
Dragon’s Dogma 2’s pawns are an unexpectedly perfect RPG feature

With their unfaltering devotion to the Arisen and unexpectedly deep mechanics, Dragon’s Dogma 2’s pawns are a true marvel to witness in action.

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anast70d ago (Edited 70d ago )

Too bad they ruined it by using celebrities. They take money and then advertise celebrities and YouTubers so the celebrities can have an opportunity take money. On top of that we have to pay to change our characters...You would have to be a real sucker to buy this game for more than $10.

MrBaskerville70d ago

On console you can just delete your save or change your character using easily obtainable in-game items. you can also change class anytime you want at an Inn, for free.

Charlieboy33370d ago

Oh, so it's fine to jump through hoops and have to mission ( or pay ) to perform basic actions like modifying your character or fast travelling....you know....basic features of rpgs since Moses played them.

What if for some reason they decided to start charging you to pay to save your game ( or maybe perform x, y and z for the privilege ). Ridiculous maybe, but I'm being constantly surprised these days. If that happened you know what? You would be one of those people who would say something like 'well just play for 36 hours at a time brah....then youzz only have to worry about a few saves!

There is no excuse for this bullshit and people like you that try and justify it should just leave gaming alone and find another hobby. People like me will not support these practices because doing so only encourages them to push their luck further the next time.

MrBaskerville70d ago (Edited 70d ago )

Jump through hoops? It's extremely easy to achieve all the things by just playing the damn game for like 30 minutes. This is how it worked in the first game as well.

You do know that most rpgs require you to find an npc to change your apperance, right?

And changing class, which is the most relevant thing, can be done super easily at every inn in the game for no cost. It's basic shit. The mtx is a total rip-off that gives you stuff that is worthless and you'd have to be a total idiot to buy any of it. So who the fuck cares.

Stuff isn't even visible inside the game and if it hadn't become the popular talking point no one would have given a shit tbh.

And encourage them? They've been doing this shit since Dmc V, where you as outraged then? People seem to enjoy Resident Evil Remake despite having silly mtx options. Maybe it:s not an issue if it requires you to go looking for it.

JSONEHUNDRED70d ago (Edited 70d ago )

Changing your character is something you cant even do in most games (or real life) so get over it. Design your character right and don't change them. For aesthetic changes, you can go to a barber in game.

Nothing to do with the micro-transactions is compulsory to just go and play the game. S just go and play the game. It's awesome.

MrBaskerville70d ago (Edited 70d ago )

You could also just go to the npc that changes your appearance and get it done. Or if you are really desperate, delete your save and start over. this is one of those things that has turned into an issue because people like to complain.

anast70d ago

I bet you bought the horse amour when it hit the scene.

MrBaskerville70d ago (Edited 70d ago )


Did you hate Oblivion because of horse armor? Or did you just ignore the armor and play anyway? Lots of people did the latter.


@ anast, You would lose that bet. You must have read my post incorrectly, since what i essentially said was "I have no interest in non-compulsory, DLC micro-transactions that no one 'needs' to be able to play the game"

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 68d ago
anast70d ago


Bethesda dropped quality after Morrowind. So, yeah, the horse armor was a part of why the game sucked.


I have 2 annoyances with Pawns;
1. Not being able to set their distance from me. They bump into me EVERY 3 seconds while you're running!
2. Accidentally picking them up while fighting. I usually end up throwing them at an enemy :P


Dragon's Dogma 2 Gets DLSS Frame Generation: 77% FPS Gain with Broken Shadows

Dragon’s Dogma 2 has received a new title update that adds Frame Generation for NVIDIA RTX 40 series users (only). Unfortunately, the vast majority of gamers on RTX 30/RTX 20 and Radeon GPUs will have to keep waiting for an FSR 3 implementation of frame generation. There’s another tiny issue with the update.

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EternalTitan13h ago

Capcom kind of fumbled with this game.
This could have been GOTY 2024 but no.


Dragon's Dogma 2 Has Sold 3 Million Units In 2 Months

Dragon's Dogma 2, Capcom's latest JRPG, has reached a new sales milestone, rolling over 3 million copies in a span of two months.

isarai4d ago

Hands fown my game of the generation so far, definitely has some flaws and buggy quests, but damn is it good, and surprisingly flexible in how it allows creativity and different approaches to resolve quests and reacts accordingly.

banger883d ago

I just picked this up for PS5. I'm going to hold off playing as long as I can though, in case they decide to add a new performance mode. I don't want to play this at 30 fps unless I absolutely have no other choice (PC isn't a choice for me). I have a dozen other games in my backlog so I'm good.

VincentCastle3d ago

I have it on ps5 and pc and it plays as actually pretty well on PS5. The uncapped frame rates works best for the game then the newly added Max 30fps version.
The only town that gets the frame rates down between 25-35 ish is the first big city, but you won't be that much in it to be fair - I spent from 50 hours about 3 in the city and the rest exploring and the second main town which has better fps.

-on pc with my 3080 and 10700k CPU, the fps outside is better for sure as it can do stable 60fps... But it's the same or worst for the main city. I had fps between 20-50ish and the drops were really noticeable. But the same, most time was spent outside.

Nerdmaster3d ago

Really tried to like the first one, started it like 5 times, but it didn't click with me.
I'll try the sequel someday, but I'll wait for a good (like 50%) discount.

Cacabunga3d ago (Edited 3d ago )

It will end up on PS+ extra someday.
It is good devs release the game first and release it months later on PS+ to give it a second life.
If it was on sub service day one it would have sold 300.000 Max

ravens523d ago

Just curious, does this count as successful?

jznrpg3d ago (Edited 3d ago )

For a sequel to a niche game from the PS3 days I would think 3 million is very good. But I don’t know their sales expectations so I can’t say for sure.

EternalTitan3d ago

I . . .dont know.
AAA companies are weird. It depends on their fiscal stuff.
I would guess its successful because the first game sold way less in the same time frame.

EternalTitan3d ago

Knew the game had long legs. It had some disappointing issues like performance, dumb microtracsanctions at the beginning. There is a DLC coming. Wonder what that will add to the game.


Stellar Blade has sold more physical copies than Dragon's Dogma 2 in Japan, despite PS5 exclusivity

By the looks of it, PlayStation 5 exclusivity does not hurt the sales of Stellar Blade in Japan as the game has passed 90,000 sold physical copies.

Hugodastrevas8d ago

Stellar Blade really deserves way more praise than it got, devs have been adding more and more content, for free, since release and the game already was great to begin with!

BrettAwesome8d ago

More than it got? It got tons, by everyone except the sad wankers who's idea of a sex life, is pulling on their dicks while watching big fake cgi titties 😂

gerbintosh7d ago

Don't see the difference between cgi titties and fake boobs. Also no difference to wanking it to either one of them since both aren't physically there

RiseNShine7d ago

Salty that the game is doing well hm? ;) I suggest some cheese with your whine.

Skuletor7d ago

So you're saying the people that like watching CGI tits didn't praise the game? An educated guess is you meant the opposite.

BrettAwesome7d ago (Edited 7d ago )

What the fuck are you talking about? I think it looks like an awesome game. I don't get the sentiment that it didn't get as much praise as it deserved. The only ones who's been shit talking it, are sad wankers with no sex life. Am I whining? How? 😂

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 7d ago
Cacabunga8d ago

I think we can safely claim that Stellar Blade 2 is confirmed!
I got it day one, i have some backlog due to RDR2 i just platinumed.. i will get to Stellar Blade in the near future

shinoff21838d ago

Same but I'm hitting yakuza right now. Stellar blade looks cool though.

neutralgamer19928d ago

Capcom really dropped the ball with DG2. They had easy success on their hand but instead with their stupid decisions ruined the games success

Stellar blade is an amazing game and deserves all the success. For all the artificial hate it got from people who had no interest in the game to begin with this shows if you make a good game it will sell. The so called 1st party drought from PlayStation has meant 4 exclusives in 2024 so far. Other companies need to learn how to run a business and plan for the future

H98d ago

Stellar blade is performing very impressively there, DD2 didn't do well because word of mouth destroyed it's reputation and not about the Microtransactions or performance, bad word of mouth about how the game lacks so many things that were in the first one

Redemption-648d ago

DS2 sold 2.5M in a little over a week, what the hell are you talking about?

H98d ago

"there", that's Japan, this article is about Japan, the bad word of mouth is about Japan

Hereandthere8d ago

Exclusives matter. No matter what bumbling phil and bond try to say, exclusives is why you buy a console.

The_Hooligan8d ago

How dare you speak common sense!!??

jznrpg8d ago

It would if they added a lot more combat and didn’t focus on graphics

XiNatsuDragnel8d ago

Stellar blade is great excited for 2

anast8d ago

They dropped the ball with dogma. SB is a solid game, it just had to weather the social storm.

shinoff21838d ago (Edited 8d ago )

Said that dd2 was missing things the first one did,like mass effect 2? I haven't played it so I'm really asking.

spss118d ago

I've played both and I have no idea what people say when they claim it's "incomplete". I've only noticed new things in comparison to DD1 (I would give a list but spoilers). Sometimes I wonder if some people actually played DD1 or maybe they remember it differently. Anyways, if you liked the first one and want more of that, you'll probably like DD2.

anast7d ago

Yeah, the content, combat movement is slower, less vocations, the armor system, it's more simplified, and dungeons are lacking. It's like they rushed it out or something, but didn't forget to add in youtuber pawns and micros. At least ME 2 upped the content.

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