
Review: Zombies Ate My Neighbors and Ghoul Patrol - Nintendolife

A game as good as Zombies Ate My Neighbors deserves a stronger package than this one, which feels in parts like a bit of a hack job. We're sure it isn't, but the lack of extras or even meaningful settings to change (again, you can't remap the controls) are a huge bummer. We could complain about the lack of the Mega Drive version, as while most favour the SNES game there is something to be said for the Sega port's always-visible status screen, but overall we still recommend this package to anyone who simply wants a slightly inferior version of a bloomin' brilliant game on their Switch, plus its much worse, but kind of okay sequel. This is — shockingly — probably the worst way to play Zombies Ate My Neighbors ever, but it's still a way to play Zombies Ate My Neighbors. So it gets the slightest of thumbs-ups.

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Knightofelemia1064d ago

$19 on Xbox so worth it wish there was a physical port I own the SNES version and Genesis version of Zombies Ate My Neighbors. Never played Ghoul Patrol the cart itself is just too damn expensive to purchase on Ebay so this is the second choice to go with.

Neonridr1064d ago

Limited Run Games is doing physical carts for both games that are playable on the SNES / Genesis


Zombies Ate My Neighbors and Ghoul Patrol Review | TheXboxHub

Paul writes: "The double offering of Zombies Ate My Neighbors and Ghoul Patrol makes a lot of sense if you are looking for a retro-styled challenge. It’s able to deliver all the difficulty of old-skool gaming, and all the challenge that entails, but in a modern setting that even allows saves to be made; the best of both worlds."

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Zombies Ate My Neighbors and Ghoul Patrol bring 16-bit action to Xbox, PlayStation, Switch and PC

Neil writes: "Much like the releases of today, not all games from the early 1990s were a success. But Zombies Ate My Neighbors went down pretty well, so well in fact that it inspired a sequel - Ghoul Patrol. And that was pretty well received too, so much so that both Zombies Ate My Neighbors and Ghoul Patrol have now been relaunched on Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, PS4, Nintendo Switch and PC."

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