
Some “Rise of the Ronin” Previews Show That It May Be Time For Team Ninja To Return To Their Roots

Shaz from GL writes: "With previews for Rise of the Ronin trickling in, some are less than impressed by the game's first few hours"

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banger8875d ago

Hell no. I'll take a traditional open-world adventure any day over a Soulslike. I used to enjoy the genre but now it's just not worth all the stress and aggravation. I was over the moon when I found out this game was more like AC and Ghost of Tsushima rather than Nioh or Wo Long. Graphically it's a little lacking (at least compared to similar titles), but I'm sure the gameplay and fun factor will more than make up for it.

Pyrofire9575d ago

What does Team Ninjas roots mean to you? It sounds like what comes to mind for you is Nioh, but I'd say it's Ninja Gaiden. Level based, brutal as they are difficult. Traversing a level with unique situations and secrets to uncover and make your character stronger as well as an added challenge to obtain.
The differences between a "souls-like" and just an action game seems minor but also end up distinctly different.
Ninja Gaiden games were more like a Devil May Cry or Bayonetta rather than a Dark Souls or Lies of P.

banger8875d ago (Edited 75d ago )

Their roots don't mean anything to me, the only one of their games I've played through is Nioh. I get what you're saying though, I wouldn't put DMC or Bayonetta even remotely in the same category as a Soulslike, even though there are some similarities. Edit: Ah, I see what you mean now. Because they started with the Ninja Gaiden series before they created Nioh. I wasn't aware they made Ninja Gaiden, I never played those games back in the day.

KyRo75d ago

You want more forced open world games? The industry is littered with them. The irony is people are quick to call out Ubisoft but about 95 percent of open world games follow the same design, mission, and basic gameplay loop with very little creativity. We need far less of them.

S2Killinit74d ago

Well, I mean we may have too many open worlds but that does t mean we can bash on a new game prior to even reviews. Maybe its a great game! What then?

TheEroica75d ago

People saying bland, tired open world design is somehow better than souls is a tragedy... I wouldn't want to be on record with that statement.

jwillj2k474d ago

You’ve been gaming for what, 6 years???

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 74d ago
CrimsonWing6975d ago

I kinda felt meh about this from the trailers. It doesn’t look bad, per se. I just didn’t see really anything that looked amazing. I do like Team Ninja’s take on the souls-like genre, so I’m sure I’ll find this fun. It’s just… from what I’ve seen it just didn’t do anything to set my world on fire.

It comes out at the same time Dragon’s Dogma 2 does and that looked a lot more interesting to me. Though I’ll admit I have a bias since I enjoyed the first game.

75d ago
Blad3runner0075d ago (Edited 75d ago )

Kind of does not surprise me, unfortunately. Sounds like they tried to strive for something beyond their abilities (no offense intended). Nioh and Nioh 2 were fantastic, especially Nioh 2, but you could tell the weakness in a lot of cases was level design, though Nioh 2 did improve on this, it was still somewhat lacking.

Now going for an open world, this was going to be even more of a challenge to nail, which was already lacking.
Seems like they stream lined the combat as well, which is a shame.

"Assassins Creed in Japan" is never a good sign if that is the impression some people are giving it.
Would of been nice if they decided to go at it on 'their own', instead of copying a template of a game that has been done to death.

Also, I think people need to go into this game not having high expectations and not expect or compare it to Ghost of Tsushima.

Will reserve judgement when I play the game, as I still intend to get it.

On another note, do these Publishers have any foresight when they decide to release a game? This comes out same day as Dragons Dogma 2.

Reibooi75d ago

Personally, I don't think most get what Team Ninja's roots are. The Studio was formed to make Dead or Alive and branched out into stuff like Ninja Gaiden and Nioh later on. So, if one is talking a true return to their roots, it would mean making another Dead or Alive game but I'm not so sure that would work out for them currently. Dead or Alive 6 tried to be something that brought in new players but pissed off the established fanbase and said fan base didn't seem large enough to support the series in the long run or so it seems to me at least.

I personally like most of what the studio puts out with great Nioh 2 in particular being one of my favorite games of all time as it just hit so many right notes for me personally. That said I don't think they should just sit there making the same game over and over forever and they have obviously been trying to branch out and ultimately some of that is gonna hit for people and some isn't.

I can't say anything about Rise of the Ronin having not played it yet but for me it looks like a fun team ninja take on an open world. I'm not going to be rushing out to play it day one, but I will definitely play it in due time and if it doesn't hit right, I don't think that means a studio is failing or needs to go back to their roots. No studio has perfect games every single time, so I don't see why Team Ninja is being treated like every game needs to aim for the 10/10 best game ever kinda deal. Rise of the Ronin is likely to have some flaws to it for sure, but I bet it will still be a fun time regardless.

FlyingSwallowNGB74d ago

Way to gloss over Ninja Gaiden. Team Ninja is the most feckless, brain dead studio I know. They want to strike it rich so bad they are terrified of coming out with a competent game. They released that terrible game with the chick with the giant sword and a gun. They put Ninja Gaiden on life support with Ninja Gaiden Yaiba. They are just so incompetent it's honestly embarrassing. People were talking about this Rise of Ronin like it would be some big thing, but I could see the cracks from the first trailer.

jznrpg75d ago

Don’t mind studios evolving and/or trying new things. If they just kept making their early games and never branched out they would very possibly go out of business and making the same type of games gets stale.

Personally Rise if Ronin looks great to me and I’m definitely going to get it.

FlyingSwallowNGB74d ago

You must have a lot of disposable income.

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Rise of the Ronin Releases Big New Update

The latest update for Rise of the Ronin brings huge changes to the game by introducing new content, adjusting the gameplay, and fixing bugs.

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ZeekQuattro10d ago

Gotta get back to this. I took a break for a while.

H98d ago

I started this yesterday, it's like Ghost of Tsushima but with a actually fun combat, I don't like the Assassin's Creed world design in both tbh

EnViiDisnuCCa8d ago

Ain't nothing like ghost of tsushima rise of the ronin is way different from ghost

H98d ago

Same open world design which is the biggest chunk of the game, the biggest difference are the combats which is great and the souls style interconnected dungeons

Elda8d ago

I just beat the game & it does remind me of Ghost Of Tsushima. It has some Ghost Of Tsushima influences, though Rise OF The Ronin is its own game.

notachance8d ago

I had a blast with it, AC style open-world with Nioh gameplay, and the combat was way easier than their past title so you can actually chill while playing it and not raging all over the open world.

Demetrius8d ago

I tried getting into this but it felt way too much like a souls game, it felt like fromsoftware made it, it would be nice if most devs knew they don't have to copy souls game for success, cause most of every game that copies them I rarely hear about those titles again and people I've talked to rarely know about em, but they know of darksouls, elden ring, can't beat the originals, not saying ronin a bad game I'm just not into souls like games I like for devs to be creative and copy less, it's so many ideas games could use nowadays

Einhander19728d ago (Edited 8d ago )

"I tried getting into this but it felt way too much like a souls game."

You can change the difficulty and make it more like a hack and slash. It doesn't need to be a stressful playthrough.

Psychonaut858d ago

Good to see them continuing to support it, good game but definitely needed some love.


Team Ninja: How Ninja Gaiden and Nioh connect to Rise of the Ronin

Many of you who have already played Rise of the Ronin may have noticed some elements of our previous works such as Ninja Gaiden and Nioh from Team Ninja. Today we’re excited to share some of the behind-the-scenes development stories for the first time. Plus we share details on an upcoming game update.

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purple10110d ago

not a good title FPS RUSSIA. should have gone with: "new content added'. ... or something like that

try : 'New and expanded content 5 new Ally Missions added. + Addition of dojo training partners"


Lol thats the title of the article by playstation blog what are you talking about ?


Read the article it has nothing to do with what you said

purple1019d ago

I literally copied and pasted that from the bottom of the article

DEEBO9d ago

The new update is so good...


Rise of the Ronin—A History of Music With Composer Inon Zur

CGMagazine had the opportunity to speak about the soundtrack of Rise of the Ronin, Starfield and more with composer Inon Zur.

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