
2024 Preview: Rise of the Ronin is Nioh meets Assassin’s Creed on PS5 | VGC

The storied developer that has made linear action games for decades is stepping out of its comfort zone for an action RPG in the vein of Assassin’s Creed or Ghost of Tsushima. Combine that open structure with the combat quality of 2023’s Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty and the underrated Nioh series and Rise of Ronin could easily find itself as 2024’s sleeper hit.

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S2Killinit152d ago (Edited 152d ago )

Really in the mood for a game in this setting.

solideagle151d ago

are they moving away from Nioh franchise?

S2Killinit151d ago (Edited 151d ago )

Im not sure. The 2nd Nioh game was also a success, so i dont see them leaving it behind altogether. But this is right up my alley too.

jwillj2k4152d ago

Rinse and repeat, same thing over and over again…..

LabRat152d ago

Yep, greatness over and over. If only everyone else could rinse and repeat making awesome games

Pepsi_Man3000152d ago

People like you are part of the problem smh

Pepsi_Man3000151d ago

I'm not asking to change the formula. More like create new formulas alongside those winning formulas. Maybe those new ones can also become winning formulas down the line

phoenixwing151d ago (Edited 151d ago )

i'd like to say one thing to your line of thinking. you don't actually like video games then. you like new experiences and that's it if you can't enjoy a game that's solid but doesn't completely reinvent the wheel. I don't say this to anyone else because it's stupid to but your kind are the exception, YOUR NOT A GAMER. you go around demanding people reinvent everything because you're riding off of anything different regardless if its actually something to enjoy. do you call yourself an ice cream fan when you will only try new flavors? no you're just trying something new in the same regard that you don't actually like ice cream. you just want something new like a baby. if i eat ice cream i don't care that much if it's a new flavor or not because, get this, i enjoy ice cream. you however don't really enjoy video games you're whats wrong with people in the industry always complaining about something needing to be new and i'm very tired of people like you. games shouldn't be this forced into always reinventing the wheel for people who don't even like the video games they're just new experience junkies.

edit: this also goes out to reviewers who pull the same crap when it comes to reviewing a sequel. just because its more of the same doesnt mean you get to deduct points. rate it for what it is. if its a solid game it deserves the scores.

jwillj2k4151d ago

This type of game is being done to death. It’s vanilla ice cream yet again but we have different toppings, not even different just attempting to mix shit up on top. We know vanilla ice cream sells so we don’t want to go away from that, let’s just put gummies on top of the sprinkles and charge another 70 dollars for it.

phoenixwing151d ago (Edited 151d ago )

there aren't a lot of open world samurai games but go ahead and act like there are. and my thinking is bring on more of that vanilla if this is what vanilla is. i also find it hilarious you couldn't refute anything i said about wanting to have everything new like the crazy person you are. news flash not everything is catered toward being new to suit your needs.

Pepsi_Man3000151d ago

I can't believe we're actually shitting on people for wanting t new things lmfao. We don't need every single new game to be some brand new never before seen experience but at least mix things up more. How about if spider man had an artstyle similar to sunset overdrive or spider verse? How about if sushi ghost had anthropomorphic characters similar to sly Cooper? How bout if RGG made a streets of rage game instead of yet another fucking yakuza game? But they cant cuz people arent accepting of new ideas. They want the same damn food over and over and over. HE'S what's wrong with the industry??? Lmao this is one of the most circus ass comments I've ever seen

phoenixwing151d ago (Edited 151d ago )

i'm shitting on jwill specefically for wanting new stuff. you first say you can't believe then say "we don't need every single new game to be some brand new never before seen experience" who is this we? because as far as i know JWILL has kept to his guns about wanting it completely new every time for him which is why i shit on his philosophy. Second just because you don't like the glider or different story or extra abilities to differentiate itself doesn't mean I don't. I think that's enough of a differentiation. Also again it's stupid as hell to always demand new in a world where most everything is a copy to some extent of each other. Also suck it up buttercup i actually like all those yakuza games. it wouldn't really be ghost at all to have anthropromorphic characters it's a game inspired by history with embellishment not full on creature feature. I actually find your comment to be very juvenile for thinking you're in the right to demand everything be new. please share your wisdom of what NEW things should be made? oh wait you can't because it's usually pretty hard to come up with something new and really unrealistic to demand it every single time. Do you get that? PEPSI you're basically a spoiled child. oh how horrible the same damn food? how could they? oh know i have to eat the same meal twice *throw a fit* who cares about the quality of the meal amirite? you don't even care that it's a high quality meal but the fact it's the same meal throws you in a conniption? gtfoh

Pepsi_Man3000150d ago

Ya know what you're right. My response was hot headed and silly. Every now and again I lose my cool and end up sounding like some weirdo Twitter user. That's my bad.

But here's my cool headed take:

I'm not asking that every game be brand new. I get that it really ain't easy to come up with new ideas like that. It would just be nice for devs to take more risks. Look at hi fi rush. Sure it isn't a COMPLETELY new idea cuz we've had similar action games before, but how many of em implemented music into the combat? Plus there's the cool comic book/Saturday morning cartoon artstyle and the mc fights with a guitar. Or what about most of the games Platinumgames has put out? Vanquish, W101, Astral chain, etc. These games have something unique or innovative going for them one way or another.

Sure souls games are really good. Sure yakuza games are very well made. But it'd be great to see RGG make other games alongside those many yakuza games or for fromsoft to make something as whacky as metal wolf chaos or an action game like otogi alongside their souls games.

And no disrespect but your mindset seems like one of the major reasons why AAA gaming is the way it is. These developers are creators. Artists even. They probably have many ideas they wanna try or formulas they wanna revisit but can't.

It sucks dude.

phoenixwing150d ago

Kudos for admitting you jumped the gun most ppl usually double down. I agree innovation is nice and taking risks is appreciated when companies do that. I'm not saying I want nothing but bland works. I think this game will be good quality given the dev company behind it. And I get that you don't want boring games but the current rise of Ronin game has barely revealed enough for anyone to definitively hate it imo. And I get that you don't like people supporting stagnation but I'd rather we as a community look at the artists and expect them to make quality products as opposed to constantly demanding something completely new every time. While it is definitely appreciated that someone makes something new we need to see the context of the industry.

Also if you want risks you'll have to look to indies. Aaa takes so many resources that a risk could sink a company if it doesn't pay off. So to answer your question why it would be nice to see whacky or new ideas many of them might lead to a commercial failure and shut down a talented developer. If you got what you wanted a good amount of devs would have shut down. Which hurts in the long run.

jwillj2k4144d ago (Edited 144d ago )

Besides ignoring most of your mindless ranting, I see that you keep saying I’m only looking for new experiences. That’s about half true, I can enjoy a part two of something, even a Part III if it’s enjoyable. Hell I own all the FF games except 16

However, when I see a new IP whose mechanics are mix of a game that has 13 releases. 13, along with another genre that’s being spammed going back to ps4 (don’t make me name all the nioh/samura like variations that are out/coming out). I feel like I need to vomit. There really is no creativity left.

And get off my d*** I’m tired of your tl:dr posts clogging up the forums.

phoenixwing144d ago

You refuse to name the samurai games coming out because there aren't alot and it would make your argument worse.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 144d ago
neutralgamer1992151d ago (Edited 151d ago )


good thing there are many other great games, we all don't have to like the same games. You are looking for new IP's type experiences but these games have dedicated fanbases who want these experiences. I still wouldn't call them boring. Instead of making click bait comments try to have a mature conversation

we all need gaming to grow since business of gaming has grown way too fast and gamers are still stuck with my box is better mindset

jwillj2k4151d ago

It’s a safe boring concept.

Snowb420151d ago (Edited 151d ago )

What's the point of your comment? You aren't interested in the game, based on your comment. Yet you seek it out to share your displeasure with something you HAVEN'T played. By my guess, you never intend to play, even if it gets a demo.

jwillj2k4151d ago

Oh it could keep me entertained, but it’s still a regurgitation on top of regurgitation.

DarXyde151d ago

Can you provide an example of something that is not rinse and repeat?

jwillj2k4151d ago

Demon souls
Final fantasy tactics
Last of Us 1
Shadow of Colossus
Jet grind radio
Nioh 1
Dragon Force
Guardian Heroes
12 minutes
Silent hill 1
Metal gear solid 1
Mario rpg
Ninja gaiden 1
Final Fantasy 7
Skies of Arcadia

It’s not the genre it’s the game mechanics and gameplay. I don’t wanna say “oh yea just like in x” when there are already 8-10 variations of the same exact gameplay in the same console cycle

phoenixwing151d ago (Edited 151d ago )

you only prove his point jwill. darx asked you to provide examples and all those games were only fresh when they first arrived now they're all improved upon at this point. if they released today you'd be yelling from the rooftops about how they're boring and don't bring anything new to the table. Are you even capable of enjoying something if it's not new? because the way you're acting shows you really can't at this point. Which goes back to what i was saying before, you don't actually enjoy video games. you're after new experiences only.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 144d ago
Plague-Doctor27152d ago

I really couldn't get into Nioh or Wo Long at all. Will definitely be wait and see with this game, especially with Dragons Dogma 2 coming out the same day. The fact Sony is putting this under the PS Studios name makes me somewhat optimistic at least that they've vetted the quality of the game

Shiro173151d ago

Nioh has the best fighting in any souls like games even including all the souls games. Story ain't the best but build and fighting are amazing.

Broncob150d ago

Nioh has NOT got better combat than the souls series, or ER, Sekiro, BB etc. are you insane?

Hereandthere152d ago

Cant wait, it being exclusive means no diminished product because of series s.

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Rise of the Ronin Releases Big New Update

The latest update for Rise of the Ronin brings huge changes to the game by introducing new content, adjusting the gameplay, and fixing bugs.

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ZeekQuattro10d ago

Gotta get back to this. I took a break for a while.

H98d ago

I started this yesterday, it's like Ghost of Tsushima but with a actually fun combat, I don't like the Assassin's Creed world design in both tbh

EnViiDisnuCCa8d ago

Ain't nothing like ghost of tsushima rise of the ronin is way different from ghost

H98d ago

Same open world design which is the biggest chunk of the game, the biggest difference are the combats which is great and the souls style interconnected dungeons

Elda8d ago

I just beat the game & it does remind me of Ghost Of Tsushima. It has some Ghost Of Tsushima influences, though Rise OF The Ronin is its own game.

notachance8d ago

I had a blast with it, AC style open-world with Nioh gameplay, and the combat was way easier than their past title so you can actually chill while playing it and not raging all over the open world.

Demetrius8d ago

I tried getting into this but it felt way too much like a souls game, it felt like fromsoftware made it, it would be nice if most devs knew they don't have to copy souls game for success, cause most of every game that copies them I rarely hear about those titles again and people I've talked to rarely know about em, but they know of darksouls, elden ring, can't beat the originals, not saying ronin a bad game I'm just not into souls like games I like for devs to be creative and copy less, it's so many ideas games could use nowadays

Einhander19727d ago (Edited 7d ago )

"I tried getting into this but it felt way too much like a souls game."

You can change the difficulty and make it more like a hack and slash. It doesn't need to be a stressful playthrough.

Psychonaut858d ago

Good to see them continuing to support it, good game but definitely needed some love.


Team Ninja: How Ninja Gaiden and Nioh connect to Rise of the Ronin

Many of you who have already played Rise of the Ronin may have noticed some elements of our previous works such as Ninja Gaiden and Nioh from Team Ninja. Today we’re excited to share some of the behind-the-scenes development stories for the first time. Plus we share details on an upcoming game update.

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purple10110d ago

not a good title FPS RUSSIA. should have gone with: "new content added'. ... or something like that

try : 'New and expanded content 5 new Ally Missions added. + Addition of dojo training partners"


Lol thats the title of the article by playstation blog what are you talking about ?


Read the article it has nothing to do with what you said

purple1019d ago

I literally copied and pasted that from the bottom of the article

DEEBO9d ago

The new update is so good...


Rise of the Ronin—A History of Music With Composer Inon Zur

CGMagazine had the opportunity to speak about the soundtrack of Rise of the Ronin, Starfield and more with composer Inon Zur.

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