
Hellblade 2 Shouldn't Count On Photorealism To Win Players Over

Realism is one of many valid art forms and not the only recipe for success.

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Obscure_Observer45d ago

"Anything below the pristine, realistic scenes we see in pretty trailers is quickly dubbed a “PS3 game", which was the case during Rise of the Ronin’s debut."

Er... no thanks. Last thing we need is a PS3 looking Hellblade game.

I rather have Hellblade II truth to its roots. Dark Fantasy narrative driven adventure, focused on photo-realism, believable world, stunning looking environments, realistic combat, exceptional animations, state of art sound engineering and Melinda´s beauty and superior act skills to take Senua and Hellblade II´s immersion to a whole new level in gaming.

Bathyj45d ago

Why do you always sound like an ad?

Kornholic45d ago

He is an MS employee. It has become pretty clear at this point.

Barlos45d ago

@Kornholic no it's worse than that. He loves Xbox and Phil so much that he does this for free! Honestly I struggle to believe this is a grown adult. Sometimes his comments are so ridiculous they border on parody.

1Victor45d ago (Edited 45d ago )

@Korn/ Barlos: “He is an MS employee. It has become pretty clear at this point”
It’s even sadder than that he’s a guy that gets paid for every response he gets out of the community😱

Sonic188145d ago (Edited 45d ago )

And he does it for free. Microsoft doesn't pay the old man anything and most gamers disagree with his comments 😂

Rimeskeem44d ago

They really need to start observing more and talking less

cthulhucultist17d ago

lol that he does! Its uncanny really

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 17d ago
Leeroyw45d ago

That gives way too much credit. Think more the warcraft glasses guy from south Park.

1Victor45d ago

@obscured: “I rather have Hellblade II truth to its roots. Dark Fantasy narrative driven adventure, focused on photo-realism, believable world, stunning looking environments, realistic combat, exceptional animations, state of art sound engineering and Melinda´s beauty and superior act skills to take Senua and Hellblade II´s immersion to a whole new level in gaming.”
I rather be Amazon owner guess what your wish and my nether are happening ,there’s no such thing as a perfect game as you describe it.

Bathyj45d ago

I would say atmosphere is a huge part of this graphics are a big part of that. But it's not the whole thing. I hope there's more to the gameplay than the original. I gave up on it before the story could really hook me.

Sonic188145d ago (Edited 45d ago )

I always thought the game was a walking simulator *most* of the time. I mean calling it a game is a stretch. Sure it has the glossy graphics and atmosphere, but beyond that, there's just nothing there. She jogs through the woods at an octogenarian's pace and solves illusion puzzles. That's about the gist of it. Sure there's a bit of combat if you consider slashing the same identical figures a few time here and there combat. The gameplay didn't have no depth but I finally realize that they wasn't aiming for that. I always thought the first game was overhyped and overrated. The graphics has always been the selling point and the reason to play it. I'm glad the second game will be on PC gamepass so that I don't have to pay $70 dollars to play it.

Obscure_Observer45d ago

You never played the first game and you won´t be playing the second either!

I can´t wait for Hellblade II to drop, so we can see your benchmarks since you said you´ll be running it at 4K/60-120fps. Lol

Already got my popcorn ready. Just one month to go!

Bathyj44d ago

What are you talking about he's summed up the gameplay loop perfectly. I bet when the game was a PS4 exclusive you even called it or walking simulator. You have no credibility here.

cthulhucultist17d ago

@Sonic1881 - calling it a walking simulator (like many other Sony fanboys or Xbox fanboys who call Death Stranding a walking simulator),makes me think that most people dont know what a walking simulator is (which happens to be one of my favorite game genres).

Games like Dear Esther, Everybody Gone to Rapture, What Remains of Edith Finch, are clear showcases of the genre.

A walking simulator typically has no combat and limits gameplay to very basic interaction while foregoing action sequences.

"Sure there's a bit of combat if you consider slashing the same identical figures a few time here and there combat." - Now this comment here shows how biased you are.

"Yes there is combat but it is a rare instance and therefore this is not a game". Ok no comment there as you obviously did not play the game.

I would not disregard this game simply because is on Xbox and not on playstation. Just wait to see the game for your self since as you say you have game pass and you can try it for free.

If it turns out to be a good game, is a win for everybody as it will most likely end on playstation as well in the future given MS new multi platform strategy.

JusttJD009945d ago

This game is going to flop so massively.

A decade of anticipation and development.
Only to receive a message a couple weeks ago that gamers shouldn't expect the game to be very long.

Sure, it's going to be the most successful X-box exclusive this generation, but that isn't saying much.
10 years ago you could distract people with having a pretty picture on screen, you didn't need much in terms of gameplay / length.
But now? You can dress up a pig as much as you want, it still is a pig.

The fact that we haven't seen ANY real gameplay videos says more than enough regarding this.
Only pre-rendered "Gameplay" videos.

This generation is truly a sad one.
From both Sony, Microsoft and Nintendo.

Kornholic45d ago (Edited 45d ago )

"10 years ago you could distract people with having a pretty picture on screen, you didn't need much in terms of gameplay / length."

The Order: 1886 came out nearly a decade ago, in 2015, and pretty picture on screen was not enough even back then.

ravens5245d ago

To be fair, The Order:1886 actually had pretty good combat/gunplay.

JusttJD009945d ago

Pretty sure Order 1886 was actually a pretty good game but it was waaaaaaaay too short, that's why it failed.

redknight8045d ago

Oh man...I forgot how good The Order: 1886 was - it was sure a fun time and looked absolutely stunning but holy hell it was simply too short and I'm so glad I ended up not buying it. I rented it and finished it over the course of a weekend and didn't have much desire to just go play it again. If I recall, there wasn't at all much one could do as far as exploration either and maybe had a random collectible tucked away in corners, that's it.

Obscure_Observer45d ago


"Pretty sure Order 1886 was actually a pretty good game but it was waaaaaaaay too short, that's why it failed."

And I´m "pretty sure" that you never played that game also. That game been "short" has nothing to do with "why it failed". FYI that game sold 1.6+ million copies which is far from a failure.

1886 has many flaws regarding level design, gameplay, combat and how all those elements interact combined. I´d loved the setting, graphics, atmosphere, plot and the characters. And I hate how fast Sony dumped RAD and put that franchise on ice.

The Order had the potential to be Sony´s response to Gears of War, but just like they did with Days Gone, they rather measure one game´s success based on Metascores. Smh.

staticall45d ago

I would also add awful boss battles (those werewolves - ugh) and the ending was very meh.

Other than that, i did enjoy the game, the graphics, the world, the gun play... But yeah, also very short, got platinum in 8h total without trying much or following guides.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 45d ago
Good-Smurf45d ago (Edited 45d ago )

Its visuals have to be pretty much spotless at this point to make up for the lack of engaging gameplay not to mention story that have to hit all the right notes and then its potential lack of replayability.
I learned from cinematic games like these is that if the story not up to snuff then the game pretty much not worth replay through again.
In this day and age, I'm surprised that we still have games like this as the gap between not as cinematic one and cinematic game like Hellblade 2 are no longer big, not like back in 7th gen.
It takes far more effort now just to wow us with these push for filmic photorealistic visuals.
So many studios big and small so obsessed at getting their cinematic games' visuals to look right to the point they forgot they still have to do Gaming part of it.

Obscure_Observer45d ago

"This game is going to flop so massively."

Only in the minds of those spiteful fanboys that wouldn´t be able to play it.

The first Hellblade had an all time peak of 5,653 concurrent players on STEAM. I´m positive that even been available on PC Gamepass day one, Hellblade II will easily beat that number and you´ll be called out on your bs predictions.

"A decade of anticipation and development.

Only to receive a message a couple weeks ago that gamers shouldn't expect the game to be very long."

A decade?! What the F* are you talking about?!

The first Hellblade was released back in August 2017 and development for Hellblade II started 2 years later!

Where did you get that "A decade of anticipation and development." BS? Why are you here spreading lies about a game you don´t know sh!t about?

"The fact that we haven't seen ANY real gameplay videos says more than enough regarding this.
"Only pre-rendered "Gameplay" videos."


That line is nothing but further proof that you never played Hellblade in your life! The game is focused on REALISM and IMMERSION, genius!



It´s baffling how some dumb and arrogant people believes they´re in a position of authority to talk about subjects they have zero knowledge of!

Next time you go out running your mouth spreading lies and misinformation, make sure you made your homework first!

Armyofdarkness44d ago

We'll see when it drops. I'll say this, based on how 1 played prepare to be disappointed lol.

ravens5245d ago

"FYI that game sold 1.6+ million copies which is far from a failure."
Nice. So FF7 Rebirth or 16 for that matter, are doing just fine. Aye Observer 👀 👍🏽Thanks for telling the truth.

Obscure_Observer45d ago

"Nice. So FF7 Rebirth or 16 for that matter, are doing just fine. Aye Observer 👀 👍🏽Thanks for telling the truth."

Always my pleasure.

And just to put things into perspective; By the time of its release, The Order: 1886 were a new IP from a relatively unknown and unproved studio. The game sits at a 63 Metascore.

The PS4 had 20+ Million consoles sold after 1 year and 3 months in the market.

Final Fantasy VII: Rebirth, is well known, highly regarded as one of the most prominent RPG of ALL TIMES, by one of the most beloved and traditional gaming studio in the market. Rebirth also ranks at the same 92 Metascore as the original.

By the time of its release, the PS5 had sold 50+ Million consoles after 3 years and 3 months in the market.

I´m sure you can connect the dots.

Have a good week.

Chevalier44d ago

""FYI that game sold 1.6+ million copies which is far from a failure."

Releases between PS4, Xbox One, PC, Switch then Series S/X is absolutely 💯 a failure. That's 450+ million gamers between all the platforms and it barely sold anything

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 44d ago
LoveSpuds45d ago

I would generally agree with the article to be fair.

I enjoyed the original well enough but the puzzles and combat were excruciatingly repetitive.

If the gameplay hasn't advanced then that is going to be really disappointing.

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Hellblade 2 Is An Unrivaled Spectacle, But The Gameplay Neglection Bothers Me

Ninja Theory outdid itself in Hellblade 2 with the photorealistic visuals and the unreal audio design, but why was the gameplay neglected?

piroh8d ago

Its a perfect game for Gamepass, i think this is what MS wanted from it to be. IMO spring 2025 PS5/Switch 2 release maybe sooner

StormSnooper6d ago

I think it’s the perfect gamepass game. Pretty, but cheap to make, and shallow.

Amplitude5d ago

Cheap to make and shallow are absolutely not words that describe HellBlade 2

garos825d ago

its only perfect if the gameplay has something to say or do. turns out this game has neither. nice graphics though

Flawlessmic6d ago

I finished it and I'll start by saying the graphics are amazing!!!!! and I experienced and noticed absolutely zero bugs and ran into no issues with the game so it's highly polished.

In saying that, that's where my compliments end, I slugged my way through this game, thank god it was short.

The most on rails game I've ever played, didn't care for the story or the characters outside of the story for the first giant which I did like. For a game like this story and characters should've been everything and it just didn't hit, I didn't care at all just wanted to finish the game and experience the visuals, that's the only reason I persisted.

Puzzles were absolutely lame an amounted to either trying to find shapes or using land shifting bubbles, all of which were piss easy.

The fights are cool at first and look brutal but again very simple.

Basically no environment interaction besides lighting torches

Checking my last achievement only like 6% of players have finished the game which says a lot considering the length of it. I can't imagine a whole lot of people are playing this either.

Don't understand the higher reviews for this, outside of visuals the game isn't great if any anything it was a slog to get the 7 hrs it's took me.

Sonic18816d ago

I agree with you about the puzzles and the game length

repsahj6d ago

Many perfect reviews only scores the graphics like the very "unbiased"(lol) reviews of DF and Eurogamer. But saying the gameplay and story is a masterpiece are a bunch of liars.

StormSnooper6d ago

DF IS MS’s advertising arm. Eurogamer was purchased by IGN, which is a MS mouthpiece. so no surprises there.

Flawlessmic6d ago

Yea it's hard to disagree man, like it's really not a good game.

Since when did games get full marks along with other high scores just for visuals, it's reeiculous.

Michiel19896d ago

DF doesn't do reviews as far as I know....they do graphical analyses and ofc being the pixeljunkies that they are, they will absolutely love the graphical aspects of this game.

@storm if they're ms advertising arm then why do they still praise a game like Horizon to the heavens? doesn't pan out my man, but nice try my little pony.

Notellin6d ago


The made up Microsoft positive publicity. Even fanboys don't believe those sites are Microsoft leaning.

Good-Smurf5d ago (Edited 5d ago )

Weird of them DF to do a game review when their job actually is to review the tech aspects of the game.
It came across as paid sponsored review at times.
Leave the bootlicking stuff to Eurogamer especially now that they got bought the writing is on IGN's wall.
I feel like John got that line crossed a lot I feel, he should start his own channel because the other two stooges and simps at Eurogamer and DF are holding him back a lot.
It's all so ironic coming from a guy who's all about gameplay and frame rate obsessed, many mentioned that they don't give the likes of The Order 1886 the same praise a lot of catches ifs and buts for that game.
I don't have to mention the insufferable Tom Morgan.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 3d ago
DazaMc6d ago

The combat is terrible, dodge 2 or three times, attack AND repeat.

EternalTitan6d ago

What gameplay?
Hellblade 2 barely has any gameplay.

Amplitude5d ago (Edited 5d ago )

It seems like Ninja Theory really were trying to tell an emotional story more than make a game - and that's totally fine. I really miss games like this.

Its nice to see Microsoft venturing into "story game" territory when they quite literally never do so. Other than maybe Lococycle.

Damn, remember Lococycle? https://youtu.be/4uHTEDDVFF...

rippermcrip6d ago

Order 1886 had graphics that were way ahead of its time. Also had excellent gameplay. But it was absolutely ripped to shreds in reviews based on the shortness of the game and some repetitiveness of some fights. For some reason those things don't apply to HB.

LoveSpuds6d ago

A fair comparison I must say. I will play Hellblade II when it comes to PS5 (provided it gets a physical release) as I can't help but think it's similar to the first game in respect of its shortcomings, and I still got something out of that 1st game (a platinum trophy specifically).

anast6d ago

It still applies. The games is a high 6 to low 7. Game writers need access to do their jobs so they they don't follow any kind of criteria that would potentially cut that access.

rippermcrip6d ago

Reviewers aren't applying it is the point.

anast6d ago (Edited 6d ago )


They're not applying it, but it applies when we the consumer actually pays for the product and plays it.

Michiel19896d ago

more tinfoil hat galore than youtube comments, insecurities run wild when your plastic box doesn't have the most impressive looking game anymore, not that I'm surprised

rippermcrip6d ago

Not a single person is upset or even disagreeing that this game has the best graphics. So what are you talking about?

anast6d ago

It's naive to think access journalism doesn't exist. Calling it "tin-foil hat" doesn't make it otherwise. If you have been on this world since 89, you would have surely come to this conclusion along with the conclusion that words like "plastic box" and "insecurity" expressed in this way tells us more about you than what my comment is actually about.

Sonic18815d ago (Edited 5d ago )

And Hellblade 2 length is even shorter than the Order 1886 🤔😂

KwietStorm_BLM5d ago

The Order had excellent gameplay?

SonyStyled5d ago

It does but there’s not very much of it. There’s a couple good action sequences but the rest it bland

derek5d ago

@Ripper, I remember how that game was torn apart even before it was released. I played and agreed with much of the criticism, the end bosses were terrible the game was way too short. But the weapons, gunplay and graphics were phenomenal. Haven't played hellblade 2 but watching it, it looks like you walk on rails the take turns combat is a joke. The graphics look fantastic at times, saw her wadding through water in some underground cave with a torch, impressive. Wish NT would have focused more on bringing real combat/ movement to their impressive graphical presentation. 7 years for a 5-6 hrs game is absurd.

Good-Smurf5d ago (Edited 5d ago )

Yeah and considering The Order 1886 was actually a pretty competent TPS but walks and jogs around slays a few enemies one and a time with lame ass puzzles in HB2 is much more to their liking.
Something's fishy here.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 5d ago
talocaca6d ago

I just played the first 3 hours.....the gameplay is extremely basic. Walk a path while you hear voices, then long cutscenes, a simple battle that is almost QTE....repeat.

Sonic18815d ago

And Eurogamer gave this game a 10 😂

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Senua’s Saga: Hellblade 2 is Not the Huge Win for Xbox That We All Wanted it to Be

Ninja Theory's latest is an impressive accomplishment in more ways than one, but it isn't the flag-in-the-ground moment many had hoped it would be.

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H98d ago

A four hour playable movie was never going to be the big win for a console

piroh8d ago

Remember when xbox fans laugh at The order 1886? Well...

H98d ago

Xbox fans hate every until it comes to their console

darthv728d ago

^^the same can be said about the flip side.

Zeref8d ago (Edited 8d ago )

I didn't give af about The Order to have any thoughts on it. Nobody did. You're projecting my guy.

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Eonjay8d ago

It's more of a UE5 tech/art demo.

darthv728d ago

...and things can only get better from here. Imagine what UE6 can bring to the table.

Eonjay7d ago

Right. I assume games like Gears 5 will make this look tame by comparison plus it will be built with GamePlay in mind.

helicoptergirl8d ago

Steam peak-player count is super low. Lower even than the original. In regards to selling copies/subs and making a profit in some way, I'd bet everything I own on it being a complete and utter failure. But I wouldn't shut them down. They need to expand and be more ambitious and ramp up production. Hope their next game is something special.

MeteorPanda8d ago

this l don't understand. This game is explorative, its not ever going to be a big hit but a very enjoyable short experience. Not every game has to be so many hours. The devs were happy with their end product.

Barlos8d ago

Only certain obscure observers thought it would be. The rest of us could see it was never going to shift systems or be a massive hit.

Redgrave8d ago


heh heh

certain obscure observers

TheKingKratos8d ago

That guy/girl have been "Obscure" for some time now

Hofstaderman8d ago (Edited 8d ago )

Some really obscure alt accounts last couple of weeks....

SonyStyled7d ago

Fortunately he’s okay and back working now

lucasnooker8d ago

Great graphics does not mean a great game… it peaks interest but at the end of the day we want both in one! Looking at you GTA VI. Rockstar, come show us how it’s done!

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Hellblade II Gameplay PC 4K - RTX 4090 (an amazing cinematic opening with little gameplay)

CG writes: We spend around 40 minutes playing the opening of Hellblade II on PC (Gamepass version), running max settings but with DLSS set to Quality. So, effectively playing the game at 1440p despite the render res being set to 4K. As you can see, the RTX 4090 GPU sits around the 70% usage mark using these settings which are capped at 60fps. Aside from the technical details though, we found the opening gameplay a little underwhelming. Sure, audio is top-quality sublime, and UE5 provides some fantastic visual nuances, yet the gameplay just felt sacrificed for cinematic posturing. We are going to assume the gameplay becomes more of a focus moving forwards as the opening here felt less interactive that its predecessor which also begins in/on the water.

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Jingsing9d ago

I'll wait for someone to record the game and convert it to an FMV for the SEGA MEGA CD port.