Zombieburger638180d ago

Eh R* pushed shark cards so hard and ruined the red dead online. They deserve the leaks.

VenomUK180d ago

Stone the crows it’s been a while!

Graphics looks good, I can see the trademark animations movements from the old games. Watching it made me smile, I love the whole world you get immersed in - Vice City now with TikTok style livestreams. Lead girl seems cool. I can’t wait to play… but I guess I have to because it’s not coming out until 2025!

GTA VI - bring it on! 🤣

TripleAAARating180d ago

man the npc density is what caught me the most, the clips on the beach and in the club with all characters engaged in different activities and animations is absolutely insane 😳

amazinglover180d ago

R* suits pushed shark cards the devs who the brunt of the work don't deserve the leaks.

z2g179d ago

sorry that's a pretty basic way of thinking. they pushed shark cards, and people bought them so they kept selling them. that's on us the consumer for spending so much money. nobody says "hey this is making money, lets stop selling it".

also nobody deserves to get fucked over when they've done nothing wrong. It spoils the whole vibe for not just all the people (yes people just like you and me) who worked on the game and the people like me who had a whole plan.

im sure I'll get downvoted for being the adult in the room but this kind of attitude of justifying bad behavior is shitty imo.

TallDarknWavy179d ago

But really, do the woke imbeciles know that this isn't a superhero game, and that there's no way in hell a woman is a realistic playable character in the realistic world of GTA?
Sorry cucks, women are not going to physically manhandle men in any realistic situation. Leave that fantasy for your silly superhero movies and games, GTA is set in real life only.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 179d ago
OtterX180d ago

I'm sure they anticipated this happening, were ready to take this live on YouTube if so.

Man, the graphics are insane. I'm not liking the 2025 release date, but it is what it is.

Newmanator180d ago

Agreed. I would have loved a little bit of gameplay but it is a while away so I get it.

RaidenBlack180d ago

I need to stop re-watching the damn trailer ... been a dozen time already

EvertonFC179d ago

I imagine it's early 2025 maybe February so ONLY 14 months away not too bad hopefully

seanpitt23179d ago

Yeah it be a fall 2025 release September to November so nearly 2 years to wait! The trailer was impressive didn't like the plastic looking skin on the NPC's at the beach but alot will change and improve in 2 years

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 179d ago
shammgod180d ago

How does this affect you at all?

thorstein180d ago (Edited 180d ago )

Nintendo canceled a live action Zelda adaptation after a leak.

So leaks do affect people.People lost their jobs.

Personal opinions aside, people have had games ruined by leakers.

sparky77180d ago

Almost looks like CGI, Rockstar certainly never disappoints.

Obscure_Observer180d ago

It will set a new bar for current gen games!

I can´t wait!!!

Pyrofire95180d ago

Well it was generated by computers.

RaidenBlack180d ago

Based on the visuals and the 2025 release ... I can safely hope, it ain't gonna be a cross-gen game ...

Obscure_Observer180d ago

"I can safely hope, it ain't gonna be a cross-gen game ..."

Only current gen consoles. Not even a PC port.

RaidenBlack180d ago

* Not even a PC port "at launch".
Fixed it for ya, lad

Stanjara179d ago

PS5/PS6 baby. Of course it will be.

Profchaos179d ago

There's zero chance of that. it'll be ps5 and Xbox given how much is happening on the screen at the same time like at the beach I wouldn't be shocked if it's 30 fps and 1440p.

Switch 2 is rumoured but I don't believe it.

Also I bet PC comes 24 months later as is the style of Rockstar PC ports gta iv was 12 months, gta v 24 months, rdr 2 12 months

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 179d ago
thorstein180d ago

It looks so gooooooood! I went back and really looked at some details. The beach from above, dolphins and sharks are surfacing from the water. There was so much detail to everything. And the way NPCs were responding to what was around them in the most organic ways just made is seem so awesome.

This looks good. Really good.

Lightning77179d ago (Edited 179d ago )

As expected. It's also a 2025 game. Which is not at all a surprising. I know Most are anticipating this game but I'm not clinching my teeth like most. Knowing how R* works we won't see another trailer a year from now. I'll get excited when the time comes closer. Until then rather focus on the year ahead.

seanpitt23179d ago

Yeah fall 2025 like red dead 2 that was a 2 year time line after the first trailer hit!

thorstein179d ago

I think it's supposed to release April 1st, 25.

There is some R* merch that had the trailer release date on it. Forgot where I read that. PCgamer or one of those gaming sites that all look exactly alike.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 179d ago
GaboonViper180d ago

2025 is gonna be a long hard time to wait for this, Lucia looks fit as f**k and the World looks alive and beautiful, i simply cannot wait.

Gamingsince1981180d ago

Well opinions are opinions I guess.

Huey_My_D_Long180d ago

Yes, and air is air, water is water

Babadook7179d ago (Edited 179d ago )

“Lucia looks fit as f**k”

She’s nice but could be fitter imo.

I hope they bring back the exercise related body shapes from San Andreas. I’d never use a car! ;)

Number1TailzFan180d ago

Bets on it being a locked 30fps on consoles? I'd bet on that.

Stevonidas180d ago

I think it's time for me to build a new PC in anticipation of this.

andy85180d ago

Doubt it. Plus the pro will likely be out

Tacoboto180d ago

I'll give it a 0% chance of releasing on PC in 2025

Number1TailzFan180d ago

Yeah it may well not release on PC the same year as consoles. Not an issue if you double dip, sucks though considering R* started making games for PC first.

@andy85 yeah I'd bet on mid gen console refreshes being needed for this to run noticeably better, could be wrong but I'd give it a good guess.

--Onilink--179d ago (Edited 179d ago )

Absolutely locked to 30fps on consoles. I would expect a PS5 Pro upgrade to push for 60fps, but doubtful it would happen at launch. Probably 6-12 months later like I imagine will happen with the PC Port , which I know they never release day 1 on PC, but given how much money they have made in GTA Online on PC its still a bit surprising this wont break the trend

EvertonFC179d ago

PS5 PRO is a must imo if you want the 60fps

FinalFantasyFanatic179d ago


Nvidia should have new GPUs out by then, if they're reasonably priced, it's definitely time for an upgrade.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 179d ago
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Take-Two CEO Cites GTA as “#1 Entertainment Property of All-Time Across All Forms of Entertainment"

Take-Two CEO Strauss Zelnick claims that the Grand Theft Auto franchise is the no. 1 entertainment property of all-time across all forms of media, and cites the recent GTA 6 reveal trailer as proof.

CrimsonWing691d 3h ago

I mean, GTA V has pretty much stayed in the top 10 for the past 3 generations, which is absolutely nuts.

badboyz0914h ago

Is this news? Mario or pokemon maybe.

Inverno13h ago(Edited 13h ago)

No, it's a great series and I've enjoyed playing a few of the games but there's games i Rather play than GTA. There are movies i rather watch, or manga i Rather read, or albums i rather listen to.

The_Blue10h ago

You would compared a series and not hobbies.

Inverno10h ago

"all forms of entertainment". Books, movies, games, music, sports, theater, are not jus hobbies they're entertaining. For as big as GTA is, for as many people there are that game, there are more that do not play games and most likely haven't ever heard of GTA. They can't claim to be number 1 across all forms of entertainment when there's so many forms of entertainment.

badboyz0913h ago(Edited 13h ago)

Now that they own Zynga I 100% guarantee you GTA on Switch 2 and Mobile.

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Take-Two CEO: "Highly Confident" on GTA 6 Fall 2025 Release Window, Rockstar Seeking "Perfection"

Take-Two CEO Strauss Zelnick is "highly confident" on the GTA 6 Fall 2025 release window, and claims Rockstar is seeking perfection.

Profchaos11d ago

That's not good he told us he was seeking perfection just before the definitive edition dropped

gold_drake10d ago

its gonna be a crazy later half of a year whennit drops.

i think its a smart move to target fall, especially cause ppl stay in more frequently

CrimsonWing6910d ago

I honestly feel this will be next level.

Cacabunga10d ago

RDR2 blows GTA5 open world off the water… I am having very very very high expectations from this one.

andy8510d ago

Please please give me a 60 fps mode or at the very least 40 fps

Zeke6810d ago

40 fps gives 120 fps with VRR. I would love that!!

bRuud8310d ago

60 fps is not going to happen on the base PS5 and Xbox series X. Maybe 40 fps on PS5 Pro.

andy8510d ago

People argued said it wasn't with Starfield, making excuses for why it wasn't possible to have 60 fps but as expected they made one. It's always possible with some limitations

Ray J10d ago

with PSSR on the PS5 Pro, 60fps is fortunately in the cards, let's hope Rockstar makes it happen.

Chocoburger10d ago

No, what you're seeking is "perfect micro-trash-actions gameplay loop", that's all you care about, you sleazy douche.


GTA VI To Release In Fall 2025, Confirms Take-Two

Take-Two Interactive has confirmed that Rockstar Games' next entry in the Grand Theft Auto series, GTA VI, is set for release in Fall 2025.

Read Full Story >>
purple10116d ago

bad = give it mo me NOW!! we can't wait another year.!!!!
good = I have another year to save up another £500 for a ps5pro

MestreRothN4G16d ago

You’ll wait at least 2.
The fake 2025 release date is not counting the multiple delays.

Sonic188116d ago

Did anyone assume a different release date? I didn't

notachance15d ago

I didn’t but now that they confirmed it I expect winter or spring 2026 instead

nzjono16d ago

Not everyone lives in Merica or uses the term fall to describe Autumn, state the month.

isarai16d ago

That's why google exists 👍

romulus2316d ago

I live in "Merica" and I don't call it fall, I call it Merlinpeen. FYI Fall/Autumn is the months of Sept, Oct, Nov.

Rebel_Scum15d ago

Ya know the seasons pretty much work opposite each other right. So autumn in the north is spring in the south.

But I agree with you on the whole season mention for release windows. I still get annoyed by online sales that are called summer sales in bloody winter.

CantThinkOfAUsername15d ago

Stating the month is not a good PR practice.

Suave_Langosta15d ago

You sound like a real blast at parties! Maybe not everyone takes your personal journey through life into account when they are making a point. Use Google and stop complaining.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 15d ago
isarai16d ago

So spring 2026, got it! 👌

PassNextquestion16d ago (Edited 16d ago )

That feels like forever away..I guess the GTA after that won't come out till 2035.

sagapo16d ago

Yeah, but we might have Red Dead 3 to fill the gap?

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