
Quantum Error for PS5, Xbox Series X, & PS4 Gets New Screenshots Showing Cutscene & Minigun

Teamkill Media revealed new screenshots of its upcoming “Cosmic Horror” game Quantum Error.

PrinceAli1315d ago

This game lost all its hype the moment they were proved to be liars...

Smclaren19851315d ago

What did they lie about ? Just wondering as I havnt heard

Ra3v3r1315d ago

I think what he meant to say was “this game lost all hype the moment I found out it wasn’t a PS5 exclusive”

1315d ago
porkChop1315d ago

How are they liars? They were planning to have the game ready for the PS5 launch, which isn't possible anymore. So if they're releasing a year later anyway, why hold back the other versions?

alyssa85361314d ago

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darksky1315d ago

Look at that low poly arm. Does the name of the game describe it ;)

shabz6661315d ago

The dev says they’re aiming for a late 2021 release. Looking forward to it.

1315d ago
SyntheticForm1314d ago

Looks interesting to me.

This gen is launching strong, I think.


Quantum Error Review // WellPlayed

Zach from WellPlayed writes "Quantum Error is a flawed, frustrating and unfun slog that collapses under the weight of its lofty ambitions to blend multiple genres and mechanics on a limited budget and developing skillset."

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Quantum Error PlayStation 5 Review | NoobFeed

NoobFeed Editor Simon Estey writes - Quantum Error is too ambitious to the detriment of basic features. It wants to be a survival horror game, a first-person shooter, and a sci-fi thriller film but doesn't pull off any of these particularly well. Its most interesting aspect is its firefighting, but this is also what it spends the least of its playtime focused on. It is incredibly impressive that it was built by such a small team, but that doesn't make it any more enjoyable to play.

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RhinoGamer88212d ago

Applaud the QE team for the effort...but their core loop is crap. Need playtesting gents!

Godmars290212d ago

So, one point for effort, minus a million for stirring up fanboy BS.

lelo2play212d ago (Edited 212d ago )

By constantly bashing the Xbox, these developers turned their shitty game in a success on the PS5. PR department deserve a raise...

babadivad212d ago

Is this the piece of shite game they claimed the S couldn't run?


Quantum Error Review – Punching Above its Weight | GB

GB: "Quantum Error is an ambitious horror shooter but most of the experience falls flat."

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lelo2play213d ago

It was these guys that were constantly bashing the Xbox to gain favoritism from Sony fanboys... and it paid off.
Sony fanboys fell for their PR BS. This turd is a success on the PS5. LOL