
Microsoft Fluid Prototype In Action

Rumors have been flying around about Microsoft's new motion camera called the Microsoft Fluid being developed by 3DV and their ZCam technology. Well, some may not know but 3DV actually showed off their camera at CES 2008 with a full-on gaming tech demo. Check out the video below to get an idea of what to expect with the Fluid.

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qface645496d ago

really? now that's it?
am i supposed to be impressed? it really just seems like the eye toy

so many people on the internet were making it sound like it was going to be godly?
i dunno if this is even the official thing or not but it doesn't really impress if you ask me

40cal5496d ago

It looks like it works just like the PS Eye to me also.

I am looking forward to seeing what they have done with Eye Pet thus far. Hopefully we will get some info at E3.

I did not murder him5496d ago (Edited 5496d ago )

The playstation eye is that responsive? The playstation eye I bought was slow and barely manageable in comparison. The eyetoy is more advanced than the Playstation eye?

You can tell what it can do based on this dude playing a game?

sack_boi5496d ago

Very responsive (prototype) but lame.

5495d ago
I did not murder him5495d ago

#2 is right. I do agree with #3 though.

RememberThe3575495d ago

I just don't think it will be applied well. That boxing game looked like it would be pretty fun. But unless MS is planning something like what Sony is planning with the Eye Toy, I just don't see how this is better then using a controller.

I thought the Eye Toy ran at 120 f/s Isn't that pretty good. Maybe it was just the programing that made it slow.

Mindboggle5495d ago

Anyone who thinks this is cool is dilluded.

This is essentially the same game that was on Eye toy on PS2 in like 2003. Except they moved the angle. This was done in Wii Sports and once again in Punch out.

Typical Microsoft. Never innovate, never create original products, just rip off other companies and steal their games. I dont know why people even buy their consoles and games. Oh yh I know why, AS ITS CHEAP!

TomAB5495d ago

I agree; wii boxing is better than what that looks (almost :)) I seriously hope microsoft has something aa little more advanced than this

aueslander5495d ago

....those saying it is crap is basing their opinion off of a video made almost 18 months ago on an incomplete application and hardware as opposed to seeing how it works NOW on a console with hardware specific gaming software?

Yea, nice one there, might as well say Mass Effect 2 sucks even though we have seen next to noting and we are probably a year from release or say that FF13 will be a turd even though it wont be out for about another year also.

Please, though I know this will fall on deaf ears, make a decision based on what will be shown in 2 weeks since they have had almost 18 months more to work on the device which means that it could be far and away better now then it was in January of 2008.

Also, dont start with the "microsoft is not innovated" as sony brings out things as well *cough* sixaxis *cough* with devices that is similar to what is already on the market before sony releases them. Might as well call microsoft not innovateive because they released a game console in the first place but you can say that as well as sony since nintendo and sega released consoles before sony so of course, they were copying and not being innovative. I swear, fanboys on both sides are retarded.

I did not murder him5495d ago (Edited 5495d ago )

That camera probably doesn't exist in that form or developmental stage if Microsoft is really releasing first party motion sensing tech. Its probably a more advanced motion bar or strip with other sensors etc on it. I'm reading rumors of Full body motion.

You should know by now PS3 fans talk down anything related to the 360. It will be interesting to see if Microsoft is going to release the motion interface software they have mentioned wanting to do.

Gam715495d ago

Relax, its the SDF hijacking another 360 thread on N4G.
Must be saturday.

Yes, the eye toy can do the same thing but better.
The reason it hasn't is because...

no answer?
If it could it would have.

Have you checked their website to see what this can do?
Its not going to replace the joypad and anyone who's trying to claim ms is trying to claim that must own a ps3.

Watch the gesture based control of windows, but I know the eye toy...
sony said so...
or didn't but some fanboy did.

It is impressive and the potential (if you own a sony product you must appreciate that as you live on "potential") for gaming is huge.

But of course hate it because its ms (then go on about how hating sony is stupid because why would you hate a company!?!) and then when sony copy announce it as the best thing ever.

I'm looking forward to this. For gaming its innovative, and we know how you like innovation (obviously i'm not talking to the ninty or 360 owners on here as its full of ps3 fanboys) but i'm sure you all own an eye toy and are playing...
that one with the cards and...

Raz5495d ago

I played with this tech in an arcade ten years ago. Are we supposed to be dazzled? <YAWN>

I did not murder him5495d ago (Edited 5495d ago )

I think fans and trolls are suppose to buy into the rumor Microsoft is going to announce motion soon for their platforms by showing the video. I'm guessing thats the point.

Jaces5495d ago

Uhh...everyone already has a motion sensing console. Why do they want another one?

I was never really in this kind of stuff, unless it was something that was integrated a small bit here and there in some games.

I did not murder him5495d ago (Edited 5495d ago )

You're not the one selling Three Hundred thousand to Four hundred thousand consoles a month to an untapped up and coming casual market that is spreading like wildfire.

You also don't speak for the 40 to 50 million people that think its matrix/Minority Report/closer to Virtual reality/Health tool/family gaming fun futuristic sh*t.

Jaces5495d ago (Edited 5495d ago )

Ohhh, your talking about the Wii. Right?

I did not murder him5495d ago (Edited 5495d ago )


Huge market. The Wii broke the defacto video game mold because they have tapped into a new market while winning over the bulk of the casual demographic by releasing a product seen as the future with many benefits.
This new untapped demographic of non gamers(parents and the elderly etc) and the casual one is where the growth is at for any company. Hospitals, offices, retirement homes the list goes on.

aueslander5495d ago

Am not going to think this will replace the joypad anytime soon.

Granted I am sure the tech is lightyears better then the old sega octagon thingy (activator?) where you would stand inside it to punch and kick in genesis games but, until we get VR like a holodeck from Star Trek the joypad is not going anywhere anytime soon.

I am not bashing this as i think it could add to how games are played, like if you are a character who walks up to a computer console you can access the screen like you would if you were there or some other type functions which if done right could work really well.

Still, I found it funny a few days ago there was an article about sony's motion controller that had a mock up design that looked like the wii mote and PS3 fanboys were all over it mainly because it doesnt use IR like the wii and they claim it will revolutionise gaming and work better than the wii (which it very well could). Of course, these are the same ones that called the wii lame due to its control option yet once sony announces something similar, no one has a problem with it and thinks its a great idea.

Ah well, fantards of all 3 companies will always do this kind of crap, par for the course i guess.

bnaked5495d ago


Microsoft should develop games like uncharted 2 and not such a sh!t.. Thats a joke right? Who needs a f*cking 3D-camera?????

aueslander5495d ago

...microsoft make yet another Tomb Raider clone like Uncharted?

CrazzyMan5494d ago (Edited 5494d ago )

Because, games like Indiana Jones or games based on something like National Treasure will be ALWAYS FUN to play, instead of mindless 3rd person shooters with below average plot.

Milky5494d ago

I think it looks pretty nice, it seems to work very well. Im sure Sony will announce something extremely similar at e3 with the eye toy- maybe an eye toy 3.0 or something. Eyepet and all those games they announced last year are bound to make an appearance.

ps3d05494d ago

Got to love how stupid the ps3 fanboy are its embarrassing to have to even call them human cause they are so stupid.

"Typical Microsoft. Never innovate, never create original products"

This fanboy is so stupid he cant seem to read more then the headline. MS doesnt make it the zcam 3DV does and they have nothing to do with MS at all. Fluid and MS using this tech is not more then a rumor. If you could read you know the 1st word in the article is "Rumors"

"I played with this tech in an arcade ten years ago. Are we supposed to be dazzled?"

Really you played with zcam 10 years ago ? Thats a nice trick seeing that its still in the development stage.

" Because Uncharted is better, than latest Tomb Raider games
Because, games like Indiana Jones or games based on something like National Treasure will be ALWAYS FUN to play, instead of mindless 3rd person shooters with below average plot."

So you're talking about how great uncharted is while trashing 3rd person shooters when uncharted is a 3rd person shooter.

Game13a13y5494d ago

meh, not impressed at all. i have the "been here done that" feeling while watching the clip. plus, holding your hands in the air where as for the wii you're actually holding a controller in your hand, this eye toy feels alittle bit lame.

Consoldtobots5494d ago

microsoft copying Sony again? yes and water is wet

edgeofblade5494d ago

What gets me steamed is people who naturally assume Microsoft is incapable of being original... that they are doomed by destiny to fail at everything... that it's written in the stars. What a knuckle-headed approach to reality. You fail at rational thought if that's your approach to everything.

I don't quite think you understand everything this peripheral is doing, and if you aren't technically minded, you shouldn't pretend to know. It's mapping the subject in 3d space, rather than merely capturing motion in 2d space, like Eyetoy. If you want a comparison, Eyetoy and Xbox Live Vision are in the same class. All they could detect was the difference in contrast between the edge of your body and the hopefully white wall behind you.

This is COMPLETELY different from eyetoy, and if you can't recognize that, you've got anti-microsoft blinders on. If it uses infared as many sources suggest, lighting and contrast won't matter.

However, I'll be the first to admit I don't see many SOFTWARE applications beyond what Sony and Nintendo have done already. Boxing? Already done. Aerobics? Already done.

What REALLY needs to happen is some sort of application to first person shooters. Imagine this as a means to 3d headtracking-to-view control, like the Johnny Lee videos.

It really scares me that you kids are being bred with this blind adherence to the Sony label and hardly a one of you knows what you're talking about.

+ Show (24) more repliesLast reply 5494d ago
Raoh5496d ago

the youtube video was posted January 07, 2008 at CES. it was not running on a console but a computer. this was before microsfot bought the company.

JustinSaneV25496d ago

That's pretty much what the description says...

Raoh5496d ago

i saw that just making sure the n4g members who dont read the articles know what they are commenting on

i'm not doubting microsofts ability and money to do something with this but people are jumping on this like its a new video

I did not murder him5495d ago (Edited 5495d ago )

No you did it to try and downplay the news the only people that don't read are PS3 fans when the see 360 news in a hurry to bash. No one said it was running on a console although you are right the point of this is to show off motion tech *now owned by Microsoft* It was a spiteful comment towards the 360. You wanted to nullify the excitement. The 360 (console) wasn't even mentioned only the company that own the tech/company.

Green Lantern25496d ago

lol this just a tech demo and to me it already killed the wii and the eye toy. I can't wait to use this playing the new Naruto from Ubisoft.

Blasphemy5495d ago

The problem is this won't be practical for all types of games so no this is not a Wii killer.

Parapraxis5495d ago (Edited 5495d ago )

@Blasphemy ...The Wiimote/nunchuck is not practical for all Wii games.
@Green Lantern2, that was an awfully stupid comment.

xabmol5495d ago

I was just thinking the same exact thing. o.0!


GiantEnemyCrab5496d ago

So how well does this work when I'm 6 feet away from the camera and TV? I don't stand a foot away from my TV when I'm playing.

I guess I will reserve judgment until I see more. I just am not that confident after the Vision Camera promises and knowing how the EyeToy is better and still is disappointing.

FragMnTagM5495d ago

If they used this system along with a controller, it could be truly groundbreaking. You are supposed to be able to shoot, by making your hand into a gun gesture, and using your thumb as the trigger. But I feel this will not replace the controller. You need a trigger or something to hold to give it feeling. I am interested in seeing how this works. Until then, I am reserving judgment.

The eyetoy, and the vision camera are old tech, and they worked okay, so maybe this has something that made the other ones not that great. Let's wait and see.

NMC20075495d ago

If you people really think this is what MS invested so much money into then I feel sorry for you, MS may be full of shiz sometimes but they are not stupid.

This may be part of it but why not wait until it's unveiled at E3 instead of letting all these dumb ass rumors cloud the site, these sites just want hits, this is why they are posting so much bullshiz lately, because they know people are in E3 mode and very gullible, stop letting yourselves be pissed on and laughed at N4G.

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All Call of Duty Black Ops Games Ranked

The Nerd Stash: "Developed by Treyarch Studios, Call of Duty: Black Ops games are some of the best in the series in terms of gameplay, story, and -- of course -- Zombies."

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Rynxie7h ago(Edited 7h ago)

Black ops 4, because it was the last cod of duty I was able to dominate with a +2 k/d ratio. Before all the freaking cheating started to happen. It was nice catching people off guard and shooting at them first and getting the kill. Unlike now, where I shoot people first, but they gun me down with less hits, less time, literally feels like they can kill me in a split second. At times, they are able to run away after me shooting them way more than necessary, yet, the second I'm spotted, I'm dead, there's no me running away to cover. They can do cartwheels, summersaults, backflips and gun you down perfectly. They can shoot you across the map with perfect accuracy. They can jump around like morons and gun you down without even having to correct their aim. They have superman split second perfect reactions. That's the best way to describe it, everything they do is spot on perfect. They can spam and spray (no praying) their gun from far away, because they have no recoil or bullet spread. It always feels like I have to aim and also correct my aim when moving around, while these pricks don't have to do the same.

And yes, I know how to play fps games. I dominated many fps games like: Resistance 1&2, kz 2&3, Socom, MAG, Crysis, Gotham City Impostors, blitz brigade etc. all with 2-4 k/d ratio. Kz2 (lag input controls) and resistance (no aim assist in resistance) being the hardest and were the games I reached either close to a 3 k/d ratio or above.

I truly got to enjoy blacks ops 4 and got my money's worth out of it. Afterwords, I would either stop playing cod games after a while, because of the cheating, or would skip buying cod games for a year or two before buying another.


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UltimateOwnage20h ago

Is it running the same Windows OS? Because that is the biggest issue with the current Ally.


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DefenderOfDoom22d ago

Would love to see a sequel to the 7th gen FPS campaign SINGULARITY from RAVEN Software..