
List of 15 Unannounced Marvel's Avengers Heroes Datamined

It seems developer Crystal Dynamics has quite a number of unannounced Marvel's Avengers heroes planned outside of Hawkeye and Spider-Man.

Silly gameAr1383d ago

I was hoping they would at least have Wolverine on the roster, but I guess he won't be showing up in any movies anytime soon, so there's no point.

Nodoze1383d ago (Edited 1383d ago )

A few standouts, but overall a bit of a letdown. No Wolverine is a big one (movie or not). He is ICONIC. Why do I get the sense that this list was floated for maximum diversity and inclusion? Hmmm.

Sunny_D1382d ago

So insecure lol. These are characters from literally all of the MCU related media. From the movies to the tv shows other than maybe She Hulk.

CorndogBurglar1382d ago (Edited 1382d ago )

I don't know why you think that. These are all Avengers characters that have been in the movies and some that will appear in the Disney+ shows when they finally come out. Even She-Hulk is getting her own show.

1383d ago Replies(3)
autobotdan1383d ago

I wanted to play as Galactus

excaliburps1382d ago

That would be OP as hell. You'd just stomp on anyone and eat everything. XD

Demon371382d ago

I agree, the game was awful to play; They don't even look or sound like who they are supposed to be. Hard pass for me.

Nerdsworth1382d ago

Nah. No one knew WTF Anthem was. People know who the Avengers are and there are many who are pre-invested in the universe after being into the comics and films for years. It's important not to underestimate the power of cognitive ease. Anthem had a whole world and lore to introduce, its lack of immersion made it into just a video game. More people will play this, and more people will enjoy it just because it exists.

I played Anthem, got into it late, and would have liked it, but not nearly as much as I've already enjoyed the Marvel's Avengers beta. As a comic book reader I'm invested in the world, the story, and being a badass superhero; in Anthem, I didn't care about the story or the characters, I was just a badass exploring a new alien landscape.

Redgrave1382d ago

To me, the list stops after Dr. Strange because the remaining 10 heroes are pretty redundant additions. Ant-Man, Vision, Black Panther and Dr. Strange are all unique from one another and will likely bring welcome variety to the game. I'll give Wasp a free pass because while she could fall into my following argument, she can at least do things that Ant-Man can't.

The rest?

I had to look up who Quake and Mockingbird were. Quake I thought would be an X-Man based on the name, but is a shoe-in from Agents of Shield/Inhumans. Mockingbird is redundant because of Black Widow's presence.

Mar-Vell and Captain Marvel? Why? Just one would be good enough.

Winter Soldier is just more hardcore Captain America. She-Hulk is self explanatory. War Machine? Come on. Iron Man with more guns, less lasers. Kate Bishop has to be the worst offender because Hawkeye has already been confirmed. Having to re-look at the list for this comment, I will lump Scarlet Witch in with Wasp as she isn't quite a full parallel to Dr. Strange compared to most others... but hopes aren't high.

wwinterj1382d ago

At least all these characters are free. It's not a bad list.

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It's Not Too Late For Suicide Squad To Learn From Marvel's Avengers

TheGamer writes, "It feels like live service history repeating itself right now, but it's not too late to change that."

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I’m so ready for Suicide Squad to fill the Avengers void in my life

Marvel’s Avengers didn’t soar properly on PS5 and Xbox, but Kill the Justice League looks like it will improve on it in every way.

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poppatron127d ago

I can’t work out if this guy is just being sarcastic

Leeroyw127d ago

This website pumps out one shill article after the other. Does not qualify as journalism.

ShwaaMan127d ago

Said the guy who just got a big check from WB.

YourMommySpoils127d ago

Does that mean it will have a thousand pointless costumes like Avengers did, not related to the game or source?

coolbeans127d ago

"Guy who's excited for Suicide Squad to fill the void left by The Avengers' closure."

Traecy127d ago

I'll be checking it out on day one of release.

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Why Have Many of the Online Multiplayer Games of the Past Five Years Failed?

Here's a look at why so many online-multiplayer games from the past five years have struggled to retain players and their attention.

ChasterMies230d ago

Or put another way, why don’t people want to invest in an on-line storefront?

sparky77230d ago

It's simply FOMO.

Gamers always go back to their staples like COD or Fortnite. Those games have constant content and leaving them for another game means getting left behind. Why start a new game and be behind when you can stay with a game you already excel at.

Number1TailzFan229d ago (Edited 229d ago )

COD is replaced every year or almost every year, it has no time to hold a player base. 3-4 years is a good timeline for a sequel IMO if the game has enough content to begin with, maybe add a couple of free content updates a bit later after release if needed, and job done until the next game.

Soldier of Fortune 2 was one of my first few online FPS games apart from RTCW and a couple of others, and that had a couple of free patches which added in new weapons, maps and a new game mode in just a year or so. I hope the series makes a comeback, I heard MS owns it now and it has been dormant for a while.

The only sequel that came fast (just 1 year later) that impressed me with extra content over the original was L4D2, makes me wonder what happened with Valve. If they can do that in one year then what have they been doing since..

-Foxtrot229d ago (Edited 229d ago )

Because it's not about putting out a fully completed game packed with content and something that actually works

It's about putting something out broken and barebones, slowly drip feed content with a roadmap and offering tons of MTs which they hope people will buy.

I miss when you'd just get games like Killzone or Halo and they'd get a couple of DLC packs then the developers would move onto the next game. Problem is they started to be influenced by COD where future games had to have gimmicks, weapon mods, loadouts, killstreaks and other shit which just become about what you had unlocked rather than skill.

The last multiplayer game I really enjoyed was Uncharted 2s, it was literally just two boosters and everyone started with the same weapons. It was great and felt like it was more about skill but then we got Uncharted 3 and 4 where the COD influence creeped in thinking that everything had to be bigger rather than sticking to the fanbase they had.

Nitrowolf2229d ago

i agree. i used to love MP games for these titles, and be excited about the map packs and such. now it's we will release one mode and one map, and see how people take to the game. Flops? cool move on.

isarai229d ago

Even before the PS3 generation ended, I was already longing for a return to simplistic MP without all the XP, booster, perks, and ridiculous custom loadouts full of op exploitation. Like there's definitely a huge audience for that, but there's NO classic style simple MP modes anymore, I'm just asking for some

ZeekQuattro229d ago

Most people don't have the time to invest into playing multiple GAAS and stick to just one. It also doesn't help that so many games in that field only have a roadmap laid out for the first month or so. Hard to keep people invested when you don't give them a reason to stick around after the initial launch month.

excaliburps229d ago

Yep. I know what you mean. I can't play more than 1-2 live service games at a time (this includes shooters) since it's just so overwhelming.

shinoff2183229d ago (Edited 229d ago )

My theory , well online gaming just sucks, so many online games recently that if done the right way could've been dope ass single player games. One that comes to mind evil dead. What a waste of the title

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