
Xbox Project xCloud on IOS is Looking Great | Gamerheadquarters

With home network testing Xbox Project xCloud on IOS is looking great streaming the games to your device without the need for a console. Only Halo: The Master Chief Collection is currently available however.

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Jin_Sakai1567d ago (Edited 1567d ago )

Finally tried it on IOS. Image quality was ok but the lag was definitely there. That was on my WiFi with a 500mbps fiber connection. Cellular was a different story, Image quality was dropping quite often and lag was even worse. My cellular connection is around 100mbps and the tower is right down the road. Wasn’t the best experience.

Now that I’ve tried all major cloud gaming services except GeForce Now. I can say all are about the same. I can’t really choose one over the other. I just can’t deal with the lag currently associated with cloud gaming so I’ll keep my local experience.

He’s a brief video of me playing Horizon: Zero Dawn on PS Now. Its pretty impressive. Image quality is good and there’s little lag. It still doesn’t match a local experience though.


_SilverHawk_1567d ago (Edited 1567d ago )

It will never match local experience unless there is some crazy tech. Way in the future with minimal lag. I dont see any of these cloud gaming services being relevant for another 5 or more years. I also see people who dont care much about lag just like people who dont care much about using kbm, or controllers but touchscreen using it.

gamer78041567d ago

5 is being generous, its going to be at least a couple of decades, and even then I don't see how they could make a cloud experience equal to a local experience, especially when the local experience isn't stagnate , its constantly improving with resolution and frame rate, etc.

bluefox7551567d ago

Yeah, can't imagine why anyone would choose to play that way outside of testing purposes.

alb18991567d ago

You are trying with and unfinished project that isn't available so I don't understand your conclusion.

Kavorklestein1567d ago

If you weren't impressed with it then I'd say the Actual iOS app or your phone's settings or something else is more to blame.

On android, I play it all the time. I have played Batman Telltale series, Beat the last 2 chapters of Gears 5 and Played online, Played Forza Horizon 4, Halo:MCC and Halo 5 Online and got a High score on score attack, Played Ori and the Blind forest (although Ori was a bit small on my screen) and Recore and Shadow of the Tomb Raider, and Dead by Daylight.
I've played Dead by Daylight with my Girlfriend, as a Squad as survivors, on the same network as her and her console, with Only max 75 Mbps download speed and 5-10 Mbps Upload speeds. It has worked near flawlessly in all situations and scenarios, and once I got used to a delay of sorts on online titles, it was second nature. Sure it wasn't as nice as playing on an actual console, but it was still totally playable and fun. And impressive. The image quality is actually from an Xbox one X, so I find myself getting a nice, clean, and sharp image. With the speeds you stated I highly doubt you would have had many, if not any issues playing it.
The xbox streaming app is incredible even at early stages.

CaptainHenry9161567d ago

Hmm I had a different experience with my Android phone. To cut things short Xcloud lag is awful at the moment. I'll wait another couple of years to use it

1567d ago Replies(1)
1567d ago Replies(10)
Ausbo1567d ago

Forgive us for not believing you got into the test beta for IOS that only 10k got into.

Then you show us a video about psnow which is completely unrelated.

1567d ago
Actually1567d ago (Edited 1567d ago )

@Jin Cool Story, what’s your Xbox gamer tag?

1567d ago Replies(1)
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RazzerRedux1567d ago

"This is a really great start, it’s looking fantastic and playing well. The pixelization is more noticeable, but that’s something I’m sure will get ironed out as this testing did just start."

I saw the pixelization at times as well especially over cellular. It wasn't horrible. Overall, it is just ok. I could see myself using this in a hotel room or an airport, but like most have said, including MS, local gaming will always be superior.

roadkillers1567d ago

Read some comments, I'm here to say that I never experienced any lag playing Forza, Madden, or Hellblade from a solid wifi connection 50mbps.

I have experienced lag and downgraded graphics on 4G in my basement though. More interestingly is when I connect a TV adaptor to my phone or cast, the lag is severe.

The biggest gripe is owning 2 controllers and not being able to play two player games. Project Xcloud is the best streaming service out there. If they can add two player support and TV support (without having to mess with app settings) then this is my streaming service.

gamer78041567d ago

there is a default amount of lag that is constant even over wifi and wired, let alone 4g. Its a decent option, but will never replace local for the forseeable future.

1567d ago
RazzerRedux1567d ago


The lag is not nonsense. It is there. I've used xCloud, Geforce Now, and PS Now on a very fast connection. You can absolutely tell the difference between streaming and local gaming. If anything, you've simply become accustomed to the lag which can happen as long as it is consistent.

"PSnow uses the same cloud (Azure or wtfe its called) as MS."

No, it doesn't. Sony is researching the possibility of using Azure and nothing more at this point.

rainslacker1567d ago

On the streaming services I've used, which would be xcloud and psnow, as well as remote play if we want to throw that in the mix, my actual lag and picture quality varied depending on where I was. More often than not it was fine. Lag was more spikes than completely unplayable. I think that's going to be the general end result for most people. If it works for them is going to be dependent on their connection.

When it works, it works fine, if not great. When it doesnt, it's just a frustrating experience.

gamer78041567d ago (Edited 1567d ago )

yah the lag spikes that pixelate the picture or stutter the playback is a deal breaker. if the connection is absolutely perfect then you just get the decent connection with a little bit of lag thats no ideal, but fine for the convenience it provides when I can't play locally

rainslacker1567d ago

More often than not, I never had a problem. But spikes did happen regardless of the connection. It's just the nature of the internet. Even when they happen, its not usually a deal breaker, but I can see it happening at just the right time and being one of those controller throwing moments of frustration.

PS4Gamer19841567d ago

Meh Stadia is better they might have fewer games at the moment but atleast they are newer and good games. Besides Madden 20 and DMC5, Xcloud games are old

gamer78041567d ago (Edited 1567d ago )

define better... maybe slightly less lag due to the controller going directly to servers, that is the only thing that is better. (games wise, the other is in beta and not representative of the final launch collection). Everything else is non-existent or lags far behind the competition in every way shape and form.

Ausbo1567d ago

The iOS beta is impressive so far. I’ve had some lag using the AR, but the image quality has been flawless so far. Excited to get new games on there and play during work downtime

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Microsoft is experimenting with ad views for access to hundreds of Xbox games

Free games? In THIS economy? Well, in exchange for your eyeballs at least. (Figuratively, not literally... although don't give them ideas.)

What you need to know

• Microsoft Gaming CFO Tim Stuart recently described how in the future, you may be able to view ads to gain access to Xbox Game Pass.

•Recent Xbox Series X|S code strings we've seen seem to corroborate this, with the ability to earn 15 minute blocks of Xbox Game Pass access in exchange for watching ads.

•Game Pass across PC, Xbox, and Cloud features hundreds of games in exchange for a low monthly fee.

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darthv72173d ago

Hmm..... I used to earn GP by way of searching with Bing but I hear the rewards program is being revamped. I still earn points but it seems they did change the amount you get per search. I dont know how i feel about this. It sounds like they are going the Youtube route where right in the middle of something you are enjoying, an ad pops up and you have to sit through it (if it does not have a skip option after 5 seconds).

I pay for my GP access, so this wouldnt really bother me but I can see it affecting plenty of others. It reminds me of the rumor about how some game companies (EA, Ubisoft) were toying with the idea of running ads before you ever get into the game. Like the old days of renting movies from Blockbuster and not being able to skip the previews (yes, some DVD had a non skip option for previews). I pay for stuff so i wouldnt have to deal with ads, but even now they are encroaching the very things i pay a premium for.

This whole thing is just..... a bad idea.

purple101173d ago

I remember those dvds with non-skippable adds! Wow that takes me back.

Plague-Doctor27172d ago


Yup. You'd have to pop in the DVD before going to the bathroom, grabbing a snack, etc

173d ago
shinoff2183173d ago

Such a shame cause even if you don't think this is a big deal what's next they put ads on ultimate gamepass and the free one gets more. This is disgusting. Yes even if Sony goes this route I'll feel the same. We got enough ads in this world ffs

purple101172d ago

Some recent studies show the average person sees 4000 adverts a day

ChasterMies172d ago

The average person should start using ad blockers.

ChasterMies172d ago (Edited 172d ago )

“even if Sony goes this route I'll feel the same”

This isn’t a “both sides” issue. Sony has never had ads on the PlayStation Home Screen but Microsoft has laden Xbox’s Home Screen with ads since the Xbox 360. Microsoft has put ads on Windows 11 OS! Microsoft is basically the bad guy from “Ready Player One”.

shinoff2183172d ago

I know that hence the key word If. Sonys never given an indication of this where as ms definitely has.

Christopher172d ago

I mean, it's not never, but it's not like Xbox. Sony has promoted things with icons on the XMB, it's just really rare.

EvertonFC172d ago

They could do GP free with ads, GP £20 per month without ads, which one would the casual/hardcore choose ?

Christopher172d ago

"Hi, we've received your comment submission. Please watch this 30s ad to finalize and publish your comment to N4G.com. Thank you."

We're just having our eyelids forced open more and more every day it feels like.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 172d ago
ApocalypseShadow172d ago

You don't say?/S

You mean the company that puts ads on the dashboard, tried to force a camera on Xbox One to push ads is experimenting with ads for game pass access? No. You must be joshing. Lol

Wouldn't put it past them.

crazyCoconuts172d ago

Getting people locked into subs and advertising to them is what passes as innovation at Microsoft.
At least they're keeping Sony on their toes with the threat of competition

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Five Games to Play While Waiting for Armored Core 6

The newest From Software game is just around the corner. These are five excellent games to play while waiting for Armored Core 6.

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Si-Fly293d ago

Can I suggest BG3 as a 6th? It’s helping me pass the time quite well.

anast292d ago

I'm still trying to finish WotR.

DivineHand125292d ago

With the release date being just a little over a week away, it may not be a good idea to burn yourself out on mech games until then.

RavenWolfx292d ago

i want a Chromehounds sequel so bad...

raWfodog292d ago (Edited 292d ago )

Surprised that the article didn’t mention Mechwarrior 5: Mercenaries if we’re talking about mech-related games.

ZeekQuattro292d ago

It was an odd article imo. Like why are games that feature a handful of mech themed levels in there. When I think of mech games I don't think Halo and Wolfenstein no matter how fun those levels were.

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Best Xbox Game Studios Franchises

These are some of the best and most popular video game franchises now owned by Xbox Game Studios and Microsoft.

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Sciurus_vulgaris302d ago (Edited 302d ago )

Microsoft was involved with Halo, Gears, Forza, Ori, Flight Simulator and Fable from early development, I will give them credit for those franchises. Fallout, Elder Scrolls and Doom were established franchise before being acquired by MS.

Crows90301d ago (Edited 301d ago )

Exactly. They had nothing to do with their most popular franchises now.

Their old franchises are dwindling and pretty much non-existent.

They've had perfect dark in the chamber this whole time and haven't done squat...that tells you the kind of company they are. Fable is another franchise that's been destroyed and ignored...let's see how the new game turns out.

Profchaos300d ago

Yeah perfect dark, banjo conquer ms seems to kill more franchises then they like to admit while pretending to care about others like hexen

Sitdown301d ago

Given the article specifically says "now owned", what made you feel the need to do a break down?

thesoftware730300d ago


Because it's N4G and any opportunity to shit on MS is never missed.

Rude-ro301d ago

Gears is not.
It was the same as mass effect:
Just contracted.

closed_account302d ago (Edited 302d ago )

Ah yes, feels like forever ago since Microsoft created Skyrim. So much so, I had actually forgotten they had created it and the other Elder Scrolls games! 🤔

*They really shaped my preteen years w the original Doom too!

ocelot07301d ago

Don't forget the original Elder Scrolls way back in 1994 or fallout in 1997.

Sitdown298d ago

So you don't understand the combination of "now owned"?

Crows90301d ago (Edited 301d ago )

I fully expect all these popular franchises to be killed off by Microsoft. Just a matter of time.

Unless they take a huge distance approach which pretty much means they don't ba e anything to do with the games being made ...in that case the franchises should be fine. But then...they shouldn't really get credit.

DOMination-301d ago

"I fully expect all these popular franchises to be killed off by Microsoft. Just a matter of time."

Based on what?? Microsoft usually gets stick for releasing too MANY games in their franchises, to the point where it's quite a long-running joke - one I'm sure you've partaken in before.

Pretty much all of their major IP has had releases in the last five years or have upcoming releases scheduled so I see no evidence whatsoever for this claim.

"Unless they take a huge distance approach which pretty much means they don't ba e anything to do with the games being made"

But.. They HAVE been very hands-off for a long time and have drawn lots of criticism for it?

fr0sty300d ago

See: All of Rare's games

DOMination-300d ago

I really wouldn't say that MS have let Rare franchises die. They've just had the freedom to create new IP in Sea of Thieves and Everwild. MS are currently developing a Perfect Dark game, licensed Killer Instinct out, Rare themselves released several compilations and several Banjo games as well as PDZ in the past.

I'm not sure what else you could want. They can only make one game at a time. You can't say MS let all their franchises die but also be annoyed that they allow their studios to make new IP.

Profchaos300d ago

If that's the case where my banjo or conquer sequel why didn't I get sunset overdrive 2 oh yeah not enough bro in those games

ChasterMies301d ago (Edited 301d ago )

EA is a good example of what can happen to a franchise when a larger corporation buys up studios from a smaller corporation. Quarterly earnings should never matter more than quality.

wiz7191300d ago

@Crows that is the case , Zenimax is operating independently of MS and have full creative freedom to do what they want. Zenimax games aren’t being published under XGS ,

ravens52301d ago

Soon Microsoft will be known for making Crash Bandicoot, Spyro, Candy Crush, Call of Duty etc. Lmao they know what they're doing. Especially with the archiving issue the gaming industry has.

closed_account301d ago (Edited 301d ago )

Microsoft built the game industry. Microsoft invented games. Didn't you know? ;)

**What a bizzaro world we live in where the losers can become the winners overnight.

Hypertension140301d ago


What are those franchises you're talking about?
Activision/Blizzard only makes Call of Duty and Bethesda has Elder Scrolls and Starfield only, stop making it seen that is much more anti competitive/consumer than it actually is.......

Profchaos300d ago

Zero creative vision and the ability to bankroll it by purchasing everything that everyone else had success with even Halo wasn't technically theirs Bungie had to sell it to them to become independent

Atari6052B301d ago

You mean any studio Microsoft could acquire to flog last gen games on game pass ... What happened to HD-DVD that Microsoft pushed so hard ...

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