
Cyberpunk 2077 for Xbox One and PlayStation 4 Review - IGN

Please don't play Cyberpunk 2077 on a base Xbox One or PS4. It is a shockingly bad way to experience what is a fantastic RPG on better hardware.

LucasRuinedChildhood1264d ago (Edited 1264d ago )

A lot of people aren't even going to remember this as being a good game despite its quality because of these versions and all of the bugs plaguing every version of the game. It's all just a real shame. We got Cyberpunked

1264d ago Replies(1)
Ashunderfire861264d ago

Cyberpunked good one lol I see what you did there.

TallDarknWavy1264d ago

What's sad is CD Prokect Red has a good reputation of fixing games... eventually.
This game will be great in 6-12 months. The reviews will not change, however. What a shame, given the frame rate isn't even as bad as it was on PS3 games which had terrible frame rate that we all just put up with.

bouzebbal1264d ago

They have to be sued over this disaster..

ravinash1264d ago

@ bouzebbal

Everyone knows the issues can be patched and will be fixed.
Ya can't going round suing everyone just because the game has a few bugs.
If the game was missing what it promised as advertised, then sure.
But other than than, you have the right to return the product if its faulty.

If everyone sued games companies for what ever reason, no one would want to make games.

DOMination-1264d ago

They probably aren't sueing because it's buggy, but because CDPR went out of their way to lie and cover up the state of these versions.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1264d ago
hulk_bash19871264d ago

Honestly if that is the case, it all falls on CDPR for not being transparent about the last gen versions. Im glad i got it on PC, even though there are still bugs, it's in a playable state.

--Onilink--1264d ago

Its honestly weird, because technically they also werent transparent on how much better it could actually look on a capable enough PC or how much it had improved over the E3 demo

So they bought undersold and oversold the game at the same time.

My guess is that the extra time went into pushing the visuals and other aspects to even higher levels but they never stopped to consider if they were pushing too much.

It reminds me of AC Unity in that regard, which was way too ambitious for its own good

gamer78041264d ago

Atleast at some point it can become good eventually on the base platforms, unlike some games which are forever marred like tlou2. But yah if you have a base platform I would suggest getting a next gen console or waiting til end of February

outsider16241264d ago

Lol..yeah right..forever marred with Game of the year awards. Wait..rigged you say? Ok..forever marred with Ultimate game of the year voted by fans.

1264d ago
RazzerRedux1264d ago

"unlike some games which are forever marred like tlou2"

You can't help yourself, can you?

SullysCigar1264d ago

Lamest troll attempt ever lol

gamer78041264d ago (Edited 1264d ago )

@outsider game awards was fine what are you talking about. Ghost got players choice. And as expected critics chose tlou2

@razzer it’s a fine point to make that both games are controversial for different reasons. underneath the performance issues and bugs of cyberpunk lies a game that most people that buy it will love. It just needs more time in the oven.

RazzerRedux1264d ago (Edited 1264d ago )

lol.....you can cut the bullshit. You didn't compare two for being "controversial". You said TLOU 2 was "forever marred" (as if that is fact, siding with detractors and pretending the game doesn't have fans) while Cyberpunk 2077 has a chance for to become good. This is just you being the Xbox fanboy that you are who has an obvious need to bring in Sony and/or PS into conversations where there is no place for it. Examples of games that became good are AC: Unity and Batman Arkham Knight (on PC) and would have made your point more effectively. Hell, Crackdown 3 is a better example of a game not delivering what it promised. Oh....but that's Xbox so no. Nope....you *had* to somehow point to Sony like you always do.

Bottom line: you are just a simple console warrior. It is "fine" to point that out.

1264d ago
gamer78041264d ago (Edited 1264d ago )

@razzer you realize "marred" is my opinion right? I could easily insert something like Darksiders Genesis if something multplatform doesn't upset you although TLOU2 was more dissapointing (for me). Maybe you aren't an analogy person but feel free to insert another game in place of TLOU2 that had a final release that personally disappointed you greatly. I'm not an AC fan so thats not a good analogy for me because i thought they are generally well received. A game that disappointed me on xbox was sea of thieves but no where near the disappointment that was TLOU2 or darksiders genesis. Also crackdown3 i thought i would hate it, but it was free on gamespass and i finished the game and absolutely loved it, 8/10 for me. The point was an analogy, insert a game that is forever not good in your eyes feel free to insert in place of TLOU2 rather than assuming every game i might like or dislike. But again, no need for personal attacks.

gamer78041264d ago (Edited 1264d ago )

@poopy absolutely incorrect, one of my favorite games of the generation was Detroit Become Human, a fantastic well written story and characters, simply beautiful all around.

RazzerRedux1264d ago

So you went from comparing fixing Cyberpunk 2077 to "forever marred" TLOU 2 to then pretending you were talking about controversial games to now pretending you were talking about games that personally disappointed you.

lol....enjoy your rabbit hole.

gamer78041264d ago

@razzer sorry but i can't help if you don't understand what an analogy is. I was trying to clarify that both are controversial games but for different reasons. You are free to choose another controversial game if it doesn't upset you, but people are going to have different opinions, maybe not as much on this site but they will.

I know CDPR will do their best to fix this game on lower end consoles, its just not every game is fixable by nature.

RazzerRedux1263d ago (Edited 1263d ago )

"sorry but i can't help if you don't understand what an analogy is. "

And so much for your bullshit protests on personal attacks as well.

" people are going to have different opinions, maybe not as much on this site but they will."

And yet here were are.....somehow? How do you or I exist on this site again if different opinions are not allowed? Idiotic argument when we are actually having an argument. lol

"I know CDPR will do their best to fix this game on lower end consoles, its just not every game is fixable by nature."

This is where you are confused....badly. Not every game needs "fixing". I don't like every game. That doesn't mean the game needs fixing. It means I don't like it and nothing more. Once again, you are equating a game needing fixing with a game you personally do not like. That is a bullshit argument and it comes from you being an Xbox fanboy bringing in PS games that you have no business bring up at all.

And no...you have no right to bitch about me calling you that when you wrongfully insulted my ability to recognize an analogy.

gamer78041263d ago (Edited 1263d ago )

@razzer name calling would be a personal attack, it seemed like you were truly failing to understand the analogy, my apologies if you were offended it was a little insulting since it appears you do. I’ll try to do better next time, I was just getting a little frustrated.

Regarding fixing many would agree tlou2 is poorly written and or written in a way that offends. Obviously there are people on the other side that liked it. That’s why it there is no changing it or fixing it. Feel free to pick a game that works in that analogy for you. I did also pick a multiplatform and first party on Xbox as well. I’m free to choose my games for this analogy as you are yours.

+ Show (10) more repliesLast reply 1263d ago
sinjonezp1264d ago

Good one mate. I have been playing on PC and it’s so poorly optimized. I look at a title like Red Dead 2. Runs great FPS, with visuals turned up to high. I can’t even run this on low at 1080p with FPS in the 30-40s. I have a GTX1080... It’s sad and I do hope they work on some updates because it’s a very intriguing game in its scope.

ninsigma1264d ago

I'm running it on ultra settings with film grain turned off at 1080p on a gtx 1080. Something else must be the problem.

ninsigma1264d ago

Forgot to say, getting FPS in the 40s and 50s

JEECE1264d ago

We'll see. PS3 owners got screwed on Skyrim, and that was 2 years before it was available on PS4, and they didn't get a free upgrade. No one seems to remember that now.

On the other hand, the disappointment in Andromeda hurt sales of Anthem. So we'll see which way it goes.

SmokinAces1264d ago

First impressions do tend to stick with people and CDPR has a real problem in that department with Cyberpunk, then again some games are able to overcome their initial issues and become largely praised after patches and content additions like No Mans Sky and Sea of Thieves for example.

mormeck1264d ago

The problem is, it's not a good game. it's a very average game. Setting and the world is great, combat mechanics are mediocre, story and writing is woefully generic.

Kyizen1264d ago

Not true at all. Look at No Man's Sky. They were so hated. Came out as bait and switch with flast promises and trailers. And... They just won Best community developer at the game awards

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 1263d ago
SullysCigar1264d ago

I did not see this coming from IGN...I can almost afford them a semblance of respect! (almost..!)

njitram20001264d ago

They tend to say what the people want to hear. The PC version is decent and the game was super hyped so they gave it a 9/10 or something). They were only able to review the PS4/XBone version now and there is all the hate so the give the people what they want to hear :)

Artemidorus1264d ago

Whilst many are calling out 'Cyberjunk' I still feel it's ok to try just know your expectations.

RazzerRedux1264d ago

It is junk on consoles, apparently. That doesn't mean the game is bad elsewhere. I'd say on consoles it probably deserves low scores like this. On PC, I think it is an 8. Could be a 9 if they work out some glitches and improve the AI.

Regardless, CDPR as a company has been disappointing in how they have handled this.

Artemidorus1264d ago

It's disappointing but the gameplay is ok.

anast1264d ago

I am playing on a base slim and it's far from junk. It looks better than any Bethesda game that's for sure. IGN saw blood in the water and cashed in.

I'm letdown by CDPR though. I thought they were one of the good ones. lol

SonyPS3601264d ago (Edited 1264d ago )

Easily a 9 on PC if you aren't blinded by the controversy. Bugs are far less of an issue and will be fixed in subsequent patches.

With that being said, it's no excuse that they hid how bad the base-console versions were. There was no way for players to know or expect how bad these versions are because CDPR knowingly hid any footage of it, and naturally player trust in CDPR will be damaged.

It's a shame really, but it won't stop me playing the superb PC version either.

Tacoboto1264d ago

My opinion is going down the more I play it.
Waypoint routing is completely wrong sometimes
I couldn't drive my car through a police baracade after a mission. Good thing there was a fast travel point just outside.
The last enemy to get a checkpoint in a mission clipped through an elevator.
Robotic suitcase dog floats in mid air. Suitcase is invisible. Suitcase reappears floating above the ground.
Floating cell phones randomly in a hallway.
My health and weapon info on the HUD sometimes don't appear.
Driving the car feels worse than GTA V. I switch to a controller because WASD on that thing is just janky.

The graphics are absolutely stunning. The animations and quality of the writing are top-notch. But daaamn this is unfinished and frankly unpolished even on PC. And Keanu sounds bored.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1264d ago
Vanfernal1264d ago

You can't know your expectations when the company deliberately hid how it performed on consoles, only allowed their own footage to be used on reviews, and only gave out pc review copies. If they had been upfront about the console versions being so undercooked maybe people would've tempered their expectations. Everyone knew the game would be limited on consoles compared to pc. They didn't know it would be almost unplayable.

SullysCigar1264d ago

Honestly, on OG Xbox One, I'd say literally unplayable - just watch that Digital Foundry video, it's shocking.

Even on the One X they had 8 crashes in 1 hour.

Blastoise1264d ago

No excuse for this in a year that saw the PS4 running Ghost of Tsushima, The Last of Us 2 and Final Fantasy VII remake

Mr Logic1264d ago

So 2 linear games and 1 open world that is empty...ok....

TGGJustin1264d ago

Um then how about Watch Dogs Legion and Assassin's Creed Valhalla? The fact that anyone tries to defend Cyberpunk 2077 is stupid. This game was always meant for PS4 and Xbox One as it has been in the works for 7 years. It was only decided later to move it to next-gen. No major AAA game that released on these 7 year old machines this year runs this bad and is this broken.

LucasRuinedChildhood1264d ago

You know, CDPR are promising to fix it in patches coming in January and February. If they succeed, it will just further prove that the game was not ready for release.

Army_of_Darkness1264d ago

@mr logic.... Bro, do you not see the overall point of his comment? Try looking outside the box of your cyberbug fanboyishness.... 😳🙄

EmperorDalek1264d ago (Edited 1264d ago )

Still not a fair comparison, Justin. Assassin's Creed doesn't have much of an interactive world, and is probably comparable to that of Ghost of Tsushima. Don't even get me started on Watch Dogs. The best comparison would be Skyrim or Fallout... and even then Cyberpunk is far more dense, with more complex quests.

Not trying to defend the base versions of the game, they aren't acceptable, but it's vastly more complex than any other game this year.

mkis0071264d ago

Cyberpunk pretends to have an interactive world. Its all smoke and mirrors.

JEECE1264d ago

Yeah, this is fairly sad. I agree they shouldn't have released it on last gen consoles in this state (they should have simply cancelled the old version), but this nonsense of "I can name an open world third person action game that runs at 30 fps on PS4, therefore Cyberpunk can run on PS4" is a little bit sad. If you really think a generic Assassin's Creed map is comparable to Cyberpunk's map in terms of complexity, I can't help you.

AsunaYuukiTheFlash1264d ago (Edited 1264d ago )

Cyberbug is empty af. Yes I beat the game so I know what Im talking about. Even if thats the case how do you explain RDR2????

goldwyncq1264d ago

Base PS4 could also run Red Dead 2 with very few problems which looks a lot better than Cyberpunk.

neutralgamer19921264d ago (Edited 1264d ago )


At the very least those games are playable/enjoyable. If this game was released by ubi, ea or any of the big publisher gamers like you would be in line to bash them. Now it's CDPR and gamers like you are defending this crap


This is why publishers take us serious. So you think its fair to release broken, unfinished, buggy, glitchy game and charge full price and don't even allow console reviews/gameplay till the game releases.

Bottom line game development is a complex thing and all games take some shortcut but cyberpunk took the game polish for granted and they knew ahead of time it wasn't ready that's why they didn't let anyone show gameplay before the release


Your whole comment is a defense for CDPR and full of excuses. We have 7 years worth of games so you are saying everything before cyberpunk isn't on the same level. That's your opinion but fact of the matter it other games have done sense worlds and great stories/quest yet ran and looked fine doing it

Gamers have to stop defending this and treat all publishers the same. CDPR got away with it when witcher 3 launched and now that has become a defensive thing saying well cyberpunk will improve like witcher 3 did. If after all these years their next game after witcher 3 launches in worst shape than did they learn anything. CDPR don't deserve any defense because they knew when they were launching the game that it wasn't ready

And they said:


nix1264d ago

Spiderman? You've forgotten that?

SyntheticForm1264d ago (Edited 1264d ago )

Games of all stripes and sizes new and old run better than Cyberpunk, and those games didn't even promise the moon like this game did. Most of those games in development far less than seven years.

They look better, run better, have more complex systems, and have better (or actual) AI. Cyberpunk is a poor game in many, many ways.

SmokinAces1264d ago

Mr Logic huh? Might be time for a new username. lol

1264d ago
JesusBuiltmyHotrod1264d ago

Stop drinking the koolaid, the game world is shallow and all window dressing, the AI is awful this game is doing nothing new and is a mess.

Mr Logic1264d ago

To all the dumbass hateboys. Do you not see how your hatred consumes you? You'll notice that I actually don't defend CP2077 WHAT-SO-EVER. I merely am criticizing the COMPARISON. Get some fresh air. The smell of the sweat from your fat folds is clearly clouding your mind.

+ Show (13) more repliesLast reply 1264d ago
Gunstar751264d ago

Massively different games and technology

JEECE1264d ago

This person probably also thinks Red Dead Redemption 2 could run on PS2. I mean, why not, PS2 ran Vice City? Both are open worlds, and if a platform can run one open world, clearly it can handle any other open world.

JRPGsAreTheBest1264d ago

The best part of this comment is that Red Dead Redemption 2 is a great case for why cyberpunk should have been able to run much much better this gen anyways lol. Yet that game came out two years ago right? No excuse today

Shane Kim1264d ago

So what's the difference in technology? Please tell.

JEECE1264d ago

My PC ran Counter-Strike 1.6, so it should run Crysis. Both are shooters, after all.

yeahokwhatever1264d ago

Cyberpunk isn't some ultra-next-gen visual masterpiece. It looks really good, But there are times when other games look just as good, if not better. Fantastic game and I love it, but other companies could have made the game run better on a playstation and its been proven.

frostypants1264d ago (Edited 1264d ago )

It clearly wasn't finished but CDPR was apparently desperate for that revenue on their 2020 balance sheet. Very bad form. Basically made everyone an unwilling early access participant. I have no doubt it will be a great game when finished but they just squandered all the good will they earned with Witcher 3.

gold_drake1264d ago



smashman981264d ago

Cyberpunk does things that are much more ambitious than any of those games. On top of that, it had the added obstacle of having to be optimized for like 7 different consoles and 6 different PC presets. Which none of the games you listed had to deal with.

The last-gen versions of this game should have just been canceled.

With all that being said CD red is known for their excellent post-launch support and I know they won't let people down on that front.

1264d ago
JesusBuiltmyHotrod1264d ago

Like what? No it doesn't..at all, the NPC's Ai and, traffic re braindead and awful the game has no interactivity...

JesusBuiltmyHotrod1264d ago

@emperorDalek...lol at your defense...Cyberpunks work has zero interactivity, Ai is brain dead, traffic and NPC's are garb age...Stop defending corporations, this game is a total mess and gamers were lied to over and over.

chiefJohn1171264d ago

Those don't come close to Cyberpunk in scale

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 1264d ago
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Cyberpunk 2077 Support Concludes As CDPR Turns Focus Towards Next Witcher Title & Other Projects

CD Projekt has concluded support work on Cyberpunk 2077, as the studio has turned focus towards the next Witcher and several other projects.

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DustMan3d ago

Such a great game. Recently started another playthrough.

Aussiesummer3d ago

I really have to get back into it, didn’t even get half way through, have the dlc and everything too.


Cyberpunk 2077 Director On 95% Positive Steam Rating: "Never Thought I'd See It"

Cyberpunk 2077 has come a long way from being one of the worst games on the planet to being one of the best ones.

DustMan17d ago

I shelved it after a few hours in game at launch, glad I didn't refund it. One of the few games I've actually completed in the last year, and after finishing the campaigns I wanted to just jump back in from the start. They pulled a No Mans Sky and finished one of the best FPS in the last few years.


Games That Were Bad on Release, But Are Now Great

BLG writes, "Some of the most popular games have had a rough start, with some of them being downright unplayable.

Despite that, developers have managed to turn it around for them and make their game worth playing. Here are some games that had a rough start but were pretty great."

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Terry_B28d ago

Good list..hoped to see Street Fighter 5 there..and it is.

Vits28d ago (Edited 28d ago )

Sea of Thieves... I'm not disagreeing that the game has improved in terms of content. But I feel that the most significant change between now and its release is actually the public perception. Nowadays, most people are aware that the game is a multiplayer PvP-focused experience first and foremost, and not "Black Flag made by Rare". Consequently, people dismissing the whole experience because the single-player aspect is lacking or the story is plain are much less common.

darthv7228d ago

Several years ago, i submitted an idea to Rare that would change up the mechanics of battling opponents in the game. whereby if you died in battle, you turned into a skeleton warrior and had to fight your way back to the land of the living. It was an interesting twist on respawning and would allow the player to experience both sides of a battle.

I keep hoping to see something like that get added to the game.

Kaii28d ago

They consider FO 76 & ME Andromeda to be great now 🤭

anast28d ago

Every game in the last 2 decades...


It's sad that this quick retort is more often than not true... The industry's acceptance of release and patch has gone too far.

gunnerforlife28d ago

Days gone! By the end of the game I couldn't drop it down! I went around so many hours killing zombies! It was addictive by the end.

S2Killinit28d ago

That game was just plain good game. It didnt improve, it was just good.

gunnerforlife27d ago

I don't know, I got it abit late, and struggled for a few days, and then all of a sudden it just got good!!

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