
Xbox's First Series X Misstep - Next-Gen Console Watch

IGN: "Welcome back to Next-Gen Console Watch 2020, our new show following all the news and rumors on the PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X. Lots to talk about this week as Xbox just gave us a first look at third-party games on Xbox Series X."

isarai1485d ago

Wonder why everyone has suddenly forgot about cross-buy when talking about smart delivery. It's the same thing and has been around for the ps3, psp, psvita, and ps4.

darthv721485d ago

Not only that but play anywhere is still a thing. At least... I think it's still a thing???

isarai1485d ago

Yeah, it's still a bit too demanding but it can be done, i played half of Agents of Mayhem on my vita at work through remote play/play anywhere and it worked quite well, but i wouldn't expect the same performance at say a public McDonald's wifi service

Rude-ro1485d ago

Not really on the play anywhere..
There are titles that support it, but then there are games that do not like halo mcc

1485d ago Replies(8)
InUrFoxHole1485d ago

No one forgot about it but it should be a standard. Early this gen it wasn't

timotim1485d ago

Not the same thing actually.

A game can be cross-buy/Play Anywhere, yet doesn't take advantage of the better hardware. Smart Delivery ensures both cross-buy AND enhancements and features that take advantage of the better hardware.

neutralgamer19921485d ago


it's similar with improvements you can say. The system is kind of evolving and i am sure sony will evolve with it but when it comes to 3rd part publishers most i don't think will give away free copies. Both ms and sony can do this using their exclusives but any 3rd party game in this smart delivery will be paid for by the console makers.

this latest AC game would have sold well on next gen consoles let's say UBI were able to move a modest 2.5 million on ps5/xsx but if UBI has agreed to smart delivery sony and ms have to cover some of that cost. It's the same when ms or sony put big 3rd parry games on psn now or GP they have to pay

porkChop1485d ago

Smart Delivery also includes physical. You put the XBO disc in your SX, and it installs the SX version rather than playing through BC.

The general idea between the two systems is the same, but the way they go about it is a bit different.

isarai1485d ago

Yeah im not saying it's the same on every level, "Smart Delivery" obviously has some improvements like doing it for physical discs aswell. Just think it's silly everyone acts like Sony HAS NEVER and WILL NEVER do anything similar.

NeoGamer2321484d ago

PS definitely has had cross buy for a very long time. That was a big feature for me when I had a PS Vita/PS3 combo. Cross-buy for PS3/4 was very limited. But, they haven't done it for the larger and more AAA games. They just did it with smaller games.

Here are the cross-buy PS3/PS4 games in Canada (Where I live):


There is 67 there considering there are thousands of games for PS3/PS4, this is a very small list..

For example I could not cross-buy TLOU for PS3/4. I had to purchase both versions to get them on the different platforms.

The difference here I think is that MS is encouraging all games to be cross buy and not just smaller games.

That said, there is nothing Sony does not have to do cross-buy with PS4 to PS5. And given its reception I don't see why they won't expand it to the larger games.

RamRod881484d ago

Not the same thing really. Cross-buy from ps3 to ps4 only works with digital games and the total list of games is less than 70, being comprised of almost all indie games. Games using smart delivery will scale the game according to the system being used and the disc version works as well. That number will certainly be more than 70 and we already know of larger games like cyberpunk and AC using this feature, along with Halo Infinite, Gears 5, and other 1st party games.


PepsivsCoke1484d ago

Well, isn't just about any PS4 game going to be playable on the PS5? So... If I buy Madden for the PS4 then later the PS5 comes out....I put the disc in the PS5 and it plays, right!? It should include upgrading. Maybe their point is you can buy the Xbox series X game and play it on your Xbox one till you get the Series X. However games won't be out for the Series X until the system is out, so ... now.....back to square one. WTH? Is this just a marketing thing? Sounding like you're getting cool feature?

AK911484d ago

They haven't MS is just pretending like they invented the idea to seem special but its obviously not as big deal as game journo's want people to think they are.

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 1484d ago
darthv721485d ago

I agree with Ryan, it seemed misleading to call it 'gameplay' when it was all just sizzle reels. Games looked cool, and now i know what to expect from the cutscenes when i play them but I wanted to see the character actually doing stuff on the screen... like gameplay usually shows.

Sciurus_vulgaris1485d ago

I’m not sure why people are so surprised. Devs have been showcasing cutscenes, and modified, selective capture as “gameplay” for years now.

1485d ago
SpaceRanger1485d ago

Good point, but MS actively marketed it as “Next Generation Gameplay” for the last week and a half. Very misleading for those who tuned in.

darthv721485d ago

Not all devs. And really this is more on Ubi than it is MS. MS gave them the platform to showcase their 'gameplay' and Ubi did nothing of the sort. Some of the other games had a mix of gameplay (from player perspective) mixed with snipets of cutscenes but the big one people were really expecting (as was initially touted) was AC:V and Ubi failed to deliver. MS is the one getting all the heat and they know it could have been better had they been more demanding of what even they were expecting from the 3rd parties for this show.

Imalwaysright1484d ago (Edited 1484d ago )

Cutscenes aren't gameplay at all. I have seen devs saying that cutscenes are in-engine and that can be misleading as they can be pre-rendered and have improved lighting, textures, etc when compared to what you get in gameplay portions.

@ darthv72

I have a hard time believing that MS didn't know what was going to be shown.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1484d ago
Sciurus_vulgaris1485d ago

You are correct, but Microsoft should have just stated their event as a game reveal event.

343_Guilty_Spark1485d ago

Misstep is a bit much. They showed some in-game trailers during a very strange period of pandemic and little game news

InUrFoxHole1485d ago

The stream was a disservice to the games. They should've uploaded it after it was done.

GamerRN1484d ago

At least they are TAKING steps... PS5 hasn't misstepped because they are standing still

Dragonscale1484d ago

Better to stand still than fall flat on your face.

1485d ago
RazzerRedux1485d ago (Edited 1485d ago )

The pandemic doesn't prevent them from being truthful about what they were going to show. They hyped it as "gameplay". The event title said "gameplay". There was barely any actual gameplay. WTF does the pandemic have to do with any of that?

dumahim1485d ago

A misstep is pretty minor. I don't think it's a bit much at all.
I don't understand why they chose to go with a bunch of non-impressive third party games as their first big showcase of their next-gen. There should have been a few first party titles or wait until they're ready to be shown.

generic-user-name1484d ago

They said they'd show one thing, they showed another, inferior thing. That's a misstep to anyone not clouded by brand loyalty.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 1484d ago
meka26111485d ago

I'm not sure where this is coming from? Most of the videos were gameplay trailers and they said it would be indie games. Also they are making more announcements each month. I understand being pissed about assassin's creed but that's on Ubisoft as usual. Can't wait for when we do see gameplay and then we will see the famous Ubisoft graphics downgrade. I don't think any of the games are very impressive but there was tons of gameplay like they said.

RazzerRedux1485d ago

" Most of the videos were gameplay trailers"

No...those were in-game trailers. Those were not gameplay trailers. This was hyped as a "gameplay" event. That's where this is coming from.

StormLegend1485d ago

That event was horrible. None of that looked next gen. $500+ for that? I'm good

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anast3h ago

This game is about to get buried by Path 2.

LordoftheCritics2h ago

Still no global chat or group finder.

The emptiest MP game ever made.

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1 more month then I can celebrate 1 year since i stopped playing and uninstalled the game.

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We are on the same team brother!


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RhinoGamer884h ago

The actual gameplay looks jerky as hell. FC 24 level of stutter!

TGG_overlord20m ago

I can't say that you're wrong...