
IGN: Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Review

IGN writes: "Over the years the Call of Duty series has set the bar for immersive, action-packed, cinematic FPS gaming, and no matter what camp you're from there's no denying the franchise's influence on the industry. When Infinity Ward moved from the classic World War II setting and blazed new ground with Modern Warfare we saw the first obvious split within the world of Call of Duty. The series dropped its historic focus, created a new cast of characters, and began treading on new ground by taking the first-person shooter genre to new locales, and pushing the boundaries of what military games are willing to show. With Modern Warfare 2, the sheer amount of hype has been practically inescapable, with preorders alone setting it up as one of the biggest selling games of all time, the addition of even more multiplayer modes and features, and the game's new Special Operations mode has set Infinity Ward's lastest up as the game to beat this year."

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Sanzee5318d ago (Edited 5318d ago )

Guess who just got his copy of MW2 after his number was drawn first at the local Gamestop launch party? That's right. Sanzee did!

Let's here it for yet another successful addition to the Call of Duty series, thanks to the hard work and determination from our friends @ Infinity Ward!

Danteh5318d ago

I think this is a great time to be gamers.... I'm sometimes a PS3 fanboy but accept that this game may compete with UC2 for GOTY, I mean it has trophies, (sometimes) better graphix, PSN is now on par with Live... what's not to love?

On another note, I also think that PS3 exclusives have to do MUCh more to get 10's, being original, innovating, etc... while MW2, which is just fun but not original, gets all the 10's.

Anyways, all MW2 haters out there, buy it a join the ranks of millions of happy PS3 gamers!

See ya on the battlefield

pangitkqb5318d ago (Edited 5318d ago )

and the same basic multiplayer formula as the previous two installments. Lets here it for incremental improvements! Who needs true artistic risk taking?

Yarite5318d ago


10 for graphics? The horrible plastic blotchy looking low-res textures do wonders for the game.

10 for sound? We all love the repeating dialogue and the guns which sound like toys.

What a joke. Seems like IGN are enjoying the Activision money-hats.

Bnet3435318d ago

First off, congrats Sanzee, you lucky bastard :P. Second, getting my copy tomorrow, can't wait. It will be fun. The reviews are look nice, and IGN starts it off nice for others and might be GOTY 2009, need to play it myself to be the judge. To other players, see you online, play safe and enjoy. This is a great games we all have in our hands.

DarkMantrid5318d ago (Edited 5318d ago )

IGN has been giving alot of 9.5s lately it seems. I can accept that, but to give it a 10(!) in graphics?! dude...

kraze075318d ago

You haters just won't give it a rest will you. If you don't like the game don't play it and don't talk sh!t about it.

Feral Gamer5318d ago (Edited 5318d ago )

"and the same basic multiplayer formula as the previous two installments. Lets here it for incremental improvements! Who needs true artistic risk taking?"

Doesn't stop people from buying 3.9 million copies of Madden 2010

Good call! I also avoid Madden. I think it's more exciting to catch a game on TV anyway. Go Vikes!

villiers5318d ago

Yeah it is a joke this gets a 10 for graphics whilst a game like Ratchet and Clank gets an 8.5 for graphics?

Other games like ACII, FFXIII and The Last Guardian deserve 9.5's-10's for there graphics yet they will probably get a 9 at max.

MW2 getting 10 for it's graphics is a joke and just cements IGN excepted money or there reviewers just have no clue.

pangitkqb5318d ago

Exactly! I avoid that series too.

Darkstorn5318d ago

A 10 for graphics? Really? Well, there's no doubting that it's a great game, just not the year's best. That honor belongs to Demon's Souls or Uncharted 2.
Uncharted 2 wasn't an 'artistic risk taker,' yet turned out to be an excellent game. I hear you on MW2, though. It looks relatively derivative.

5318d ago
anh_duong5318d ago

i hate playing call of duty with French players, you usually get "host ended game" before any shots have been fired

beardpapa5318d ago

Who here thinks 9.5 for MW2 is the "safety score" for IGN so that it is enough reason for them to give MW2 the GOTY to be "safe" just like what they did with Fallout ?

mugoldeneagle035318d ago (Edited 5318d ago )

Is anyone shocked by their score? No. And I'm gonna try and post a intelligent comment before tomorrow morning when all the IW/Activision/MW haters wake up and litter this thread with ton's of hate. So bare with me.

In regards to the review, it's everything we thought it was, but I don't necessarily think that's a bad thing. People forget how good COD4 was. And what IW, for better or for worse, did was take the best aspects of that game and add new features, weapons, perks, maps, etc. I mean, that's all I really want. Look at SOCOM Confrontation. It's without a doubt my favorite shooter of all time and if Zipper released a new SOCOM with all of the old SOCOM II maps, I'd drop $60 in a heartbeat. So when did it become a crime to be a fan of a game? Or a series?

We all KNEW it was going to get a 9.5, but after reading this review, and almost every other MW2 review posted within the last week, maybe its deserving? Yes, I'll agree that the graphics shouldn't be a 10, but they're far from bad. Not everything can compare with Killzone 2 & Uncharted, and to be completely honest I don't want everything at all to "look" like another game. I want COD to be COD, Uncharted to be Uncharted, Killzone to be Killzone. And this is coming from a PS3-only owner. Isn't that what makes gaming fun? The ability to choose any game with any style?

With that said, I find it really ridiculous and sad that the N4G community really stooped to levels I haven't seen before the last month. I get that IW screwed the PC community, that Activision cares about $ before the consumer, and that IW slipped up on the marketing a few times, but seriously, you guys need to stop whining.

I held this one back for awhile because I wanted to wait for almost all of the reviews to drop and now they have and here we are. Modern Warfare 2 is a great game for people who like Call of Duty, for people who like FPS, for people who WANT to buy the game. And if your not one of them, then why are you busy commenting on it. There are TONS of games that have released that you could be enjoying other than wasting our time on the boards.

And for the record, I'll be just as upset as all of you if this pulls a GTA IV and wins GOTY. I know as well as you that there are more deserving games Uncharted, Killzone, etc. This frustration stems simply from all of the comments I've read over the past month regarding MW2, and has all culminated now in the multiple high score reviews. Everyone talked about Activision and IW ruining the gaming industry when we as a commmunity aren't helping it either.

Thank you, and I'll be looking forward to picking this up tomorrow and playing with all of the other MW2 players out there.

PS: Sorry it was so long, and it's not directed towards any single post on this thread for those wondering.


sack_boi5318d ago

Unlike Killzone 2 or Uncharted, this game has "4 player Split-screen" mode and it's locked at 60fps.

So I'd say looking this good while achieving the above is just outstanding.

SL1M DADDY5317d ago

I laugh at all the haters of this game because I KNOW for a fact they will be at home on their PC, PS3 or 360 playing the game despite their claims of boycotts and anger towards Bobby and IW.

vhero5317d ago

Still this game shouldn't have been released with the war going on in Afghanistan you can't help but think IW are cashing in on that and thats BAD TASTE. Making money out of UK and US soldiers dying for our countries.

nix5317d ago

reminds me of 10/10 for GTA IV.

hype. hype. hype.

Xbox Avatars Shoe5317d ago

I just got done playing for 5 hours straight and I have to admit I was surprised by the IMPROVED graphics but a 10?! More like a 9-9.5. The graphics are actually much better than CoD4 but they're no where near as good as KZ2 and U2. IGN gave KZ2 a 9.5 in graphics LOLZ!

Tinted Eyes5317d ago

Hehe, this is going to be a good game but....

COD:MW2 - 10 in graphics.

Killzone 2 - 9.5 in graphics.

Ahhh, the benefits of not being a PS3 exclusive.

nix5317d ago (Edited 5317d ago )

well.. if it was PS3 exclusive game...

too short.
brings nothing new.
poor graphics (sudden endless comparision with U2).
crappy online.


but how can anyone give low score to holier-than-thou-MM2 game.

hypocrites, that's all they are.

callahan095317d ago (Edited 5317d ago )

They only gave Killzone 2 a 9.5 in graphics. I'm sorry, but Mordern Warfare 2 does not deserve to be rated higher in graphics than Killzone 2. Killzone 2 came out 3/4 of a year ago, and it still has arguably the best graphics, and even back then they couldn't deign to give it a 10 for graphics? Something odd about that.

Simon_Brezhnev5317d ago (Edited 5317d ago )

Now nobody cannot deny IGN is biased against PS3 exclusives. Killzone 2 9.5 for graphics but MW2 a 10. Like they say you cant spell IGNORANT without IGN.

10-Graphics: MW2
"What was already an impressive graphical engine has only improved over the last two years. More effects, grander environments, and a truly spectacular overall visual offering."

9.5-Graphics Killzone 2
"Phenomenal visuals prove that Guerrilla either met or surpassed that infamous E3 trailer. Some technical issues hold it back from being a completely flawless masterpiece.

tommygecko5317d ago

killzone 2 was 30fps and sluggish. this is 60fps.

DaTruth5317d ago

Why do you guys keep calling people MW2 haters? Most of the people complaining are buying the game!

It is just the poster boy for bad reviewing practices! It has al the things they usually hold against other games, rolled up into one, tossed in a box and then forgotten about!

LiquifiedArt5317d ago

Solid game, but the reviews are obviously skewed.

A 10 for graphics is completely not true.

The controls are tight just like in cod4 though, easy to aim, easy to kill and best of all, does "what you want it to do".

ThanatosDMC5317d ago (Edited 5317d ago )

I played the game around 1am and the NVG really works. Anyway, do not play Killzone 2 hours before this game.

Also, for those that played it. Is that real? That sonar or whatever kind of detection radar system was that in the snow level? Do they have something like those in real life??? It reminded me way too much of AVP2.

buzzie245317d ago

anyone know where the trophies are they arn't listed when you load the game?

thewhoopimen5317d ago (Edited 5317d ago )

Ok for those brain farts up there who haven't deigned to read any articles, the game is not locked at 60 FPS for consoles it dips to the 30s in heavy scenes. So lets, stop using that as a technical one-upmanship over other titles in the genre, because frankly it doesn't have one. On the otherhand, I am staying out of the bias discussions. I boycott the game for tasteless depictions of massacres and asking the player to involve in it. Disliking the Activision money-grubbing helps too as does a 5 hr single campaign. I'd rather spend it on AC2 or BFBC2... fair enough?

Unending Punishment5317d ago

GotY 2009 for sure, easily beat Halo 3 ODST and Uncharted 2.

Blaze9295317d ago

IGN just looses more and more credibility everyday. When you go corporate you can't really trust these kinda guys and reviews anymore. Stick to people who actually play the games and spend hard earned money on them.

IGN is a joke.

Maddens Raiders5317d ago

nah.... Inconsistent Gamescore Network.

enough is enough.

10 graphics? FAIL

JBaby3435317d ago (Edited 5317d ago )

MW2 is definitely a good game but rating graphics higher than KZ2 is ridiculous.

Multiplat benefits.

Shepherd 2145317d ago

ya know its only on n4g that i see people putting PS3 graphics on such a high pedestal. Only n4g. Friends, review sites, random online gamers, no one including me thinks the graphics of uncharted 2 or killzone 2 are so high that nothing can compete with them except for the ghosts and trolls on this stupid site. Its funny and pathetic really. Modern Warfare 2 looks like a great game btw.

nycredude5317d ago


Go check meta or game rankings and see how many publications are praising Uncharted 2 as the best console graphics out. And go see how many people are saying the same for any other game. You could say whatever you want about N4g but if you have eyes and don't have your fanboy hat on then it's obvious which games look the best on consoles! I have the Ps3 and the xbox and they both have their benefits and shortcomings, but to think Uncharted 2 and Killzone 2 has any competition in the graphics department is delusional.

Imalwaysright5317d ago

Couldnt agree more Nix. I realized that those so called "professional" reviewers were hypocrites when they were all giving GTA IV 10/10. That is why i wait for some of my friends to play these overhyped titles and ask their opinion before buying them .

Saaking5317d ago

9.5? Seems honest reviews are now a thing of the past. If this was true than UC2 deserved a 12/10

Shepherd 2145317d ago

You say i have a "fanboy hat" on, but i could very well say the same thing about you or many others on this site. When the first screens of Uncharted 2 came out i was shocked that the graphics were getting praised as much as they were(only from those on this site). its a great looking game of course, but damn they arent the best ever. I personally think Killzone 2 looks better, and even MGS4 looks better than UC2, there are sections in the environment in MGS4 that look much more photorealistic than from what ive seen in UC2.

Kleptic5317d ago

I don't find anything wrong with this review...the graphics have improved also by the way; I totally agree that the mp engine now looks better than cod 4's sp...which is saying something...is it killzone 2 overall visually?...no, not exactly...the tech simply isn't there...so not sure what scale they are using for a 10 in visuals...but whatever, cod 4 was up to this point easily one of the best looking shooters of this gen...and if MW2 is better than cod 4, its simply that much closer to killzone 2...

anyway though...multiplatform games are always safe...the media feels 'everyone is happy' when a big successful multiplat releases...and the fanboys simply do one of two things...play it down compared to their exclusives...or ignore that its multiplat and use it as leverage to justify their preference...and neither matters...there is NO QUESTION that if it this was exclusive to either system that owners of that system would be hysterical about it...its an amazing game...

who cares that its multiplatform...its pretty much the best multiplayer game avaiable right now...I absolutely loved killzone 2, but there is no doubt that you get a lot more content with mw2 for the money...and they are different enough gameplay wise that it really comes down to what type of competitive multiplayer you want right now...

I am simply glad that action games like this still get the most headlines and attention...they are the games i love to play...and with the strength of the wii over the last few years; its very refreshing to know that pretty much no one that enjoys playing video games is even interested in that thing...when a game like MW2 gets the most attention...it means developers will keep making them...and that is all I care about...

+ Show (38) more repliesLast reply 5317d ago
jhooty145318d ago

rumor was true then? (gave it 9.5)

cant wait to have this in my hands :P

Sanzee5318d ago

Yes it was! When I opened the review, I was 90% sure it would be a 9.5 because of the glitch that user saw on IGN's MW2 page.

AKNAA5318d ago (Edited 5318d ago )

Ign daily quick fix video was denying how they didn't even review the game yet and the score was false, yet they rate the final game the exact same as the rumor glitch(9.5)?? LOL! kinda makes them look dumb now.

DaTruth5317d ago

That just proves they had the score before they even reviewed the game?

"MW2 is coming out next year, what do you think guys 9.5 or 9.8?"

BRG90005317d ago

I think all it proves is that they had an early copy of the game and wrote the review last week. As did most review sites. Activision's embargo held all these reviews until midnight last night, it wasn't because all the reviewers were waiting on their preorders.

rogimusprime5317d ago

wait so long to release this review? they really sat on it until launch day? WTF?

I understand the legalese, but opens the door for speculation on who is pulling the strings over at IGN.

Shepherd 2145317d ago

id be willing to bet IGN doesnt think its as big a deal as you do.

BRG90005317d ago

It's called an embargo. Activision provides reviewers with advance copies of the game on the condition that they do not post their reviews until whatever date/time Activision sets (in this case, the moment it launches). The reviewers are not legally bound to respect the embargo, but if they break it Activision will stop sending them review copies of games in the future. This is a pretty standard thing that most publishers do, though a lot of the time the embargo date is a little bit before the release date.

You'll notice most large game sites posted their reviews last night or will be posting them today. The only reviews out before today were from smaller sites that probably got their copy from a store that broke street date and thus were under no obligation to Activison.

AKNAA5317d ago (Edited 5317d ago )

It it weren't a big of a deal to them, why did they even mention it on their daily fix wrap-up video?? I'd say thats going out of their way to cover up don't you think?? if they denied it to that extent, couldn't they just add or deduct 1 point to prove that they aren't liars...


BRG90005317d ago

Well changing their review score based on something irrelevant to the game like that would be a bigger hit to their credibility than most of the accusations flying on this thread.

Fact is, we'll probably never know whether that leak was real or not. People will pick a side of the debate at random, argue it passionately for about 4 days, then everyone will forget all about it.

The Shadow5317d ago

If the story was short, why 9.5? They should lowered the score like 8.5 or 8.7, somewhere within the range.

Anyway MW1 and MW2 should focus on the longer campaign. The multiplayer should just be the bonus. 80% campaign and 20% multiplayer,not the other way around.

Take COD 2 for example, I really enjoyed the single player campaign. It was so memorable.

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 5317d ago
5318d ago Replies(2)
Cyrax_875318d ago

1 good thing about AUS gaming = we get worldwide released games first!

DaTruth5317d ago

You probably even beat the North American midnight launches!

greatjimbo785317d ago

How can anyone disagree with his statement? He's from Australia, so that means their time is ahead of everyone’s, how can you disagree with a fact? Unless some of you don't understand geography.

If I could post a facepalm right now, I would.

fanboi hater5318d ago

disagrees start now....
10 graphics are you kidding me that is all.

Cyrax_875318d ago (Edited 5318d ago )

No disagrees needed, it's true. This just proves that overated games like CoD and GTA will get perfect scores no matter how obvious some flaws are. Imagine if Uncharted 2 was multiplat, it'll have a metacritic score of 99.

CrippleH5318d ago

shhh it's not safe to say things like that on a multi plat game.

Noob5318d ago (Edited 5318d ago )

When they reviewed Ratchet, they used Uncharted 2 as a benchmark and gave the graphics an 8.5. Halo ODST comes around and gets a 9 in graphics, despite it looking the same and still not HD. It gets a "pass", right? Remember, Ratchet is the game that's 720p(HD), 60fps, has improved lighting, and improved animations, but still get an 8.5 in graphics. Go figure.

@ below

Besides the bloom effect and more color, it didn't change much at all.

In no way does this game "raise the bar" in graphics department. If anything, it lowers them.

Darkstorn5318d ago

Graphics also take into account art style and design. It's not all about resolution...

callahan095317d ago

They gave an 8.5 in graphics to A Crack in Time and a 9 to ODST? That's insane. I've got A Crack in Time, and the graphics are excellent. When you've got a dynamo of devastation, a mr. zurkon, some tesla spikes, and a rift out, and then start up the RYNO, you're looking at one hell of a scene. There's so much going on, and the frame-rate never dips once. It's very impressive. I just rented ODST, and I've got say, this game has absolutely terrible graphics. That's right, I said it. I'm not even going to call them "mediocre." They're simply bad. There is an insane amount of aliasing and the textures are muddy as hell, and while the frame-rate is smooth, there's an awful lot of texture pop-in. It's not even close to "attractive" it's quite ugly to look at, in my opinion. I can't believe it scored nearly the same graphics score as Killzone 2. Halo 3 wasn't a beautiful game when it first came out, and 2 years on, ODST looks downright awful in comparison to literally every other big-ticket game that's come out in 2009.

Pennywise5317d ago

I think I am done with all major sites. They are so out of touch with the gamer. All they care about is the politics.

ThanatosDMC5317d ago

All they care about is money or the free stuff they get from the publisher.

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Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 2: New Season 6 MP Map Gameplay Videos

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La Casa involves intense action in a Vill and Koro Village is a battle in the streets where enemies lurk at all angles and shadows.


MW3 shouldn’t leave Modern Warfare 2’s overlooked playlist behind

Modern Warfare 3 is set to be one of the biggest COD games yet features-wise, but it shouldn't leave out one of the best MW2 game modes in the rear view mirror.

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Modern Warfare 2 Adds Pay-to-Win Items With Thermal Scope and Merlin the Dog, Here's How They Work

Some alleged Modern Warfare 2 pay-to-win elements were recently added, see what they are here and how they work.

PunksOnN4G296d ago

The DOG is legit Broken if ur hiding in a room or grass he turns his head even if ur behind a closed door he turns his head and barks letting them know where u at thats PAY TO WIN!!!!!

LucasRuinedChildhood296d ago

I hope all the assholes who buy these get stuck in lobbies with each other. I skipped new COD games for a long time and a short time with MW2 convinced me to go back to on a hiatus.

With the skill-based matchmaking (engagement-based would be more accurate), I imagine this will make the game even more miserable for most players when the matchmaking has decided it's time for a tough lobby.

I played the OG MW2 recently on the Series X and it's disheartening how much more fun it is. I don't even care about the balance issues anymore. lol

PunksOnN4G296d ago

My friends dont play with me anymore i am former pro player and i even streamed on MLG for RX gaming the team i played for... My KD is always high 5-6kd my friends who i went to school with are not good wht so ever so with SBMM kicking in its always putting us in TOP TIER lobbys and they cant hang now they dont even tell me when they getting on LOL

ManMarmalade295d ago

I recently started playing OG MW2 again and I'm having a blast. Feels like I'm in high school again.

fr0sty296d ago (Edited 296d ago )

Welcome to COD under MS. It's all downhill from here, they're going to be looking to make that $68B back as fast as possible, at any expense to the player.

StarkR3ality295d ago

The deal hasn't even closed yet you pleb. CoD has been doing stuff like this since the loot boxes in WWII.

Nice try though pal.

TheColbertinator294d ago

Activision has never needed Microsoft or anybody for that matter to act like greedy bastards

PunksOnN4G295d ago

why did my 2nd comment about SBMM get downvited LOL?? Do we have people who Enjoy trash SBMM tbh make sense it caters to LOW KD players and u will never get better playing with the same trahs everyday LOL

andy85296d ago

Probably gonna see more of this BS once the deal is fully done..Gotta recoup that 70B.

Jin_Sakai296d ago (Edited 296d ago )

Look at Minecraft. The game hasn’t went anywhere since Microsoft bought them. No 4K, no 120fps, no graphics pack, and no Ray Tracing. Just some new biomes, mobs, and more skins as usual.

Same could be said about Rare. Who knows what will happen to Activision once they’re under Microsoft’s roof. We can all take a good guess though.

PunksOnN4G296d ago

TBH they did update it by accident then they pulled the update down on xsx and xss i remeber the XSX version having ray tracing but the S did not. Then after people seen that it was updated it was removed that same day

peppeaccardo296d ago

No way !!! Nobody wouild think they would monetize on items that weak asses will use to get advantage during multiplayer action !!! I would never think they would do that ... I mean is a free to play game after all ! /S
Wait once M$ will put their greasy hands all over Activizion and you will see what awaits the "lucky" ones who will play this slot machine of a game. Sooooo Lame !

jznrpg296d ago

They way it works is you give them money and more money and more money.

anast295d ago

It's a true phenomenon that people haven't figured this out yet.

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