
Walmart Reportedly Starting to Purge Physical Games Next Week

Walmart appears to be purging Xbox games starting next week.

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XiNatsuDragnel133d ago

Yeah once digital age starts I'm reading the new fire and ice novels. Physical > Digital.

VincentVanBro133d ago

That’s a weird take lol the “digital age” started over a decade ago. I do agree physical > digital though.

darthv72133d ago

Im pretty much digital at this point. But I will buy the occasional physical release if I feel its worthy of a place on my shelf. Even with games I already have on PS+ and GP.

Eidolon133d ago

I honestly just want to be able to rent and buy used.

specialguest133d ago

Consoles are really becoming like PC. PC lost physical copies of games more than a decade ago. The difference is my Steam account will ensure that I own that digital copy forever, where as on consoles that ownership may not carry over to future console generations. My PS3 downloaded games don't carry over to my PS5.

Ps5conehead133d ago

If you went on the ps3 they would be there .

specialguest132d ago


That's not the point I was making. Of course it's still on my PS3. Unlike digital games on Steam, my past digital downloaded PS3 games are not transferable to the PS5. On Steam, I could redownload my past PC games on any of my upgraded or different PC rigs. I don't need to hook up my PC rig from 2010 to play old games. Do you now understand? That's the difference

FinalFantasyFanatic132d ago

I can understand why the PS3 games didn't carry over due to the cell architecture, but I'll be annoyed if PS4/PS5 games don't carry onto the PS6. I also hope that Nintendo makes the "Switch 2" backwards compatible.

This is also another reason for me jumping to PC primarily, that library will always be available on whatever PC I own, that, and I want to get a Steam Deck OLED at some point in the near future.

neutralgamer1992133d ago

xbox games take up space and don't account for a lot of sales. Game pass is where vast majority of xbox gamers play games. Whenever we get to see sales data xbox accounts for less than sometimes ps4

itsmebryan132d ago

After gamestop insulted me when I tried to trade in my ps3 and 360 games I went all digital. I was use to it on PC so, it was no big deal for me.

It's funny that I saw another article on this and they made it sound like it was only Starfield getting reduced.

FinalFantasyFanatic132d ago

I wish PC still did physical editions and collector's editions, but that's long gone for the most part, even my local EB doesn't have that many games. It's just one wall with mainly PS4/PS5 and Switch games, you're stuffed if you want anything else, and even then the selection is quite small for a game shop.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 132d ago
shinoff2183133d ago (Edited 133d ago )

If your a regular Walmart shopper, which I am. I got one like 4 blocks from my house and as far as department stores it's all that's around. Like 4 of them. Anyway if you are you'll have noticed Walmart physical game selection has been kinda trash for years so it's no surprise they are getting rid of physical games. They've been heading down this road for years. I only buy physical games from there on clearance due to the selection being trash. I picked up Scarlett nexus I think for ps5 for 5 dollars clearance. A while ago.

Said it before buying physical games is best to do online, you have access to way more plus you can import which is nice since alot of these jackass American companies don't think Americans want physical anymore(this is based off like squareenix American division etc)

So I guess I'll be looking to see if they got anything good on clearance. Last game I bought new there was forbidden west and that's cause the ps5 and ps4 version were the same price 59.99 instead of ps5 being 69.99. Whether it was an error or not it saved me 10

Jin_Sakai133d ago

“I got one like 4 blocks from my house and as far as department stores it's all that's around. Like 4 of them.“

Do we live in the same area? Lol

Jin_Sakai133d ago (Edited 133d ago )



TN here. We have 4 Walmarts within 17 miles.

shinoff2183133d ago


Same here Jin. It most be Walmart masterplan to load mid size cities with Walmarts so there's no options

Jin_Sakai132d ago (Edited 132d ago )


“Same here Jin. It most be Walmart masterplan to load mid size cities with Walmarts so there's no options“

Seems that way. No Best Buy, Target, Costco, or Sam’s Club until you hit the big cities.

Costco has a good hotdog and drink for $1.50. Best Buy has good electronics obviously. Can’t really speak for Target or Sam’s Club. Walmart has mostly crap at cheap prices.

I usually just shop online anymore. Amazon, Best Buy, and Crutchfield for the most part.

shinoff2183132d ago

We have a best buy, target and Sam's club around but its on a huge strip of road that's the busiest around. Its just way to busy up there for to want to especially this time of year with the snowfall and stuff. Amazon(for sales) and gamestop(for pre orders cause I use it like layaway) I think my cities population is 80 90k.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 132d ago
shinoff2183133d ago

Wanted to put this on the top for a few of you saying physical games aren't complete, all that non sense.

Nyxus came through with the site


Nyxus132d ago

Unfortunately this seems to be a really persistent myth. But yeah, using that site people can see for themselves which games work off the disc (which is most of them).

FinalFantasyFanatic132d ago

I don't have Walmart in my country, but I do like to go down to Big W and pick up Switch games on occasion (because Nintendo rarely reduces first party prices), and their game section is still as big as it ever was, it's bigger than the local EB's, lol.

I'm always stalking Amazon for Switch sales anyway, I've seen Mario Golf on sale a few times, maybe I'll get that one day because it seems like a fun couch multi-player game.

shadowT133d ago

Buying Xbox games? Game Pass...

Jin_Sakai133d ago

“Walmart to start removing physical Xbox games in store starting with Starfield.“

“the supplier is funding this action“


crazyCoconuts133d ago (Edited 133d ago )

Yeah that should be the headline. Wtf is MS paying Walmart to liquidate physical copies?
Is this the start of a move by MS to stop Xbox physical media altogether?

Jin_Sakai133d ago

It’s part of the Game Pass initiative.

Terry_B133d ago

Microsoft being Microsoft.

ChasterMies132d ago

“Is this the start of a move by MS to stop Xbox physical media altogether?”

Yes! The digital Xbox Series S is already 50% to 70% of Xbox Series sales and the upcoming Xbox Series X slim is digital only. Digital sales are more profitable for Microsoft as a publisher and a digital store owner, don’t result in used sales which eat up new sales, and supports subscription through Game Pass. The future of software is renting, not owning.

FinalFantasyFanatic132d ago

Somehow that doesn't surprise me, they probably would be the first to go digital only, I think the only reason they haven't is because of Playstation. Plus, most of Xbox players are hooked on Game Pass, and probably, to a lesser degree, digital sales of games.

InUrFoxHole132d ago

What? It's basic math man. The majority of consoles MS sells is the series S. Who's buying physical for a digital system. Imo xbox had better digital sales for games than PS however I don't like where this might be headed.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 132d ago
shinoff2183133d ago

Am I understanding that right. Would the supplier be ms?

Agent75132d ago

Microsoft probably paying stores money in brown envelopes.

crazyCoconuts131d ago

Finally have a potential explanation that makes sense:
Physical media follows a classic supply/demand curve. Digital kinda doesn't since supply is virtually infinite.
Starfield was over-purchased by Walmart (probably anticipated greater sales than what they got), and the only way to move excess merchandise is to discount it.
MS doesn't want it discounted because they know clever customers would buy cheaper physical vs. full price digital. So they buy the copies back and ask Walmart to destroy them instead of allowing the market to adjust normally.
Digital is kinda like a monopoly in that only one seller controls the price, and MS must think they'll make more money overall by keeping the price high by reducing supply, even if they have to buy the games back. Kinda strange math, but it makes sense. Also very possible this is just a Starfield thing, and not a broader attack on physical media.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 131d ago
Barlos132d ago (Edited 132d ago )

Apparently. I think the correct term is that WE will own nothing and THEY will be happy though. We'll own nothing and they will own everything. Evil bastards.

BeHunted133d ago

Nowadays, discs are just licenses, requiring you to download the complete game online.

Nyxus133d ago

Nope, not true for the vast majority of games.


Fiddlerblue133d ago

That's not really true. When you insert a new disc in, it begins the install from the disc to the hard drive and initiates a download of any patches or updates that might be available... but the game itself is on the disc. Once installed, the game will play off of the hard drive with the disc acting as the key.

If people really want to futureproof their physical games media, they should really be waiting six months to a year after release to buy the games though. If you're buying physical games at launch, there's a good chance that the build on the disc is a buggy mess that really needs that day one patch that might not be available in 10-20 years. Waiting a while allows the launch stock to sell through and for them to start printing discs that actually have good builds on them that are fixed and functional. Depends on the game though as some games are really good at launch and others are a train wreck.

shinoff2183133d ago

Behunted that just flatout isn't true that's a very few actually of the physical games that release. And those actual few are from a handful of aaa publishers, cough ubisoft cough cough

Atleast know the bs your trying to shout

Barlos132d ago

Not true in all cases.

FinalFantasyFanatic132d ago (Edited 132d ago )

That's only true of PC games, you either get an activation key in the case (why even sell a CD case then?), or you get a disc with barely anything on it, the majority of the game still needs to be downloaded from Steam/GOG. In the case of PC games, it's very rare for the CD to have the whole game on it and ready to play.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 132d ago
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Moving In My 30s Made Me Nostalgic For Physical Games

GL: "Staff writer Shaz reflects on his small library of physical games he's kept throughout the decades, and how a recent move made him nostalgic."

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Sciurus_vulgaris7d ago

I lost my drive for collecting physical games due to many discs lacking the whole complete game. Instead, of collecting games I started collected figurines.

Popsicle6d ago

I am a collector have a room dedicated with a couple original arcade cabinets, physical game library, old and new consoles and controllers backlit with LED lighting. It’s very cool to have but with emulation being so strong and prevalent, I sometimes feel foolish because the hobby is expensive and like another said, the full game is not always on the disc. Could probably spend more wisely but I enjoy it.

shinoff21835d ago

Most games are usually on disc still. Of course you got you publishers that are hit and miss, Activision, ubisoft, ea, Microsoft, where the rest of the game needs downloaded.


Baldur's Gate 3 PS5 Physical Deluxe Editions Delayed Due to Production Issues

While we were so hoping to not have to update owners of the console physical Deluxe Edition with any further news of delay, we’ve now run into more production issues which means that players who pre-ordered their PS5 North America copy that was expected to ship later this month, will now have to wait until July before they can get their hands on them.

shinoff21837d ago

Got that email like 2 weeks ago. Tbh I'm not tripping. I understand sht happens. I'm just glad they changed their minds on the physical release

Popsicle7d ago (Edited 7d ago )

I with you. I got the email is well. Happy to eventually own a physical copy and glad it’s not digital only.


Opinion: Game Preservation Talk Needs To Include Physical Games

Physical gaming media needs to continue to be Part of the conversation imo

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anast55d ago

Physical games are the foundation of the argument. Every time, a digital game dies, physical gaming is brought up.

Knightofelemia55d ago

I will go digital if I have to if there is no physical port. I believe in a sense of owner ship and in the picture the collection collectors like to show and brag about their collections. Unlike digital which if a studio loses the license the game gets pulled from all digital formats like when Activision lost the license to the Transformers games. I own Transformers Fall and War for Cybertron physical. meaning I can still play them any time I want. I know they can still be accessed digitally on the account if a person bought them. But new players can't do that and if the account gets hacked or banned then a person is screwed on those digital games. Also I have found that the physical cousins tend to go cheaper then digital which rarely goes dirt cheap. I bought KH3 new physically at Best Buy for $10 I think it still full price on Playstation. Stores want to get rid of those games whether thrift stores, box stores, even pawnshops. I hate digital there is no sense of owner ship all I am doing is buying a license and if the game is crap then I am screwed out of that money. If I get the physical port and the game is crap I can trade it in towards another games. Can't do that with digital games. And there are countries if a certain game only comes out in Asia or Australia and doesn't hit North America whether digital or physical I can still import the game. I imported Summer Lesson from Asia so I can play it because Namco did not release it to North America. Hence why physical is better yet again. And physical was also great because I could by certain Xbox games cheap to play them on my XB1. But games going strictly digital only will only hurt the game. I would buy Alane Wake 2 but no disc no sale. As for Hellblade 2 again no disc no sale in my books. If games ever go strictly to digital only I am done with gaming I will only stick to older consoles.

shinoff218355d ago

Agreed. I just don't see why physical games need to go anywhere. If I have to be charged a little extra for what I want I don't mind I'm willing to as I know there's cost involved. Physical is better in every way except having to get up to switch a disc(which is just a bs reason if I ever heard one). There's room for both formats stop trying to kill physical.

Skuletor55d ago

While physical games are a tangible item with resale value, often what you are paying for now, is the license to play the software, which can be rescinded by the publisher. Furthermore, since the 7th generation of consoles, there has been a culture of releasing games with bugs and glitches, with the mentality of, we can patch it later, sometimes to the point of games having day 1 patches larger than the game itself. Hell, Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 5 only had the tutorial on the disc, Truth is, once you lose access to the digital updates to a lot of modern games, dating back to when the whole launch now patch later stuff started, you could be left with an incomplete game with game breaking glitches and bugs.

6th gen gaming and back are golden though.

ravens5254d ago (Edited 54d ago )

Just out curiosity. If I'm offline and I install one of my many disc based ps5 games and begin to play it OFFLINE. Can the publisher still take away the license to play? 🤓

Skuletor54d ago

I guess not but without going online and getting the game's updates, you could be playing a version that you can't complete due to game breaking bugs or something.
I wonder how many people set their PS5s offline, when Sony was deleting people's Stellar Blade demos they accidentally released early, so they wouldn't lose it.

ravens5254d ago

Ye, I know how it goes smh. Still have PT on my PS4 lol. But ye, that's why I don't purchase digitally. Makes it even easier for them to do those types of things.

Darkegg6d ago

Yes, physical games are unfinished products and the developers decided it’s better for them. We can’t fight it. I embrace digital now and decided physical isn’t worth it anymore as they are incomplete. It’s the digital age, it’s how things are. We have fun for the moment and then move forward. There is no future for which any moment could accommodate the digitals of the past. The OS changes, and we all have to move with the times. The best way to see it is to pay for the moment, and leave it at that. Look at video games as a movie. You pay for enjoyment at that time. Which can also save us money from hoarding games on the cheap if we decide we won’t use the software. I feel the backlog is a bigger issue than game preservation. If u r worried about preservation, they will play on you to own backlogs at your expense, and I will bet most of us won’t even play a fraction of our library.

Inverno55d ago

Speaking of, there's this little movement happening for "The Crew". If any of y'all own the game then i suggest you take a look at Ross Scott's video and pitch in on getting the ball rolling.

Skuletor55d ago

The least they could have done is release a patch to enable offline play but it's obvious they're just trying to push people to buy the sequels.