotten a thorough overhaul, but we've known all long that this was going to look/play almost identically to Fallout 3.

Nothing here to change my mind about my preorder.

knifefight4976d ago (Edited 4976d ago )

Obsidian Entertainment commented on this:
"This website did NOT receive a review copy of the game, and I can reassure you this website has not played the full version of this game. It is merely a pre-judged opinion of previously seen footage and should not, at ANY COST, be taken seriously as an ACTUAL REVIEW."

Then go read the text + look at the pics and yeah, everything is pretty vague and there's nothing really specific that proves he played the game in full.

@ Below: This site is WAY too small to have received a review copy, plus, for sites that DID get an early copy, there is a a strict embargo.

n to the b4976d ago (Edited 4976d ago )

I saw that comment too but who's to say that comment isn't the fake?

@ Above: some add'l comments here are making me agree with you, looks like we can't trust this review.

Angels37854976d ago

I agree with you that this review probably isn't real, BUT that comment you have posted that you "SAY" obsidian made I think is also fake. Do you have a site or link to where you got this? Firstly I love fallout 3, but this seems like you made the comment out of desperation.

cygnuszero4976d ago

Oh yeah, that really sounds like something a professional game dev would write. I like the capital NOT, that's cute. Who wrote that, a 10 year old?

n to the b4976d ago (Edited 4976d ago )

the comment in question is taken from the 'review' website's comments section.

EDIT: sorry looks like the comment was actually taken down per Nikobaxton below. see Nikobaxton's comment for an image before it was removed.

Thepro3184975d ago

they may have downloaded a pirated copy off a torrent sites. I seen this game on torrents sites for weeks now .

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 4975d ago
Jamegohanssj54976d ago

Lulz. This is definitely no Vice City.


DRUDOG4976d ago

Damn, that review just plain sucks. Take out the pictures and it's like 4 paragraphs long. 5th graders write longer book reports.

darkziosj4975d ago

lol just look at his medal of honor review

Tony P4975d ago

So basically, this is a fake.

Not like it was going to affect my decision to buy.

But this is a pretty underhanded attempt to slander the game if they don't even have a real review copy.

TVippy4975d ago

And blows hard. They're not an AAA-dev anymore.
All I hope for is a decent story, not some mega-retarded plot about 'lost father'.

+ Show (10) more repliesLast reply 4975d ago
gravemaker4976d ago (Edited 4976d ago )

shitty review from the guy who never played originals
new vegas is incredibly deep and great RPG, much better rpg than fallout 3, because guys from fall 1 and 2 makes new vegas

sam22364976d ago

"because guys from fall 1 and 2 makes new vegas"

That's not always the case, man. Just because the original devs made it doesn't mean it'll be good. Look at the new AvP, that was made by the original devs yet it's utter crap.

Having said that, fuck the review. New Vegas is still a day one buy for me!

LarsoVanguard4976d ago

AVP has been crap since the Atari Jaguar.

But I do agree that New Vegas is a day one purchase.

EazyC4976d ago

I suppose but technically it is the first review.....

PrimordialSoupBase4976d ago

I'm betting they pirated it Friday and shat out the review two days later.

Kingdom Come4976d ago

If I had put a review on this site a few days ago, it would have counted a's the first review? No, because I hadn't played the game. This site is just after hits...

knifefight4976d ago (Edited 4976d ago )

It WOULD be the first review if you actually reviewed the actual game. It's a fake, dude.

Get hits by writing well, getting up unique and timely content, and well-played promotion, not cheap tricks like this.

plb4976d ago (Edited 4976d ago )

Any mention of how the PS3 version is? Is it a mess like FO3 or on par with the 360 one? Don't have time to read this article atm.

Motorola4976d ago

Cmon. I love PS3 too but you cant disagree with this ^ F3 was a mess on PS3 until 3 patches later.

plb4976d ago (Edited 4976d ago )

Yeah, I don't know why I got so many disagrees. It's the truth! PS3 version was a horrible port. I only have PS3/PC so I'm trying to determine which version to get.

Motorola4976d ago

oh yeah, some guy got it early on PS3 and i asked him. he said there are alot of bugs and glitches :( for the game overall im not sure about console differences

LarsoVanguard4976d ago

Stop caring about disagrees. It doesn't matter. Not one bit. STOP COMMENTING ABOUT DISAGREES, it's pathetic.

Also, there's no question about whether version you should pick up, if you have a capable PC, you KNOW already that that's the version to get.

Lykon4976d ago

I hardly had any problems with fallout 3 on the ps3 but the dlc OMG a couple of the DLC was so buggy it was shocking, almost unplayable, didn't stop me finishing it all but got very frustrating at times.

Nihilism4976d ago

I knew it would be, it looks like crap in all the trailers, there might have been humour in FO1 and 2, but NV looks like a kids game, all bright and cheesy, it looks to lack all of the atmosphere of the wasteland...

LarsoVanguard4976d ago

Yeah, because once the Color-sucking nukes drop, everything turns to grey, like every other game.


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Games That Were Bad on Release, But Are Now Great

BLG writes, "Some of the most popular games have had a rough start, with some of them being downright unplayable.

Despite that, developers have managed to turn it around for them and make their game worth playing. Here are some games that had a rough start but were pretty great."

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Terry_B28d ago

Good list..hoped to see Street Fighter 5 there..and it is.

Vits28d ago (Edited 28d ago )

Sea of Thieves... I'm not disagreeing that the game has improved in terms of content. But I feel that the most significant change between now and its release is actually the public perception. Nowadays, most people are aware that the game is a multiplayer PvP-focused experience first and foremost, and not "Black Flag made by Rare". Consequently, people dismissing the whole experience because the single-player aspect is lacking or the story is plain are much less common.

darthv7228d ago

Several years ago, i submitted an idea to Rare that would change up the mechanics of battling opponents in the game. whereby if you died in battle, you turned into a skeleton warrior and had to fight your way back to the land of the living. It was an interesting twist on respawning and would allow the player to experience both sides of a battle.

I keep hoping to see something like that get added to the game.

Kaii28d ago

They consider FO 76 & ME Andromeda to be great now 🤭

anast28d ago

Every game in the last 2 decades...


It's sad that this quick retort is more often than not true... The industry's acceptance of release and patch has gone too far.

gunnerforlife28d ago

Days gone! By the end of the game I couldn't drop it down! I went around so many hours killing zombies! It was addictive by the end.

S2Killinit28d ago

That game was just plain good game. It didnt improve, it was just good.

gunnerforlife27d ago

I don't know, I got it abit late, and struggled for a few days, and then all of a sudden it just got good!!

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Fallout Anthology Edition Looks Pretty S.P.E.C.I.A.L.

The Fallout Anthology Edition is coming to PC very soon, and is packaged with some very S.P.E.C.I.A.L. bonuses.

-Foxtrot50d ago

It’s an awful downgrade to the last one they did

They included physical disc back then

ocelot0748d ago

Forgot I ordered this until I got the dispatch email.

FPS_D3TH48d ago

I want the first two games to come to iPhone/android

Friendlygamer48d ago (Edited 48d ago )

I would love the classic fallout games on console. Closest I could find was atom rpg, I liked that one a lot

saint_seya48d ago

I though it was a new Killzone when i saw the image, looks like a hellghast..


Fallout 3 And Fallout New Vegas Come Free On Amazon Luna

Getting free games is never a bad thing and Amazon Luna has new offerings for Fallout fans looking for free adventures in the Wasteland.