
The Last of Us Part 3 Is All But Confirmed; Has a Concept Idea Already

At the end of the Grounded II documentary, series' co-creator Neil Druckmann all but confirmed that there will be a The Last of Us Part 3.

purple101120d ago

"has concept"

they should damn well be nearing release

on something, ...anything?

Nitrowolf2120d ago

they're working on a new IP so

StormSnooper119d ago

We know they are. They’ve said it.

Eonjay119d ago

For anyone keeping score Druckman actually said that he had a story about Tommy but that that's all it was. So basically it is absolutely 100% not confirmed.

Nitrowolf2119d ago (Edited 119d ago )

@Eonjay correction, he said that a while back and explained that was more of a small story not a real followup. Now he says he has a concept idea here and sees a third happening

""I did some other interview where someone asked me… about The Last of Us, and would there be any more stories or something. I mentioned we have written a story that takes place after Last of Us II that stars Tommy. I hope one day we get to make it. The headlines across the industry were like, "Naughty Dog has outlined The Last of Us Part III." And that's actually wrong. It was always a small story, it was never a full title."

then later

"I've been thinking about, "Is there a concept there?" And for now years, I haven't been able to find that concept. But recently that's changed. I don't have a story, but I do have that concept, that, to me, is as exciting as Part I, as exciting as Part II, is its own thing, yet has this through-line for all 3. So it does feel like… there's probably one more chapter to this story."

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 119d ago
northpaws120d ago

They spent a lot of time on the the last of us MP that got cancelled.

Cacabunga120d ago

They will use that work on TLOU3 it might have MP from day one

seanpitt23120d ago

They make out that it's coming soon haha even if they have written the story it's still going to take 4 years minimum.. it's depressing how long games are taking to make these days!

-Foxtrot120d ago

"I mentioned we have written a story that takes place after Last of Us II that stars Tommy"

Ha. What?

You mean the character who now suffers permanent injuries? He's lost an eye, mobility and struggles to now walk which is why he asks Ellie to go in his place to track Abby down.

I understand a prequel but I don't see how they could even do a sequel after what's happened to him, especially in this harsh Universe where there's no good medicine or physiotherapy.

RaidenBlack120d ago

maybe it will take after TLOU II but will have flashbacks serving as prequel segments?

-Foxtrot120d ago

It could be but then you need a solid plot for the present day sections and considering he said that takes place after TLOU2 it means that's going to be the main part, so what do you do to drive a story forward?

The only thing you could do is have him hunt Abby down himself but like I said above the whole reason he got Ellie to do it was because of his now life long injuries, if he had gone he'd probably have died.

bloop119d ago

Well, we're dealing with Neil Druckman here. Wouldn't be surprised if he went ahead with this idea and put Tommy in a wheelchair while making him a cross dressing tranny on HRT to tick a few more boxes.

dumahim120d ago

Keep reading.

"The headlines across the industry were like, “Naughty Dog has outlined The Last of Us Part III.” And that’s actually wrong. It was always a small story, it was never a full title."

It might have been a DLC story they didn't commit to.

RaidenBlack120d ago

"Just based on where we were, I didn't want to prioritize this story, so that story was shelved. And I still believe one day it will see the light of day. I don't know if it will be a game or a show."
Druckmann admits that there was a concept for a post-TLOU II story about Tommy. It sounds like this would have been DLC, or the usual Sony “half-sequels,” but it was ultimately shelved due to production problems at Naughty Dog.

RaidenBlack120d ago

ooh nice .... but I'd rather see a new IP first from ND using an updated engine for this new generation.
for PS1 they created Crash Bandicoot
For PS2 it was Jak and Daxter
For PS3 we got Uncharted
For PS4, lets say it was Last of Us
For PS5 they need to do something new.

purple101120d ago

I feel it was going to be a sci-fi one, but now you got concord from fire sprite, or was it firewalk, and also bungie on board with marathon, that segment gonna be real saturated real fast

RaidenBlack120d ago

yea ... and there's rumor that Cory Barlog might be doing a sci fi project as well?
Might get saturated ... but also depends on the theme and presentations ... let's see

120d ago
anast120d ago

They waited until now just to start working on something new...You seriously can't make this stuff up.

F0XH0UND922119d ago

That's how game development is lol

RaidenBlack120d ago

I know ... but giving them some slack coz that's still two IPs across two generations.
and TLOU came at the very tail-end of PS3 with very poor performance and ran better on the PS4. So I am treating it here more like a PS4 IP.

EvertonFC120d ago (Edited 120d ago )

Surely it's "savage starlight" or "Strays crossing"

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 119d ago
blackblades120d ago (Edited 120d ago )

Said he doesnt have a story just a concept meaning its not even nearly being developed or confirmed with a green light to move forward. As well as he working on something different at the moment.

dumahim120d ago

Gotta love how the article puts in big, bold and colored letters "The Last of Us Part 3 “Officially Announced”"

jznrpg120d ago

I’m guessing the heavily rumored new IP comes out first.

TLOU3 could be in production it could be just a concept. Devs are very coy before games are officially announced for obvious reasons. Either way I’ll definitely buy the third game.

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The Last of Us Part III Needs to Give Ellie the Redemption She Deserves

Ellie's story still needs a proper ending that wraps up the series's themes about cycles of violence.

masterfox442d ago

Instead of Guns lots Guns from Neo in the matrix , Ellie in the TLOU 3 will be like, we need Protein lots of Protein.

Panhandler441d ago (Edited 441d ago )

How about a real world situation with real expectations and conclusions. In times hard times such as those will not see women playing roles as strong independent leaders. Its preposterous and charlatan, like a Feminist wrote their dream into existence.

lucian229441d ago

@Pan Handler....I guess Joan of Arc, Queen Boadicea, Queen Artemisia, Khutulun, Fu Hao and all the other notable women in history just don't exist then huh?

Crows90441d ago


There are exceptions. And great job picking out the less than 1%

lucian229441d ago


My point isn't the amount of strong women, it's that they exist. Leaders in general are far and few, the fact that these women exist, amongst many many other strong female leaders is evident of that. How about just stop being sexist? While Tlou may have had a high ratio of strong females, that's only because we see the perspective of combatants , not normal citizens. Stop acting like the world today doesn't have female soldiers, police, security guards, world champion martial artists, bodybuilders etc. You may be disappointed to see that there is indeed FAR more than 1%

seanpitt23441d ago

Tlou 3 doesn't need to be made the story and direction was massacred in the sequel let's just leave it there.

DarXyde440d ago


The depiction of Abby wasn't unrealistic, just improbable. She and her people lived in a pretty isolated environment that was well-resourced. You're acting like she lived in a town barely getting by. And as one of their best soldiers, you don't think that would create the conditions for her to procure or be given priority for resources?

In a world that is destroyed and people live in fear daily and need protectors, I don't see how any of that is unrealistic.

Even if it was, I love that the critics of Part II can compartmentalize their suspension of disbelief where a mushroom outbreak has taken out society before nuclear weapons ever did is realistic, but buff Abby isn't.

C'mon now...

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 440d ago
Escamotage441d ago


Funny how nobody said a peep when Ellie took out all of David's men and David at 14 years old in Part 1. But when Ellie does the same thing at 19 years old in Part II – everyone's up at arms and whining how this is Feminist propaganda.

abstractel441d ago (Edited 441d ago )

Also, I'm pretty sure one of the _main_ themes of the part 2 was revenge begets revenge. They sold that message very clear, and what a poison that mindset can be. Understandable, yes, but it's poison. Both main characters were guilty of it, but one character found a reason to stop the cycle. So Part 3 would just be more revenge? I feel the concluded that saga really well. They could go other directions, but they would have to find a really good one to justify it.

Panhandler441d ago

You know most people can eat a Feminist Sandwich in which there's transparency with both equal strong female and male characters. But this is where TLOU failed and become a #metoo movement. If you remember correctly during TLOU1 the hardcore push from commie leftist was in full female hulk smash mode. The hatred for men has only gotten worse. But history comes back around and as a man that's deployed several times and saw what can quickly happen in America when things go to hell (IE hurricane Katrina in 2005). Humanity can lose its morality real quick and when that happens the rule of law is null and void and the rule of men takes over you'll see real quick how Ole Ellie would fair. It's not practical and border line fairy tale.

Escamotage441d ago (Edited 441d ago )


You know what's also less than 1%?

Happening upon the one person who's immune to a global zombie infestation.

Christopher442d ago

Pretty sure that cycle was wrapped up with #2. Do you want to play a game of her being completely pacifist?

-Foxtrot442d ago

Yeah I don’t get those wanting Part IIi when the cycle is done

They ruined her character in my opinion so what’s the point bringing her or any of them back

New location, new characters, new themes please. The Last of Us: “Subtitle Here”

ArchangelMike442d ago

"The Last of Us: "The Return of Joel."

-Foxtrot442d ago

The Last of Us 2: Electric Retconadoo

MWH441d ago

Not just her character, they ruined it all by trying to subvert expectations the wrong way and then take the story to dark ugly places "just because".

anast441d ago

How was her character ruined?

senorfartcushion441d ago (Edited 441d ago )

Stories are only finished when the money stops rolling in. And companies are playing by this particular rule more than ever - to the point where we have more remakes and badly-made story continuations than ever being made.

We will probably get a third Last of Us that’s somehow worse than the second due to how little Neil Druckmann seems to understand his own work - something which only seems to be a flaw of his.

bloop441d ago

I have a pitch for a cool Batman game. Imagine if Batman forgets everything he knows and gets unceremoniously killed in the first hour by a group of the most unlikeable characters ever written. Then you play as Robin trying to get revenge, only for the game to do the old switcheroo halfway through making you play as the least likeable character involved in Batman's ridiculous death, and tries forcing you to actually like them 😃 Then when Robin finally catches up with the main unlikeable character to reap revenge he just says "let's just forget about the whole thing, on your way now." 😃😃😃

LonDonE441d ago

Yes this please, i want to play as Joel and tommy just after the infection started and Sarah died. I want see how joel loses it and does insane stuff like the raiders which is referenced in last of us first game.

We could also play as Tommy when part of the fire flies. I love both games but hate the story of part 2. Being able to play as both the above would be epic.

Sonic1881441d ago

The Last of Us return of the Clicker Joe

Imalwaysright441d ago (Edited 441d ago )


That would be a good pitch but what do you think about making the players view the character they don't like due to savage murder of Batman as some sort of tragic hero at the expense of Robin by presenting scenarios that offer a dichotomy? How about making the unlikable character spare a pregnant lady and then having Robin killing a pregnant lady? Maybe you could have the character we don't like playing with a dog and then having Robin killing that very same dog... I think that lazy and not so subtle manipulation like this would go a long way in order to make the unlikable character as some sort of a tragic hero.

-Foxtrot441d ago (Edited 441d ago )


Ellie in the First Game: Light hearted, tries to crack jokes, grows to see Joel as a father figure, says how she wants to learn guitar and swim after they get to the hospital. In the end she knows Joel is lying but she trusts him enough and gets on with it (Ashley Johnson even said this back then)

Ellie in the Second Game: Does a 180 and says she always wanted to die on that operating table, that somehow her life would have "f****** mattered", totally hates Joel for taking that "choice" away from her despite the fact the Fireflies weren't going to give her a choice. Then you have her suddenly making out she never knew Joel was lying to her when at the end of the first game you clearly can see she does know deep down. The game puts Abby ins a positive light during her gameplay while Ellie looks like an asshole, for example Abby plays with this lovable dog, Ellie is forced to kill it. There's part of the game which make her look stupid, like conveniently dropping a map next to Owen's/Mel's corpse of where her and Dina are with a giant red circle saying "We are Here" to push the story forward. She then goes after Abby again knowing full well she will loose Dina and the baby, tracks Abby down, beats her almost to death, looses her two fingers and then just suddenly decides to let her go out of nowhere. She goes home a broken woman, no Dina, no child, no Joel, no warm home, no fingers and because of that she can't play guitar the one big connection to Joel. All for what? To push Abby / Lev as the new Joel and Ellie

She's like a new character

Oh and after these scenes in the first game


No way she gave off the impression she wanted to die, look at the scene about sacrificing the few to save the many

"Its kind of shitty"

Binarycode441d ago (Edited 441d ago )

Bring Joel back.

Ellie still haunted by the events of her past discovers that Joel had a twin and it was that twin who was killed. Joel discovers that he hates guitars and searches the land destroying all of them so Ellie can't keep playing doom and gloom songs on them.

Lastly at the above.

Yes there are female soldiers, police, bodybuilders(roids) but in a one on one with a Man they stand no chance. You can make certain circumstances where a woman could win. With a bazooka.


For you amusement.

generic-user-name440d ago

@bloop @alwaysright @foxtrot

It's just the same recycled falsehoods over and over again for 3 years.

"Imagine if Batman forgets everything he knows and gets unceremoniously killed in the first hour by a group of the most unlikeable characters ever written."

Imagine if Joel fell asleep in front of Henry and Sam mere hours after meeting them. Imagine if Batman murdered the father of the person who killed him. Imagine if Tommy gave away their names instead of Joel. Imagine if Joel met Abby during an infected attack so they didn't have time to vet her properly. Imagine if Joel is less hardened after living 5 years of peace.

"How about making the unlikable character spare a pregnant lady and then having Robin killing a pregnant lady?"

How about Abby said "good" when she heard Dina was pregnant and only stopped because of Lev, how about Ellie not being aware Mel was even pregnant until after she killed her, at which point she felt sick, triggered PTSD and was willing to give up her pursuit of revenge until Abby attacked again and killed Jesse.

"Maybe you could have the character we don't like playing with a dog and then having Robin killing that very same dog"

Maybe have the dog attack Ellie and leave her with no choice but to kill the dog. If you feel guilt about choosing your life over a dog, that's on you.

"In the end she knows Joel is lying but she trusts him enough and gets on with it (Ashley Johnson even said this back then)"

Ashley Johnson's opinion is not fact. From 2013 to 2020 there was debate over whether Ellie believed Joel or not. That didn't end until Part II gave us an answer.

You can dislike the direction the story went, Joel's death, Ellie not finishing her revenge etc that's fine. I just wish people wouldn't use this dishonest points to frame a false narrative.

"and says she always wanted to die on that operating table, that somehow her life would have "f****** mattered"

"After everything we've been through, everything I've been through...it can't be for nothing"- TLOU1

Lines up completely with her reaction in Part II.

-Foxtrot440d ago


"After everything we've been through, everything I've been through...it can't be for nothing"- TLOU1 ”

Literally and I mean LITERALLY right after that scene, going down the stairs….

“Look, I know you mean well but there’s no half way with this. Once we’re done we’ll go where ever you want to go okay?”

“Well I ain’t leaving without you so let’s go wrap this up”

Yeah…she definitely knew she was going to die or planned to die huh? Even Joel basically tells her right there he’s not leaving her…

Goes completely against her reaction in Part II along with the other stuff I said above. But sure…ignore that huh

Imalwaysright440d ago (Edited 440d ago )


Those 2 scenarios are not innocent. You think that ND created them for the sake of them just being there? They were specifically created to make us feel in certain ways towards Ellie and Abby and all the caveats in the world don't change the clear dichotomies presented in them. Abby plays with the dog and spares a pregnant lady and Ellie kills a pregnant and kills the dog. That's emotional manipulation 101 and it wouldn't be obvious due to the caveats you mentioned hadn't Druckmann retconned the ending of the original. From the moment I realized that they retconned the ending, Druckmann's goals were clear to me and his goal was portray Ellie and Joel as some sort of monsters while attempting to portray Abby as some sort of tragic hero and they most definitely used those two lazy and manipulative scenarios in order to try to achieve his pathetic goals.

+ Show (11) more repliesLast reply 440d ago
S2Killinit441d ago

Smh. They just keep coming up with these “must” this and that, trying to control the narrative, then they get upset when the real author(s) tell their story.

Please people, just remember you are not entitled to how the story goes in the end.

senorfartcushion440d ago

I agree.

I didn’t like 2 and do say, to this day, that the majority of The Last of Us apart 1s best moments were from people other than Neil Druckmann, simply because his voice is so much different when writing alone. That doesn’t mean that I want to write a list of must do and mustn’t do’s

S2Killinit440d ago (Edited 440d ago )

Yeah, I loved Part 2, but if I hadnt, I would still not feel entitled to tell the writer(s) what should have happened. Its their story, and my right to like or not like. Personally, while sad, the story and everything in that game was top notch. But it was definitely sad, and that is fine.

Jin_Sakai442d ago

The Last of Us Part 3 needs to be put on the back burner. I’m ready for some new IP from Naughty Dog.

Flawlessmic441d ago

1000% it's time a for a new IP.

Joel and Ellie's story is done as far as I'm concerned I don't want a future Ellie story or a game of Joel's past or a game about new people.

Once the multi last of us arrives they really should leave it at that, give us something new or bring jak and daxter in a big big way.

IamFrasierCrane441d ago

Lmao “ 2 TLOU is enough”

Also you “give us a game that’s already had 5 releases”

Way to contradict yourself.

Flawlessmic441d ago (Edited 441d ago )

Technically 3 games including the one that is coming.

I don't care for the last of us world as much as I do joel and Ellie and there story lines are done for me so I'm ready to move on.

Yea I'd love to see them make a new ip as the my first and oreffered option but if there not gonna do that and they are gonna rehash an exsisting ip then why not jak?

It's 20+ yrs old now, kids have been born and are old enough to drink now that how long it's been hence it would almost be like a new ip at this point.

If you want the last of us then say that, no need to get bothered by me wanting something else lol

lucian229441d ago

no one wants a new jak; we want tlou 3 to end the series, then naughty dog can move on

senorfartcushion441d ago

It’ll only be a souls game or a boring fantasy RPG with live service elements.

The issue with wanting new things is that there is no newness during this particular era of gaming.

Flawlessmic441d ago (Edited 441d ago )

You can be pessimistic or hate if you want but iv played every naughty dog game since the first crash bandicoot on ps1.

They have never disappointed me with a new ip or game for that matter, they are one the best studios in the world and remain so until proven other wise.

Just sounds like u want whatever they do next to suck for some reason.

senorfartcushion441d ago (Edited 441d ago )

I hate certain types of games and it’s all they make, so I kinda have to be hateful.

Naughty Dog or not, if they follow the industry trends of today I’m not interested

No need for any needy ass Dungeons and Dragons games.

lucian229440d ago

Fantasy rpg would be amazing with their style. You must sound like a baby lol.

senorfartcushion440d ago

RPGs are for kids Lucian.

They’re so popular now BECAUSE we played them as kids. Also, people have less responsibility and more time on their hands now. They’re most popular amongst lonely people.

lucian229440d ago

That is the dumbest thing I've ever heard. First no one said an rpg, second, the hell doss age and loneliness have to do with liking a genre? Lmaoooo. I'm a married man with children and multiple jobs, I still enjoy rpgs.

Your comments are so strange lmao. That's like saying SciFi is for old people lmao.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 440d ago
antikbaka441d ago

can we just have new characters in a new game without trans and less gays?

Redemption-64441d ago

I can't imagine being this thin skinned. They can literally add 20 new straight characters with just 1 gay character and I bet that will trigger you and your ilk.

anast441d ago (Edited 441d ago )

Closet "conservatives" are like this. I don't mean this in a overly political way.

refocusedman441d ago

I'm not sure why the preferences of the characters affect the quality of the game for you. 🤷🏿‍♂️

antikbaka441d ago

because that breaks narrative and writing feels unnatural with this characters

Soulsborne441d ago

Agreed, Its ruining entertainment in general.

Vx_441d ago

Sad reality we live in. It destroys everything it touches

refocusedman441d ago

it's sad that people think that. just don't watch if it offends you.

Vx_441d ago

Not gonna happen as long as they keep sliding on the rainbows

Number1TailzFan441d ago

Nope, have to pander to woke and weak snowflakes. That's also UK in a nutshell.

senorfartcushion440d ago

To make nerds like you feel wanted?

You were never wanted.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 440d ago
441d ago Replies(2)
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Naughty Dog Moving On From Uncharted; The Last of Us 3 Only Be Made If There Is "Compelling Story"

Naughty Dog boss Neil Druckmann has revealed that the Uncharted franchise is finished, and TLOU3 is dependent on a "compelling story."

-Foxtrot492d ago

I hope they move on and give us a new IP

Maybe something Sci-Fi or Fantasy

porkChop492d ago

I'd be down for Savage Starlight. Naughty Dog making a sci fi action RPG would be interesting.

tay8701492d ago

Yes savage starlight would be amazing. I know that was the rumor a couple yrs ago. Naughty dog likes to put Easter eggs in their games. There is that rumor about strays cross. I'm looking forward to a new ip, hopefully it is Sci fi related.

EvertonFC491d ago

The clock shop in the 1st episode of the HBO series was called "lone star" I wonder if it's an Easter egg ? Bit weird a clock shop being called that imo?

millerj2740491d ago

Joel and Sarah live in Texas, the "Lone Star" state. Not really an easter egg.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 491d ago
Jin_Sakai492d ago (Edited 492d ago )

What exactly are have they been working on if they’ve moved on from Uncharted and The Last of Us? I know Factions is a separate team.

-Foxtrot492d ago

Well Factions is still going by one team, the other? Who knows, I refuse to believe they've been spit balling for almost 3 years now.

I'd say Sci-Fi hopefully

senorfartcushion492d ago

Games as a service multiplayer title

tay8701492d ago

All just rumor at the moment but, it is said there will be two protagonist: one being a brilliant scientist obsessed with space-time studies, the other being a "criminal" who is innocent. All of this supposedly ties into to some story about a space conflict dating back ages. Again could be just bunch of B.S. rumors, but I'd love to see what the wizards at naughty dog could do with a space themed ip

porkChop492d ago


I mean if they were gonna do GAAS that would probably be Factions, no? I don't see them making two multiplayer-focused games at the same time.

Lightning77492d ago

Apparently if the team was really passionate about The Last Of Us Part 3 then they'll 100% go for it. ND doesn't do things unless passion is backed by it.

Neil was writing scripts in which I thought it was for TLOUS 3. Maybe him and the team are brain storming and writing in theory what another Last Of Us could be like.

Not sure what the team is cooking up. I'll keep on the look out for rumors of course.

blackblades491d ago

Rumor long time ago it was a sci-fi space action adventure i believe. Also wasnt there 2 teams at naughty dog, the last of us team who is working on the MP i guess and the other one after they done uncharted 4 and standalone forgot name.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 491d ago
senorfartcushion492d ago (Edited 492d ago )

Will be shipped to the games as a service mines next.

These quotes are very see-though. No studio wants an Uncharted/Last of Us-style experience. They, along with God of War and Ghost of Tsushima feel more like a pain in Sony execs’ asses than anything.

Just think, with this news, the ps5 version of Uncharted 4 and Legacy is the last release we are ever going to get. Uncharted won’t ever have Raytracing.

Flawlessmic492d ago (Edited 492d ago )

Lol Ur comment is so confusing, what are you even trying to say.

And I'd take a new ip over uncharted with ray tracing.

Uncharted had an awesome run but it's time for new ips.

tay8701492d ago (Edited 492d ago )

Not sure what you are trying to say or if you are quoting someone else. Are you saying that g.o.t., g.o.w. and uncharted are pains in the ass for Sony execs? G.o.w. 2018 sold 20 million copies, uncharted 4 has over 15 million and g.o.t. has sold over 9.5 million copies, doesn't sound like a pain in the ass, more line a Sony execs wet dream. Lol. As far as not ever getting an uncharted game with Ray tracing, i wouldn't be so sure. Rumor is that naughty dog is partnering with a newly founded ps studio comprised of Sony visual arts studio devs (worked on last of us part 1) to reboot the franchise.

Bathyj492d ago

Are you having a senior moment?

Christopher492d ago

Yeah, multi-million selling games are always a pain for executives to deal with.

Lightning77492d ago

ND aren't even known for live service games nor will they ever be interested in doing anything like that. They're known for their story telling and gameplay. Why would they sacrifice a possible new IP that's story driven than waste it on some live service stuff?

Plus one team is doing just that already. Your life service fix is covered.

491d ago
senorfartcushion491d ago (Edited 491d ago )

To clarity on the comment:

Yeah, the PlayStation exclusives listed are incredibly successful but that’s irrelevant because they don’t want GOTY success stories that sell 20 million copies, they want “Fortnite trailer starring Mark Hamill speaking Chinese during the Super Bowl” success.

You don’t get that every studio just wants to make mobile games. Any excuse for there to NOT be single player, they will take it. All ND are saying now is that they don’t want to make anything like their past games, and their past games are single player.

Even if they were to embrace single player, it would be an open world Genshin clone.

They’re the goals of every studio. It doesn’t matter what anyone says. Even if the market prevents them from embracing GAAS in full right away, it’s still the goal.

It doesn’t matter how many awards the previous games get, it doesn’t matter how much they sell. They don’t make EVERY CENT.

That’s the point.

Naughty Dog’s next game is a live service multiplayer game. All Neil Druckmann does is write cinematic adventures but he’s been interviewing about how he doesn’t want a “conventional” narrative in his games anymore - and it’s not because of boredom.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 491d ago
TheKingKratos491d ago

They said they are workinf on new ip

senorfartcushion491d ago (Edited 491d ago )

There are rumours of a sci-fi game possibly? Then again, Last of Us is Sci-fi too

1Victor491d ago

I trust on ND to put a excellent game and will play it as long as it’s not a too deep on RPG or is a FPS( unless it’s VR FPS then I’ll try it ) for personal taste reasons on rpg and motion sickness on fps( vr fps is a bit more tolerable for my eyes tho 🤷🏿 )

F0XH0UND922491d ago

They will be doing both. Part 3 as a follow up to the most awarded game in history and now in tandem with the most watched show on the planet. Part 3 is inevitable, thankfully.

A new ip is most likely in the works, as well.

spicelicka491d ago

Exactly what I came to comment.

_Decadent_Descent491d ago

After they give us TLOU 3 definitely.

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 491d ago
RaidenBlack492d ago

New IP, plz
hope the rumor/leak regarding the sci-fi project is real

phoenixwing492d ago

I'd like to see medieval game myself but sci-fi is ok too

shinoff2183491d ago


It's just what I wanna see. I sometimes feel we get enough medieval games, but I'm also big into Sci fi so I'm probably just a hair bias.

Outside_ofthe_Box492d ago

All good things must come to an end. looking forward to their next IP.

Elda492d ago

Hopefully they're developing something entirely new.

Sarcasm492d ago

Don't need a TLOU3. Make something new instead

Grilla492d ago

They will make 3. Especially if the show does well.

spicelicka491d ago

I think you are right. The way the sales jumped for TLOU part 1 after the show aired must have been a clear signal to Sony to not hold back.

491d ago
savedsynner491d ago

Haha, we didn't need part 2 lol

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