
Project Horny PS3 Gamers

Sanii Mandred: Today I decided to do something totally different. I have kind of been getting burned out gaming over the past few moths, because I was trying to play too competitively. Because of this, I made my mind up that I was going to have some fun. Anyway, This is Project Horny PS3 Gamers and here are my findings.

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player-15061d ago

I'm glad I have my man bits then..

captain-obvious5061d ago (Edited 5061d ago )

that was funny

thank god i dont use HOME

HSx95060d ago

wow that guy is soo damn excited, it's like if he barely found out about this WOWW!!!! So this is news? Some guy's reaction to using playstation home as a sex offender?

Playerz85060d ago

Sanii looks like he just found about Home yesterday.

But anyway, that was a good 7 minutes of lol.

WildArmed5060d ago

This has always been the case..
Go to any MMO on any console... (say WoW, FF11, etc etc) u'll see the same behavior.
I can't believe old news is suddenly new..
didn't we have enough of those 'pedos live in Home' articles awhile ago?

Grow up,boys will be boys.
Cross dressers will be cross dressers.

FishCake9T45060d ago

@ 1.1.1 The picture is off a Rikku Cosplay photo. Its quite easy to find on google images.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 5060d ago
rroded5061d ago (Edited 5061d ago )

that n ps3 home is a sausage fest lol

got almost a hundred peeps on my friends list only 4 or 5 girls. most of em dont even turn on their mikes online unless we're in a clan fight or privet match. wonder if it b so bad if we had more girl gamers.

ALFAxD_CENTAURO5061d ago (Edited 5061d ago )

That is why I ignore the Girls in Home. Most of the time I talk to guys only.

Doesn't matter if the profile looks like a real girl behind the account, there are dudes trying to be a girl.

Oldsnake0075061d ago

g.i.r.l on the Internet means

Guy in real life

Sheikh Yerbouti5061d ago (Edited 5061d ago )

That's true. I sat my avatar down on a bench, and went to the bathroom. I came back and some girl was sitting on the ground in front of me so it looked like she was giving me a bj...obviously some dude with homo fantasies.

I thought it was funny, but people are pretty disturbed/desparate on HOME at times.

Shani5060d ago

yes.. There are guys with girl character.. and girls with guy character..

but this is funny,...
Havent seen it happening in front of me.. would be fun to watch..

Count5060d ago

Or they are girls.

What does it matter if they are guys and girls? The problem isn't the gender of the person, but a bunch of desperate schmucks trying to hitch.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 5060d ago
Snoogins5061d ago

...and I'm a guy. I don't spend much time on Home, but I remember what it was like during the closed beta. I feel sorry for girls being subjected to such creepy, stalkerish behavior.

As for rroded and his "blue waffle," I wish I didn't know what he was talking about.

VINNIEPAZ5061d ago (Edited 5061d ago )

So I guess if there is nothing but so called "kids" on Xbox LIVE, they must go to HOME when they are done playing.

amrasmord5061d ago

I've done this on WoW. Pretty hilarious.

spooky2055061d ago

I mean why is she wearing those skimpy outfits anyways? lol. You have to be pretty damn desperate and sad to have to resort picking up girls in PS home. What ever happened to talking to actual people?

moparful995060d ago

I've met girls in home that have become friends that I play games with but I hardly use it as a dating service.. Thats just weird but yea they do exist as long as you treat em with respet there are no issues...

AAACE55061d ago

Didn't take me long to realize most of the girls in HOME were bots! I had one follow me around and start chatting with me, then accepted her to my friends list, then she was never on.

MEsoJD5061d ago

pathetic fellows trying to score virtually. You'll rarely see the non generic looking characters harass the female avatars.

I mean really get the fcuk outside if you want to meet Women.

J-Smith5060d ago

( . )( . ) main photo gone? i was enjoying that LoL

+ Show (8) more repliesLast reply 5060d ago
SeanRL5061d ago

I did this one day as well, lots of pervs on home.

On a side note, hoooray for having one bubble!

mrv3215061d ago (Edited 5061d ago )

I'll soon be joining you in the one Bubble club this is so embarrassing I used to be 8 or 9 back when N4G was cool and people wouldn't take everything seriously.

Thanks dude, but a bubble is just a reward for those who are sort of middle, where they may like one platform but not too much... I on the other hand take joy from replying to Xbox fans with multiple accounts and ADORE it when they take a bubble because I feel like they are getting annoyed enough to react. N4G hasn't had news on it since E3, most of the time it's just cosplay and opinions articles.

Hellsvacancy5061d ago

Its gay only havin 1 bubble, i dont think my commentin is as bad as sum other mofos on ere, i just want 2 b's, i aint greedy (+1 2 all the above)

On topic, theres sum funny mofos on Home i aint used it in a while, think i might just on it later 2 crack sum joke

MexicanAppleThief5061d ago

I'll throw you all a bubble, on me.

JD_Shadow5061d ago

Giving one, as well. Hopefully I get some back. I think it's just that too many take bubbles and not many give any. Either that or the ratio is broken (a minus is worth much more damage than a plus is worth its help, for whatever reason).

Boody-Bandit5061d ago

I am giving bubbles away like candy.

Rot_in_Fail5061d ago

I'll give ya'll one too.

psfan for that Home tasers comment lolz

Snoogins5061d ago

On the old N4G, I had 9 bubbles. I stay at 4 bubbles now, mostly due to the fact I try to keep my comments fair and balanced, as well as on-topic. Sometimes I do feel inclined to lash out at the blatant, amoebic class stupidity that plagues this site, and other times I just accept the retardation and understand my opinion does not always have to be submitted for others' viewing. I do my part in giving bubbles to those that deserve it, and taking away from those which do not.

5061d ago
Spydr075061d ago

I'm always game for a bubble party! Bubbs to all!

room4145061d ago

i like the tickley little bubbles you make when you fart in the tub

Boody-Bandit5061d ago

You all heard of double XP weekends for online gaming?
Well it's bubble up weekend on N4G. Let's keep the party going!

The Great Melon5061d ago

Although I wish I still had my 9 bubbles from the the old N4G, my biggest gripe is the 15 minute edit window. It use to be 30 minutes, so now it is really hard to reply to people as you can't edit and you have a limited number of bubbles.

writersblock5061d ago

Like, the system isnt automatic, I think a mod has to give bubbles

But on the off chance it works, bubbles to all above me in the name of gaming

evilmonkey5015060d ago (Edited 5060d ago )

COOL+everyone BUbblz :)
I don't think the bubbles work anymore.I think the bubble system is filtered and every bbuble has to be approved. Not very democratic :(
I want more bubblz too.

haha^^^maybe I should read before I post..

Anon19745060d ago (Edited 5060d ago )

We givin away bubbles here? I remember when I had 8 bubbles. Poor little bubbles....

mastiffchild5060d ago

Oh, Darkride! Too late for the party fella? I'll bubble y'up dude!

Don't like to see a fellow Edge hater down on his bubbles!

+ Show (12) more repliesLast reply 5060d ago
ClownBelt5061d ago

"On a side note, hoooray for having one bubble!"

Congrats. Lmao

You'll get used to it after a while.

mcnablejr5061d ago

i will soon have 1 bubble.

My truthful opinions wind people up.

Ah well.

playstation_clan5061d ago

free bubbles for everyone

and cookies

Boody-Bandit5061d ago (Edited 5061d ago )

That's funny!

I went on Home a few times and it is pretty funny how guys flock to those with a female appearance. Some desperate people out there.

frostyhat1235060d ago

on this entire comments list lol.

moparful995060d ago (Edited 5060d ago )

There's a reason you only have one bubble.. I'm not trying to attack you so don't take this wrong but I've seen some pretty one sided comments from you and that tends to lead to people taking bubbles.. Maybe you should try some humility and think about what you are saying b4 posting? I Keep mine because I don't "attack" people but rather offer rebuttals to things they say.. Just a thought. I gave you a bubble by the way..

EDIT: Just look at sodapopinsky's reply below for an example of how not to comment. I haven't figured out if he just does it to get people worked up or he truly is that ignorant, either way he's in the 1 bubble club..

rroded5060d ago

jus showing my support for all those girl gamers

heres to the rise of the girl gamer kick those jerks rite in the junk!!!

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 5060d ago
MexicanAppleThief5061d ago

lol I did this once, so much laughs. I made a really nice looking female avatar (according to my specs :P), then once people started biting, I changed my avatar into the most ugliest 40 year old guy I made. Their reactions were so f**king hilarious.

Moerdigan5061d ago

Not going to lie, that sounds a bit fun.

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Jim Ryan Praises PlayStation Home for Being '10-15 Years Ahead of Its Time'

Other "game-type metaverse" projects in the works

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Jin_Sakai246d ago

Would love PlayStation Home 2 on PS5 with seamless transitions between different areas.

-Foxtrot246d ago

Yeah, although I’m worried if it does come back idiots will say it’s jumping on the metaverae trend not realising it did this years ago

zeuanimals245d ago

They'd have a hard time doing that if it's called Playstation Home 2. That raises the question of what the first one was.

Si-Fly245d ago

You’ll enjoy life much more if you stop worrying about what other people think :)

darthv72246d ago

...in VR2 would be awesome as well.

Godmars290246d ago

Given you're talking about online speeds and connectivity, not the PS5 itself, you're not escaping loading screens.

Tacoboto245d ago

SSD speeds so quick you could open a door in PS Home to walk your Avatar through a portal to launch a game.

They could do something like Peach's Castle in Mario 64 and your library of titles are the portraits

ChiefofLoliPolice245d ago

Agreed wholeheartedly. Playstation Home was amazing!

ThEusAisPoisonous245d ago

You’re being silly. It was stupid as shit.

Ashunderfire86245d ago

Second Life did that before everyone.

1Victor245d ago

@ Jin:” Would love PlayStation Home 2 on PS5 with seamless transitions between different areas.”
I second that plus a vr option added to it

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 245d ago
gold_drake246d ago

it really was.

miss it.
it had alot of potential.

Inverno246d ago

There's still IMVU and Second Life but they're not quite like PS Home. Btw folks the Home restoration project is still going and they have brought Home back online through the PS3 emulator. So if y'all interested in goin back HOME there's that.

Yui_Suzumiya245d ago

I'm interested! I was wondering if that project was still live or not.

Elda246d ago

If he praises it why did Sony shut the app down.

Jin_Sakai246d ago

He just said it was ahead of its time. Super slow HDD made it awful when traversing areas.

OptimusDK245d ago

It was trash 🗑️ and it still is. Walking around to go into stores etc is cringe and makes no sense at all. The hype around metaverse is totally overblown

Jin_Sakai245d ago (Edited 245d ago )


You don’t speak for everyone. Many people enjoyed it. But I do agree with the Metaverse being overblown.

__SteakDeck__245d ago

@OptimusDK You don’t know what you’re talking about. This was a good place to meet people.

Majors246d ago

As good as it was It missed the opportunity of becoming huge... Imagine if just eat or similar and you could order food from within checking out menus of local restaurants, Or items direct from Amazon etc whilst in shop in game checking out the items in real time, or even clothes from your favourite shops. The thing could have been Enormous ! I realise it could be dangerous in over spending but hell kids max out parents cards on fortnite, just need to keep control of them.

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PlayStation Stars Items Would Be Perfect for a PlayStation Home Reboot

The new loyalty program PlayStation Stars boasts an array of rewards, many of which would be perfect for a display in a reboot of PlayStation Home.

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PlayStation Home Is Back Online This 2021 Thanks to Fans

Thanks to the Destination Home Team working in tandem with the PSOne Emulation Team, PlayStation Home is back online this 2021 on the PS3.

SullysCigar919d ago

Now bring it into the PS5 era as a PSVR2 social hub and we're talking!

Silly gameAr919d ago

That would be awesome. Wonder if the fans can pull that off.

bouzebbal919d ago

It was a sad day when they stopped this service.. the community gave them so many good idea they chose not listen.. people want the trophy score to be used in home, or simply get rewards from unlocking the trophies..

excaliburps919d ago

If there was a time to do this, it would be now. Imagine PS Home intergrated with Facebook, Twitter, TikTok, etc. It could work, and open a new revenue stream for Sony, and new earnings potential for influencers, etc.

919d ago
919d ago
Mr_cheese919d ago

While I understand why you said it, I hated the idea of everything you just said.

Lore918d ago

And expand on the housing and furniture offerings, allow for quick jump-in to HOME from the startup screen, and integrate a way for unique items to be acquired for games that platinum trophies have been earned in

GoodGuy09919d ago

Ah yes good times. I remember bowling, making psn friends, dance parties, flirting with girls, and pretending to be a girl with hoards of dudes following me lol. I even created eu and jp accounts because they had their own unique hub area and game spaces. It was just dumb fun.

boing1919d ago

In hindsight, this would have been great in the current climate.

Darkborn919d ago

I still think the ps5 is getting it with London studio making an "online game" they keep posting. They also have experience making VR games so who knows. It would be amazing as a free game packed with the psvr2.

OptimusDK919d ago

HOME was a broken mess last time, and it still makes no sense now. This whole META verse hype - i just dont see it. VR or not makes no difference. We are far off!

Godmars290919d ago

Far off from VR chat type platforms being on a game console?

Very likely aren't btw, just more the question that if one existed would it support interactive games within itself. Offer flawless launching into other games with a spectator option.

I mean, imagine hosting a DB FighterZ tournament at you lunar mansion where guest can see it in realtime on a massive screen. About the actual level stage with some as DBZ characters commenting while waiting their turn.

Nitrowolf2919d ago

Far off? Lol the virtual spacing has taken off already, since the PS4 era.

Home was released a bit ahead of its time when it should have came out later in the ps4 life cycle instead of 3.it certainly would have found loads more success today than back then

919d ago
EvertonFC918d ago

HOME was 10 years ahead of its time, dam I miss Xi

Mr_cheese919d ago

VR and the META are here to stay and they're only going to keep on growing.

There will be something for everybody.

Godmars290919d ago

Issue there is META's trademarked by a notorious info miner who plans to lock you out of your own VR rig no matter how much money you've sunk into it.

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