
Sony Commits to PS5 and PC FPS Concord Coming Out in 2024

While Sony has said there are no plans to release sequels in its major franchises this financial year, ruling out new games in the Spider-Man and God of War series until at least April 2025, we do know of one new first-party PlayStation game coming out this year: Concord.

Sonic188118d ago (Edited 18d ago )

Is this a live service multiplayer game like Helldivers 2? Never heard of this game

romulus2318d ago

Multiplayer, pvp, fps. As far as live service I can't confirm but it most likely is just based on the type of game it is.


I do believe it's a live service game. Sony doesn't release day and date on PC if it's not.

XiNatsuDragnel18d ago

Very interesting I hope we learn about concord

Kurisu18d ago

Yeah I'm intrigued by it. We keep hearing about the game, but we've seen very little so I can't work out what it actually is.

jznrpg18d ago

This is good for PS as a whole but I have been done with PVP shooters for about a decade now.

phoenixwing17d ago

They died for me when the ps3 was phased out.

MrBaskerville17d ago

I would be so hyped if it was some kind of singleplayer title. But it's not. Still curious, that image is very cool.


Concord’s first look doesn’t fill me with hope for the PS5 exclusive

Concord will open its servers to players this August, but The Loadout's Aaron Down feels the PS5 exclusive isn’t doing enough to separate itself from the live-service pack.

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SoloGamer11d 8h ago

NOTHING fills these "Journalists" with hope.. sheesh..what do these people want!? the game looks pretty good to me

RaidenBlack1d 6h ago (Edited 1d 6h ago )

Yea kinda looked good to me too
But I think people are burned out from hero shooters. Fans were expecting something similar to killzone or such.
Anyway it seems that every upcoming Sony GaaS titles will target specific sub genres.
Correct me if I am wrong here:
Concord is a team-based hero shooter.
Fairgames is a heist competitive shooter with some twist.
And Marathon is an extraction shooter with it's own twist.
edit: I doubt Fairgames can surpass the likes of The Rivals, which is really well made and is getting constant updates ... and most of Haven studio is comprised of ex-Ubi devs.

Michiel19891d 4h ago

it looked like Team Fortress 1.5. but then without any of it's charm

purple1011d 3h ago

The rivals, You mean the finals? Or is there another

I thought it looked okay myself, but wanted much more, wanted killzone in space. Got Mario with guns

RaidenBlack1d 2h ago (Edited 1d 2h ago )

yea ... oops, The Finals, thanks @purple101
Don't know why I typed rivals ... maybe coz of the recent SoP's Marvel's Rivals
but my point still stands:
' Doubt Fairgames can surpass the likes of The Finals, which is really well made and is getting constant updates ... and most of Haven studio is comprised of ex-Ubi devs. '

TheProfessional20h ago

They definitely shouldn't have made Marathon an extraction shooter if that's what it is. There's way too many already. Extraction/horde modes used to just be a bonus or dlc, now there are entire games that are just that.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 20h ago
shinoff21831d 5h ago

I think alot of Sony fans are turned off because we want single player games and well this isn't even close. Personally this could've turned out to be pretty dope as a single player game, the same with evil dead, Texas chainsaw, but no these companies wanna keep forcing this sht down our throats. They can keep all themes multi-player stuff

Redemption-648h ago

They are not forcing anything. People have been claiming for years for Sony to diversify their games to include multi-player, then start crying when they actually do. They can release both types of games, play what you want, don't know why people get so triggered when a game they don't want is made

StormSnooper1d 5h ago (Edited 1d 5h ago )

ONE game doesn’t “fill him with joy”.

-Foxtrot1d 4h ago

It’s not just journalists this time..:

It looks generic as f***

We need to start being honest with ourselves not just “oh it’s Sony / PlayStation”

Lightning771d 1h ago

That's my issue is how generic it looks. Sony couldn't even be creative with it. (I get it, they specialize in SP stuff not LS) but they could had their finger on the pulse better and have something unique not just ok make an overwatch type of LS.

I guess that's why it's called the Live Service gamble.

If nobody plays it then lay offs will definitely happen here.

StormSnooper18h ago(Edited 18h ago)

Does it though? I mean, what makes it “generic”. Is it the art style? Or the characters? Sure we’ve seen similar characters in the past. We’ve seen a diverse character roster with asymmetric abilities in the past. But, why are they required to reinvent the wheel? It’s not like there is anything else that can be done in this genre. So I think gameplay is where it needs to shine, and the jury is still out on that subject.

If they land the gameplay, then I see it being a success. Even though this genre is not my personal cup of tea. To write it off as “generic” for its simplistic design is a mistake.

Pepsi_Man30001d 3h ago

Understandable. this shit looks basic af.

Hotpot1d 3h ago

ah not to me.. I’m a playstation dude but this game just feels like OW copycat, not to mention the team from cinematic trailer acts suspiciously like Guardian of the Galaxy.. the yolo green dude is starlord, the stern girl is gamora, muscle dude that talks weird is draxx, and mascot robot is groot.. just need a foul mouthed dude there and it’s GotG from wish.

jwillj2k41d 3h ago

Game looked boring as hell. Stop being a fanboy.

Lightning771d 2h ago

Tbh I thought it was gonna be this person action LS expedition type of game the way the CG frames the game.

Instead it was just an Oveewatch clone done worse. Characters and art style doesn't stand out at all. It was just generic to me personally.

InUrFoxHole23h ago

I liked it but most didn't. There was more excitement for astro lol

TheProfessional20h ago

Another biased Sony fan heard from.

derek19h ago

Your upset someone is interested in something you're not.

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 8h ago
ravens521d 5h ago

I would try it if it was free like foamstars but no I wouldn't purchase this game.

thesoftware7301d 5h ago

It has really nice, clean graphics, and overall, it looks good..

Too bad, I don't play Overwatch-type games.

Crows901d 3h ago (Edited 1d 3h ago )

The only way I would consider this is if it has enough variation in team objectives and good overarching plot.

If it innovates in the arena shooter and also adds PVE elements then they could have something pretty cool in their hands. Otherwise it is a no from me.

And of course...mtx and crappy mentization methods is another big NO

thesoftware7301d 3h ago

Indeed, a PVE mode, like zombies or Firefight would definitely get my attention.

MTX I don't care about as I can easily ignore them in games..but if they have them, they should make them earnable in game.

Elda1d 4h ago

I lost interest once I heard it's PvP only.

Sonic18811d 3h ago

They canceled Factions 2 for Concord 😉

Pepsi_Man30001d 3h ago

what a shame. This couldve worked perfectly as a gotg type single player game. But they decided to make pvp hero shooter #743

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Astro Bot trailer gets 99% likes on YouTube, Concord gets 18%

The games have received vastly different fan reactions following their reveals…

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Goodguy011d 7h ago (Edited 1d 7h ago )

Games still want to be like overwatch when overwatch is dead smh. I just want a regular military shooter boots on the ground without abilities and powers, just regular non superhuman soldiers using modern real life weapons for a pvp shooter.

gold_drake1d 7h ago

i honestly didnt know anything about concord, it looksd fantastic, but then boom, multiplayer lol i was definitely disappointed.

people dont want that shit anymore.

Astrobot is also really good haha

shinoff21831d 5h ago (Edited 1d 5h ago )

Exactly. Could've been an awesome single player sci fi game.

And yet again no rpgs from sony

Cacabunga1d 4h ago

People want solid SP games and sony got it wrong once more by going all in with gaas.
Astro day one 👍🏽 Concord never 👎

VenomUK1d 4h ago

When the story trailer began I could tell it was a well envisioned world and characters and lore - but that seems to be wasted on a hero shooter. Why not make the whole package like classic Halo, where there is a single player campaign that is enjoyable and immerses you in the world AND have the multiplayer aspect?

I don't really play much online but the mechanics looked fun. Perhaps this game, like Helldivers II that had no pre-release hype, will find an audience.

Noskypeno1d 3h ago

@venom I know right, these games like Overwatch, Apex, Concord and many other hero shooters put a lot of effort into the characters, lore and universe, but don't do stuff with it. Just spend an extra year to work on level design and I won't mind paying full price. I just don't know how devs forgot how to make a complete package like the old days.

jznrpg23h ago

I disagree people don’t want it. I don’t want it , you don’t want it, but unfortunately there is a crowd who loves live service type of pvp games

Profchaos15h ago(Edited 15h ago)

Wonder if the team are sitting back like man we messed up we should of just made it a story game

@shinoff I can't recall any Sony published RPG games they have all been built via partnerships like the FF games from memory.aybe I'm wrong but seems like something Sony has always avoided directly

DOMination-9h ago

"people dont want that shit anymore."

Couldn't be more wrong with that statement imo.

The current top 10 games on Steam as I'm typing is: Counter-Strike 2, DOTA2, PUBG, Apex Legends, Naraka Bladepoint, GTA V, Wallpaper Engine, Rust, Team Fortress 2 and CoD.

There's a huge demand for this type of game and that's why Sony is chasing it. But to compete with the best, Sony will need to make Concord F2P otherwise it's dead within 12 months.

I think the reason for the dislikes is more down to the lack of comms from PlayStation around those single player projects. If Concord was in addition to those experiences, people would probably be fine with it.

I also think the way it was announced was a bit strange. The main demographic of people watching those State of Plays aren't looking for this type of experience so when the guy smugly comes on announcing Concord as top billing as if it's a ND game and then they do a graphics bait and switch from cinematic trailer to goofy team fortress clone, it did feel a bit tone deaf.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 9h ago
Tacoboto1d 7h ago

And I just wanted Concord to be a solid sci-if arena shooter in the vein of Halo or Unreal Tournament/Championship. Alas it ain't that either.

Astro Bot on the other hand - heck yes that trailer is serving out exactly what it needs to, I'm Day One on that and it was easily my favorite announcement yesterday.

RaiderNation6h ago(Edited 6h ago)

Agreed. I don't mind Sci fi themed shooters, but I am SO over this cheeky MCU flavored humor and bright, colorful, comic book graphic design. I want darker, gritty Sci fi. I want Killzone or Resistance style graphics with weight to it! This is such a letdown!

-Foxtrot1d 6h ago (Edited 1d 6h ago )

Even though it’s not military, I think the last good old school multiplayer game for me was Uncharted 2.

You literally had two boosters which really didn’t feel like they did much after level 20 or something when you were more experienced

No killstreaks, no load outs, no weapon mods, no nothing. It was glorious.

Inverno1d 4h ago

The irony in that is that U2 MP was heavily influenced by Halo, Bungie even helped out on the technical stuff. Now Bungie is at the forefront of bad MP practices. U2 was my drug dood.

RedDevils19h ago

UC2 is my fav online shooter, as well as Warhawk and CS.

gold_drake13h ago

uncharted 2 mp was fantastic. the amount of hours i spent on there is ridiculous ha.

DarXyde1d 5h ago (Edited 1d 5h ago )

I mentioned this in another article, but games taking so long to release nowadays really risks developers missing the zeitgeist. This game may have began pre production when Overwatch was peak and while the game was being made, people kinda just moved on.

More incentive for developers to go their own way, I guess. Hopefully that inspires more creativity.

Hotpot1d 4h ago

Redfall and Helldivers 2 are the exact study cases these publishers and developers need. One is an experienced single player game studio forced to go againts what they do best and follow the current trend. One makes improvements to what they previously done good.

Like you said, with how long it takes to make games nowaday it’s better to just do what you’re good at instead of forcefully following the trend anyway.

outsider16241d 5h ago

Killzone or Socom would have fill that void.

lelo2play1d 5h ago

Path of Exile 2 pc, God of War pc and Astro PS5 were the best... rest of the show was meh

Abear211d 5h ago

Yup, bring on SOCOM or Killzone without bullshit killstreaks or dozens of maps I already bought years ago. Is it really that hard to make this happen? Also weird I’d rather pay $70 for a well made game than a pay to win free to play. What has happened to this industry we love? Sigh.

Jingsing1d 5h ago

I think there is a market for hyper realistic military games that isn't being served. But it has to be done in a way like Bodycam and Unrecord. Hyper realistic graphics. I think that is your next COD. But Sony of all people seem to be sleeping on that potential.

RaiderNation1d 4h ago

Exactly. I would've much preferred a new Killzone or SOCOM over Guardians of Overwatch.

JEECE1d 4h ago (Edited 1d 4h ago )

Yeah, it's unfortunate that every shooter now seems to have magic powers. It would be really nice to have a military shooter with actual smooth gameplay/controls and no magic powers, perks, kill streaks, death streaks, progression systems, etc. I know there are milsims but those tend to have much clunkier controls. I know that's what those people want, and I'm fine with that existing, but it would be great to have a shooter with fluid controls/movement but none of the nonsense. Probably won't happen ever again though.

abstractel19h ago(Edited 19h ago)

There are so many of those games as well. Escape from Tarkov, Insurgency, Six Days in Fallujah, Squad and others. It's not like the industry lacks the type of games you are referring to. I play the COD games with my friends and it would be fun if there was another game that felt as polished, and crucially for me and my friends, a hardcore mode so it doesn't feel bullet spongey but still has the speed that the other titles I mentioned don't have. Don't have the patience for those games :P. Concord didn't impress but I'm a wait and see type of guy.

Profchaos15h ago(Edited 15h ago)

Strange how 15 to 20 years back boots on the ground was a oversaturated market and now no one not even cod with its Cheech and Chong snoop dog DLC is making those style games

+ Show (10) more repliesLast reply 6h ago
Rangerman12081d 7h ago

When I first saw the trailer, at first I thought it would have been like Borderlands meets No Mans Sky. Unfortunately, that wasn't the case...

CobraKai1d 3h ago

Yeah. As soon as i saw it, i got Kill the Justice League vibes

Lionsguard1d ago

I don't understand why they think this game deserves an unnecessarily long CGI story trailer if it's just team based shooter game.. It reminds me of those mobile city building games where they show commercials of ancient knights and warriors fighting each other in epic battles but the game is just you clicking "Build" and then waiting 8 hours for something to finish unless you spend $10 to finish it right away.

jambola20h ago

i feel like it's just going to be the same gameplay loop with an occasional character intro style cutscene to give lore

jambola20h ago

yeah I was on the fence early on, then the pvp info dropped and it was dead to me

-Foxtrot1d 6h ago

Just shows you what people want

If Concord doesn't do well and doesn't grab players attention then I don’t think the game will last long

Also it will heavily impact upcoming GaaS titles like Haven studios Fairgame$

Sony bought Firewalk Studios and Haven right off the bat so a lot is riding on this game.

kayoss1d 4h ago

Dont forget Bungie upcoming game, Marathon.

Magatsuhi1d 4h ago

I don't think concord is make or break for gaas for Sony. They already have a multi-player gaas success and that's helldivers.

Levii_921d 5h ago

AstroBot was the best thing at the State of Play.. i was like heyy look a video game.

shinoff21831d 5h ago

My thoughts as well. I liked astro bot and silent hill 2. The rest I didn't feel alot of interest in.

jznrpg23h ago

Silent Hill 2 looks pretty good to me but many seem to disagree. The graphics look good enough to me I don’t care if it’s cutting edge graphics it looks good enough. Combat looks a little old school but that isn’t necessarily a bad thing to me if don’t right.

jznrpg23h ago

Ballad of Antara and Where Winds Meet look good to me as well. I like action rpg adventure type games. Ballad especially had some cool looking boss fights and I like the aesthetic of both.

monkey6021d 5h ago

Pretty much sums up my take too.
Gimme Astro
Keep Concord far away from me

kayoss1d 4h ago

Not sure if its too late to change Concord to a game similar to Helldiver 2/No Man Sky combination game.

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Concord gameplay revealed, launching August 23, 2024 on PS5 and PC

Firewalk shares the first in-depth look at the gameplay, universe, and characters of Concord.

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darthv721d 21h ago

Looks like Guardians of the Galaxy: Overwatch edition.

hiroyukisanada1d 5h ago

@darthv72. Yep. Basically this. I really enjoyed the look and feel of it but I never played hero shooters enough to be burned out on them so I am really looking forward to it. Sounds like very few are excited about it.

shinoff21831d 5h ago

I think alot of disappointment is it's a online shooter. I buy Playstation for single player games. Luckily jrpgs have been killing it or I'd be a little poed

Battlestar231d 20h ago ShowReplies(2)
Goodguy011d 18h ago

Oh yay...more hero shooters...as if we didn't have enough.

Scissorman1d 18h ago

We have Overwatch at home.

1d 15h ago
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