
6 Big Video Game Franchises That Were Reinvented This Console Generation

As the current gen winds down, we're exploring how six major franchises prioritized innovation over tradition across the last seven years.

FallenAngel19841569d ago

Pokémon Sword and Shield didn’t reinvent its franchise

TK-661569d ago

It did, but it also got worse because of it.

AK911569d ago

You didn’t include DOOM (2016)? Seriously IGN I know your incompetent but come on.


Fixing Pokemon Sword and Shield's story with hidden details

NE: "Pokemon Sword and Shield have a confusing story, and today, we're discussing how we can use details from the anime to make it make sense."

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Best Pokémon Games for Nintendo Switch

If you are new to the Pokémon universe or just bought a Switch, you might be wondering: what are the best Pokémon games for Nintendo Switch?

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Resident Evil Fans Discuss Whether They Prefer First Or Third Person

Players have long debated the merits of third-person as opposed to first-person perspective in games and the topic has recently resurfaced on Reddit, this time concerning the long running Resident Evil series. The discussion so far has generated somewhat heated opinions from users on both sides of the argument.

Resident Evil has a long history of using both perspectives, with some entries in the series like Resident Evil 2 and Resident Evil 3 offering players a third-person view, while others like Resident Evil 7 provided players with a first-person perspective. Some fans believe third-person allows for better visibility and control over the character, while others believe that first-person immerses you more deeply into the game's atmosphere.

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-Foxtrot403d ago

Third always

It's what it's always been and how it's meant to be played whether it's fixed camera angles or over the shoulder.

Rockstar403d ago

There was a time when I would have agreed but if you've got a vr setup the 1st person RE's are on another level.

That being said, they can both exist because they're both fantastic.

Babadook7389d ago (Edited 389d ago )

Exactly. If there was no VR version available or possible I’d say 3rd person. But because of the extreme heightened immersion, VR trounces the flat screen version, so 1st person please.

Sonic1881403d ago (Edited 403d ago )

They should have the option to have both going forward imo. But I do prefer third person view

Levii_92403d ago

I love both and the new mainline RE games should stay in first person for at lest one more game that’s why i hated that Capcom for some reason added third person in RE8 .. like why ? What was the point ? It just lost what made the new games unique and different. Re7 is a gem and already such a classic, it’s RE1 of this generation or well the prevous generation i guess i should say and RE8 is bonkers and so fun. Such great games.

Goozex403d ago

First person. It just ramps up the intensity for me

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