
Devs Reportedly Question Why PS5 Pro Is Happening

Christopher Dring has revealed that he spoke to a number of developers at GDC this year that questioned why the PS5 Pro is even happening, with many saying they haven’t even got the most out of the standard version of the console yet.

-Foxtrot67d ago (Edited 67d ago )


They should have just let developers squeeze as much from the PS5 and then wait for the PS6

By the time developers even get into the PS5 Pro within a couple of years Sony will most likely be sending PS6 dev kits out.

RaidenBlack67d ago

yep same here ...
Most games are still PS4 Pro+ level than proper PS5-esque ... devs squeezed more out of X360/PS3 era than this cross-gen era ... like Monolith's nemesis system or BF4 multiplayer or even Crysis 3 or GTA V
Where's the next-gen gameplay? ... its just higher pixel count or shinier texture or few ray traced shadows :P
Make more use of that zippy SSD than just lower load times and few portals in one game
I am seeing wayy more gameplay innovations in the indie space with tighter hardware target and even tighter budget

crazyCoconuts66d ago

Lot of games are 30fps in quality mode
And 60fps in performance mode

Pro will probably fix that

Babadook766d ago (Edited 66d ago )

"Devs Reportedly Question Why PS5 Pro Is Happening"

Yeah right. I don't buy this sentiment at all. Surprised people here are so quick to swallow this tripe. Did devs really say this? If devs don't understand the appeal of high end upscaling nor the value of 4x raytracing they shouldn't be devs. Simply put; you can render your games at lower res and let upscaling make them look sharper, with no extra work. Boosting image quality and frame rates. This will probably also be true of past PS5 releases. I'll take the massive raytracing improvement as well. This probably won't be a pricy machine either.

Cacabunga66d ago

I won’t benefit from it either because i have one of the first 4K TV.. the strange thing for me is, Sony consoles are there to showcase the first party games but not sure where the 1st party games are.. most are cross gen

just_looken66d ago

I agree not to mention the ps5 pro to anyone with general pc knowledge knows there is a cpu issue.

They should have tossed a oem 5kcpu with that 6800gpu in the system the pssr is another joke.

There was 0 reason to spend millions on making a upscale tech for a gpu that already had amd upscale tech on the base ps5.

Oh before the haters reply yes there is a oem 5900 from 2021

The 5900x for us non bulk buy not direct from amd is $280 usd so the oem version could easily be half that for sony.

crazyCoconuts66d ago

Oh man, Cerny probably didn't think of that. Darn he should have talked to you first!

just_looken66d ago (Edited 66d ago )


So now the sony blindboys are saying Mark Cerny is god?

The Mark Cerny that made the ps4 pro that came out with checkerboard upscale like the series to make up for a cpu issue and less support than we should have.

Or the Mark Cerny that gave us the vita a great device that had memory cards only for it with expensive cost then the 2.0 version with a worse screen.

But i wont go into explination because this "gen" like last gen is using a igpu/apu not even a real cpu/gpu but i get told/read so many comments from blind boys on how the ps5 is a 4k beast more powerful than any pc.

The recent terraflop speak there are still many out there that think the pro will bet a 4080 rig LOL


If i was in charge the ps5 would have a mini atx/itx build custom board 2slot gpu connected via pcie upgrade when free bsd has driver support for new card socketable cpu 3700x but b550 maybe x chipset 20+gb ddr4 1tb gen 4nvme back glory hole for another. Upgrade cpu after bios update like the did with psp/ps3/ps4 era with firmware updates.

The board front ports 1 hdmi 1 gen 3 usb 1 type c rear from gpu standard from board 2 usb then that psv 2 connection and digital audio output.

Itx power supply silverstone with a ground plug something a console has not seen in 10years but i hear console players are scared of cords with 3 prongs.

Ps5 case/design would be like trident msi

I would sell it direct sony has a website in every continent and like m$ buy it from the ps4 ps store. The purchase would be like buying a prebuilt pc from your dell situation straight up or payments. Scalper monitor like valve and more can get one through payment structure.

derek66d ago

@justlooken, stop pretending like you know what you're are talking about. CPU issue? Why becuase you say so? Lol.

mkis00766d ago (Edited 66d ago )

Ill take Cerny's word over yours because even with the Vita, he has 100% more consoles successfully designed than you.

CobraKai66d ago

@just looken
Crazycoconuts is saying Cerny is the engineer for the PS5. He most likely took all of that into consideration; not that he’s god. You gotta think logically man.

I_am_Batman66d ago

Have you even stopped to think how your prebuilt PC is gonna run PS5 games, not to mention PS4 games. It might surprise you, but installing FreeBSD on a prebuild PC is not gonna do the trick. Sony's API is very different from Direct-X. It's not meant to support a wide range of hardware configurations.

Sony invested a good amount of R&D budget to make the PS5 backwards compatible with PS4 games. It's not simple software emulation and it required specific hardware customizations from AMD to make it work as well as it does.

Sony is not going to spend that kind of R&D budget on a mid-gen refresh, so upgrading the CPU in particular wouldn't have been trivial.

We can discuss whether these limitations should've prevented Sony from launching a mid-gen upgrade, but to suggest that Sony could essentially just go on PC part picker and make a PS5 Pro is obviously ridiculous.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 66d ago
Duke1966d ago

Sony is still gonna sell a ton of hardware. It doesn't really matter if there is meaningful benefit to the consumer, this is gonna bring in plenty of $$ because people love to spend money haha

just_looken66d ago

True sony is selling them a 2015 tablet well a worse tablet called the psportal

Sony should sell users nvmes but say they are the fastest in the world at $400 per tb they would sell because they are stamped with a PS logo even though they are cashless drives LOL

crazyCoconuts66d ago

It's a complete waste and unnecessary.
Now, when can I buy one?

Good-Smurf66d ago

I think a few dev already did try to squeeze and struggle with what they have right now.
Coupled that with odd mid pandemic launch and very long development time of current gen games it's becoming a very tricky to predict your next hardware move.
By the time they think about their next big game it's going to be for PS6 and not PS5 the OG hardware might have legs but considering its CPU is going to be its weakness some might skipped the Pro and go for PS6 at least for those aiming for next gen wow factor.
It's not like Sony can afford a big CPU upgrade as AMD right now have nothing that gives them just that for PS5 Pro and still priced it reasonably, they knew exactly what's this thing is for and its pushing better RT performance with a bit better frame rate.
With all that said it's better to hear from Sony first than take any of these too seriously.

just_looken66d ago

If you actually had a am4 board you would know how stupid it is to say "a big CPU upgrade as AMD right now have nothing that gives them just that "

There is 5 gens of cpus to go through duel to 16 core event the 5600x/5800x3d they are buying wholesale also right now for us am4 is cheap for them it would be dirt cheap.

But you might be a huge fan of alie ware think 100C temp on your 6 core rtx 3050 pc that you paid 3grand for is awesome or some crap.

S2Killinit66d ago

I dont agree. Im excited for the additional power. Just because they havent maxed out the PS5, doesnt mean the PRO isnt going to offer more.

Ironmike66d ago

According to digital foundry not much more

FinalFantasyFanatic66d ago (Edited 66d ago )

It still feels like this gen hasn't even begun, the Pro would be an appealing option for those who don't have a PS5 yet, but most people who want a PS5 probably already have one at this point.

CrimsonWing6966d ago

Yea I’m not a fan of purchasing a console for one generation only for there to be a better upgrade in between generations. It’s not a trend I’m particularly fond of.

JackBNimble66d ago

It's a cash grab and diehard Sony fans are going to buy it regardless and Sony knows this

ChasterMies66d ago

Developers still have to squeeze as much from the PS5 as possible. Last gen showed the mid cycle upgrade models were a small fraction of the market. Even Microsoft Studios didn’t wait long to abandon the Xbox One X, and this was despite all of Microsoft’s talk about ending console generations. Mid cycle consoles upgrades are a bad bargain and I won’t buy one.

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 66d ago
Christopher67d ago

I'm definitely questioning it. Seems entirely unnecessary since there's been no sign of peak optimization by first-party, let alone third. This will just move more focus on more graphics push than fix steady 30fps/60fps modes.

DarXyde66d ago

And really, that's a shame. Great hardware this generation that isn't getting squeezed properly.

The Pro feels like a solution in search of a problem. DD2 doesn't run great on PS5, but I think that's more about an engine meant for linear games running an open world than any meaningful strain placed on the hardware. We seem to be entering the PC age where games are made and thrown at the hardware where it gets the most out of it on its own—in which case, will we ever see a game properly utilize hardware going forward?

There's a decent case for AI-supported development here, but as I always say, it's dangerous to believe a corporation will keep its application in scope and scale. It's absolutely going to replace people if given the opportunity. Laws and regulations around it are taking far too long to come, it seems.

gerbintosh66d ago

I blame the lack of utilizing the hardware on the live service push as well as devs being lazy due to backwards compatibility.

just_looken66d ago

I like how this gen there is very few native games do too users loving FSR/DLSS series s had native res into the sd range the x/ps5 700p-1300p range native but upscaled to 1440/4k still can not get locked 60fps most of the time pathetic.

A 6 year old pc can do locked 60fps at 720p LOL

Eonjay66d ago

I have to disagree. The introduction of the PS4 Pro did not stop developers from focusing on the OG PS4 as the base. And this was to the protest of some who thought the Pro wasn't being taken advantage in certain games. Based on this history, I think devs still look to the base model as... the base model. The TRUE source of your frustration is that devs were still supporting the PS4 which undoubtedly still has a huge active base. In other words, the having to have games support the PS4 automatically harms support on the PS5. Studios like Gurilla Games and SMS have yet to release PS5 only games.

I have full faith that the coming PS5 only projects will tap more directly into the PS5s true potential (look at the 2025 titles like DS2 and GTA 6). With the obvious delay caused by the pandemic, my only concern is that the PS5 will be supported far longer than 2028 just like the PS4 is now into is half way through its 11th year. The pro seems like the best choice here still though because it can see it as a viable console well into the 30s. That just seems odd to type btw.

Lightning7767d ago

"A couple of companies said this isn’t going to grow the market – it’s not going to move the needle. This generation doesn’t even seem to have got started really, let alone feel the need for a mid-generation update. How about we just get some original, next-generation software up and spinning?"

Ok devs who's fault is that though? The only publisher that came ready was Epic Unreal Engine 5 tech. Sure they were hit and miss with some of their tech in games but they at least brought something new to the table. The consoles released in 2020, you've all had dev kits way before then (2016-2017) to develop new tech, engines innovation. Like y'all have done all other generations. Nope y'all were too busy doing the same stuff staying cross gen and not innovating like before. They should of known Sony would have a Pro console this gen. Devs are lagging behind, take all that money that some of y'all are making from Microtransactions stop being lazy and create innovative new engines and gameplay mechanics. I know it's hard, takes allot money, resources especially time but that's part of being in the industry and a game developer. They should done these things 6 or 7 years ago because it takes so long.

Can't say I feel bad for them tbh.

isarai66d ago

"Ok devs who's fault is that though?"

Well i mean Covid messed a LOT of things up, and i feel like this whole cross gen BS that we're JUST NOW clear of was to make up for the losses and shortages that caused.

Lightning7766d ago

Even before covid. They could of been working on new tech back in 16 or 17. Yet only Unreal was the only one doing anything it seems.

FinalFantasyFanatic66d ago

This generation should have been a little longer than to make up for the few years of Covid we had.

XiNatsuDragnel67d ago

This is an odd choice just make ps6 in 2026 or 2027 something in those ranges than this

Number1TailzFan67d ago

The CPU certainly needed an upgrade, UE 5 titles are going to have a bit of a hard time with that Zen 2 CPU, that's why Robocop has FPS dips.

RaidenBlack67d ago

yea the CPU is already showing a bit age ... but sadly its not getting that much of a boost

just_looken66d ago (Edited 66d ago )

They went into the bios enable xmp then turned power mode from power saver to balanced after that grabbed some blow hookers and beer went on vacation 4 years later announced there hard work.

I could do these "cpu impovements" in under 5min so fucking sad

But its a apu with a new gpu die that is were all the work went into because console players are scared of real pc parts with a real power supply.

Babadook766d ago

The CPU is pretty good actually. You certainly wouldn't want to ask devs to optimize for 2 different CPUs in the same generation.

Number1TailzFan66d ago

"pretty good" is not good enough, 3000 chips (Zen 2) were decent at the time, not even the best though if counting just games alone as Intel was still a bit better on minimum frame rates with their 8700k that came out the same year as Zen 1! A Whole 2 years before Zen 2 launched. Granted AMD have been doing better since then, but we're still talking about a CPU that came out in 2019 and we've had good advances since then.. and people are expecting 60FPS in games like GTA 6 with that? Ok..

Don't bring up console optimisation, it helps a bit but it's not anything huge, that's why the Steam Deck can easily emulate the Switch.

Babadook766d ago (Edited 66d ago )


Ok. Enjoy your pc dude. I’m not interested. The performance per spec doesn’t interest me along with numerous other issues. What a console generation needs for success is to not chase after every damn upgrade and wreck havoc on devs ability to optimize. Both Sony and MS know this. One cpu per gen max. This is a big reason why consoles embarrass much higher end pcs. Optimization not chasing specs. Don’t try to naysay what a difference it makes

Number1TailzFan65d ago (Edited 65d ago )

@babadook7 People can game on whatever they want, I have no issue with it, I barely game (if ever atm) these days because many titles are just rehashes of older stuff, I look forward to S&box and some other games here and there, but not that much, I'm more interested in watching Twitch or YouTube, or messing around with AI programs or other software. I'm just stating that being a "Pro" console it could've been better, I'd say it's a bit lop sided towards the GPU pretty much as how DF put it, but that's all.

just_looken66d ago


Thank you even time i mention that i get hate bomb by sony blind boy's i am glad there are other users on here with basic basic pc knowledge.

Smellsforfree66d ago

The CPU did not get an upgrade with the Pro based on the rumored spec. It is mostly an upgraded GPU with whatever "AI" nodes Sony has been working on.

just_looken66d ago

This is correct its just xmp enabled on the cpu and they went from a 6700 to as 6800.

Go ahead dislike this sony blindboys keep crying.

Babadook765d ago (Edited 65d ago )

“The CPU did not get an upgrade with the Pro based on the rumored spec.“

Who are you responding to? I was referring to the cpu we already have this gen.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 65d ago
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RhinoGamer885h ago

The actual gameplay looks jerky as hell. FC 24 level of stutter!

TGG_overlord51m ago

I can't say that you're wrong...