
Xbox Series X: What do game developers think?

The Xbox Series X is upon us. But what do game developers think of this next-gen beast? We spoke to several to find out their thoughts.

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1501d ago Replies(3)
OB1Biker1501d ago (Edited 1501d ago )

So the most exciting and game changing thing is the SSD? Not a couple of TFlops?
Got it

ApocalypseShadow1501d ago

Similar to Blu-ray being downplayed until Microsoft talked about it and added it. Now it's SSD being hyped after they downplayed Sony for it. Patterns.

NeoGamer2321500d ago (Edited 1500d ago )

I don't personally remember anyone saying the SSD was not a game changer. What was being talked about was whether the extra power Sony has in both SSD and I/O over XSX is going to be a game changer.

What seems to be the theme in this article is that using SSD and Ray Tracing is the game changer. There is nothing to indicate that "even faster SSD or I/O" is going to differentiate things. Just like many Sony fanboys are downplaying the fact that XSX has some faster memory, more TFlops of GPU, and a higher CPU clock speed XB fans are looking at the faster SSD and I/O on PS5 and saying they don't think it is going to provide an additional innovation.

Frankly the difference will only be in exclusive games really. On the multi-platform side you can expect games to perform similarly probably.

Atticus_finch1500d ago

The Xbox camp loves to doubt Sony. They seem to have short-term memory.

darthv721500d ago (Edited 1500d ago )

If I remember... bluray was downplayed because the games (at that time) were able to fit on DVD media with the small handful that exceeded single disc and needed another. Now eventually... they were able to utilize that space but not to the same extent that DVD did before it. The PS2 had both CD based games and DVD based games while Sony mandated that ALL games (regardless of size) use the bluray disc for the PS3.

So yeah... there was lots of wasted space in that gen. It made sense to criticize their decision then because the games did not reflect the investment in the technology. Sony pushed a format that wasn't fully taken advantage of (even by their own teams) ahead of when it was needed. This gen makes all the more sense because of the increase in file sizes but last gen the ratio of games that actually filled a disc to its capacity paled in comparison to the use of DVD in the previous gen before it.

caddytrek1500d ago

darthv72, So what your saying is Microsoft choosing not to use Blu-ray held back the games? Hopefully Microsoft's SSD which is half the speed and proprietary doesn't hold back next gen games similarly and cost an arm and a leg compared to off the self SSD's you'll be able to use with PS5 since Sony decided to just add a standard M.2 port.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1500d ago
timotim1501d ago

"The addition of hardware ray tracing is also super exciting, but it's how it can be used outside of graphics that will enable the biggest changes."

😆😆😆&# 128521;

JEECE1501d ago

Didn't you get the memo that they're about to announce Lockhart at 4 TF, so TF are no longer the super important measuring stick they were right after the PS5 reveal?

SLiSH831500d ago

Why would they make Lockhart at 4tf ?

That’s weaker than a base Xbox One/PS4

Especially when one X is on sale right now, One X could be your low spec and XSX could be the high spec

SoonDeadByOldAge1500d ago

@Slish83: Lockhart makes perfect sense as a 1080P only box. As I think it will take quite some time before I upgrade my projector to a 4K one I would go for a cheaper 1080P only box if it is available. For me it needs to have a disc reader though as I got a couple of hundreds 360+x1 games on disc.
All other improvements like CPU, memory, SSD, I/O will make it vastly more powerful than the One X in 1080P.

ChristopherJack1500d ago

Both consoles have SSDs, you're jumping the gun to assume that the PS5s will actually provide a better gameplay experience.

I don't think I single improvement that Cerny mentioned during his presentation wouldn't apply to the XsX either.

Ghostbob1500d ago

You could say PS5 will have better user experience with the new controller feedback if the developers get creative with it just like the SSD for first parties.

Bruh1500d ago

Developers also talked about ray tracing and in that space having more CUs will always lead to much better Ray Tracing performance.So that bigger GPU will absolutely come in handy as more and more game engines implement GI based ray tracing.

OB1Biker1500d ago (Edited 1500d ago )

Wow I see a lot of people in complete denial.
FaStEr SsD WoNt MaKe AnY DiFfErEnCe....
But 2TFlops will make prettier 4k pixels.. (what xb1x was already doing)
That logic.

Sirk7x1500d ago

For developers, yes, I'd say that changes in how they're able to create games, and not just push graphics is more exciting. This last gen, we got better graphics over the previous mostly. Now, we can have different types of world building, physics, AI, ray tracing, etc in console development. Gonna be a big step forward a few years into this next cycle.

OB1Biker1499d ago

Yea but also better graphics too. I'm glad they hype the SSD for xbox too That's means its not only first party devs concern. Multiplat will push SSD use because both consoles take advantage of it.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 1499d ago
alb18991501d ago ShowReplies(1)
timotim1501d ago

Reading The Coalition's take was cool

"With the Xbox Series X, out of the gate, we reduced our load-times by more than 4x without any code changes. With the new DirectStorage APIs and new hardware decompression, we can further improve I/O performance and reduce CPU overhead, both of which are essential to achieve fast loading. As we look to the future, the Xbox Series X's Sampler Feedback for Streaming (SFS) is a game-changer for how we think about world streaming and visual level of detail. We will be exploring how we can use it in future titles to both increase the texture detail in our game beyond what we can fit into memory, as well as reduce load times further by increasing on-demand loading to just before we need it, instead of pre-loading everything up-front as we would use a more traditional 'level loading' approach."

This is on top of having the more powerful hardware to work with. SX is going to be a beast!

1500d ago Replies(2)
NealGamby1501d ago (Edited 1501d ago )

This is Microsoft’s obligatory “us too!! us too!!” article. I wonder how much it cost them.

King_Noctis1501d ago

So when Sony has similar article, will you be there and question how much it cost them as well?

AngelicIceDiamond1500d ago

Nope MS paid devs/journalists to say good things about the console. Because it's absolutely impossible to say good things about the console it's all bad even the good is bad.

King_Noctis1500d ago (Edited 1500d ago )


So every articles that say good about MS, they were paid by MS? Every articles in existence?

Do you even realize how stupid and childish that make you?

1500d ago
AngelicIceDiamond1500d ago

I was trying to be sarcastic but I guess I failed at that lol.

pinkcrocodile751500d ago

@AliceIceDiamond Is it me or is this thread a massive wank-a-thon

caddytrek1500d ago

*cough* windowscentral.com

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 1500d ago
Asuka1501d ago (Edited 1501d ago )

"us too" when they announced these features first... and have been working on this hardware since 2016. We know this because they've been vocal about it. Whereas the other guys haven't been very vocal at all...

NealGamby1501d ago (Edited 1501d ago )

“Us too” meaning that before, it was all about their small advantage in Teraflops. But recently, after developers have spoken out saying that Microsoft’s tiny TF advantage doesn’t matter and Sony still has the better system, now all the sudden it’s about the hard drive. Which, by the way, PS5 is still faster by a large margin. Its just funny that these articles championing MS’s hard drive speed are coming out now after all the articles where devs chose the PS5 over The Series X.

derek1500d ago

Nope, it was Sony who announced the ssd first in the wired article last year.

timotim1501d ago

First off, this isn't Microsoft...its a 3rd party website called Windows Central. Secondly, what does this have to do with anyone else? Just because some articles hit the internet of devs talking about PS5 doesn't mean no other devs can talk about any other platform ever haha. They both have consoles coming out by the end of the year...naturally devs are going to start talking about how they feel towards them...

Why do you come off as defensive?

rainslacker1500d ago

It's a 3rd party website which seems to have a real hard on for praising everything MS does, and taking any chance it can to make a click bait headline against Sony. It's not owned by MS, and the company that does own this actually does run a couple of Sony's official PS magazines/websites, but this particular site obviously does have a bias.

Doesn't make what was said in this article untrue, but the ownership of the website isn't the problem, it's their long history of bias.

That said, I doubt MS paid this website to have these things said. This site will print whatever it thinks will get it hits, especially if it feeds their fan boy tendencies.

timotim1500d ago (Edited 1500d ago )

No different than 3rd websites that follow Apple, Google or Amazon...even Sony...it is what it is, and it ain't Microsoft themselves.

"Xbox Series X: What do game developers say about next-gen? We asked several for their thoughts."

Here it is Rain...your clickbait headline in all its glory.🤨 Real controversial stuff there. What was said in this article untrue? What are you talking??? This article is devs simply giving there own opinion on SX...all of it is true to the people making the statements...

rainslacker1500d ago

I'm talking about their history, not this article. I actually don't think there is anything wrong with this article, but I do realize why people question the credibility of the site.

Kerppamaister1500d ago

@Rain Windowscentral isn't as bias as you might think. Just read some of their reviews. They give credit ot crap when needed.

waverider1500d ago

Of course it is and the gold Was to say, look, look look we also have ssd, because Microsoft strategy is teraflops, teraflops and teraflops and no studio is talking about teraflops but praising the ssd of the ps5....

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 1500d ago
derek1500d ago

Cant be that much those cheap ass windows central articles are a dime a dozen.

ChristopherJack1500d ago (Edited 1500d ago )

I think it's mostly you & your fellow fanboys making a big deal out of TF one way or the other. Microsoft merely announced it when they showed their console, then Sony showed there's.

Since then there's been constant bitching about how 2 TF doesn't matter, that it won't make a difference, but you definitely won't fail to mention how the faster SSD in the PS5 absolutely trumps the XsX & will make a much greater difference without any testing what so ever.

1500d ago
1500d ago
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Every PlayStation Studios game available now on Windows PC

Windows Central writes: "Many PlayStation Studios games that are ported to PC get dedicated PS5 DualSense support, which allows users to experience haptic feedback and adaptive trigger support without actually having to own a PS5.

According to Hermen Hulst, head of PlayStation Studios, it's still the company's intent to launch the bigger single-player games on PS5 first, before later bringing the games to PC. This might not be the case for multiplayer games however, which are considered okay to launch simultaneously on console and PC."

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ocelot0718h ago

My guess is after god of war. Probably last of us 2 that's a almost 4 year old game now and by the time it's released on pc it will be more than 4 years old or close to 5.

Elda12h ago

Every old Playstation game that is now on PC.

shinoff21833h ago

Right. I definitely see what a headlined from a website named windows central was trying to do though. It's cute little wordplay to help out the green box

Flewid6382h ago

Are PlayStation games no longer good or worth playing once they are old?

Elda1h ago

I'm guessing my comment went over your head.

XiNatsuDragnel11h ago

Good at least they can sell hardware


Former Activision studio Toys for Bob partners with Xbox to publish its first game as an indie

Former Activision studio Toys for Bob partners with Xbox to publish its first game as an indie. This is something of a homecoming, as Microsoft owns Activision.

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Obscure_Observer1d 5h ago

Very very early in development. Still, fantastic news!

Let´s GO!!!

Lightning771d 3h ago

I guess.

How come they didnt either let them go or sell Tango and others to another publisher? Not saying Ubisoft, EA would be any better. (Capcome would of treated them right )

At least it wouldn't be MS of all ppl destroying them.

MS really should let go Tango go like they did TFB here.

darthv721d 3h ago (Edited 1d 3h ago )

one was under Bethesda (Tango) the other under Activision (TFB). Clearly each one handled the separations of their subordinates differently.

Obscure_Observer1d 2h ago (Edited 1d 2h ago )

"How come they didnt either let them go or sell Tango and others to another publisher? Not saying Ubisoft, EA would be any better. (Capcome would of treated them right )"

Perhaps because Zenimax and ABK handles such matters differently based on their own internal policies as "independent" publishers.

Whoever, chances are it´s simply because MS didn´t wanted Tango or Austin to be acquired by competitors and develop new bangers for them, giving MS a bad rep in a possible future. Which could also be the reason why they ensured an exclusive partnership with TFB and its new game, before anyone else.

Sad and disgusting. But it is what it is.

Lightning7722h ago(Edited 22h ago)

"Whoever, chances are it´s simply because MS didn´t wanted Tango or Austin to be acquired by competitors and develop new bangers for them, giving MS a bad rep in a possible future."

MS has a bad rep now because those studios are no more. I rather them sell the studio continue to make multiplatform releases, while MS continues to focus on whatever they're doing. If they didn't want Tango around they should separated from them or sell them to, like they did TFB.

It's inexcusable, they have options on how to handle studios they don't want anymore with killing jobs. Not just MS but the rest of the industry also.

Sad and disgusting sure how many will get shut down next year or this year even?

I don't trust MS decisions and motivations at this point. You have to admit they make one dumb move after another.

Obscure_Observer15h ago(Edited 15h ago)

"MS has a bad rep now because those studios are no more. I rather them sell the studio continue to make multiplatform releases, while MS continues to focus on whatever they're doing. If they didn't want Tango around they should separated from them or sell them to, like they did TFB."

Imo, MS separated from TFB because they didn´t had a game associated with Xbox yet, unlike Tango.

"I don't trust MS decisions and motivations at this point. You have to admit they make one dumb move after another."

Fair enough. It was indeed an epic dumb move from them to close Tango.

Still, all to be forgotten, like always have. This is not the first time a big publisher shuts down a beloved and/or successful studio out of nowhere and certainly won´t be the last. Do you remember Lionhead? Do you remember Evolution Studios? Yeah... both were beloved studios and yet, those companies kill those studios in q blink of an eye and got away with it.

anast12h ago(Edited 12h ago)

The studio boss made some money from this transaction. Once the game releases, the studio will get chopped up.

-Foxtrot1d 5h ago

Manages to buy their freedom especially after all the shit Microsoft has been doing with its studios lately


Goes right back to them as partners.


darthv721d 3h ago

Id venture a guess that TFB working directly with MS was a better outcome than working through Activision to get to MS.

VersusDMC1d 1h ago

From the article...

"Toys for Bob spun out as an indie back in February after Microsoft instituted sweeping layoffs that impacted 86 employees, which was more than half of the staff"

I doubt those 86 employees enjoyed the Microsoft experience over Activisions.

Inverno1d ago

MS shuts down studios because of lack of resources and then helps these guys by giving em resources. Also MS is what forced them to buy their freedom in the first place? What kind of logic 😂

Chevalier21h ago

The best thing is that the company that is worth $3 trillion and owns the company instead of Xbox lacks resources. How the hell does a company worth $3 trillion making a measly $70 billion purchase they 'can't' support. Lol

BlindMango3h ago

The reason they would need to "partner with Microsoft" is simply to make a game that's part of a franchise that Microsoft owns. Meaning they're probably going to make a new Spyro game - they're still an independent studio, but are making a game in a franchise that Microsoft owns. It's kind of like Remedy partnering with Rockstar to be able to make the Max Payne remakes.

shinoff21833h ago

It was probably the deal to get released from Ms

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 3h ago
Sciurus_vulgaris1d 3h ago (Edited 1d 3h ago )

Xbox’s gaming division seems to still function as 3 semi-autonomous sub-divisions, Xbox Studios, Bethesda and ABK. The three main sub-divisions can seemingly shut down or build studios and set up partnerships independently. This would explain why Bethesda can recently shutdown studios, while ABK spins off one studio, while building a new one. Plus, Toys for Bob could be spun off by ABK, only to immediately re-partner with Microsoft.

Chevalier21h ago

That's absolutely 💯 BS. Any sane 'autonomous' company would NOT put their games on Gamepass day 1 like COD will lose probably billions.

Also they're all under Xbox game studios so any autonomy is an illusion.

PhillyDonJawn9h ago

No, I'm sure MS can and does step in when they want something done specifically but I'm also sure they let them also work independently

shinoff21833h ago

I highly highly doubt this. Ms controls all. The guys aren't gonna be allowed to just shut something down like that without approval. No way

Elda21h ago

Either a kiddie game or something uninteresting.

Obscure_Observer15h ago

Don´t worry. You won´t be playing it anyway since their next game will possible be a next gen Xbox console game.

PhillyDonJawn9h ago

Right probably something like astrobot

romulus238h ago

Nah he said "uninteresting", lots of people are interested in Astro Bot.

Elda6h ago

Never Astro Bot. Astro Bot looks better than any exclusive released on XB this entire generation & believe there hasn't been much.

Asplundh6h ago

Crash 4 was good, so I'm hopeful.

PhillyDonJawn4h ago

Hey you said that about SOT and looks like many ppl on PS is playing it. You also found bugsnax interesting ffs your opinion hold no weight lol.

Elda4h ago(Edited 4h ago)

Bugsnax is BS, tried it & quickly deleted it. It's a game that fits right on Gamepass. PS5 owners that are probably playing the boring SOT you could count on one hand. LMAO!!...don't try to come for me.

PhillyDonJawn2h ago

So you admit bugsnax interested you enough to try? 😂 someone gotta call you out on the foolishness.

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What Happens to Your Steam Account When You Die?

The Outerhaven writes: While Steam has come out recently, stating that Steam accounts can't be transferred, we need to think about it since we all will eventually kick the bucket. But if Valve is denying transferring accounts, what can be done? Plenty, actually.

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thorstein2d ago

It goes to my kids because I gave them the passwords.

To Steam: Missio has a song that conveys my feelings about you stealing my purchase after I die. It's called "Middle Fingers"

shinoff21831d 11h ago

Pretty much. My son knows my info.

Abear211d 11h ago

Yeah worrying about digital ownership when you’re on the other side of the grass seems a little strange, but also on brand for these millennial journalists to worry about.

qalpha20h ago

I'm sure Keith will be happy to hear he's a millennial journalist.

Goodguy011d 15h ago

I suppose if I have kids, I'd just give em my account details by retirement age. If I die young then...idk lol.

CrimsonWing691d 12h ago

Yea, I mean just give someone the password to your account. Is that difficult to do or something? Like, I’m legit asking because I don’t know.

anast1d 10h ago (Edited 1d 10h ago )

It's not difficult but It's against the policy. If they find out, they will lock the account permanently.

CrimsonWing691d 9h ago

Ah ok, I had a feeling there was something like that. It seems kind of weird that you can’t just hand your account over to a family member or friend and let them take over the account.

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